
that pic was so cursed it got us pruned, lol

Attached: cursed shelf 2.png (656x874, 863K)

Other urls found in this thread:

hamiltonbook.com/products/search?q=spirit archives&cat_id=

I don't understand, what happened? Why?

Manga/Weeb shelf as OP maybe?

Shelf thread:
Post/discuss recent purchases, shelves, collections, etc.

Don't know where to buy? Try these:
bookdepository.com (worldwide shipping)
booksetc.co.uk/ (EU)
cheap-comics.com (EU)
instocktrades.com/ (worldwide shipping)
mycomicshop.com (worldwide shipping)
speedyhen.com (UK)
tfaw.com (worldwide shipping)

i think thats that guys entire collection

>Has /shelf/ impacted your Yea Forumsllection in any way?
>What comic do you regret spending money on? or What's the most expensive Yea Forums item you regret buying?

Attached: Daughter of Drakulon.jpg (3127x1451, 2.26M)

the only offensive thing about that is the figurines.

manga is comics and belongs on /shelf/

>cursed shelf gets deleted on sight

Attached: 1552957809360.png (800x799, 514K)

>make post demanding Mass Hysteria get reprinted
>thread immediately 404s


It got deleted again LOL

It is super embarrassing photo.

>Has /shelf/ impacted your Yea Forumsllection in any way?
only for recs.
>>What comic do you regret spending money on? or What's the most expensive Yea Forums item you regret buying?
i bought KSD cap marvel run int he trade paperback, i think it was the first 6 issues in her run. its tied in shittiness with dk2 for me. i have crisis, but i find it to be really boring and long.
>most expensive
i bought the trade of scott snyders N52 swamp thing, which i think is the first 12 issues. it was like 50 bucks, but its worth it.

Methinks there is a janny/mod among /shelf/ regulars

If you're out there, well memed

>What comic do you regret spending money on? or What's the most expensive Yea Forums item you regret buying?
Two Geoff Johns GL omnis for both questions. Turned out I didn't like DC's cosmic stuff.


can we discuss our pull list on /shelf/? or is /shelf/ only for trades/collected editions/omnibuses?

how do i make a pull list

I only buy collected editions, yes.

>Has /shelf/ impacted your Yea Forumsllection in any way?
It made clean my shelves more regularly
>What comic do you regret spending money on?
The Walking Dead, an X-men crossover called Original Sin that was about Daken, and AvX, I was so young and stupid I'm still stupid but not that young

pick up new floppies from the lcs that interest you and keep picking them up

Attached: IMG_20190521_220649_464.jpg (2160x2700, 1.45M)

Is this any good?

Attached: 51fHGuVp5cL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (330x499, 43K)

Sorry buddy, the Arbiter of /shelf/ has spoken and that shelf is clearly too cursed for mortal eyes to witness.

/shelf/ is for everything comics. Even though I mostly by collected editions, I like to pull a few titles, usually ones I like the covers for, just as an excuse to go into my LCS and keep my ear to the ground. Currently following
>Captain America (Alex Ross covers)
>Immortal Hulk (Alex Ross covers and it's actually really good)
>Conan the Barbarian (Ribic covers and I love Conan, and this is actually a very good and slept on title)
>Fantastic Four (Ribic covers and it's pretty good)
and finally
>Heavy Metal Magazine

That isn't a pull list. A pull list means the LCS holds books for you

Yeah, it got me to start reading manga. It's been basic bitch stuff like Asano Yotsuba, Nichijou, Berserk, and Tezuka's work, but it's nice to experience another spectrum of the medium.

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Attached: Matematicas hijo.jpg (1280x960, 126K)

>It's been basic bitch stuff like Asano Yotsuba, Nichijou, Berserk, and Tezuka's work
Hey, stuff is classic for a reason

>the Arbiter of /shelf/ has spoken and that shelf is clearly too cursed for mortal eyes to witness.
Who is this Arbiter?

Aight. Newest is ground pound. Luckily liking a jobber means I don't have a huge amount to collect and most of it is still cheap and attainable.

Other stuff slowly being pushed out by comics.

Attached: nerdcorner.jpg (969x1630, 1.34M)

Do you think a comic shop would hire me if I showed them my shelf of over 200 books

Why not? I read monthlies but I buy only collected stuff

how do you like it? thinking of starting it. ive read some of stan lee and jack kirby FF and i like the FF. i know the new run is not on the level of stan and jacks work.

Attached: Recent Purchases.jpg (1902x2248, 1.42M)

There is a janny/mod among us. He is our god now

Based janny trannie deleting cursed pics threads

Attached: Shelf.jpg (2644x1720, 1.71M)

I have pretty good memories of that run, mostly because it's one of the first comics i seriously read, right now i have some problems with it mostly with some of Quesada art but it's ok overall

I totally understand that. In my other passionate hobbies, like music, I just don't operate that way, so it's kind of a weird experience to really start from the top in something.

I'll probably post a pic on Wensday, but I'm only gonna pull:

>Immortal Hulk #18
>Batman: Last Knight on Earth

Mainly because I spent most of my monthly floppy budget on getting back issues last week.

Attached: Manga Shelf.jpg (2891x2042, 1.86M)

Nothing wrong with that. I've been reading Tezuka's Buddha myself lately.

you might be safe. Does your friend still have your Sandman book?

Binders are in chronological order, at least of what I have. Not everything from the Austen stuff though, just the nicer covers the rest of that run are in boxes.

So do people use any kind of aps/services for tracking your shit. I use this leagueofcomicgeeks.com You can friend people and look at the shit they have/want too.

Attached: binders.jpg (1163x1000, 1.11M)

I think it's pretty good. Not amazing. I rate Hulk and Conan higher. Some issues have been spectacular (#2 and #5 come to mind) and #6 thru #9 had terrific artwork from Aaron Kuder. The complaint I have is that the art team keeps changing. I wish Pitchelli or Kuder would stay on the title for the long haul.

This week's DC cancellations
2/3 had recent hardcovers, so ATTWBDC doesn't want to double up.
The Absolute might come back

Does anyone have the re/co/mended Jonah Hex pic?

> I've been reading Tezuka's Buddha myself lately
Based. Blind bandit is best girl.

>/Shelf/ impact

I'm actively buying more comics, so that's good.

>What comic do I regret spending money on?

Cates' run on Venom. I was optimistic and excusing crap saying "just gotta give him time. See what his idea is." Every proceeding issue left me feeling emptier than the last, while contrasting how I could find a lot to easily love or at least have fun with in my other Venom finds. The deeper I followed the Classic Venom and grew to love Venom more, the more I hated Cates' run. The more I rubbed 2 brain cells over Cates' run, the more I hated Cates' run. It's to the point that even Stegman's art has been tainted for me, gives me harsh recoil feelings. Which is too bad since he's a great artist.

Luckily, I got the Rex trade on Black Friday so it was half off and I managed to get my money back after I sold it. Can't say the same for the issues though. But by that point I cared more about getting rid of them vs making back my money.

I'm just waiting for the suffering to end.

All-Satr Superman and Joe the Barbarian sucked and I decided I won’t read another Morrison book

So for all the mexibros, earlier today the first Sandman Absolute was on sale, you could had gotten it for 25 usd, but don't despair, now THe Authority first absolute is at the same price, oh and The Fourth World Omnibus was at 40usd but is gone too

>Has /shelf/ impacted your Yea Forumsllection in any way?
It showed me the Marvel Cosmic Omnis and at least got me to buy two.

>What comic do you regret spending money on? or What's the most expensive Yea Forums item you regret buying?
A collected edition of Locke & Key first tp, the editorial that had the license here died just two months later.

