Superman vs Goku Death battle

A question for powerlevel thread, can you explain to me why Superman can tank ki blast from Goku?

What feats have Superman did that can a stand continuous stream of energy that can destroy planet?

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I mean he's been fully inside the sun before. In fact it's good for him.
We've seen being thrown into the sun kill DBZ baddies before., I'm pretty sure

He survived the Source Wall exploding in his face with no protection and if Coldcast’s statement is to be believed he hit Superman with the force of 15 supernova’s and he walked that off just fine.

He has literally survived worse. Read a comic newfag

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I'm sure a stream of energy that can destroy planets > the sun.

Also, Superman can ABSORB SUN RAY.

Put him into another blue sun (?) and he fucking dies.

Supernova is exploding of the star? Or exploding of the sun?

Saying it can destroy a planet is underselling it
Remember that Goku just powering up not only threatened to destroy the universe but also caused destruction in the afterlife, a completely separate plane of existence, and that was just SS3

Yeah, he destroys a planet when he was just regular super saiyan.

Ultra instinct Goku can basically destroy everything, sun included.

So I don't understand why Superman can tank it.


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Superman is Gary Stu, so of course he wins. However, a certain bald man will BTFO him.

Also Ben wins.

And that's leaving out how he's literally powered by the divine now

That's not an argument, Supes friend.

I think Supes friends are going to dispute how Saitaman is gonna beat him, considering Saitaman takes multiple punches to beat that planet destroyer guy.

Haha, he was trying to give the guy a fight, feeling sorry for him. He even admits he never stood a chance against Saitama.

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Yeah, but we haven't seen Saitama against a universal threat yet.

Can Superman even destroy the existing universe?

>Put him into a blue sun and he fucking dies
Blue solar radiation makes Kryptonians stringer dumbass


So what sun kills Supes again?
Sun doesn't sound like big deal desu.

>Survives the collision of New Genesis and Apokolips (Planets that dwarf galaxies)
>Survives Source Wall breach
>Survives True Darkseid’s multiverse killing gravity
>Survives Impiriex’s bombs that are equivalent to the big bang
>Survives Emperor Joker destroying the universe

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Superman is the most powerful being in DC. He is also the only being in all existence capable of killing Doctor Manhattan. J’onn? Hal? Featherweights that would had lost to a retard like Ben 10.

So how strong is this "multiverse killing" energy?

I think they would oil each other up and then wrestle naked and then have lots of sex.

>Can Superman destroy an existing universe?
He destroyed something far bigger when he destroyed True Darkseid.

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Sounds like a boring Mary Sue, let me guess, everyone loves him and those who don't are portrayed as evil, and hes always right and the stories always treat his personal morality as correct

Why is Superman capable of Doctor Manhattan?

Why can't Doctor Manhattan disintegrate him?

>couldn’t survive Bendis

Oops, should've held back more, sorry

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It destroyed basically everything in every universe that wasn’t Superman and the GL corps.

So True Darkseid is some kind of machine, and Superman shouts to death?

Sound like something Goku can do desu.

I hate this guy so much and yet as a fan of dragonball i have to be roped in with him inot the fandom.

If it can destroy the multiverse, why can't it destroy Supes and GL?

inb4 muh will

red suns
and yeah he'd probably die in one. but only because he'd be de-powered, so it's a moot point.
it's like saying "well without his powers, goku could easily be killed!"

People always misunderstand Saitama and think he's a gag character, they never realize that he's what thought robot superman is, the embodiment of the good guy winning at the end
You guys are kind of dumb like that

And yet all the powerless humans at the center of it also survived. Multiversal killing energies? More like a mild annoyance.


Unlike Superman, Goku does not have a natural weakness?

Because they’re that durable not hard to understand.

No, true Darkseid was that shape on the wall. Although his true size eclipses the DC multiverse. That machine was a part of a multi-step plan to stop Darkseid’s plan to take over the multiverse.

>Goku does not have a natural weakness?
Well he is brain damaged/retarded

I don't understand here, how the fuck is Supes and the GL more durable than literal multiverse?
Sound like a total load if a multiversal threat can be defeated by a machine, that can be destroyed.

To be fair, who could?

that was fucking dumb and you know it.

Im not gonna discount it on that regard but fuck, that was silly. That's something I'd expect from a golden or silver age comic.

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He did but they got rid of it.

Sounds needlessly complicated and like the writers were just throwing around buzzwords to inflate the scale of things as some sort of dick waving contest against competing companies

If you put Goku in the DC Universe, his powers wouldn't work. It's like trying to use the Infinity Gauntlet in different universes, it doesn't do jack shit.

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That's a boon.

And yet Green Lanterns drop like flies against a common alien space gun.

