Carol Thread

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It's not Tuesday yet though.

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>they had Sentry drones planned
>they didn't use them

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well, I don't care if it's not tuesday

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Anyone following Carol through War of the Realms? She hasn't done a ton of stuff yet, but in her Strikeforce book she gathered a team and went straight for Malekith to try and take him down so this war doesn't go on. She failed and now is all moody about it. I just like how she picked her team for people who have no problem with killing

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Why is this costume such shit?

That Hela though. Bless Cho

Everything about the movie is shit


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QUESTION #1: Who would you have cast as Carol if Brie was off the table?

My picks...
>Olivia Thirlby (dredd)
>Alice Eve (star trek into darkness, iron fist)
>Anna Torv (fringe)

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>Anyone following Carol through War of the Realms
The only part of War of the Realms I am following.
Brie is the perfect Carol, scotch the whole thing if she's not available.

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QUESTION #2: Favorite of Carol's outfits?

For me...
> 14 > 13 >> 3/6 >> 4/5 > 15

> 19 >> 18 >>>> 16/17

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Kaitlin Olson

Brie, stop.

QUESTION #3: Favorite Carol redesign?

Pic related are mine. I like all of them better then any official design she has ever had.

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>QUESTION #1: Who would you have cast as Carol
Aly Michalka

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QUESTION #4: Favorite Carol artist?

As Ms Marvel...
> Frank Cho > Sana Takeda (I am including her renditions of moonstone as ms marvel) > Mark Brooks

> As Captain Marvel...
> Mark Brooks > Paulo Siqueria >> David Marquez (more his civil war 2 level of quality and less his aaron's avengers level/lack of quality)

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3, 5 and 13


Charlize Theron

Rocafort, but that's kinda unfair since he's my favorite artist for every character

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Aly for Goblin Queen then?

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You think Carol is ticklish?

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Good times.

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Yes, on her feet

2, 3, 5, 6, 13
none of them, all garbage


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>The only part of War of the Realms I am following.
Same here. I'm skipping the whole thing...
>Olivia Thirlby (dredd)
No offense, but why would anyone cast a twig for that role?
Alice Eve is fine, though. But neither of them are Kathryn Winnick.

BTW for those not in the know, the Captain Marvel digital version already came out.
>Captain Marvel.2019.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AC3-EVO.mkv
I might make some good webm's soon (as I've done with trailers and other movies), so perhaps let's keep this thread alive until I'm done watching Fleabag and Killing Eve? Organically though, I don't want bitching from retards.

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Usually not into blondes but I wanna fuck her

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anything with short hair

>dozen of replies
>more than th half is the same guy

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Best girl × 2
user, there's 26 posters for 39 posts so that's physically impossible.

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>26 IPs and 39 posts
I guess reading isn't a requirement to post here.
I'm partial to 19 with 17's hair. And when it comes to comics design, something like 14 should be fun. I don't get why you don't include recent designs, though... That 15 is some godawful fill-in artist back from A-Force, 4 years ago.

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>No offense, but why would anyone cast a twig for that role?
She's a good actress? Why would anyone cast a fridge in the role?

>Why would anyone cast a fridge in the role?
But user, Chloe Moretz wasn't on the list :^)

It's made to be as inoffensive and generic as possible.
That's the real problem with nuCarol, not all the dumb nitpicks obsessed faggots won't shut up about. She doesn't have any history anymore, or anything that makes her feel unique.

All the other Avengers have a gimmick that sets them apart, a visually distinct look, and a long comics legacy of some sort. Carol's a flying brick with New 52 Superman's costume, and you'd think Marvel would know better since Marvel fans have made fun of DC's flying bricks literally since the 60's and this was the entire reason Carol got a bunch of new powers in the 90's.

Though the movie was a success anyway so what do I know. People seem to like generic sometimes.

Wow, this is looking like the Marvel comics again.

>I don't get why you don't include recent designs
I haven't noticed her having any new outfits besides that post apocalyptic shit in the current comic.
Variations on 9/10/11 has been her main universe design for years.

For MCU?