Yeah, I told him if anything happend and he just get sidetracked with other books, which is common for him. At least I know where they are.

Attached: Recent April-May.jpg (2503x3213, 1.51M)

this shit should be delivered by friday. im pretty excited lads.

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He's such an incredible cartoonist. Him and Yoshihiro Tatsumi have really been sparking my passion and interest in drawing again. They're just absolute beasts.

I use that for stuff I read and whakoom because they add spanish and other languages stuff too.

>Has /shelf/ impacted your Yea Forumsllection in any way?
I have started to expend more money

>>What comic do you regret spending money on? or What's the most expensive Yea Forums item you regret buying?

Probably the complete Bendis X-Men run but I only payed like 25 bucks.

>All-Satr Superman...sucked


where did you get it man? It's out of stock everywhere

what dont you like about Grant Morrison?

Not him but I ordered one on B&N this weekend. We'll see if they actually deliver

>Yoshihiro Tatsumi
I'm upset A Drifting Life is so short despite being like 800+ pages. I want more, dammit.

bought it online from barnes and noble. they had a 20% discount online and i grabbed it. basically got the shipping free.


Attached: Galactus.jpg (892x238, 38K)

Not that user but I think Grant sort of used too much meta stuff in his books.
Like his stuff better when it's all simple and laid out. He should be the standard for Cape or cape-related writers IMO.

are you me?

I haven't read it yet. I'm getting and reading the three short story collections first to have a base understanding of his work before I read that. The work him and D&Q put into those collections is incredible. Fantastic creator, and I'm glad I looked into him.

i loved grant morrison jla, ASS and some issues of doom patrol. i enjoyed his first issue of GL though.

some of his stuff is way too weird. but for the most part its just weird enough

Based. I feel like everyone in /shelf/ worth his salt should own a copy of BEHOLD GALACTUS

>that filename

I don't wanna!

It's hard to read Morrison sometimes.
You need to read a lot of other books to get the subtext and references.
I can read Final Crisis just fine but I've been reading it since 2013. Sometimes I see something new.

How can you like such good comics but also so much meme shit?

This news makes me glad I picked up the 7 issue baxter reprint of GL/GA. Probably the best way to get it for cheap.

You should!

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>be turbo poorfag with limited space
>try and keep spending to 50 dollars a month

Fuck it's hard dudes.

>be me
>want to purchase Jojo's
>ORA ORA ORA is replaced with TOMA TOMA TOMA
why live?

Every time I see that Bill Ward book I want it even more.

Where would I even put it?

What was so cursed it nuked the thread? Porn?

It's still there in the sound effects, and it is this or actual bunko boxes from Japan. I dont mind that much. I know MUDA MUDA is going to be INUTIL INUTIL.

Why can't you just buy it in English then? I just got the first hardcover of Diamond is Unbreakable and had a jolly good time with it.

Just don't think about it and accidentally spend $200 like I do.

Use it as a table.

The guy with the shelf that was mostly manga and nendos, I think

Back when I had to take care of my mom after her surgery and couldn't work I could only afford two trades or three tanks a month. It gets better, man.
>use massive Kirby book as a drawing board
Yes, this will do nicely.

Bash people on the head with it. "BEHOLD GALACTUS!"

You make a place for it.
Buy a podium, if you must.

Nah, i'm pretty good at keeping to my limits. My absolute max is 150 but if I do that then no new vidya or soda for that month.

You make it your new home.

>drinking soda
Dude, stop that.

Just read everything

Somewhere nice

Luckily I have no loyalties to vidya. Sure I play them, but I can play the same game for a year and wait on new stuff to get cheap if I want it.

it's not drugs, alcohol, or games

I'm trying, I used to actually budget it separately from hobby shit, now that I have to choose between soda for a week or a TPB I've really cut back. Down to 1 can a day.

I'm pretty much a retail slave for life at this point, not gonna lie.

But drugs and alcohol make you cool

It's worse for you than all of those combined
You like instantly lose 5-10 pounds when you quit soda

>You like instantly lose 5-10 pounds when you quit soda
Oh neat, so you literally have no understanding of how the human body works. Nice.

I've been known to be all over the place. What 'meme shit' do you mean?

Harley Quinn is meme shit if you ask me.

I mean no I don't and I'm exaggerating but quitting soda is really good for losing weight

I'm skinny and not a whale, user. Quitting soda will do nothing.

Probably. But she was my favorite character from BTAS when I was a kid so I guess it carried on into adulthood.

>Skinny people reading comics
nobody belives you user

Lol that's my shelf that I posted like 2 weeks ago. Why did someone save that picture?

I mean it's a good shelf right?

Sure, just like cutting out alcohol can be.
There's literally nothing wrong with soda as long as you take it in moderation and take care of yourself. Unless you're just eating carrots and kale, anything can be bad for you in excess.

If you eat too many carrots your skin will start to get a yellowish tint.

I'm trying to cut out alcohol, too.
I guess if you're not worried about weight it doesn't matter, though.

Nerds being malnourished sticks is pretty common

Yeah, but I've actually gotten some new books since then. I think it's almost perfect now.

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One Day I will also read Scott Pilgrim.

Attached: loretta-the-strongbox-seinfeld.jpg (960x720, 263K)

What do you think of Earth One?
I actually like Clark's hooker GF, and I want to see where the whole thing goes.

I actually found some stuff on etsy. I wasn't expecting to find comics, maybe some handmade pins. I got several things I was missing from one shop.

To add, if you put stuff in your basket or faves the sellers can tell and sometimes put shit on sale or give out coupon codes to get you to buy it.

Attached: onsale.jpg (294x288, 13K)

most i spent in one time was like 80 bucks. i would have been like ~100 had the lcs not had a buy 3 get a 4th trade for free deal

who here /comicbookpalace/ here

Attached: glenn cbp.jpg (620x490, 60K)

Different user, but I think the line is actually pretty good, and I wish they'd actually put some effort behind it. None of the books are perfect by any means, but none have been bad yet (still haven't read TTv2, GL, or WW).

But yeah, my main beef is just that they clearly don't care about the line whatsoever. Otherwise I think the changes are mostly fine. Although it's sort of dumb how nuLex and nuTwo Face have the exact same twist origin to become female versions of the characters.

Don't have an actual pull list, but I've been reading:
>Conan and Savage Sword
>Red Sonja
>Vampirella: Roses for the Dead
>Elvira and Shape of Elvira
>Batman: Damned
and picked up the first issues of:
>Red Sonja & Vampirella meet Betty and Veronica

Attached: 18fdb9392b9c08537d845fe72bd063f1._SX1280_QL80_TTD_.jpg (1280x1968, 465K)

>>Red Sonja & Vampirella meet Betty and Veronica
I was disappointed to say the least.

this series is ok

Booktopia should be added for Australia and New Zealand!

>booktopia.com.au (AUS/NZ)
Is this store just for these two places?

We should really update the OP post, nobody uses it but still

Shelf thread:
Post/discuss recent purchases, shelves, collections, etc.

Don't know where to buy? Try these:
[your local comic shop here]

Are you Euro or UK and don't know where you should buy? Try these:
cheap-comics.com (EU)
booksetc.co.uk/ (EU)
speedyhen.com (UK, hefty fees if delivery address outside of UK)
bookdepository.com (free worldwide shipping but known to manhandle books)

New list of things out next week:
Upcoming Omnibus/Hardcovers:

This one?

I guess we just have to add this

Pretty sure it is. Also they do free shipping if you click on a referral link by Booko (a price comparison website that by all accounts should be put in the list as well).

>19 Jun 19 - Batman omnibus by Morrison vol 2
Hell yes, finally.