>Guys superman is so strong, look at how he survives the universe getting blown up over and over
>Guys Goku sucks, his feats are just the same thing over and over

It's been a while since my Goku vs Superman shitposting days, but the big thing I remember is, Ki doesn't "count" as magic. In fact, that's often what a lot of the earnest arguments are against Goku even standing a chance against Superman. Goku does a thing like, survive in the vacuum of space, but that "doesn't count." because it wasn't in the Manga. Or it WAS in the Manga, but apparently the original DB Manga is a "Gag Manga" and thus doesn't count.

It's one of the reasons I liked Yea Forums going with "Why would they fight, they're friends!" back when we did that, instead of engaging the morons.

unlike superman, he can be caught off guard

Superman's invulnerability isn't something he needs to focus on or think about, it's passive

Bullshit, ki exists in DC.

Why would martial arts training or his own genetic abilities stop working

You mean his tails?

He literally cut it off.

Yeah some are jobbers some aren’t just depends on what the plot needs them to do.

>Goku can totally beat Superman guys!
>Gets shown Superman’s ridiculously OP feats that shit all over Goku’s
>M-Mary Sue!
Every. Single. Time.

That’s like saying if you drop Superman into a different universe, his powers wouldn’t work. Why? Because it’s a different universe’ sun? Kryptonians don’t exist here? Completely retarded.

Yeah like I said they got rid of it.

>Superman’s ridiculously OP feats
>G-Gokus ridiculously OP feats don't count though
>W-What do you mean Goku is powered by divine energy and can travel between dimensions and planes of existence
>M-Muh thought robot

His "ridiculous OP feats" aren't presented as anything ridiculous.

Ridiculous as in funny, maybe.

Seriously, a multi-universal threat gets beaten by a machine.

Let's be real for a minute guys, Superman couldn't even beat a little girl from the DB universe

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Goku can literally teleport between planet.

Goddamn Supes can't even do that.

Bondage by Wonder Woman and sang to death by Superman. What a pathetic way to die.

Goku has lost basically every fight against a main antagonist since getting his divine power up so it can’t be that big of an increase.

Goku could grab a hold of Superman, teleport to hell, and just leave him there with no way to return to the realm of the living

How can you bondage such a being?

How big is the lasso?

Comic scale does not make sense.

>Gokus ridiculously OP feats don't count though
no one is saying that shitlips

Goku's OP feats are outclassed by Superman's OP feats.

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Oh, THAT was a fun argument: Is instant tranmission faster than Supermans FTL flying? I know any attempt to claim it was by using feats within the show will be refuted by calling it "Filler!"

>bench press the world
Low tier saiyan saga feats

only one capable of matching Saitama

Why didn't anyone think of that?

How about teleporting Superman straight to a red sun?

He could just fly away from it, it doesn’t instantly take his powers away.

Nigger, SS1 destroys planet with an energy ball.

>instant tranmission faster than Supermans FTL flying?
Yes, only the Flash could do it faster since he's wanked harder than Superman and can arrive in one place before he leaves the first spot

Because that's not how Goku fights. He will not take shortcuts.

Instant transmission is instant Flash could beat it but Superman can’t.

Just teleport him back until he's tired out of it.


26k power level Vegeta could do the same
Shit, 108 power level Roshi blew up the moon

That's an excuse.

So it means Black Goku or Vegeta can own Superman and hard then?

SS4 struggled to hold up a building

Nothing even close they’ll just say Vegeta was going to blow up Earth.

>people literally just flexing destroying mountains and moving the planet
You're going to be austic and say it has to specifically be bench pressing aren't you because that's your only defense against getting btfo

People just forget how strong the energy blast that DB characters use.

In that cursed Death Battle video, Superman somehow kills Goku by firing beam to his eyes, but they forget that Goku's aura can stand against literal ki blast.

I think the westerners are really selling Goku short here.

And Deathstroke outmaneuver and outran Superman once. What is your point? GT also ain’t canon.

>Vegeta can own Superman and hard then?
Vegeta overpowered a god of destruction that had the power to just erase shit from existence


Sound like Vegeta just makes Darkseid his bitch, yes, including True Darkseid, because that's literal all Darkseid can do.

Then why can't Batman fly? If Yamcha can do it, then the world's greatest detective can do it as well, right?

Nobody answers this.

Why can't Doc Manhattan just distintegrate him?

What makes Supes so strong?

He's just literally an alien who absorbs sun ray.

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Because he is Superman.

That's really not struggling.

Batman is weaker than Yamcha that's all
Back in OG DragonBall Yamcha was casually jogging at the same speed as a sports car going all out, so we're Tien, Krillin, and even fucking Chaotzu

That's not an argument.

And Vegeta is weaker than Goku, things aren't looking good for Clark

That’s the point. Congrats on finally understanding Superman.

But Superman is Mary Sue.

>Average power level of a planet buster is 18,000.
>Farmer with shotgun had a power level of 5.
>18,000/5 = 3,600 times weaker than a planet buster.
>It takes 2x10^32 joules to destroy the Earth.
>2x10^32/3,600 = 5.55x10^19 joules.
>That translates to 1.33x10^15 megatons of force.
>Enough energy to completely destroy the Earth’s surface in a single shot.
Power levels are bullshit.