>this was the entire reason Carol got a bunch of new powers in the 90's.
What? Binary was 80s user.

>QUESTION #1: Who would you have cast as Carol?

Dakota Blue Richards

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And what a glorious time that was.

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>QUESTION #3: Favorite Carol redesign?

Number 2 is spetacular

>QUESTION #4: Favorite Carol artist?
>As Ms Marvel...

Frank Cho
I would like to see the artist DAVID YARDIN drawing Ms Marvel
He is great at drawing women.
Better than Cho, for me
He is great at drawing women.

>She doesn't have any history anymore, or anything that makes her feel unique.
As someone's who's relatively Marvel casual and probably the target demographic for MCU films in general this is my biggest issue with Carol. I have zero knowledge of what makes her special other than that she has a bunch of flashy super powers and is strong as shit. Her movie was boring and her "you guys would have one if you had me" attitude in Endgame made me end up disliking her.
People try to say Superman is boring because he has a bunch of powers and is presented to be unstoppable, despite 80 years of comics history to flesh him out. nuCarol has less than a decade of history and in the movies anyway, idk about the comics presents herself to be unstoppable in an irritatingly smug fashion.
Then again I was completely smashed watching her movie and don't remember a lot of the finer details so maybe I'm being a weapons-grade retard about it.

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>She doesn't have any history anymore, or anything that makes her feel unique.
This is pretty much false, since her history has been referenced multiple times already in recent comics.
As usual it's people who don't fucking read her in first place who chime in to tell you why "she doesn't work."

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Perfect for ryona!

in that suit?only in our dreams

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Lol no.

Hell...Kelly Thompson even brings up that cursed Avengers 200 issue in her run

Sorry sweetie, but the Queen of Yea Forums doesn't need your approval.

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Absolutely nothing!
The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #3
Marvel Previews #23, for August stuff I guess
Captain Marvel is out on digital right now! Go get it and support /ourqueen/!

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She isn't in any War of the Realms this week? She's supposed to be the main protector of earth while Thor was gone and he only just got back.

>most important character arc is getting put in a coma by rogue

Most popular, but not most important. THIS is the most important .

She was never in a coma, dumb casual.

Cut him some slack, he only saw the X-Men cartoon, not like he'd be able to name the issue where Rogue throws her out of the bridge without googling.

Alright, time for webm's! I'm gonna spend some time tonight making a few clips of my favorite scenes, leave your requests here and I'll make them for you.
Starting with this one... I loved this part.

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Yea Forums used to have Monday Carol threads but ever since twitter started making Tuesday Carol tweets, surprise, surprise.

Do you have more movie concept art?

Yes that is exactly why I changed to Tuesday.
Sure, they've all started posting what they worked on.
Haven't found this one yet though.

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Anyone. Brie Larson is shit.

One of the first concepts shown back at SDCC 2017
Shit taste

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I don't know why but people here don't really differentiate the Mckelvie and Anka costumes.

They don't pay enough attention to the details.
Protip: It's in the abs.

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I like that she triggers the incels

>First take of Supreme Intelligence from #CaptainMarvel I imagined her as a military leader commanding the Kree military from the comfort of her outdoor throne on Hala.
somebody must've told Stohl

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Yess I was looking for this one. I like the Kree outfits here. Hopefully next movie we get Carol wrecking shit in Hala.

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Holy crap is that Kelly Sue Deconnick?

Wouldn't be surprised if someone leaked some sort of information to the comics people and they worked on what they got. I mean Bendis leaked a bunch of early draft stuff from the GotG movie and Perlman said he had access to the script. Also that Mar-Vell is Carol's mother rumor probable lead to the Mari-El stuff.

Breaking conditioning...
Okay, this is complete new to me. I have another concept art pic but I am sure you'll post it (train scene), if not then I'll do it.
And this is the first time I see this one in actually good quality!

