Obscure Yea Forums references

And by "obscure", I mean "references that most normies wouldn't get".

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what the fuck is a normie?

>Normie: anyone who’s not as autistic as me.

I imagine in this case, just people who don't consume even a fraction as much media as the common Yea Forums-goer. In the wider sense, what said.

You know, if I saw just this image 10 years ago, I'd have thought it was from some DiviantArt fan-fiction.

You guys know that webshow, Crash Course US History that stars John Green? In them, he will sometimes read a document, and pictures show up to depict certain words with some being references to things. The weirdest one I've seen is Jailbot from fucking Superjail.

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Anyone who likes Cats Don't Dance is a good person.

For anyone who doesn't get the reference:

Actually saw that episode recently and was caught a bit off guard by such a random reference coming out of nowhere. It's not exactly that famous of a movie in the cultural conscience and I figure most people wouldn't get it even if they saw it as a kid.

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I felt the same way. I was honestly pretty taken back by it and assumed it a coincidence until I actually watched Big and Loud afterwards. I think this is the first time Cats Don’t Dance was ever referenced in anything else.

Doesn’t Trey have a young daughter? That’s probably how/why it got referenced.


The thing is that there's no real reason for the reference. No connection to the plot or anything aside from "Kyle as a villain".

If any show were to reference the movie it'd be neat if Bojack did since both are about "animals in Hollywoo(d)". They could act like Cats Don't Dance is a sanitized children's cartoon retelling of a true story or something.

Watched it with a friend not too long ago and I remember joking that it was a prequel to Bojack Horseman.

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so this

>Somebody said I am a normie, give me trivial facts to parrot next time somebody calls me like that.
Oh kid...

Where did they do this?


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What's even odder is that it seems to be backed up by a pink elephants reference. Just a very weird scene in general, but then again, that's probably the point given that it's Cartman's mind.

>little mermaid
>cats dont dance

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These are probably the movies that Trey’s young daughter is watching now.

Oh okay. Pretty cool.

I think it's just a way of saying that Cat's Don't Dance, though not Disney, is severely underrated and is on par with the best Disney has to offer. It is in the same league of classic.

well both in Little Mermaid and Cats Don't Dance a couple gets threatened
Still rare to reference Cat's Don't Dance, maybe an animator working on the show recently watched it

That would be me.

Your parents might be old enough to get this.

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Holy shit this is actually real.

Damn.. I really didn't think anyone under the age of 40 would get this. :^)

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There's the multiple laughing joke references in that one episode of South Park.

Trey is a fan of musicals

You ever been in a room of people and realized you have absolutely 0 interest in anything they're yammering on about? Congratulations you met normies.
Ever seen something get wildly popular despite your and your freinds if your have them hatting it? Normies are eating it up.
ever wonder why all the things you love become dog shit the second they get big? They're locusts, feeding on a fad till it dies and moving on to the next with no care for who was there before.

The jews dancing always fucking kill me

The Little Mermaid one is even better when you realize that Eric is Prince Eric

My dad and me watch a lot of MeTV

So what you're saying is normies are non-fedoras who have the nerve to like what you don't like. Got it.

>"references that most normies wouldn't get"
But that's lame. How about references not even the average basement dweller would know about?

Is what normalfags call other normalfags when they are LARPing as the scary hacker known as Yea Forums.

Someone who doesnt shoot mosque and have less blood on their hands than a channer

You are special,cool,unique,conterculture and ahead of the curve because you browse an imageboard

At that point, the thread would be nothing but "I put a reference to my 3rd grade best friend's inside joke in my webcomic" and 3 people talking about the handful of MST3K jokes that were references to the actors' lives.

>You ever been in a room of people and realized you have absolutely 0 interest in anything they're yammering on about?
Yes, I have visited Yea Forums once.

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Yeah that's basically it