>Wonder Woman Absolute Vol. 2 was 36 bucks a week ago
>didn't buy it
>Went online to go buy it today
>It's back a 90 bucks
I'll get it pay day I guess

Attached: 32.gif (290x198, 993K)

I know how it is, I missed the chance for the Super Sons Omni.


Shelf thread:
Post/discuss recent purchases, shelves, collections, current reading, etc.

Don't know where to buy? Try these:
amazon.com/ (known to manhandle books with bad packaging)
instocktrades.com/ (worldwide shipping, often has sales)
mycomicshop.com (worldwide shipping)
[your local comic shop here]

Are you Euro or UK and don't know where you should buy? Try these:
cheap-comics.com (EU)
booksetc.co.uk/ (EU)
speedyhen.com (UK, hefty fees if delivery address outside of UK)
bookdepository.com (free worldwide shipping but known to manhandle books)
tfaw.com (worldwide shipping)
booktopia.com.au (AUS/NZ, free shipping if referral by Booko)

Price Comparison website(s):

New list of things out next week:
Upcoming Omnibus/Hardcovers:

good night shelf

It's too big.

What are some recommended shelves for books or even figures? Specifically ones that aren't too bulky or cumbersome to move around.

ikea billy seems to be the standard

Was my birthday last week, so Go Team Venture! and Hell on Earth #1 are new, with 2-5 arriving soon.

>Has /shelf/ impacted your Yea Forumsllection in any way?
I've certainly seen books I didn't realise were collected, and asked about quality and things, but 99% of what I've got I would have gotten anyway. I'll usually find a digital copy of any recommendations, and then try to buy a nice version if I like it.

>What comic do you regret spending money on? or What's the most expensive Yea Forums item you regret buying?
I've got about a dozen Ultimate Spider-man trades that I haven't touched in about a decade. Wouldn't mind swapping them out for something I'll be reading again and again. And I kind of regret buying BPRD-PoF #1 and #2, because they went OOP, and whilst I bought them for a little over what I would have liked, the last two are unavailable for any sensible amount of money, so I have an annoying gap that I'll have to fill with a different style of book, and I will never stop being salty about that.

Attached: Shelf.jpg (2862x3288, 1.24M)

>The Last Chancers

Billychads ww@

I found mine in the street one day.

I also literally just got my shelves from the trash. Funny how that works.

All the WH and Eve, most of everything that isn't a comic was from a charity shop. Not much more than £15 on the lot.
The ones I have are Billys - ran me about £12 each, narrow shelves so they wouldn't bow, available in a bunch of colours and sizes and easy to build. They're popular for a reason.

I was actually gonna ask the same question. moving in a few days and I don't have a shelf for comics and figures yet so there are some urgent questions I need answered
>What's the quality of Billy like? Are they sturdy or is the material too cheap?
>Is there a huge difference between Billy and Hemnes? Is Hemnes worth the higher price?
>Can someone recommend closed (glass windows) Billy shelves?
>Are closed shelves good for comics & figures or do both need more airflow?

They're not rock solid, but my smaller ones are fairly sturdy - it's not like they're being moved around much. Give them a wiggle when you go to IKEA.
Hemnes is solid wood, Billy is veneer and chipboard.
Doors would help with dust and potentially prevent damage? I don't think you'd need to worry about airflow unless your house is damp or the books are somehow wet before you put them in. They're not airtight or anything, and if you're worried you could cut vents in the backboard or leave it off entirely.

how to organize short boxes?
I have about 4 right now and its Marvel, DC, Indie, prestige format/smallpress/some epic/vertigo but it feels so disorganized

those books were just not fun even though I really liked their art, I just didn't connect to the writing at all it felt like pretentious pretending to be sweet

dude the meta stuff is great. the best part is that none of it is cringey like deadpool and the guy really knows how to write fun stories that do the characters justice. jla, doom patrol, multiversity and his run on batman are some of the best comics out there

>yes. I love you fuckers.
>I regret nothing.
>t. Agent 312
>pic related always makes me smile so I’m sharing it.

Attached: CAF55A63-3566-431F-AFB1-32759CE087DC.jpg (600x454, 332K)

/shelf/ is for everyone

Enjoy your bowed shelves!

Kallax wuz here.

imagine being so bored at an LCS you've got time for these hijinx

sorry you're going out of business user

All three of mine are street/dumpster bookcases. I wasn’t even looking for shelves.

The Billy shelves didn't move when I wiggled them but I fear them not being able to take Absolutes without the rows bending or possibly even breaking

Thanks for the tip with the vents but if the doors aren't that airtight, I won't have to worry anyway. My gf doesn't really want shelves with doors so I'll buy an open shelf anyway. I just wish there were a cheaper high-qualityish alternative instead of the 160€ Hemnes.

Yeah, I wouldn’t say shelf or even Yea Forums has influenced my taste so much as pointing me at vendors (IST).
Now, it’s where I come to talk comics find out about cancelled DC omnis.

I didn’t like them either. Doom Patrol, Batman and seven soldiers are some of my favorite comics tho.
I’m not suggesting you try them, however. It’s just good to keep an open mind. My collection is full of creators I gave a second chance.

What happened to the other thread? Hahahah

Attached: 20190527_211701.jpg (4032x3024, 3.26M)

>two Spectre trades
Based fren

oh sheet, is that the new Gambit? He's already on his way to Germany, can't wait to finally get my favourite X-Men after buying the Toybiz Iron-Man instead of him back in the day. Is it a good figure?
>tfw already received Beast
>Jubes is also on her way
>already have Wolvie and Colossus
>gonna preorder Nightcrawler and maybe Storm if a Jim Lee version is announced
>tfw getting Jean, Rogue, and Cyclops is basically impossible due to scalpers
Fuck's sake, this will be a goddamn disaster, won't it?

Yes the new Gam; I had the alternative in my hand as well (with the cloth coat) but this one just caught my eye better. I want Cyclops and I will be happy.

the Toybiz looks like shit in comparison I must say. looked awesome back then but now, it just doesn't hold up in my opinion. The head isn't that interesting, the articulation is nothing special and the cloth looks cheap as fuck

alphabetical order

Attached: 20190527_212336.jpg (4032x3024, 3.21M)

Be honest with me user, is Y: The Last Man a good series?

Bitch I posted that at 1 in the morning. That's at home.

>that mainstream top shelf
Literally what I'm doing as well. People always call me a pleb but I just like to read up on the critically acclaimed books and at the same time building a best-of collection

Yes, absolutely. Don't watch the show when it comes out eventually hah

I'm not that guy, but yes. It's top tier shit.

That's two votes in favor and zero against, added to the shopping list.

Never listen to others when it comes to your own collection, your time and money. Imma huge sucker for a deal too, so most books I bought for almost nothing.

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Is the TPB as big as the hardcover?

publisher/imprint/alphabetical order

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Re: whoever keeps asking for a John Byrne Superman/AC omnibus.
There is a user over at the DC Archives section of the marvelmastetworks/collected editions forum who sometimes does color restoration for DC.
He speculated about a year ago that Byrne was approached about an omnibus, but DC asked him if he was willing to take a smaller cut of their royalty agreement to ensure that it actually reaches print (because any money is better than no money). Due to how massive the sales were in the 1980s, unless the cost of the omnibus was around $250, DC would be losing money on every copy.
Byrne refused, and the DC trade department instead did the Superman: The Exile and Other Stories omnibus.

Related, I definitely recommend reading threads on that website. One of them has access to Didio's facebook page and posts his bullshit excuses for why their collections are always changing.

Attached: 20190527_212557.jpg (4032x3024, 2.99M)

>Byrne refused
So keeping in mind that any money is better than no money, what exactly is the rationale behind such a decision?