OK, I finally understand it.

Good to know that an OP character like Goku is still better written than fucking Superman who has NO REASON to be strong as he is.

Took you long enough. Even a dumbass is pipe had already realize this.


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Exhibit A: Thor hits hard enough that, in space, the shockwaves crack nearby planets

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Remember, you're comparing characters from two different universes that operate on their own laws and physics. If they traded places with each other, the universe they would be living in would effect them greatly. So, Batman living in a wuxia fantasy land would be capable of the same feats, if not more than Yamcha.

Doesn't seem a big feat desu considering his present planet suffers NO damage.

Exhibit B: DIALS

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Except DC is wuxia land, Iron Fist remembers?

There's no reason why Batman can't juice him up with some of the serums that make strong ass motherfuckers except his own demented sense of morality.

Look closer.

>Iron Fist

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Iron Fist is Marvel dipshit.

Oh sorry, what was the DC equivalent of Martial Artist man?

I'm sure DC has one.

Low blow

Yeah, point taken.

But Goku can literally blow up the planet in one go.

SSJ3 Goku nearly destroyed Earth by simply existing. SSG Goku nearly destroyed half the universe just fighting someone of equal power to himself. I love Thor, but it honestly doesn’t even compare to what Goku did.

>different universes that operate on their own laws and physics.
This is always a cop out when it's brought up since most fiction just presents earth as earth, Batman is just weaker than Yamcha, it's a peak normal human against a super human
Batman is weaker than Yamcha
Say it

Don’t worry, Jon got room in the casket for Superman.

DC has a LOT of martial artists, because Denny O'Neil really liked those kind of movies back in the seventies.

Eh Vegeta would gloat for too long and Superman would launch a surprise attack.
Just like Freiza did.

So why can't Batman just learn the ki blast?

Sounds like an excuse desu.

Bray Wyatt is just a fat chad like Mick Foley

depends on what superman we are talking about here. Nu 52 superman was probably the weakest of the supermans, the guy got hit by a nuke and it nearly kills him.
In any case, death battle didnt understand how goku works nor the fact that superman can lose solar energy when beaten out of him.
Ki energy and God Ki are simply inner power being released. A Kamehameha uses the same energy use for punching, but think of it as a stream of punches in energy form. None the less Ki is what makes Goku and the others do super human things. Also with god ki comes an extra boost of energy that breaks through normal barriers.

Batman should train with Roshi

Goku would die too if he went into the sun and Supes would get a power up.
Thing is Goku character relies on fighting strong characters. He doesnt progress unless he does.

If the two ever met Goku would be doing everything he could to get Clark back to pre crisis levels just so he could fight him at his best.

to be honest user the anime isnt canon where the movie is. They still claim that there is a reason gods dont fight each other though.

It doesn't matter if ki is heat wave, spirit force or concussive force, what matters is that it distingrates shit.

>Goku would die too
He wouldn't.

He tanks ki blast that is stronger than the sun i.e. Cell's blast.

In RoF Vegeta is killed by the planet exploding, Goku and Vegeta aren’t that durable.

How the fuck did he get so big anyway? He has the laziest videos in the fandom, most of the time it's just a still image with him talking over it. I guess that's better than MasakoX having his hideous bong face an inch from the screen though

Goku can survive an energy blast that was more powerful than the sun. He will do fine.

ki isnt the same as solar energy. KI blasts have never destroyed a sun. Goku in the heart of the sun would die instantly.

He got dropped by a galactic patrol taser in the most recent arc so I doubt it.

>a reason gods dont fight each other though.
That reminds me, Yamcha was strong enough to run in between 2 gods of destruction fighting each other and steal home plate to win a baseball game for his universe and he's much weaker than Goku

again ki blasts arent the sun. the only way a ki blast could destroy the sun is causing a chain reaction to destroy it.

>He wouldn't.
Yes he would. Blue Vegeta was sweating like a rapist when he thought that lava robot. They can't handle such intense heat

>KI blasts have never destroyed a sun.
Vegetas final flash was explicitly shown destroying galaxies and that was way back at SS1 power levels

a gag episode trumps power levels. Comedy is the ultimate power.

>Vegetas final flash was explicitly shown destroying galaxies and that was way back at SS1 power levels
When the fuck was that?

Toyotaru is the Bendis of Dragonball. That is expected. In Broly, exploding lava is a minor annoyance that doesn’t even harm them. In Toyotaru’s manga, exploding lava is super deadly.

mind showing me a source to all that? Because if its not in the manga then its not canon its just anime filler.

Considering the power levels involved that robot was essentially putting out a million suns worth of heat

he wasnt though, I think they even say how much heat he was expelling.

That doesn’t make it less canon. It’ll likely happen in the anime too assuming it comes back and adapts this arc.

