Pretty good deleted scene from Captain Marvel just came out...

Pretty good deleted scene from Captain Marvel just came out. She meets a guy who calls himself "The Don" and tries to pull her hand off. The result is quite satisfying.

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At this point, she is still acting by Kree's mentality. She is on a mission to hunt down dangerous terrorist.

Imagine an US soldier in Iraq, trying to track down someone who just committed an act of terrorism and then some local fucker try to woo on her. Reaction wouldn't bee that different.

Then how do the other heroes manage to not use coercion by force to Grand Theft Auto civilians?

Why do the skrull act like animals in that movie?

Refugees are pretty much mindless beasts without their white savior, at least that's what the movie insinuates

The movie doesn't insinuate that at all, you just wanted an excuse to be a /pol/tard and start a whole argument. I'll give you people some credit, you're not as blatant about it here as you are on Yea Forums, but you're lucky that this board has jack shit for moderation because on a real board this shit wouldn't fool anyone.

100% in character for her. Don't piss Carol off.

you're so full of shit

She’s doesn’t have her memories and is going by Kree mindset at this point. I’m pretty sure the whole thing is a reference to Terminator, that guy didn’t give a shit in the first movie

Ho ho ho, seething cuck corps, other user makes an interesting observation as to a possible interpretation which is no less valid just because you personally don't like it.

fuck off

>/pol/tard gets absolutely eviscerated by words
>samefags and says "y-you mad?"
Every time.

/pol/ living in your head.
Fact of the matter is the Skrull make adequate stand ins for illegal immigration. I see that, other user sees that.

Refugees living in your head.

Male tears are tasty!

They live in my country actually.

I fucking hate men so God damned much, I swear.


But it's bad for me and bad for them.

user, you must be conceptually blind if you can't see the parallel.

Bad for you, not so bad for them.

Literally everyone on Yea Forums agrees this is the best Marvel movie ever, and seeing Captain Marvel murder Drumpf is 20/20 in my book. Captain Marvel is literally the best Marvel hero ever.

>Inb4 angry cis men

>Best Marvel Hero
She’s the best hero from any comic book period

It's bad for them when the people can't feed them anymore.

I certainly think the hate of it is absolutely overblown, and I mean this completely seriously.

Go on the internet and pretend to be Yea Forumsmblr, why would you do that?

We have plenty of food. Sikh temples give out free food all the time. If you're not getting food you don't know where to look.

Literally no one on Yea Forums hate CM, it’s a great film

I didn't say anyone on Yea Forums hated it. Whoa, persecution complex there, buddy?


Seems to be a lot of reality revision going on here.


>Then how do the other heroes
What part of "She is still working for the Krees" do you not get. the CM movie is about how she became a hero, she doens't start by being one.

>expecting /pol/ tourists to have watched the movie
Don't take them too seriously. They're really salty that it made a billion dollars so they keep talking about her feet, which I would suck by the way.

The movie even provides a superconvenient shorthand for Carol's loyalty
Skrullmurder Stormtrooper: Green, black & silver
Are we the baddies?: NIN shirt
Captain Marvel: Red, blue & gold

>Imagine an US soldier in Iraq, trying to track down someone who just committed an act of terrorism and then some local fucker try to woo on her. Reaction wouldn't bee that different.
Huh, I pictured her being unapproachable due to the squad of male soldiers around her

If she is pursuing some iraqi terrist that just committed an attack, she might be on her own.

>you just wanted an excuse to be a /pol/tard
Pointing out the white savior trope is the opposite of /pol/tard, you colorblind fuck.

Carol isn't white. She's a woman.

sjw loser

Salty incel

nah i have a GF carols fags are the incels all 3 of you ruining Yea Forums with this spam

Wait, so this supposed woman stole a bike in Iraq? That's still fucked up.

The person you are responding to is blaming the movie for propagating white ignorance. I don't know how you interpreted that as being from /pol/.

Can you stop pretending to be a different person? You didn't fool me the first time, you haven't fooled me the third time. It simply doesn't work.

War in Iraq was fucked up.

The US soldiers weren't the good guys.

Is her name actually pronounced Danveers? Have I been reading it wrong in my head all this time?

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Hang yourself roastie whore

Attached: 4af.jpg (328x398, 34K)

Top yikes.

>and tries to pull her hand off.
why lie

He does. He says "They call me The Donald" and does that yanking thing that other people named Donald are known for.

Endgame Carol > Captain Marvel Carol

dont forget that one nigrowannabe spamming ironheart the other 4 still shilling kamala

Why can't we get Blackheart instead? That's a cool character.