My collecting has skewed to 90% Marvel omnibus editions in the last few years, because bought at IST the value is insane. I need to get back into newspaper strips, but 40$ for 130 pages of Captain Easy isn’t exciting.

One trade that burns me up is the Phantom Stranger, supposedly released 2 years ago and I cannot find nowhere, even though the main DC website says so, and even has links that just go to other products.

"Fuck you, pay me."

He’s an assholetist

>But we can't pay you anything if you don't accept this
>You'll never get paid a cent though
John Byrne, ladies and gentlemen. He draws a great She-Hulk but boy is he insufferable.

Hopefully my next purchase will be a couple of Hitman tpbs.

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I started reading v2 last night. That stuff its great, I can't believe it's not properly collected even that's digitized already.

I have bought the 21 issues leading up to those Doom Patrols, I am excited to pick em up, those trades look neat!

I want it

Did Nancy Collins Swampy trades get announced or did I dream that?

It's a rubbish run but I'd love to plug that post-Veitch pre-Morrison hole in my collection.

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Attached: Shelf 2 Resized.jpg (4375x5000, 3.9M)

It seems idiotic to us, but I can't say I wouldn't do the same.
Having a large company whom you owe nothing come to you and say, "Hey, can we adjust that legal agreement we have with you just this once? Pretty please?" is an interesting situation. As consumers, it's certainly annoying.

I love Morrison’s DP.
I have the omni. It’s definitely readable, but a bit of a chore due to size.

Good luck, I probably spent too much on mine.

So you'd say you'd rather not get any money at all? That seems weird, somehow.

I also have the omni but can't stand it. I read the first half dozen issues or so in it then just pirated the rest and read them on my tablet.

It's that tiny bit too big. If it were 100 pages or so less it'd be okay, but as it is it's too much of a pain to read.

Do they change names?

Negotiating with a company like that is tricky. It sounds easy on the outside, but I'm sure it's more complicated than just taking a smaller cut this time, or at the very least seems so to him. Don't sell yourself short, basically.

This is a huge reason I collect numeric trades; omnis are okay when the series can be read comfortably (handheld). I made the mistake with my Mark Twain collection, the books are just too fat.

Need more shelves and I can fill in the rest of my collection; I need more Flash, Wonder woman, and Lobo

Yes. Shining Diamond, Worse Company, Chili Pepper. It can't be helped.

I read a review about early TMNT that said it's clunky but so earnest that it's impossible to hate. Is it any good in your opinion?

Might not be able to be helped but it'll certainly prevent me from ever buying it. Thanks tho, user.

>having autism this severe
I hope you get the help you need, friend.

Kino, the one works that has defined all else that I love about creating comics; having got to know Eastman while growing up, and just how humble he is, really made it all a masterpiece (at least, for this reader).


Impressive, user. What is your favorite shelf?

Good for him. He knows that DC will eventually do it because he is the biggest name in comics.
They even reprinted his excellent Wonder Woman in two (soon to be three) hardcover volumes.

It's the best Post-Veitch run

I've not read it in like 10 years but I remember being very unwhelmed at the time.

I prefer Millar's, BKV's and Soule's runs to it. Maybe Snyder's too although that'd be a closer call.

They're not organised enough to have a preference, everything is just shoved on so as best to fit in the limited space and gets moved around quite a lot when I need to put new stuff on.

imagine being so dumb you let your apartment go when your business isn't making money and just sleep in the store

I guess I meant it's the best post veitch run out of volume 2.
I really didn't care for what Millar (or Morrison ghostwriting) was doing. Especially when Millar had his own ideas, like a Nazi version of Abby

Yeah, it is a bitch. My omnitism cannot be controlled, tho. All my unwieldy omnis are DC (DP; Invisibles, and my greatest current purchase regret- Infinite Crisis)


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>biggest name in comics
He’s definitely the biggest something in comics.

I don't wanna pry too much, but what do y'all do for a living to support such nice collections. I'm stuck with basic retail jobs because I'm a poor artist who lives with their parents/never graduated college. I get most of my books secondhand or I read a lot of them from the library.

All this kirby love warms my heart.

I ordered it and a copy for a friend at release.
I have it stored on top of book case.

So I read Scott Pilgrim in it's entirety for like 18 times, and only once for Watchmen. That was all in High school.

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I’m legit crazy and kept. Hope that makes you feel better.

I've never read either.

Top of your shelf for display.

Not enough space between top of shelf and ceiling to put it upright though.

And nothing of value was lost.

I’m a support worker, not super well paid but enough to buy books and figures and shit for myself. I used to teach, school removed huge amount of positions and I just picked this up to keep me afloat, but I really enjoy it.
I also make D&D die on the side.

I study cinema and work at a bookstore chain alike barnes&noble. I can get stuff at a discount and usually look for deals online

>Plan on buying the Grant Morrison Batman omnibusses
>Have Final Crisis TPB
It's going to bother the fuck out of me to have a paperback sandwiched between two hardcovers,but it does give me an excuse to buy the omnibus. Decisions, decisions.

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A cursed shelf nuked the thread.

Can you describe it? I missed it.

Nightstand betweenshelves for bigbook display?

How to keep it from toppling?

How good of art? Paying for 300 pages

Also, I am in security consulting, fell into these gigs some years ago and honestly, it has provided me the exact type of setting I needed to get the real work done (the writing/art) not to mention, it does pay the bills/collecting

I’m releasing a supplement for old school Dnd in a couple weeks. I’m about to get high and navigate Drive Thru RPGs proof ordering process right this second in fact.

We in here baby

Cancelled out by GOTO, I'd say.

dark brown shelf filled with 1/4 manga 3/4 japanese nendos

I'm the same with this, sure I'd like to get "fancier" versions that bundle an extra issue or two (For example, I got the Death Note Black Version since it collects 2-3 volumes vs. getting the all in one Death Note book). If I can't comfortably read it, I generally don't see the point in getting it outside of having it because it's one of my absolute favorite series.

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I was in commercial banking until recently, just left and starting a new job as a tax analyst in the next few weeks.

Already kinda out of order but whatever.
Here's my latest comic stuff (and yes I do consider books on writing comic stuff since I do my own cartooning). It's all within the past week and amusingly I'm glad I was able to grab a little of everything some floppies, mangoo, a graphic novel, and a book on writing.

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Half Priced Bookstore, Sales, Birthdays, Christmas, using extra spending money on books rather than something else. I just finished school tho, so I'm excited to be making the full time bucks.

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Maaan, I'm already running out of space in my latest short box. To be fair, my bottom box is used for my Doujins/fanzines. I can't wait for my Venom Shortbox to come out. *-*

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I spend £50 a week on floppies and then buy omnibuses regularly. I can’t afford it

Book holder stand from Hobby Lobby. Those ones that are built for holding catholic priest EXTRA BIG Bibles. They cost like $6-15 depending on the size.

tumblr fanart tier, I'm not good enough for anything professional. Looking to change my outlook this year and actually make some progress.

I only called myself an artist because I don't have much else to my name.

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I got mine for 30 dollars :^)

More Mangoo/Animu

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Walmart. Please send food I am very hungry, this water soup aint cutting it.

dont feel bad people tell me all the time if i'd get out of the hole of im not in a relationship i'd see i'm an awesome human being but i don't see it.

try getting a job in a factory. only way around here to support yourself. bit of a social life killer though

I appreciate the sentiment, but I cannot navigate your sentence for the life of me.

don't feel bad because you don't have much to your life. because i myself don't have much to my life but people tell me all the time if i'd get out of the hole of "im not in a relationship" i'd see i'm an awesome human being but i don't see it that way, i'm just a guy doing the moral thing because that's pretty much all i got for me.