Don’t even need to do that. The high tier beings are capable of easily destroying a sun with a tap of their finger.

>no one replied to this

to be fair that was magic as well that summoned lava, not simply psychic lava or what ever you wanna call it.


Yeah Beerus could for sure, thats the plus side of being a god of destruction. You can literally destroy almost anything, even seemingly immortals.

Cell saga
Dont embarass yourself splitting hairs, we could just as easily say anything written by someone other than Siegel doesn't count as true canon despite the publisher claiming it's all canon, which applies to both DragonBall and Superman

Super is rumored to come back during the summer. Toyotaru is such a shit artist that the anime would easily outpace him and reach beyond the manga. So shit that he can barely survive on a monthly schedule.

>Cell saga
When in the Cell saga.

this is true, however superman isnt the type to attack off guarded opponents and neither is goku.


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When Vegeta uses the final flash you retard, it only happens once

It’s summoned lava. Lava that the shitty goat bought forth from the within the planet. Thor can summon lightning too, doesn’t mean his lightning is magic.

You mean the time where he used it and didn't destroy any galaxies?

Doesn’t need Hakai to accomplish that. Already capable of destroying a planet with just the raw power of his finger.

>despite the publisher claiming it's all canon
where was this? plus Splitting hairs is what we are talking about all the time. In the anime cell states he can destroy the solar system, however in the manga he doesnt even mention that. There is all kinds of shit added that arent canon. Best stick with what the Mangaka says and writes in the comic.

>fires beam that goes into space with a multi galaxy destroying explosion
>I-it doesn't count
I see, you're just being autistic and attempting to split hairs to the smallest degree
Why is this is common on Yea Forums

>Already capable of destroying a planet with just the raw power of his finger.
And yet Broly unleashed his tard strength and hit the planet with hundreds of ki blasts and didn't destroy it. I know Dragon Ball is horribly written trash but at least some consistency would be nice

possibly, there was an issue how he and storm were compairing lightning and and thor said her lightning was warm. However that Same goat got his shit kicked in by Buu who wasnt affected by his magic and he was doing the same lava shit to Buu.

yes this goes with out saying too.

Another proof that most fat people are literally cancer. No matter how much money or fame they get they will still remain miserable dipshits.

>DC says it's all canon in some form when not written by the original author
>Shueisha does the same with DB
But if you really want to split hairs like that it doesn't support you at all, you say stick to what Toriyama wrote then let's stick to what Siegel wrote

Skip to the 4 minute mark but that certainly isn’t multiple galaxy level.

Marvel Adventures ain’t canon. Also it’s obvious that lightning you summon from the environment wouldn’t be magic. It’s not like that shitty goat conjured lava from within himself.

seeing people respond to the new Arc with Moro, am I the minority that likes this new villain?
I mean introduces magic and makes power users like Gok and Vegeta struggle making for a more interesting story.

>explosion that visible at that far a distance
>n-no it doesn't count

desu the power scaling in dbz is much more eloquent than dc/marvel
so, yeah dc/marvel guys could beat goku due to this

shuiesia? dont they make the dragonball heroes crap with time traveling ssj4 goku? Do you believe that GT is canon?
Not trying to insult you just wondering.
Also Dragonball is still being written by its original author, so what he says goes. Hence why we have god characters in the first place.
DC controls the canon and can switch authors, Dragonball tried that only to bring back the original author to make a legit canon successor to Z.

Nothing about that is galaxy level.

Magic isnt the same as ki. The rules of magic are different from Ki.

Do you have any idea how big a galaxy is? Why are you pretending to be retarded?

Sure love how Toyotaru jobbed Goku and Vegeta to a literal who and some shitty goat. Bad enough some shitty OC managed to outspeed and outreflexes them. Now you have some shitty goat that is a weakened elder that can tank a punch from SSB and not faint. It’s like basically Bendis writing this shit. But instead of Superman, it’s Dragonball.

>Then why can't Batman fly?
who says he absolutely can't? If he can learn how to slice tree in half with his bare feet, then I am sure there is also secret technique to make him fly as well

reminder that different universe bullshit was created by hackfrauds.
there is no reason to argue with people that eat different universes bulllshit unironically

Using magic to control the existing element in the universe environment doesn’t suddenly make that element magic just because you used magic to control it.

yeah that wasnt galaxy level, especially since we see such a large scale of earth.

>y-you must believe gt is canon
You're embarassing yourself when you prove you don't have basic reading comprehension like that, and the manga is certainly not being written by Toriyama anymore, he just gives notes and collects money
Nice seeing you try to weasel a way to use what's essentially fan fiction written about superman as fact when you supposedly care about true canon so much
Now tell me, you've never read a single issue of Siegel written superman have you

He uses magic dude. You know the saiyans major weakness is watching what a villain is capable of before trying to over power him. Also the dude is 10,000 years old and sucked their energy away. But if you dont like it? fine it has its flaws for sure, but its dragonball and I am enjoying the ride.