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>Early exploration of where Vers would convene with the Supreme Intelligence. This take was more of an outdoor arena. #CaptainMarvel

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The fact they got KSD in the set means they must've had input from the comics department. Maybe not all of them, but this list in the credits tells me they must've consulted at least a handful of them.
>yfw Al Ewing is on the list
>yfw Ultimates

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>Okay, this is complete new to me.
That one's actually in the art book! ( isn't)

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I need to get that art book, I really enjoy these concept pics. I hope they actually include the Kree Sentries in the sequel .

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I am still hoping we'll get Big giant Head Supreme Intelligence at one point. Hopefully in CM2 in a scene where they reveal what it looks like.

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>her face when her brain is overloaded with incel-tier hate videos on Youtube

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Pretty sure it just means they took some material or inspiration from their stories. But yeah KSD consulting I do believe since they had her on set and Feige mentioned her a lot.

But you're right if KSD was on set and if they had some comic creators on set someone leaked something to Stohl.

train scene up to punching old lady!

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>The absolute worst BillyCarol image
Hopefully it works as a vaccine at least
Ewing created Soh-Larr, that's what he's credited for.

Both of those are ugly and 1b is too Nova. WTF is up with the Star crotch on the third one? Glad they got rejected.

>c version
Fuck me, that's amazing.
Train scene coming right up.

>But you're right if KSD was on set and if they had some comic creators on set someone leaked something to Stohl.
It can't be coincidence.
>Ewing created Soh-Larr
Ohhhhh so that's why he was joking about the name so much on twitter.

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This is sexy as hell

Nope, especially since Marvel Studios doesn't feed Marvel Entertainment anything. The only thing they do is tell them which characters they don't plan to use.

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Bartel doing a Fearless cover, looks like.
Hey, have Carol and Sue interacted since that one Alias issue?

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This movie would have been a thousand times better if we got a third act fight with Sentry Drones. At least something for Carol to actually brawl with.


Anyway here's the full train scene , had to cut down on size and quality to get it to comply with Yea Forums's limits. It doesn't look terrible though.

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Oops, it was a Pulse issue.

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Reintroducing... The Tesseract.

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SHARE your team ideas that include Carol on them!

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Still the most coolest costume, and the fact that she triggered incels makes it even better

Carol and Jess, teaming up to raise their son together

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13, 14, & 19

Why is it ok for wonder woman to dress like this but not CM?

An MCU A-Force movie.

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When are they just going to make Carol a lesbian or bi? Would make more sense than Iceman.

Carol needs to be the Avenger's space person.

They got everything else
>Cap is the leader, tactical army guy
>Tony is the tech guy
>Thor is the magic warrior guy
>Pym is the super scientist
>Widow is the super spy government agent
>Vision is the artificial robot guy

They need someone who knows space, the bigshots in space, all the alien people and leaders, etc. Knows how to get from place to place and all the main customs etc. Last time they had that was Quasar and he left back in the early 90s.


What was it then?

>MCU Carol looks better with short hair

>Comic Carol looks better with long hair

I don't understand.

The GotG are their space guys

Unf. That is sexy as hell

Can wonder man not fly again?

Comic artists in general aren't used to draw short-haired women without making them look tomboyish. Though frankly, Kris Anka's designs inspired everyone else's "mannish" look for two full years, it took people like Marquez, Bandini and Rocafort to save her from looking completely hideous.

Avenger's space guy, read the post

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Anka Carol looked hot as fuck, pleb.

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It's true though.

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Anka Carol best Carol

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Why singular?

(1) Marvel had a much bigger leftist propaganda push then Dc did.
(2) Marvel/Disney listen to feminist more then Dc.
(3) WW is more iconic and so people are less tolerant to her being changed hence the outrage against her being given pants.

Given that he did an entire arc and a bit it's strange to see Anka didn't make it onto the movie credits like Takara and Dexter Onions did in I didn't mind the hardbody. At least he kept her as a lean mean built body and not a pumped up muscle bunny.

You're a fucking idiot, fuck off

Love the Goose/Chewie concept art.

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The leotard was iconic enough to inspire ms marvel, why are they trying to forget it?

Onions had Helen Cobb (merged with Mar-Vell), Takara gets credit for Chewie/Goose with Kelly Sue (also why Brian Reed isn't credited)

They aren't, it shows up all the time in flashbacks still. Plus Jess Jones has one now.