Ah, well keep on being you. The world needs more moral people. Cynicism has blinded lots from figuring out that humanity can actually be pretty okay if we strive for it.

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oh i'm full of cynicism i just still do the moral thing.

It's not like it's inhuman to be cynical. Everyone has those thoughts. Acting on them or letting them define you is what ends up being toxic. Your standard Rick and Morty "I just read Nietzsche" types.

Here, to keep this somewhat on topic. Here's a box of some of my floppies plus this Devilman figure I really like.

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Depends on your taste.

*braces for impact*

Definitely. I’m just shitposting. It’s like a reflex.

I dig it, shoot me portfolio

Yeah it's an omni coming out end of this year beginning of next year.

Who do you think will take over Thor after Aaron?



I have a question.
It's normal or mandatory to have a V of Vendetta or Watchmen in the shelf? I see that everyone have one or the two, and even a absolute copy. Even the cursed shelf of OP's pic have watchmen.

>not buying the color editions
user i don't think i've ever been this disappointed in anyone and i found out my friend cried at the big bang theory finale so you have some power

so, you like hellboy?

Its litterally just weebshit
Delete this, see if I care

No, working in a shop is about sells, no one cares if you know even the ISBN of each book

Billy comes in a few different widths. I've got the narrow ones and they don't seem to have bowed at all after a few years.
Some other user mentioned Kallax, which is a solid choice, and I think they're ~just~ big enough for Absolutes, but - non adjustable shelves. If you've anything bigger you're out of luck.

the bottom shelf is all my GF's biology textbooks. I need to put up another bookshelf for all my math textbooks and my batman visual encyclopedia

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you don't need it, spend money on comics you like and that are more likely to go OOP

here's my /toy/ shelf. can anybody challenge my batman collection?

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her books look shorter, why are they not on the top shelf instead?

its not flipped on my computer, but hopefully this fixed it?

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Kind of?
They're really good stories and it's easy to find a decent edition for dirt cheap, since they've been in constant print for 30 years.
I got my deluxe for about $5.

Obligatory, but not urgent. It's an evergreen title for a reason.


>not having a bookcase custom made for you out of real solid pieces of wood

Lmao enjoy your cheap soulless particle board monstrosities.

good question
the top shelf was a rung lower but the peg broke and we moved it up but never thought of switching the shelf contents. maybe I will

As soon as I can get some money and find some Amish in the Southeast, I'll let you know.

All the dude needs to do is put one batman book and he's fine

Are you the user that's moving into a new house? I didn't know you were looking into professional bookcases. What does a /shelf/ room look like?

Im working on it, sandpapering that board I posted earlier.

Mandatory? Nothing is mandatory as far as your interest goes. We're not going to go over to your house and break a finger for each time we see no Watchmen/V for Vendetta on your shelf. They're just good comics so more people enjoy them thus more people have them in their collection. Even before I cared at all about "big 2" comics I enjoyed and bought these books.

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>We're not going to go over to your house and break a finger for each time we see no Watchmen/V for Vendetta on your shelf.

wait, are we not? Fine then.

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I plan on making wall length shelves when I get a house. It'll be my first woodworking project once I actually have the space to do so.
I'm very excited to pamper my book babies.

>he posted it

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Fucking saved, thank you.

does anyone here collect anything related to animation

I do, yea. I wish I had a lot more though. As is the nature of having to pick and choose books with limited funds.

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Why would you get these animation technique books over Richard William's?

Wat? It's related to animation.

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Because they were at an antique shop for ~$10 for both. Richard Williams' book on animation has been on my wishlist for years now...

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I fucking love that framed Godzilla pic.

It's like $17 on eBay right now.

or more like $30, anyway it isn't that difficult or expensive to find.

I really am flattered but most of my stuff is shitty sketches and old shit when I was still in school. I don't think I'm fit for a project currently. If I'm still in these threads next year and you are too, we can do some deals.
I've got a humble collection I want to share. I'll start with what's at my desk currently.
Best 5 dollars I've ever spent. Baltimore has fun junk shops.
You can get it for about 30 paperback if it interests ya. I've had the PDF forever but there's something really visceral about holding the book and looking at my computer.

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Hardcover illusion of life I got for 35 bucks. Still floored by that. Above that is a collection of sketches from Yoh Yoshinari (director for Little Witch Academia). Thing above One Piece color logue is a japanese catalogue of Tezuka films. Got Miyazaki's first bio, still need the second. And lastly, a cel of Ten-chan I was fond of was on sale for 35 bucks. I wanna get into more cel collecting but I guess I gotta frame the one I have first.

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>one week after the final suicide squad trade releases
>5 out of 8 trades are now not in stock
I fucking called it

Last one, cheap little sketchbook of Teenage Robot I got for 10 bucks. And that Looney Tunes animation book is a nice hardcover I got for a birthday.

I could've just taken these out and sprawled them on the bed or something, but my shelf is irregular and I'm particularly lazy.

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Instant collectors items

They legit printed around 2000 copies of the later ones, and unless it gets the omni treatment (very unlikely given that Didio wants to move away from those), those 2000 copies are all that are out there

I'm a procrastinator in all forms, I'll pick it up sooner or later haha.

Me. Far right is The Art of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

The most interesting things are the Television Cartoon Shows volumes. They're an encyclopedia of all the animated series aired in the United States from 1949 to 2003, with a review of each one, including anecdotes like this:

>And there was that real-life saloon in Seattle, where between 6 and 6:30 P.M. Thursday evenings a sign was posted: "No loud tinkling of glasses. No unnecessary conversation. No disturbing elements. No drinks served. BECAUSE WE'RE WATCHING HUCKLEBERRY HOUND."

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I only have this, but mostly because i'm a fan Wrightson, i know almost nothing about animation because i'm a dirty weeb with low standards

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I feel like I've seen these at the library I go to, how much did you get em for? I'd be a little interested in buying em.

Also one more bonus from me, old cartoon magazine with interesting interviews and articles. I'm pretty sure John K ghost wrote for some of it too. They go for like ... 5 bucks on ebay if it interests any of yas.

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Duggan or Cates

Yeah. People need to stop posting Yea Forums in Yea Forums. Especially that dumbass hello kitty office anime

Just started a bat shelf last month. I know the layout is kind of retarded but it’s only temporary until I get more

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Ask the guy at your LCS, they'll hook you up

>get into TPBs and such because I didn't care about collecting floppies and just want to read the comics
>collected editions end up being even more collectible and I can literally buy the individual issues for less than the price of the TPB that collects them

I fucking hate this world. I just pirate 90% of everything now, who fucking gives a shit at this point. Fucking low print runs and autists smdh. Are there speculators yet? People buying cases of books hoping they'll strike it rich?

A few regrets here and there. Also a small collection of Barks and Rose duck comics, Asterix, and Tintin

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is there any good recent/ongoing stuff with DC vertigo/black label/young animal?

Doom Patrol by Gerard Way is fun.

is it ongoing? i remember seeing a gerard way DP trade at the lcs.

it's probably just people that don't want to be left with half a set after they half-assedly cancel the set with 1 or 2 books to go

not really. Way spent years getting 11 issues out (which is collected in two trades), then a 12th issue came out.
Another six issues are starting again soon

The recent Forager book was great, i loved Eternity Girl, Shade the Changing Girl and Cave Carson and i've heard that The Dreaming is quite alright too

I got both volumes for ~$15 on an Amazon gift card, so nothing out of pocket for me. It looks like there are copies on Amazon and eBay for between $5 and $50 a volume, which really shows how thin the market for serious animation history books is.

