So what's up with Snyder and Capullo's THE LAST KNIGHT ON EARTH? Is it an apocalyptic-future or Bruce being crazy?

So what's up with Snyder and Capullo's THE LAST KNIGHT ON EARTH? Is it an apocalyptic-future or Bruce being crazy?

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I think it's Snyder being a fucking hack as usual

I can’t even make myself pretend to be slightly interested


Does this fit into Tynion's JLD?

Why is Grant Morrison and Superman watching WMD fall?

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I swear I’ve read a short story about this “doomsday-or-insanity” conflict. I think it was in “Around the World in 10 1/2 Chapters”. Especially with the twisting the events into daily life in the asylum

If anything, it'll be better than whatever King is doing.

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Oh for fuck sake. Batman this, Batman that. Fuck Batman.

This is a Batman's world and we all live in its society.

Is this out already?

This week.

>Diana as Doctor Fate
Could be interesting

Everything is dead, apparently.

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>we all live in its society.
Joker meme.

Oh for fuck sake...
Getting really sick of your shit, Bats.

>Is it an apocalyptic-future
>or Bruce being crazy?
Going by the previews? Yes.

You ever watch 12 Monkeys? They're just doing 12 Monkeys, but with Batman.

Except Diana and a bunch of chicks.

$5 says Snyder lets the mini end without ever fucking explaining any of what happened

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is he still stuck in that nightmare machine?

Then why even wear the helmet? Is it fashionable or anything?

>just pick up a GL ring and put it on makes you a GL
Uh, ok?

>Is it an apocalyptic-future or Bruce being crazy?
Bruce being crazy given he's wearing a straitjacket.

Isn't it just an Elseworlds?

It's crazy it was always going to be crazy. Capullo being wasted on this fuckwit once again. I'd rather see him given to fucking Mags, there's no way he could do a worse damn job than Snyder.

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it´s just dc ripping of marvel again
this seems like old man logan but with batman

I don't think Old Man Logan was the first apocalyptic future story.

DC already copied that. Cant wait for DCivil war

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I hate nu-Harley so much. Her hair should not be red and blue split down the middle from her retarded "exposure to chemical vat" retcon. That doesn't make any sense at all. And she's supposed to have dependency issues, not be a strong self-made woman who takes care of herself.

>ripping of marvel again
Marvelfags actually believe this is the trend instead of the reverse.

That's a cheeky riff off Logan's more than anything.

It is like DCfags live in a time bubble or something

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I bet if you straight up dared any of the chucklefucks running DC to make a happy story, they'd be completely unable to come up with any ideas whatsoever. Fuck these edgelords.

That's the shittiest cover I've ever seen

DC is plenty lighthearted, but you'd have to read comics to actually know that first.

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>DC is plenty lighthearted
user, you may be a nascent serial killer. You should seek therapy immediately before you hurt someone.

Based retard, the retcon was only about ber skin, she painted her hair to be more "cinematic"

Confirmed casual

Well we know Snyder is gonna make Batman fuck all of them. DC loves Diana sleeping with earth ending tyrants for some reason

Confirmed psychopath. And I'd ask you to point to these alleged lighthearted books, but why bother when I know full well you wont because they don't exist. Fuck off.

but not Ares for some reason

I do believe it's based off of the Walking Dead cover where Michonne first appeared.

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Uncreative marvel shill. JLI and early YJ are notorious for being examples of DC funtimes, among others. You could start there but we both know you aren't ever picking up a DC book. Gotta prove yourself right by any autistic means necessary.

Looks like they are reading the Marvel's catalogue in reverse, i wonder what's next for them to copy.

>that's a copy, not a copy

my sides DC really stands for Damage Control

Ares doesn’t have any fanwankers on DC staff. Maybe Azzarello but that’s about I doubt that trumps his own Batwankery.

I saw a trailer with him carrying a Joker head and it made me think of Headlopper.

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I mean current stuff, dumbass. The fact you had to go bad to older material only proves my point.

Wonder twins, Young Justice, Naomi, teen titans, Freedom fighters.


Oh boy, we're getting more of Capullos gay ass buzz cuts for Bruce.

Civil War

>Wonder Twins
Wrong. The Wonder Twins are shit, and they should've stayed in the trash where they belong.

>Young Justice

Also Bendis.

>Teen Titans

>Freedom Fighters
Again, should've stayed in the trash.

So all the lighthearted stuff is crap that no sane person gives a shit about. Because of course. Fuck this industry.

>The Wonder Twins are shit,

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The Wonder Twins are indeed shit, and always have been. What brain parasites do you have that make you think the Wonder Twins are acceptable in any way? Fuck you.

>The Wonder Twins are indeed shit, and always have been
Keep digging your grave, you already outed yourself as a shill.

Disliking the equivalent of superhero blackface makes me a shill? For what, good taste? Basic standards? Fuck you and whatever deluded company war nonsense you're trying to cook up. The Wonder Twins are an awful stain on comics history, and should've remained forgotten.

You're a shill because you're combative. If you were sincere you would say
>thanks, I'll check those out
>yeah I read those and they're not for me
But instead you choose to shitpost.

>Waaaaah, why wont you just lick up whatever trash I give you?
>rec-fag accuses others of being a shill
You are literally shilling for books. I'm being combative because you're full of shit. The Wonder Twins are utterly useless and embarrassing characters who have no place in comics. Kill yourself.

>I'm being combative because you're full of shit
No, you're being combative because you were totally insincere about wanting to read light hearted comics.

It's not a retcon if her whole book isn't cannon.

I want to read GOOD lighthearted comics. All of the books you recced are trash.

I hope you're shitposting and don't actually believe Marvel invented post apocalyptic stories/zombie stories.

>Ladderbro being a faggot again

>Batman writer writing Batman story
>Angry that it's a Batman story
>Come into thread dedicated to Batman story to talk about how mad you are about Batman

What’s the context here

They're complaining about Batman being the only character Detective Comics Comics ever gives OGNs to. It's obnoxious as fuck how everyone gets neglected in favor of Bat-prick.

>Heroes in Crisis
>Doomsday Clock
>Mr. Miracle
>Green Lantern E1
>Wonder Woman E1

And the sheer number of Batman standalone stories, even current ones, fra outweigh those. Hell, you had to even resort to one that's not out yet, friend.

>Green lantern earth one
>Wonder woman earth one
I'll take books that went unnoticed for a 100. You know what would be great, if DC made trailers for those books instead of another Batman book.

yeah but taking the apocalyptic setting and turning famous heroes into old people who are depressed and dressed up like road warrior rip offs started with old man logan

So you jump from Batman is the only character who gets OGNs, to other characters don't get more than Batman. There's no pleasing you. Batman gets OGNs because creators want to work on them and people buy them.
>Hell, you had to even resort to one that's not out yet, friend.
All of those are out though?

>You know what would be great, if DC made trailers for those books instead of another Batman book.
It would be

Green Lantern EO is out? News to me. Accidentally proved other user's point.

Also, ever heard of hyperbole? Of course other characters occasionally get their own extra material, but that it's so rare is indicative of how the creators working at DC seem primarily interested in Batman and very little else. There are so many other characters, but nobody gives a shot about them. It's just kinda sad.