-superman can do whatever until some writer decides to bring in magic, this includes surviving attacks from higher dimensions
-only a select few individuals seem to exist in a higher dimension in dbz everyone else is fair game
-most being in dbz can't maintain peak performance for more than a day
-technology, magic, and pure martial arts have triumphed over raw strength time and time again

basically, you all should be realizing superman is novel concept tat has been taken too far by writers

why not? It seems to have done just that, it affected Vegeta and didnt affect Buu. Seems that is how magic works in dragonball. Mind you its Magic, you can make anything up and call it such.

the manga is being written by toriyama, it says so in each title, even the publisher did, the only thing is toyo fills in the blanks. To think toyo is in charge is completely incorrect. Toriyama says whats going to happen, major plot points, then Toyo and the anime fill in the gaps. All still under the supervision of Toriyama, he makes the story.

How could I forget Buu, he's literally made of magic and could just turn Superman into a candy and eat him, thus absorbing his powers

So if I used my human hands to pick up a stick and wack a tree with it, would that stick be considered a human and not a stick because I manipulated it with my human hands?

>dodging the Siegel question
So you're uninformed on comics as well as manga
You're a fan fiction reader

Is Buu the Parasite of the DB universe?

if you picked it up that stick with magic you would be a wizard or mage.

what Siegal question? What did that have to do with Toriyama writing super?

Nah Buu is on a whole other level, it's not just absorbing people remember, for instance Buu can tear off a piece of himself and create a whole other sentient being from that with its own will and that is also capable of whatever Buu can do

I would much read Bendis than watch death battle to be honest

>splits hairs on canon
>when called on it feigns ignorance
So sad, your desperate flailing

You only say that because he probably hasn’t raped your favorite character yet.

Look I really dont give a rats ass. You want to ignore canon and do mental gymnastics by comparing 2 different authors from two different countries with two different stories with two different stories to which one company hires the next author for their series, while the other brings back an author to continue his series is really splitting hairs here. One dude is dead and hasnt wrote for his series for decades, the other dude is alive and said gt was a nice side story and has control over his manga again. Retconning is something both sides due but only one got to retcon things because he is continuing where he left off not where some one else left off.

He did, still wasn't Daredevil's lowest point

cant we watch Bendis be murdered in a death battle

>slurp, slurp
Perfect descrition of DC and its fans

so was true darkside similar to an eldrich horror from love craft? Or Dormamuu

>different universes bullshit
So all universes are the same? That's retarded.

That’s because they were in the last superbase constructed by everyone as a last refuge at the bottom of forever.

The Lanterns were outside it, and Darksied’s true form got inside it and stood next to Superman.

Because they’re Superhumans duh.

ki blasts are just waved of kinetic energy
you could actually have fun with this if you got creative at how superman can be pushed around by kinetic energy even if it doesn't harm him
but these are some of the worst characters to do a death battle because both hate killing their opponents

bray wyatt is a cunt

If it was 15 suns exploding wouldn’t that have wrecked the moon?

It probably should have but we only have coldcast’s statement to go by.

Blowing up a building with a rocket launcher != Lifting up that building.

What is the beef of Gokufags with Superman and superman alone, anyway?

Why don't you pick Thor? Sentry? Hyperion? Blue Marvel? Hulk? Black Bolt? Martiam Manhunter? Wonder Woman? Literally anyone else?

Why is it gotta be Suoerman to suffer your butthurt? Why does it matter so much to you guys that Goku should be stronger than Superman in particular?

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I can count how many times Goku has won a fight in one hand. Considering the many years both characters have existed, that's pretty pathetic

It’s the similarities, for the most part but also recognition. Goku’s one of the most recognizable anime characters worldwide, just like Superman is one of the most recognizable comic book characters worldwide, both are some of the strongest, aliens that came to Earth , this goes back far before the MCU made Thor a brand name, and even then Hyperion is based off Superman and so is Blue Marvel, you sometimes have Hulk competing with Goku, but it’ll never be as big as Superman vs Goku

But just for variety's sake, pick another character. It's been DECADES and DBZfags are still going about it. What does it matter? What fucking changed if Hoku is or isn't stronger? Will Dragon Ball become better or worse based on that?

How many times powerlevelfagottry is brought up when comic book fans are just discussing their comics? Like, does anyone care about power levels when reading "For the Man Who Has Everything" or "All-Star"? Anyone read those to see Superman's feats, see how he measures up against Goku and Saitama?

I can't fathom being this retarded, spending years butthurt at shit that does not matter, putting that kind of importance on who is the stronger between two characters that will never interact.

its by and large people who are only passingly familiar with each wanting some big East vs West contest of champions that has more to do if they prefer anime or american comics than how they think such a fight would actually play out

no duh goku isn't motivated by winning he's motivated by fighting people stronger than him and in the process testing his limits. to goku a fight that's easily won isn't worth the effort

Because Goku is inspired by Superman and had his backstory retconned to be more like him.

you have never read any of the ten most influential works of human fiction and it shows

Shouldn't DBfags be in awe of Superman then, the character that inspired the Goku they love so much, instead of having this weird vendetta?


