How does he fare in the DCU?

How does he fare in the DCU?

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Superman plaster's his ass.

More at 11.

Clark immediately tries to mentor him because he understands this is what he could have become.

After he kills parents, cause once he's crossed that line... I don't think Superman would even consider that.

Batman would have him caged up in the first week.

>end of the movie
>it talks about a powerful girl choking people to death with a rope and a humanoid(?) sea creature sinking ships
Where were you when you realized you got scammed into watching an Earth-3 ripoff?

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But Brandon has the advantage of not being retarded like Supes and letting everyone and their dog have 2 tons worth of the only substance that can damage him, he destroyed all of his brandonite

Batman would bullshit his way into getting some

Even without it, the likes of Superman and Hal would give him a spanking

>Clark, go up into space and find some of that Brandonite shit.

James Gunn is a hack, more news at 11.