Guardians are a different team, that was about a resident space guy for the Avengers.

Anka has only ever been good on Runaways. I have hated every other book he was on

I don't mind the hard body either, truth to be told. But I do mind that every other artist had issues trying to pull the short hair off unsuccessfully, she always ended up looking like Steve Rogers with a Mar-Vell suit. Plus it didn't help that at some point she loses her breasts and is square-chested.
And mind you I'm not one of those who complains about (lack of) tits in comic books but she had basically a diamond-shaped chest with no other curves. She slowly regained her chest after a couple years, but only after her hair was back.

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Well what about the MCU if they ever do ms marvel?

Quit trying so hard to justify your autism

He's right though, the discussion was about having a space guy in the Avengers, the GOTG don't fit the bill because they're a separate team that doesn't respond to them. And Quasar (Wendell Vaughn) was their guy for that, until he died, became a hard light being and retired.

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Don't mind me, it's just the one and only hot-shot superpowered space air-pilot that actually matters. Halchad reporting in.

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Well you beat us in one category I guess

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>green lantern actually made a profit

damn man

Post supporting characters you'd like to see in Carol's sequel.

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I love that Jess cosplays as old Carol for sex

Blake Lively

Top-tier and
Ship for
Men of culture

>Mar-Vell suit on Carol
What the fuck?

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You are about 40 years late to complain user.

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Legs are closed and no scarf, so Mar-Vell, not Ms Marvel.

>trigga nigga


yes, and it still triggers me that Brian Reed wasn't credited when people who did much less with her were.

And the cat was his idea in the first place, damn.

Best design coming through.

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why a dildo?

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he had a fucking 50 issue run, far more than KSD and he defined Carol. The fact that he got snubbed really triggers me

the Ms. Marvel suit, and I'd take a reinvention of that suit anyday than the garbage Captain Marvel inoffensive costumes we keep getting

KSD's run wasn't even good either

her run on Aquaman is turning out even worse

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They remain in constant contact with the GotG at all times. They don't need some "space guy" because that idea is retarded. They can effortlessly contact the Guardians at any point they want when they need info. Not to mention the entire team has been to space a few hundred times and likely already have all this info first hand anyway. So again your idea is still retarded.

Remember when Carol had a short-lived, dysfunctional team with Arana, Machine Man and Sleepwalker?

Not really. Usual rule of Hollywood Accounting is:
> add half again on for the advertising budget (300K)
> then double that figure to reach the break even point (600K)

So they're down 380K on GL.

After the break even point is reached any money earned is pure profit. For really well-promoted movies, such as CM, you can pretty much just double the money spent on marketing.

> 175K x3 = 350K = 700K for Captain Marvel's BE point.

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>175K x3 = 350K
x2 >_<

Should have specified marketttting is half the production budget too.

>all these soft ass looking choices

No more so than a typical Carol thread


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you have shit taste

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>he defined Carol
Nah, modern Carol is all Busiek and then KSD
The only thing I can think of that Reed did uniquely is make her gleefully violent and that didn't stick at all anywhere else
Oh neat!

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That is an impressively hideous pose/outfit/face. How can they take a beautiful actress like Bree and turn her into that.

Jesus Christ Marvel, this isn't hard, show a little bit of skin, have her stand facing the camera with her hands on her waist. Done.

>Nah, modern Carol is all Busiek and then KSD

First it was not my idea, and second of all, that's not even the case in the comics.

How many boxes does he have?