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Fucking Brightburn could beat Goku

Superman will win if the writer wants him too, via authorial favoritism.

Arale is cheating. She's practically looney tunes tier invincible

He can be hurt by bullets outside of comedic skits(and killed presumbly, he doesn't have five hearts or something just a tail), he can be killed by conventional weapons unless he reinforces his body with ki to an absurd degree(like with Trunks' sword though Trunks had his sword clad in Ki as well, so maybe it was just ki repelling ki, who knows) and unlike OG Broly, he can't become a monster that survives explosions, lava and other extreme condition.

And fillers don't count. And that counts for everybody in the Dragon world who is trained in Ki. Very, very, very few people actually have "no weaknesses" due to their alien genetic make-up or other shit(magic beings) or enhancements(RR). Frieza for example, even if he never trained nor had a knack for harnessing ki, he'd still be able to survive in space, extreme temperatures and pressures and have telekinetic powers simply because that's a trait of his species. Goku's(and the saiyans) just a human with a tail that can make him transform like a werewolf and a natural fighting instinct and appetite that's mostly played for laughs.

They're all heroes.

If Superman and Goku fought, it would be a friendly tussle on an abandoned plabet to ensure no one got hurt. They would both cut loose, but I imagine Superman throwing in the towel first just because he's not as battle crazy as Goku and would wanna get home to his wife and kid. Jon, incidentally, would be a HUGE fan of Great Saiyaman.

Superman would recognize and appreciate Saitama, and probably help him try to find a better work-life balance so he's not stuck in his malaise all the time. I feel like he'd try and get Saitama to appreciate WHY they fight and WHAT they fight for over HOW they fight and how challenging it is.

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Superman is capable of magic empowerment too you know, or he can resist it if his will is strong enough. Superman is half lovecraftian due to being a alien that works on being a living solor energy source and a decendant of a ancient cosmic codenamed rao.

Superman outfits a cartoon bad guy and some times rivals his logic breaking the more Supes can resist his God like reality warping.

Arale can only win if the writer wants her tinwin, but this is superman, He always wins when something like arale comes to pose a threat.

I am so goddamn sick of this debate

Its just so easy to troll Yea Forums
No one beyond a full autist weeb actually thinks goku can compete with superman. Fundamentally different characters, Goku trained to be strong, Supes trained to not fart the universe in two. Its just Yea Forums cant let autistic screeching go, it must be matched at its own level.
And Siatama ended the debate in with one punch anyway.

That's like saying that if you put Iron Fist in the DC universe, he's suddenly fucked because he can't harness his Ki and his Dragon's Ki. Same shit with Karate Kid going to Marvel, he won't forget his training.

In fact, thinking about it, how come Superman is able to bullshit his way through so many things when in the Golden Age he needed the lack super-gravity Earth had and the Yellow Sun but was always depowered by anything else and in the new continuities he needs constant supply of yellow sun radiation and under any other sun he's slowly drained yet he's able to tackle Darkseid on Apokalpyse and other shit and writters very conveniently forget about his weaknesses just to beat the bad guys. Why does nobody bring that up ever?

What a fucking mary sue

Saitama already appreciates those, otherwise he would quit the hero bussiness and loaf around with King everyday if that was the case. He didn't. Saitama's desire is to do all that and have a fun challenge, which is what bums him out and ultimately why he hangs out with King and plays vidya as a substitute.

I get that. He wouldn't give the bike guy credit if he didn't care. I just think Supes would try and reinforce it, invite Saitama to hang out outside work like that one older guy does.

Outwit, but never overpower. If Mxy really gave any two shits about what he did, Superman would never stand a chance

You know they're both friends right

With would Supes hang out with a irresponsible procrastinator like Saitama, He'd rather work with genos, since he's more prone to following a orderly and productive lifestyle.

Supes hates lazy people and will tug on Saitamas cape to keep him in check.

Goku can literally destroy a universe.

anyone can destroy a universe. killing yourself destroys a universe, and anyone can do that

Base Goku struggled to lift 40 tons. Base Goku in Freeza Saga was 3 million. That means that, lowballing it extremely, New 52’s Superman’s powerlevel is 3.75e+26. For comparisons sake, Gogeta in Fusion Reborn is a mere 2.5 billion.

Who would win?

They each have as much prep time as they need and Rodney has access to whatever upgrades he wants

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Supes tries to bring out the best in anyone, aside from when he goes Full Injustice

And your alternative? Manchildren screaming for 10 episodes then pulling their new technique which just a different colored energy blast? Or some very logical and well written thing like breaking a time stop by being really strong? It's as if Dragonball fags can't comprehend a fight or conflict being anything more than punches, kicks, new hairstyles and colored spheres being thrown around.

