So... what does Yea Forums think about this show?

so... what does Yea Forums think about this show?

(unoriginal new-fagy thread, i know)

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Other urls found in this thread:

genuine enjoyment
each character had a great personality

Here in the upper mid east of the US we never thought she was cool despite what others would have you believe

I never saw much past season 3 or so, but it was good from what I saw. The guitar loop they use for everything was annoying as piss and racked my brain

Pretty great
Definitely the type of cartoon you watch because you don't realize you have a crush on the main character until 10 years later
Great dialogue, which is unironically the most important part of any cartoon that isn't action focused
Funny, extremely dry in a way most cartoons aren't

Definitely the kind of show I thought they would try to reboot before now, but I'm glad it's coming back at all

Saw it as a kid idolizing Daria. Saw it again this year with new appreciation for every other character, especially Stacie, Jodi, and Quinn

(And Trent)

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huh, most people who are fans that i’ve spoken to have actually not been in favor of a reboot. i agree somewhat, the series ended pretty nicely with a solid conclusion. plus if the rebooted it right now it would be pandering, not refreshing like it used to be. the paradigm has changed i guess. also i dont want to risk them potentially giving jane that one lesbian haircut where half their hair is buzzed off. boner killer.

>the guitar loop they used for everything
oh no no no, you missed out on the actual soundtrack

if you ever try watching it again make sure to download the restoration project

That thread was legendary and I'm glad to see that people are still mocking that guy.

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I just finished re-watching Saturday (watching because saw few when i was like 8). I overall enjoyed it but it felt a bit lackluster of an ending. Also they could have developed Daria a bit more. Also wish they didn't do some of the side characters wrong at the end.
>img unrelated

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It ended well, but honestly, it's a good show and I don't see why people wouldn't want more

I'm not saying I want more because there was some stuff unresolved, but I mean, I'd love to see the character in new situations

All reboots are some kind of pandering, so it's not like there's ever a good time for a reboot
>I don't want jane to look different because muh dick
People like you are the reason reboots turn out poorly
You're saying you don't want pandering and yet here you are begging to be pandered to


Here's a link to the specific post

TLDR a guy claimed that the culture Daria was into was never seen as cool and that Daria was never seen as cool, and when asked about where he lived (because he kept making weird claims about the US) he said he was from the "upper mid east". Thread then devolved into people arguing with what appeared to be a brick wall for hours.

Gee, user. It seems to me that if you were to develop a retroactive appreciation of any of the show's diverse cast of characters, your first instinct as an individual of discerning taste would be favoritism towards Sandi.

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i’ll have you know that my dick is VERY important sir

There was an actual soundtrack?

One of those shows I only watched for the milf character.

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The original airing used a shitload of contemporary alternative rock music that they had access to due to MTV, but they ended up losing the rights to later. Any rerun or release after a certain date didn't have the music.

If I wanted to hear some jaded teen-girl who probably thinks shes really different for knowing Nietzsche is, I’d just get up from my pc and walk into my 15 year old sisters room.

le zoomer culture has arrived

>claim you hate pseudo-intellectuals
>forget to add a “who”

nice job, retard

Probably my top 3 favorite western animated shows. One of the few shows i can think of with a fantastic final season, and a satisfying episode. Sending my prayers that the reboot is good, don't mind it being different just needs to not suck

My personal headcannon has always been that sandi is an unironic witch, but my justification for that is a mess

I just fucking read this in her nasally but totally hot voice.

>giving jane that one lesbian haircut where half their hair is buzzed off

Funny you mention that considering a few years ago someone who worked on the show released drawings of what she thought certain characters would look like now...and Jane had that haircut.

Loved it. Jane Lane was best girl.

Surprised they haven't rebooted Daria since '90s nostalgia is the hot thing at the moment.

They are actually working on it. It'll feature Daria and her good friend Jodie.


Are there any screenshots of the reboot yet? I had a nightmare about it literally last night. Daria was blue haired winged-eyeliner feminist trash.

To be fair, Daria was a very feminist show. Yeah though, I'm not looking forward to the new "updated" look of the modern feminist.

Reminds me of an awful fever dream I had once where the series was pretty much the same but Daria was...fat, for some reason. I blame nyquil.

The remakes has been "in the works" for a while now, seems like they're aware it'll be judged harshly. Plus both Daria and Jodi are people who would not want this anyway

i mean, makes sense in weird way. i always found it odd how someone who sat around a lot, pretty much ate whatever they wanted, and was anti-vanity/anti-diet culture had a thigh gap. probably because when mike judge first made her a character in beavis and buttheas it was based on a girl he was dating, and come on, who willingly dates a fat chick?

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ha ha ha yeah

perish the though

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>Daria has a lucrative job working on TV but is still miserable and lonely

Works pretty well desu

>Britney and Kevin sill together

I prefer this alternative future

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WHAT. Why so elusive user?