Brie is exactly as tall as RDJ so probably just his regular lifts

>no porn

He's standing on two crates in that picture.
I don't see the digital extras released yet, only the movie itself. Do you know where to find them that isn't youtube videos?
>That is an impressively hideous pose/outfit/face
No it isn't, it's probably the most comics accurate outfit in the MCU in f--
>Jesus Christ Marvel, this isn't hard, show a little bit of skin
Oh it's you.

kill yourself kid carol is a non character and brie is subhuman

you are a failure brie

movie failed like your life failed btw carols threads are legit 3 subhuman loser VPN/phone posting in masse since no one likes carol

somebody got triggered

thats seman you retarded sjw dyke men are above subhuman cumrags like you

>movie failed
In what reality ?

yes you are its the only emotion you have
this one nig

Don't reply, don't engage, just report and watch it go away. That guy posts the same shit on every thread like this (just look for "brie is subhuman, tons of hits).

ill stay wont be removed and you need to apologize for being alive you worthless spec

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yes carol threads are stupid worthless and have no value and what is left Yea Forums wants you dead

no reeds run was her start in being important

you know what you are, faggot? you're a sheep. you're just following the trend. it's "in" to bash Captain Marvel and Brie Larson so that's what you do. and you giggle to yourself about how rebellious you are, how you're triggering people so hard.
that's what you think you're doing. what you're really doing is showing people what an absolute retard you are, not to mention a kid. you're posting from your phone, can't use punctuation, can barely string words together in a sentence and have no clever insults at all. you're not even good for entertainment value. all you are is sad.
now put the phone down, put some clothes on, and go beat up the black dude fucking your mom in the other room.

why is WW wearing pants?

A lot of the defining traits from Carol's personality (and important arcs like her alcoholism) were established in Busiek's Avengers, as well as many of the modern era Ms Marvel attitude. Not saying Reed had no merit, but a lot of the interesting character arcs happened elsewhere as part of events or crossovers.

get back your discord ill keep this up till you make the stats 42%

So Carol can tear them off later

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so you're ok with black dudes fucking your mom? good to know. do you let them fuck you too? (looks over your posts) yep, you sure do.

I'll allow it

its 41% now it will be 42% when you kys and that 1 of the 3 carols fags dead Yea Forums wont miss you

what kind of incest obessed autist is emotionally invested in their mother's sex life?

the kind who obsessively attempts to troll Carol threads with inane babble

>tfw no porn

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retarded loser cant even spell now you 3 carol fags are sad

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Thunderbolts SOON

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Hahahaha, what the hell?

I wanna see this suit again

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When they make an Avengers 2099 movie, you will.

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im not getting paid i swear thread

>i-i-i-i-ii-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-its a conspiracy I swear it!!!!
have sex


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>wanting a female superhero to show their calves or wrist, or god forbid, cleavage, makes you a twisted sex pervert.

I bet you haven't been fucked in a year.

have sex

When is the Car-El shit going to get undone?

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You're complaining about a character's design because it isn't sexy enough for you. That's the extent of your criticism. So yes, I am justified in dismissing it.
By the way I never said you were a "twisted sex freak" nor even implied it, that's your own words.
Considering it amounts to nothing, never?

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All 3 Carolfags need to kill themselves

Katheryn winnick from Vikings seemed like the better choice, it's pretty obvious they weren't looking for solid acting chops, or at least they didn't commit anything that would require said chops from script to screen.
Disney went for the younger actor with the Oscar association.

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That Parker is too old

A boy can dream can't he

Cope harder

>anywhere near Brie in either talent or match for Carol
Why lie?

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Poor Billy weighed down by DC

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Happy Tuesday Yea Forumsrps

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>I lost the argument so Imma pretend to be someone else

wow fag

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It really, REALLY wasn't me. I just am a Quasar fan who knows what he's talking about and wouldn't consider the GOTG to be in any way allies to the Avengers as if they there their extended team in space.

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how HYPED are you for CarolJess mini, Yea Forumsrps?

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I would love if she crushed me with her thighs. I don't want the cat anywhere near me, though.

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MY thread

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There’s the problem- her comics history should’ve been explored more in endgame. I actually don’t think Carol’s bad and don’t see the problem he’s talking about, though, but that could be one of the reasons why he’s saying she has no history.

>complete with the camel toe
God bless

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Winnick is really good at the tough girl act, I think I would have prefered her

>wanting Carol to be generic tough girl

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damn, she looks really good in the suit here.

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I like it specially since the red really pops in this picture, so it no longer seems as if the MCU movies are all drab and miserable.

will they finally kiss?