>Seriously, a multi-universal threat gets beaten by a machine.
And the problem with that is? The machine was created for it and it's not something anybody can make. Jeez, it's not like every threat need ki blasts or new transformations to solve. Not everything is as redundant as Dragonball.

>being able to punch someone in the face 28,745 times per second is meaningless if each punch has less than 40000 newtons of force behind it

imagine being so mud brained you are visually illiterate

>I'm sure a stream of energy that can destroy planets > the sun.

Cooler, Broly and Baby all perished when they were hurled into the sun. Broly was able to destroy the entirety of the southern galaxy (though presumably not all at once) and Baby was stronger than SS3 Goku.

The sun's a tough customer even in Dragon Ball.

The Sun in DC is weaker so that doesn't count

No lol

Only Zeno can do that. Also only Zamasu is second to Zeno in the power level scale

That's funny coming from a Dragonball fan. You guys are the definition of manchildren. How can you be over 18 and still enjoy shit like this?

This fight is SOLVED. Here's how it goes.

[contrived reason for them to fight - doesn't matter]
>"Clark, right? So you get more powerful when you're in yellow sunlight?"
>Goku throws him into the sun.
>Supes comes out screaming and beats the living shit out of him for ~a day or so
>Goku miraculously takes about the same amount of damage as he cycles through all his different non-final forms throughout the fight
>Superman, tired from ceaselessly wailing on this dumbass, begins to feel the smallest amount of fatigue set in
>Goku, beaten within an inch within his life, unlocks a level beyond [current strongest form] and the resulting surge of power effectively brings him back to full stamina (despite his entourage of onlookers constantly yammering about how he's so tired and on the edge
>Goku and Superman go toe to toe for a while, goku screams as loud as he ever will in the movie and Superman makes a comment about "this guy.... how powerful can he get???"
>Superman falters not by any fault of his own, but because being thrown into the sun gives him ultra-cancer a la All-Star Superman
>Goku blasts the shit out of him to put him in the ground and unable to get up
>Despite any reason he may have to kill Supes, Goku says "Hey man, you're alright! I'm gonna use the magic wish-balls to heal you up so that I can fight you whenever I feel like it! Cool? Cool."
>Entourage all either groan or cheer, either way saying something to the effect of "That's Goku for you."
>Goku uses the wish balls to make Superman good again and it's left ambiguous who's really stronger overall.
>Small montage of everyone's favorite dick-riding characters hanging out and doing mundane stuff, mostly Superman being flustered by how monstrously hungry and utterly stupid Goku is.

There. That's the only way they'd write it. You're welcome.

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Goku is the strongest warrior in Dragon Ball, but he'd be pretty average in the DC Universe. Superman has been battling space tyrants and reality warping villains for decades and his equal is a hero powered by Greek Gods.

In the grand scheme of things, Superman is casual filter. How is Goku going to survive a beating with the main man Lobo if he can't take a punch from Supes? Everyone in Z's universe is only about as strong as Batman, or equal to Supergirl in strength.

Goku should've gone up against Popeye. I honestly see Goku being dumb enough to offer Popeye a sensu or allowing him to eat Spinach for a better fight.

Future Android 17 and 18 wins instantly. Present 17 and 18 would like Rodney and just mess around with him for fun.

>The Sun in DC is weaker so that doesn't count
How on earth do you go about determining that?

Goku is only about as strong as Fleischer Era, and DCAU Era Superman. Silver Age and Bryne Era Superman will kick his has six ways to sunday.

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>begins to feel the smallest amount of fatigue set in
He fought in asgard for a thousand years without stopping

El cuñado

Ah, I forgot! Superman has never been written getting tired before! You stupid, worthless vermin. You pathetic sack of worms. You absolute knuckle-dragging scum. Fuck you. Die.

Dbfags have some serious autism. Chill user there are a ton of anime characters that could beat superman. Goku just not one of them.

Welcome to DBZ. A world of excuses.
Why is it they could blow up planets at powerlevels 1/1000th their latest forms are, yet the latest form feats still aren't blowing up Earth? Excuses.
Why is it the Androids we're several times stronger than their Trunks Future evil versions? Excuses
Why is it the saiyans stopped having tails? Excuses
Why is it Roshi was made back as the strongest human ever despite being irrelevant power wise since half way through Dragonball? Excuses
Why do they keep replacing bosses of the planets and the people both living and dead with different tiers of Kais and crap above even them? Excuses.

Either him or Cell, though Buu takes the term parasite a little far sometime.

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>what matters is that it distingrates shit.
So does Darkseid's Omega Beams, and Superman tanks those.

Stringer bell

Superman can literally punch through infinite multiversal space and time and shatter reality.

See, I can exxagerate superman beating Goku to, and ironically enough, it actually happened against him and prine.