Who is wrightson, and what does he have to do with animation?
Also, are there any good books on studying body language for animators.. or for anyone?

Those Sandman recolors are absolutely atrocious. Did Doom Patrol and Animal Man also get recolored for their omnis?

Bernie Wrightson was a comic artist that mostly did horror stuff, he co-created Swamp Thing and did a fantastic adaptation of Frankensterin, in the early 2000's he joined an animation studio to work in a Biker Mice from Mars and a movie based on his comic Freakshow that never got made

in a Biker Mice from Mars reboot*

>my book babies
Not to sound mean, but kindly kill yourself.

This time line is weird
>floppies are often the cheapest way to collect a comic
>OOP trades and omnibuses became the new collector's items

why are floppies cheaper

Cuz they take up a fuck load of space, and often are replaced by collected editions, so people will go on eBay to just get rid of the things. It's crazy the deals you can find by searching for runs in floppies.

Or at least, they got recolored like how most digital reproductions look
Slightly brighter than on old floppy paper

My shelf's not too good but my collection's slowly growing.

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Just watched Captain Marvel for the first time, since it became available on torrents sites (paying for movies lol), and I gotta say, that was enjoyable as hell. Brie Larson was particularly charming. Yea Forums and Yea Forums made it sound like the worst movie ever, fucking idiots.

Any Carol recommended reading since my affinity for the character has increased?

Printings. A trade of a lesser known character might only move 3000 copies.
But for stuff in the 1980s, 70,000 units was considered low for a comic (when Alan Grant took over Detective Comics in 1988, that was the breakeven number). But that's still 70,000 potential copies of an issue that you can buy.
With how few extra copies of things publishers print now, the back issue bins are getting thin for recent series.

I'm very glad my innocuous tongue in cheek remark has upset you so much.

I miss the Golden Age of ebay, early 2000's, so much less competition, dirt cheap prices, nobody really knew what they were doing. Fuck I could get so many full or nearly full runs of 80s/90s comics with my meagre 10 dollar a week allowance.
There are still a lot of good deals on ebay but it's so much more cutthroat.

Is this bait? Considering most of her runs were cancelled and didn't sell well, Carol doesn't have any good comic runs. I enjoyed her more as Ms Marvel honestly. If you liked her movie, then I'm sorry. You must not watch a lot of movies, or know anything about acting or storytelling.

Avengers 200, when she gets mind controlled and raped by her son, and the rest of the Avengers congradulate her

ty user, buying a copy to frame and not read

Claremont did some cool stuff with her character and Bryan Reed's run is ok i guess

>If you liked her movie, then I'm sorry. You must not watch a lot of movies, or know anything about acting or storytelling.
uncalled-for and rudepilled

It's a children's movie, i don't know what do people expect from the MCU

's true though.

A children's movie like Wizard of Oz or Willy Wonka can have good acting and storytelling. Saying that "it's just for kids" is a poor excuse for craftsmanship and storytelling.

>tongue in cheek
"Ha ha h-, no I wasn't being serious. It was just a joke, lol"

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No one said it was an all time great movie. Just enjoyable for what it was: a mindless popcorn movie.

You're in /shelf/, bud. Context gives a lot of insight into what you're reading.
So yes. I was joking.

But it's a dumb thing to get obssesed and get triggered at the mere mention of it

Who are you referring to

bump, still looking for recommendations

Fullmetal Alchemist

No it isn’t. There are at least six of Yea Forums‘s favorites I don’t care for. It’s not important which ones.
I’m kind of past delivering my hot take about shit other people like- in this thread anyway.

>I’m kind of past delivering my hot take about shit other people like
bullshit. let's hear it

I'll bite. What is /shelf/'s favorites?

essential /shelf/core
>Ditko Spider-Man omnibus
>X Statix omnibus

very much so. Not only has /shelf/ got me buying more comics, but most specialty ones and even taking some recs from here. I got the Vampirella Masters Series cause of /shelf/

I regret getting the Priest Black Panther comic, it was ok but I didn't find it anything special. And I hate storytelling that jumps around too much. I have gotten other bad comics but mostly from discount bins so I don't feel mad about those at all.

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>A collected edition of Locke & Key first tp, the editorial that had the license here died just two months later.

>And I hate storytelling that jumps around too much.
that's Priest in a nutshell

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I dunno about /shelf/ i’m just thinking of Yea Forums in general.
>Watchmen- I respect it, but I don’t like it
>Kingdom Come- nothing but scorn
>Simonson’s Thor- I don’t wanna talk about it
>From Hell- two guys riding around talking about conspiracy theories. Nope.
Planetary- oh what a clever boy I am
Annihilation- Giffen’s dialogue is so bad it makes it hard for me to enjoy and the Drax and skrull minis are ass. The inking in the Silver surfer mini is off putting and I’m a bitch.

I, of course, own all six.

sure, my pull list
>The Seeds
>Lady Mechanika
>Murder Falcon (just ended)
>Seven to Eternity
>The Black Monday Murders
->nfinite Dark
>Self Made (just ended)
>Christopher Priest Vampirella

seems weird for me to put Priest on my pull list after I just said I regret his BP, but I liked what he was doing in the FCBD issue

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the omnibus planning thread on that website is a work of art, and it is tragic knowing that the vast, vast majority of them are never happening.
They also have some suggested guides custom bound selections

yes, David Mack's short run on DD was extremely good and his storyarc about the kid was hearbreaking.

New stuff.
I normally hate funkos but those are pretty cute.
>Essex County
did I do good by picking this up? I know nothing about it but it was a good price and I like Lemire

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Essex County is probably my favorite Lemire comic, so i'd say you did good

Haven't actually read it myself, but it is what put Lemire on the map.
There used to be at least three copies in every bookstore in Canada, so he probably made bank off it.

Lemire has the best batting average in comics

>people with a significant amount of actual real books

You people fucking disgust me. Actually people with just fantasy novels or other low brow genre shit are okay, anything else, I spit on you.


I mean currently working

>Saga of the Swamp Thing
>Animal Man
>Doom Patrol
>Astro City
>Hitman (Ennis)
>Punisher Max
>Usagi Yojimbo
>Judge Dredd
>The Spirit
>Suicide Squad (Ostrander)
>Squadron Supreme
>JLA (Morrison)

>I normally hate funkos
Yeah, me too, but Dark Crystal is my favorite movie so I had to have them. I personally don't might the ones that break the usual mold, and those do other than Jen and Kira (who I'm still missing).
>did I do good by picking this up?
Yes. I bought it years ago, but it was the first Lemire book I read and I really enjoyed it. I should reread it.

>Duck comics

that's a busty Juggy
>How can you like such good comics but also so much meme shit?
I actually like the Girls /shelf/ I'd read most of those
eww, I would never visit that shop. Everyone is just retards
Based Elvira, love this series. Tough the summer special was meh...the first story was alright but the second one was trash
>Red Sonja & Vampirella meet Betty and Veronica
god that sucked

lads I bought a funko. I swear it's the only one I'll ever buy

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That's what they all say.

>inb4 $20,000 collection post

See, I have no problem with this one. It's really only the human character ones that are truly awful.

er, well I confess I own 2. but the Sailor Jupiter was a gift from an old girlfriend after I told her Jupiter was my waifu. but that's it. just two. I promise.. hehe

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What does Yea Forums know Ostrander for besides SS? The Spectre?

those and Hawkworld (the ongoing, not the limited. Limited was Tim Truman)

How is the binding on that Witchblade compendium? It seems like something that is too big for a softcover and would start losing pages
shitty retail job. my life kinda sucks, small apartment, alone, don't really do much of anything these days. So I can just waste money on comics

Ewing, not even second thought
>it's a Mathbro
nice! I got a lot of that stuff, well more physics and history (history of science) but still got a ton of math textbooks.
ya, custom built is best even though I would change some of my designs if I did it again.