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Hey look it's the reason we moved to Tuesdays!
>#CaptainMarvelTuesday #wip from Captain Marvel #8 (W) @79SemiFinalist (A) me

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>Here's a little #CaptainMarvelTuesday for you! This is from #CaptainMarvel #7 out in June, art by @AnnapMartello! And remember, kids - CM has a DOUBLE SHIP in June - so keep your eyes peeled for issues 6 AND 7. #CarolDanvers #BlackWidow #DoctorStrange Power Trio Unite!

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>And here's another tease for @CarmenCarnero 's return to #CaptainMarvel in July with issue #8. SWOON! #CaptainMarvelTuesday

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>Also...I've been waiting A WHILE to show you guys this fucking amazing panel @CarmenCarnero did of #JessicaDrew #SpiderWoman. She has LITERALLY NEVER LOOKED MORE BEAUTIFUL. I LOVE HER. (this is from #CaptainMarvel #8 out in July!)

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CarolNat AND Strange? June's gonna be a good month (also because of the GOTG Annual and Immortal Hulk #19)

> hey! it would mean everything to me if you took this jacket with you

> thanks kid i'm gonna burn it in the atmosphere in 8 seconds

>clearly way beyond lower orbit

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>I don't even know how to pee without my thing.

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>GOTG Annual
Vaguely Carol-adjacent.

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Basically this

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Why did she barely do anything in Endgame? They take the time to release her movie right before Endgame, making her out to be a trump card...then she does jack shit.

There's literally no reason Tony had to die with Carol there. She should have been able to take care of Thanos. Shit, if they absolutely HAD to snap away his forces...why didn't Carol do it? She's not a normal human like Tony, she's basically on Thor's level, it presumably wouldn't kill her. If they weren't going to bother using Captain Marvel's strength in a way that actually counted, just introduce AFTER Endgame.

Why are you assuming Carol is less important than Avengers?

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looks ok, but its not a flattering shot for some reason.

because Carol couldn't get the gauntlet off of him

but yes it was weird she was barely there and Strange didn't even bother to TP her in, I guess they didn't figure her movie would be that successful and people would want her to be more involved

reminds me of the weird feeling how black panther was this massive cultural moment for black people all around the world and then they dust him and most of wakanda 2 months later lmao, thankfully normies got the picture that he'd be back and there wasn't a backlash


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When does the far beta start?

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Is that frank cho? I really love to adopt his art style to the whole petrol drawings, but whenever I emulate his style I always makes the face overly masculine.

>Is that frank cho?

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fuck yea, I love Brande, I can always do with more Brande

daww...I expected this call to be about Jessica Drew not Jessica Jones, but I like both

LMD Drew is in the issue

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>punches his head off
wow, rude

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>Why lie?
Not him but in all honesty user I haven't seen it, I have seen lot of stony faced moving an eyebrow up and down and terse one liners but not much in the way of acting, I'm not getting any sense of a character with Carol Danvers I would say this is directly attributable to Larson's portrayal.

I was just thinking that myself this is Captain Marvel, why can't be Brie be like this all the time.

This spider man is already taken.

Immortal Hulk
Still featuring Gamma Flight

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Sounds rad. I'll pick it up.

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LMAO @ Stature's legs in this panel.

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Magnificent Ms. Marvel #3

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They better not skimp out and keep the lineup limited to the MCU original six. The Avengers are already supposed to be well established in the "MGU".

>he's the new regular cover artist

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The irony is that Marvel has a long history of treating it's female characters like shit.

I'm watching the featurettes now... Damn man, this is so cool, I wish we could see more of Starforce in the sequels, what's left of them at least, since we don't know how Korath the Pursuer ended up with Ronan anyway.

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Not sure if I like the open collar, but I do like the lines of the shoulders more.

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She can't keep getting away with this!

We need Minnerva

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No, I don't know what they're saying.

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Was this posted yet? Oh fuck it.

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Thread up until the preview for #6 next week?
Or die until Tuesday?

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I love Amora and wish she got more to do.

You could probably just fold Widow and Pym into Panther, as the super scientist stealth guy

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