>in her voice
Still the hottest Fashion Club President.

i guess you could say she wasnt drawn to scale. pleasegod he lp me im so lonley

Daria was that first SoL animated show I got into. Was very popular in my age group who also enjoyed the animu. There was Daria, and Tenchi Muyo yet both starkly different but both have strong woman-centric driven characters.

user are you okay? Would you like me to call someone?

what the fuck are you talking about dude holy shit imagine being this much of a brainlet

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Anyone got the link to the thread where someone claiming to work on the reboot gave a bunch of dirt?

Don't have the link, but remember some of the stuff:

>>Aunt Amy is the big bad.
>>Lots of lore about Helen's side of the family (with Amy being her illegitimate sister)
>>Mack being replaced with a new black character and will be Stacy's step-brother
>>Trent and Jane now twins
>>Quinn and Upchuck aged down to 12 years old and a running gag where Quinn is jealous Upchuck likes Daria more than he does Quinn
>>And some shit about how MTV insist Jodie has to be super perfect, yet wanting to ape the movie "Welcome To the Dollhouse" with regards to the Daria/Quinn sister relationship

>>>Quinn and Upchuck aged down to 12 years old and a running gag where Quinn is jealous Upchuck likes Daria more than he does Quinn

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ugh, a reboot? i can already sense an obnoxious episode about school shootings

god damn I legit cannot wait to watch this dumpster fire they're going to botch the show so hard that even the dumblr girls will hate it

Love it. Got it on DVD.

Jane best girl.

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Ok, I will now attempt to summarize this thread

general consensus? good

>reboot bad
>reboot good
>reboot bad because tumblr
>fuck tumblr
>where are they now?
>aaww ffuck man i wanna fuck bbw daria so baaad
>reboot bad

And that is why she is so perfect!

>Jane best girl.
The most sensible post in this thread.

It was a solid show that had a few bumps in the road here and there, the final season almost petered out but it ended on a great final episode...and a subsequent movie that works better as an epilogue for everybody BUT Daria herself who got closure during "Boxing Daria."

Still, really enjoyable, but did anybody else ever wish that Wendy Hoopes had continued to to voice work after this? Sure she's still getting actual work but it's all bit parts in live action and no more character roles--it feels like a bigger waste of talent than getting Kari Walhgren to only voice Jessica in Rick and Morty.

Jane's like Daria except more self-aware, socially competent and emotionally expressive. In other words, she's Daria without most of her flaws.

Original is good
Latin American version is god tier

I never thought that “bbw daria” would be phrase I would ever see used

That is probably why I liked her the most.

hey i just clicked and scrolled to the bottom. what the fuck

longer audio version:

Attached: daria_monster_noaudio.webm (512x364, 2.68M)

Clean your mouse pad you disgusting wretch.

Rewatched it recently and realized just how fucking gay it was. Take it out of the shows context for a second. A misunderstood teenage girl who puts very little effort into making herself attractive for men and doesn’t and hasn’t had a boyfriend spends a lot of time with this one very special woman, who is basically the lesbian dream-girl. They have a lot of sleepovers and are basically inseparable.

Love it.
No show like it since then.

why is this thread littered with typos. retards

>says the faggot posting in lower case

>calls someone a fag for typing in lowercase
>types it in lowercase
dont contradict yourself fagmotron

If you want to wank it to some dykes its fine, you don’t need to justify it

No way Saaandyyy, I would neever do that.

it was a good show that almost got ruined by giving Daria a boyfriend.

But it's okay though, it had a solid ending and last movie and that's all that really matters.

Also Jane is cool.

What always bothered me about Daria as a character is that she referred to herself as an "outcast", but she wasn't. Everyone in her school was super nice to her, even though more-often-than-not she was just a sarcastic asshole 1000% of the time. The only person who actually treats her badly is her sister Quinn, but Quinn is a bitch, and their interests are so divergent that Daria wouldn't want to hang out with her even if they got along.

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Remembered the show ended just right before 9/11 (the finale movie came out in January 2002, but most of the production probably happened months before). The show's so late 90s that I can't imagine how the show would tackle all the shit that happened in the first half of the 00s.

>What always bothered me about Daria as a character is that she referred to herself as an "outcast", but she wasn't.
This. Everyone in the school knew her and were on speaking terms with her. What kind of outcast regularly talks to the quarterback and head cheerleader of the school? That one goth girl was the real outcast because no one even talked to her except Upchuck.

I think its great. typical teenager thing to do.

There should have been an episode where a new kid moved to Lawndale and assumed Daria was the popular girl because everyone in the whole school talked to her.

Exactly. At least in the new "It" movie you see the other girls dumping trash or Bev for being a red-haired white-nigger, Daria doesn't get shit done to her and literally ever other character lets her just roll right over them.