Lmao he killed true darkseid by singing at him. No wonder d.c. Is in the shitter

Geekdom101 fucking sucks. I went to the Dragon Ball Convention last year, and he was the worst host. Literally shitting on people who came up to ask questions to the voice actors. Also made sly remarks. It was funny how Cell's voice actor was fucking with him.

One Punch Man's facade has already been cracked, though. The dude he fought at the end of season 1 took more than one punch. Now that his ability has been trivialized, it opens the door for him to be beaten, even moreso by Superman or Goku because that's their speciality; finding the one-in-a-million way to beat an "impossible" opponent.

Not even fucking close ztard.

>why Superman can tank ki blast from Goku
>stream of energy that can destroy planet

What are you? Spic, nigger or gook?


Probably spic. Db is really big in Latin countries, no wonder they all look so retarded.

>Supernova is exploding of the star? Or exploding of the sun?

Jesus christ.

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Are supefags the new batfags?

the author has stated that OPM can obliterate half the universe in one punch (the half behind Saitama will remain intact)
You have to remember that he has literally never fought with all his power. the whole point of his character of fucking with his opponents to see how strong they can get before he gets bored and one-shots them.


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Batman withstood Superman's punches before. That totally means that Batman is capable of defeating Superman in physical combat despite the fact that Superman was clearly holding back against Batman.

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Just like there are a few DC characters that can defeat Goku. Superman just not one of them.

Link to the comment or you’re CNN.

Superman clearly did stop to rest. You are clearly pulling shit out of your ass. Nevermind the infamous rest where Superman had an affair with Wonder Woman.

You honestly think Saitama would care what Superman thinks about him? He honestly wouldn't. He would throw his own reputation under if it means giving credit to others that deserve it too but were neglected. Saitama is only a hero because it his hobby and he desires a challenge. He is not obligated to be a full time hero just because of his powers. If anything, Saitama would slam the door in Superman's face for being an annoyance.

Attached: resting in asgard.jpg (646x1024, 213K)

Oh look Superman is resting again!

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Tell the story dude.

What a shitty comeback! Take your hurt feelings and go.

So glad you realize your rebuttal is just as shitty. That's that entire point.

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I don't think Supes would even bother with Saitama.

>So glad you realize your rebuttal is just as shitty.
What? I never talked anything about my rebuttal, that guy is a different poster.

Is not your rebuttal or are you just retarded?

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Maybe I've overdosed on Supes memes, but I just can't picture Superman being rude to someone who protects the innocent, no matter how shitty their attitude is.

Dude is best friends with fucking Batman of all people.

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Depends on the writer really. In Superman Grounded, he walked around America illegally as a super hypocrite after throwing away his citizenship. Went around criticizing everyone for every little thing they did wrong. Even threatened to forcibly evict alien refugees off Earth if they don't share their technology with the community. This is despite the fact that the alien refugees were already donating to charities. And the fact that Superman, someone who refuses to share Kryptonian technology with others is threatening someone else to share their technology or else.

That's not a rebuttal, you absolute retard. That is a comment on yours to somebody else's rebuttal. Even then your post makes no sense as I never conceded that my rebuttal was shit anywhere since I never made one in the first place. Is this what Dragonball does to your brain?

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Isn't Grounded universally regarded as garbage, though?

Because he's tanked worse.

I mean if you are meme strong and don't want to mingle then Supes won't really force himself. His attitude is born out of his near invincible nature and people around him.

>Suoerman to suffer
Superfags deserve all the pain they get because they cany handle a bit of banter, only Batfags are worse and all of comics fandom agrees

>>Goku can destroy universes bruh
>>How can Superman survive stuff?
The absolute state of DBfags

Until 2 years ago, Superfans on other boards were pretty chill people. It's the shitty power wankery that has attracted the powerlevel fags to super fandom and the fandom has degraded.

>Why does nobody bring that up ever?
They do, Superfags always start screeching "but thats what the writer wants" as if justifying bad writing is a positive thing
Superman is badly written and has been for decades

Just because he's powered by divine energy does not mean he's powerful enough to take Superman.

Why does Superman win? excuses

Superfags has always been shit. Claiming Superman can defeat, Hulk, Thor, and etc easily and that he has no competition. Claiming he is the most powerful ever and none can compete against him. Using retarded feats such as Superman Thought Robot and Superman Prime and claiming they are also current Superman's feats. Some say Batfags are still worse but I highly doubt it.

>Superman can literally punch through infinite multiversal space and time and shatter reality.
Goku did the same thing against Hit

dont remind me :(

And all that gained traction when powerlevel faggotry got insanely mainstream. 10 years ago, you would still have people debating for him based on feats but most discussion was about arcs or other stories he was going to be in, it still is maybe less so. I have also frequently noticed that most people railing are butthurt Goku fans that can't accept that an arguably stronger character doesn't have an equally cancer fanbase.