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I'm confused. All these shelves look the same. How are they custom?

Very odd taste. Are you a homosexual or a woman? Maybe a homosexual woman?

OP your shelf makes me so sad, can I buy you a book?

hamiltonbook.com/products/search?q=spirit archives&cat_id=
You might be interested in this.

Lucifer is the best thing DC is putting out right now. The Dreaming has been getting better as it goes.
>Those Sandman recolors are absolutely atrocious
no, they were needed. Sandman came out at the time they were just starting the switch over. And those early issues needed to be recoloured, there are a lot of places in the original where the characters were coloured exactly like the backgrounds and just got lost in the backgrounds. Not all recolours are bad.
oh boy...Carol talk on Yea Forums. You are in luck, I actually like her. my recommendations are
>Claremont X-Men, Brood Saga is a must
it's my favorite X-Men story and Carol is a big part of that
>Busiek Avengers
>Brian Reed's Ms Marvel (The Cru Storyline and the Moonstone/Carol stuff are the best arc's IMO)
then just jump to Kelly Thompson's current run.

whos the goth?

I remember posting my MLTAAR sketchbook that I bought. I also have the Looney Tunes hc book.

what is odd about my taste, Satan? Horror, erotica, sci-fi, opera's, Heavy Metal, and a standard mix of Marvel/DC.

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I have the originals and the recolors. The recolors are too brightly colored and garish. They stink.

>not knowing Death
>aka best girl
Who hasn't read Sandman?

I like some of the math/science "tourism" books that can give you some conceptual ideas about subject
especially eulers gem

How do you not recognize the best girl in DC bar none?

Man I really wish I had a Death figure--I wish I had a figure from Sandman period. ;A;

Was Death created by Gaiman, or did someone else create her?

So Death is Gaiman's tulpa that he created knowing fangirls would dress up as her and try to fuck him. It worked.

never read sandman, my father has the books though
theres a few on ebay right now
you be careful

*blocks you're path*

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who is this magician?

Martian Manhunter
The Kents
A fuck load of Dark Horse Star Wars

That Death was specifically him. There was a Death that used to be in War anthologies.
He actually dragged his feet on giving her more characterization, and was allegedly upset when Greg Weisman (Gargoyles, TV's Young Justice) used in her Captain Atom but changed her standing in the DCU.
The story goes is Gaiman's editor (Berger) and Weisman's editor approved the pages even though they went again Gaiman's plans for Death.
I think some of it has to do with Berger possibly promising Gaiman things that they couldn't actually offer in a shared universe (like control of characters owned by DC).
Even she has said in recent years that he was allowed to do his own thing, except that isn't true. He connected his lore to previous stories, and kept using two of the Infinity Inc kids even after the first more-DCU-connected volume.

What did Weisman do with Death?

Are you Mexican, my friend?

Speaking of Zatanna
Was that mini series any good?

No amigo I am from Ottawa, Canada

Had her appear next to Nekron and The Black Racer and verbally say that she's just the compassionate aspect of death.
Not the Capital D Death.
The colorist also fucked her up, but that wasn't on Weisman
>Captain Atom 42

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Mystik U? No idea, have to read it. Just found out about it. I'm buying #1 no matter what, that cover is delicious. Looks like Kate Bishop (my Marvel waifu) cosplaying as Zatanna (my DC waifu)

Huh, I thought for sure maybe. Top Cat is fuckin huge in Mexico.
There's a few on Ebay of varying quality. I got a loose one for 20 bucks, the sculpt for the face is a little shit but I manage
(seen here)

>Brood Saga
My favorite X-Men story as well and the only book I like Carol in.

Buisick... hot take incoming
>Marcus /Avengers 200 reference
> 1000 word 17 panel pages
>Whatever the fuck is going on with Wanda’s outfit
>oh my stars and garters
>must fix continuity
Lol no

It was pretty terrible. Even as an elseworld it was just boring, and wasted all of its potential as it wrapped up.
It also kept calling magic "magik" which I can't stand in general

She is compassionate

>Top Cat is fuckin huge in Mexico.
Had no idea. I've just always loved Hanna-Barbera stuff. Top Cat, Tom and Jerry, Quick Draw McGraw, Huckleberry Hound. Even today I find this stuff hilarious

>>Top Cat is fuckin huge in Mexico.

Ya I fucking hate Busiek's Avengers. And the coloring of the time makes Perez' work look like shit.

I once thought this about the same Omni for GL. I decided to read it one day and it was good. I recommend reading the new Grant Morrison run.

Mexico got an exclusive Top Cat movie made

It’s mainly just the cartoon that’s popular. Merchandise not so much.

I only heard about it when the movie had came out, but the original top cat was quite popular too. Might have something to do with whoever was the VA. I know something similar can be said of Golden Age Simpsons Homer in Spanish is highly loved too.

yup, even got him many threesomes with Stoya
I'll agree with some of that, Triathlete was lame but I enjoy pretty much everything else
>sexy Wanda is sexy
>Beast/Wonderman is best
>Warbird was good cause it gave Carol the alcoholism story which led into her and Tony being good friends
>One of the best redemption arcs of Hank Pym

Attached: stoya1.jpg (500x750, 342K)

I don't see the Vampirella master series in this picture

Zee's great, but I stand by what I said.
Bar none.

They're just highly recommended books everyone buys when getting into comics.

Isn't she the one that was getting beat up by James Deen? Makes me very an ger y if so.

Stark is glowing. It’s an eyesore.

Here's my favorites shelf
>Kingdom Come
It gets a pass because it was my very first trade

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Does Yea Forums really hate Kingdom Come? Or is it just memes?

I know that feel. I have a copy of Blackest Night sitting around somewhere that i feel embarrassed about. I love seeing Brawl in the family here, that guy and his shit is so wholesome. Shame the spines trigger my autism though.

I think is a bad Superman story but not necessarily a bad comic

Yep. It’s Yea Forums we’re talking about user. They hate everything mainstream. Some even go as far as to never buy anything dc or marvel related because they hate buying anything “normies” buy. Anyways the story itself is alright so I don’t get the hate behind.

what's wrong with kingdom come?

Lately the tide seems to have shifted to "overrated" it's still good, but flawed

I think it's memes. Mark Waid did something to draw the ire of some Yea Forums people and now anything associated with Mark Waid is getting a new treatment.

This thread is full of big two comics.

Jelly over the HC Girls, I have the SC complete collection and the glue in it is fucking trash.

It was sarcasm, man.


I haven't read a book-book in so long, /shelf/. I feel guilty

>second volume of Crepax is baby pink

Fucking hate this shit.

The last book I bought was Sullivan's Sluggers back in... September? November? CBA checking but it's been a while.

anything I read non-comic these days is non-fiction

Oh shit I completely miss read your post. I'm actually about to start reading Summer of Night myself.

Nerd. Give some examples nerd. The History of the Pocket Protector maybe?

>The History of the Pocket Protector maybe?

Hilarious, I was just thinking about that the other day. I just joined "Goodreads" and I was like "oof, I haven't read that many books this year. I should join a challenge to make me read faster." Then I was like "OH YEAH, I read a crapton of Venom and other scattered comics."
I dunno, I guess sometimes it doesn't feel like reading a book-book because there doesn't have to be much time devoted to reading a comic. Manga I can finish in about 30 minutes, easy. Comics, depending on the density can be finished in 10 (floppies)-a few days (something more dense like Watchmen).

