Is she the only thing from SU Yea Forums unequivocally love?

Is she the only thing from SU Yea Forums unequivocally love?

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If someone doesn't love that ass they don't belong in Yea Forums

I think I have watched maybe 2 episodes of SU in its entire run. Not including Blue Diamond in any way. But perpetually sad looking girl (see also Misery, Creepy Susie ect.) ALWAYS pique my interest.

What if I told you she had the slightest touch of an Irish accent?

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Most of Yea Forums also seem to love Steven father and uncle.

Before the forgive-ju-jitsu, the diamonds were without fault loved.

She's big, she's Blue (see, Misery, Asari, Krystal, Na'vi ect. (I.E Best colour)) and she has sad eyes. I'm not sure I'll ever watch SU all the way through but ever SU thread on /aco/ I pray for more Blue Diamond.

Their pearls were fun too.

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Greg is too precious to be hated, wish every dad was like Greg

Made for my fetishes.

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Still love them after and redemption =/= absolution. Homeworld's crimes are nowhere near resolved yet.

Blue > Pink > White=Yellow

no that would be the cancellation or the end of production as a whole

She's the only attractive character in the whole goddamn show.

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Pretty much the only thing that Yea Forums can agree upon with SU is that there's enough body and personality variety that basically everyone has something to be attracted to. I think Blue just hits the most marks for the biggest number of people.

Imagine being tucked between those giant blue breasts.

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Let’s not get crazy here.

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The show has plenty of attractive characters, in fact pretty much every single blue gem is attractive in one way or another. I think people focus too hard on the bad designs and forget the good ones.

She's the only character I know besides Blue Diamond who rocks my socks. (Possibly because of an affair with an Indian MILF a few years ago, Thiccer Desi Girls get me good)

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Blue gems do have the lion's share of attractive characters, though Pink's court is no slouch.

Patrician taste, my friend.

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Hot take: SU has far more attractive female characters than unattractive ones, and there are only a handful of characters that I'd call outright ugly. Shout out to the caterpillar monstrosity on that one, holy fuck what were they thinking.

We can all agree she does shave right? Too sad?

I prefer White

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Probably just doesn't have hair where she doesn't want it.

And what if I told you she was 50 feet tall? Yea Forums really is the headquarters on Yea Forums for giantess fetish

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Ehh Flourite is cute in a grandmotherly way. I can't be mad at her.

so long as shes got the glow on. fuck that weird hair helmet thing she and yellow have

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BD is truly the waifu diamond.

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Apart from the first one will we ever see these gems Blue mentioned?

why did they give her such a huge ass?

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If there's one thing I'd give the show credit for, it's showing pretty much everything foreshadowed or namedropped prior (with a few exceptions for now).

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It's fucking unreal

Like being 50ft tall wasn't enough

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Don't ask questions, just be grateful.

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>Few exceptions
The chest right? I've no idea what'll be in that thing but I guess they have free reign to write a new plot thread or something for it without the worry of a retcon.

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My dad works for Steven Universe and he told me what was in the chest.
An embarrassing photo of Pink Diamond at the Christmas party!

Excuse me guys, but where did you get these pictures of my wife?

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There's several red flags with this but my autistic brain flew right to the whole "no Christmas in SU" thing

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That "fight" (more of a clash really) was a lot of fun. Never expected her to have laser spam abilities.

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She's such a shitty fighter too, it's really cute

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Funny how quickly characters like Garnet can be turned around when they're given an opportunity to shien. I never disliked her, but Pool Hopping and Reunited (plus the Diamond Days arc) definitely helped improve her image IMO

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I think she's just lazy.

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I think she's just more of a bullet hell boss.

Thankfully she has Stompy McGee to back her up.

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Would be a pretty fun boss fight. Deal with Yellow in close combat, dodge Blue's projectiles.

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What about the best Pearl?

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pink is on defense but what's white's role?

T-Posing to assert dominance and undermine enemy morale.

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What kind? Dublin? Or a more rural one like out in Connaught or down near Cork?

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I'm not entirely sure. I'm all thumbs when it comes to UK accents when they aren't thick as oatmeal.

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Emasculating the enemy?

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Wrong picture

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Did you see Song of the Sea? Lisa Hannigan, Blue Diamond's VA, voiced Bronagh in the English dub.

What if she's always in commando?

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Ho mama

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All of the Diamonds are pretty awesome.
It's just kind of shame they were redeemed so suddenly.

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Technically we already saw Hessonite in a game, but I'm pretty sure the design is official. So a Demantoid would also share Garnet's general appearance (tall, wide hips, thick lips, poofy hair) only have a green color scheme?

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she's played by lisa hannigan, who's from Meath. So more rural, but not full on bogger like connaught.

Our Garnet is a Pyrope. So that kinda already tells us what she looks like.
Yeah I imagine they're running with that in canon (minus the cartoonier eyes from the game). I imagine Garnets only differ in shape from each other as much as Quartz do.

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Bullshit move that kills the entire party when you're about to win the fight but is actually really easy to avoid

Garnet isn't a "true" Garnet, she's a fusion. That's why Blue was mocking her for Steven suggesting that Garnet enter with the "real" Garnets.

what wonderful shartbrapping hips

Yes, but her color is Pyrope. In the literal sense, gems of the same type are named after their color or pattern.

No, because the fraction of Yea Forums that arent zoomers or zoomennials dont watvh SU period.

Boomers don't even count anymore, all they talk about is capeshit and Yea Forums

Post crossovers

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