Who was the least likable King of the Hill antagonist?

Who was the least likable King of the Hill antagonist?

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Dusty Old Bones! Full of Green Dust!

The Canadians, or Gilbert when Bill tries to sell his BBQ sauce

If she did die at their house, how would Hank explain himself to the cops? No cop is going to buy the story that she wanted to die at their house. And Hank's too much of a boy scout to make up a story without it sounding like an obvious lie.


That football player that moved onto the street.

Maybe he used one of Bobby’s tape recorders to give the police audio of her saying that. My imagination is way too wild to make any form of sense.

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The Canadians. I'm glad at least one piece of media had the balls to portray Canadians realistically, and not with the "hurr they're so polite" fake shit meme. I've never known a polite Canadian - they've all be insufferable jerks like they were on KOTH.

Alternatively, Luanne's roommates from when she bought the house down the street.


>Explain himself
She's an old lady that was trying to die from natural causes. Unless someone at the home was beating her, it's going to look like she passed away like any other oldie does. It might even be easier to explain because he had the cops involved, all the neighbors knew about it, and she published that fake obituary.

How can one post be this based?

The redskin. At least he will never have the spawn aknowledge him as his father.

He still should dangle from a tree while the village stones him tho.

Hank. Too much white privilege getting him off the hook every time he fucks up

>Alternatively, Luanne's roommates from when she bought the house down the street.
Cotton and his pal beating up that guy on the post credits scene was so satisfying

Wat? I dont think I ever saw that

>Canadian - they've all be insufferable jerks

Ty Templeton was proof of that for me

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Presumably, they may have either killed him or left him unconscious, and just walked right out the door.

That guy was a real asshole

All good contenders. It's clutch, but I would say the Canadians. They ended up costing him actual money and effort to HELP them.

At least the wife was grateful at the end

I hate Hanks Mom more

there's so many to choose from

ted wasonasong always pissed me off

Peggy's Mom.