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venomfag why do you mention venom in every post you do. im concerned. venom isn't real, user

>The History of the Pocket Protector
lol, no. Nothing that exciting.

I don't, it's just you don't know it's me until I mention Venom. 030; Besides, it's true I'm reading a crap ton of Venom. >3>;

mainly working on the Byzantine history book

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>sam harris


I'm reading a Neil Gaiman book on essays about writing and comics, that counts right?

Oh okay, history is cool.

What /shelf/ people do you recognize?

>B*x man
>Agent 312
>Ghost Riderfag
>Cursed shelf/princessfag

>Venomfag and Cursed Shelf Princessfag
We're one and the same, user. *cough*

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custom shelf man
lantern trailer park history
based mexi-loki (I think is the same guy who uses a board as a shelf)
venom attention seeker/cursed
mostly mangas and kino
hellboy shrine
and that fella who collects love and rockets and girlsuff


good christ. you're legion of doom tier with agent 312 and box man. congrats

I wonder is this guy is also Ladderbro

I love how agent 312 triggers people around here, and don't forget boxman he even got a manga adaptation

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You are great in my book. Lokifag seal

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kek, kinda true, but I like having a big variety on /shelf/ is all good in my book

>cursed shelf

The guy claimed to have started on comics with Rebirth but he has like everysingle tpb released by DC since 2015

I posted mine once but it's on a industrialshelf kinda thing that I don't like how it looks so I stopped

Wait I'm getting confused. Ladderbro is the guy who comes in and says everything DC is shit. Tommy is the anti-Marvel one. Thank god Tommy never came to /shelf/.

Oh I got them mixed-up them. There is no fucking way there is a single ladderbro and tommy, there are a bunch of faggots around here and most of them are Yea Forums

Tommy is definitive one person. He's been at it for a year and it's so distinct.

Are any of these real people? I don't recall seeing a single one of these before this thread.

...I dunno if I'm Cursed shelf or Pussyposter. But yeah, I like too many radically different things with my animu, to my princesses, to my ponies, to my Venom. Imagine if y'all saw all of my Hello Kitties/Sanrio stuff. Haha, but hey, it gives me an excuse to play with my room organization and procrastinate.

Gracias, I have fun on the thread even when anons are like "wtf is up with this??" Haha

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lurk moar. there's only about 100 of us

I recognize only a few:
>Box Man
>Ghost Rider user
>Hellboy shelf
>Custom shelf

>about 100 of us
>of us

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You'll probably see me around Venom threads obviously, but you'll never know which one is me cuz...there's a number of other Venomfags. Other than that you'll never know cuz of the nature of the site, user.

They only came here after they finally got banned from the reddit comic subreddit


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Although, it'd defeat the purpose, it would've been cool to have a /shelf/ meet up one day. =w= Y'all are chill dudes.

>tfw no one recognizes you
It's better this way, since when I get BTFO, I won't be held accountable in the next thread.

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delete this post please, that pic is cursed

It'd be nice to have more chances to discuss comics with people that actually read them


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I'd do a meetup but it would be entirely impossible to arrange. We have people from way too far away. I'll just be satisfied chatting with many of you here, christmas threads and another chat

How to get started with Dredd? The casefiles don't line properly, so I don't want that. Is there another way to read the essential storylines?

I agree, it's why I enjoy the site. You get a new palette every time you enter a thread. Of course outside of this one since by this point a good chunk of regulars could recognize my posting after a few posts. It's not like other places where my username would be recognized by regulars after a while and my posts would be around forever.

Right? I'm discovering a lot of cool comics out there to add to my reading list and who else would I fangirl over Venom to? Hahaha

I did the Christmas threads for the first time this year. It was a heck of a lot of fun, the streams and Christmas Storytimes were great. But yeah, I agree that it would be almost impossible to do a meetup because of distance and the entire mess of arranging a meetup. Maybe a video/voice chat or something one day. That'd be the next best thing.

Yeah, I would have an ear open for the christmas threads. Something something, another chat.

What do you mean about the case files?

>randomly the last volume of Monster
Why it be like this tho?

I enjoy these threads but I think we may tank them too quick. This one is already almost at 500. with all the fresh /shelf/s there is rarely a time they time out though, so that is nice

>that Spectre
You my nigga, nigga.

I'm lending my other volumes to a family friend (they lent me their Deadpool and another comic). The 9th volume I had gotten after the lending.

I remember someone posting the casefiles and the number 04 or 05 had a wildly different spine.

>Maybe a video/voice chat or something one day
I think that some people have tried to do a Discord but it never took off

Nigga if you care that much about spines you're buying comics for the wrong reasons

>*another Far Side comic
It's cuz we chat too much. We don't just post our shelves and leave forever.

Is it okay if I make another shelf thread sunday?

we can always make a new one when this one finishes. my rule of thumb is, if I go 2 days without seeing one in the catalog, I make a new one. the regularity of these threads is determined by your guys enthusiasm level

buddy you can make another thread in an hour if you want to. the only rule of /shelf/ is no cardboard boxes

Hey duderino my copy of Circle of Blood showed up. I haven't had time to read past the prologue yet but I had to let you know that
>Kyoto is the river where holy water and semen converge...
Is some wonderfully silly prose. The art so far is very aesthetically pleasing but I think the assassin girls were all just drawn in fetish gear to please the author.

I want to make one soon, maybe saturday or sunday in honor of vampi's 50th birthday

Oh. Yes, the american Volume 3 has a black spine as opposed to the white of the rest and the numbering is in a different place than all of the other volumes. I thought you were suggesting that the files were incomplete or missing material.

kingdom come is good stuff. also nice usagi yojimbo omnibuses, i have the first two and its great. what are those special editions? and what makes them special?
also how was bone?

The uk edition has all matching spines. There are some big arcs collected in single tpbs like apocalypse wars and stuff that wasn't included in the case files like America

>The art so far is very aesthetically pleasing but I think the assassin girls were all just drawn in fetish gear to please the author.
It was David Macks first book he drew, he actually wanted to be a writer more than an artist before Bendis convinced him to do his own art. So yes, it has some of that superhero sexy asthetic. But it is not done without thought, some of the characters become very very interesting, even besides Kabuki. Scarab is one of the best characters from the group, she's a comic artist who fell into being an assassin.
I'm reading through the 2017 Vampirella by Paul Cornell and originally I was kinda turned away by the art and very weird formatting of the comic. But damn I am loving it now, it's so bizarre and just goes for making it as outworldly as they can

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> some of that superhero sexy asthetic
No they're S&M queens, not superheroes. I mean don't get me wrong I totally enjoy that (I'd tap that Scarab), it's just really noticeable.

The special editions are the first issues in chronological order. The big Dark Horse volumes you have is not the start of the series.

to page 10, and beyond !

So, should I make the thread a new thread today or Sunday?

I'm actually ok for a new one tonight. Just use THE GOD DAMN STICKY!

Saturday maybe, give it some time so we don't get too repetitive.

I honestly checked Yea Forums threads to see if there was more Star Vs spamming going on. Surprisingly, I think the Star spam is calming down. This is why I don't follow many cartoons religiously and generally wait until they've ended before jumping on. Same for Yea Forums

I guess I’ll make one Saturday, hopefully before someone else makes one

>Rebirth user makes one again

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I’m vampnon

I ment that if we wait too long Rebirth user makes a /shelf/ thread. Saturday would be too long I think and he will make a thread before then. Also, here is Vampi ass since we aren't at image limit

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Didn't this thread just come up today??

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That was Tuesday. Now is Wednesday. Somewhere.

It started yesterday, now the party is over


new thread, get up in here

was the site down for anybody else?