Here's your 6th titan bro
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She actually looks cute in this style tf
is she going to be a permanent addition?
And yet, even with this not being just another lol random character gag, I simply don’t care and I actually like Bumblebee
removing the lipstick brings up the cute factor
Wonder girl?
Yes. . . Yes, more of this. I wonder if she'll have the accent like SBFF
Who should Bumble Bee be shipped with, and why should it be Robin_?
did they ditched the east coast titans?
Sorry user, Robin's too busy getting AMAZONED.
Robin gonna get cucked
Appeared for real??!
it's easy to make characters look cute when you chibify them to the point of removing all but their most essential physical features.
Inferior Bumblebee. Now that I've seen the DCSHG one, no other Karen will compare.
typical herogirlsfag being delusional
I'd take TTG's Bumblebee over Flutterbee any day
Wait, are you allowed to have two black characters on the same team? Isn't that against the law or something?
Now, I wonder how the DC hero girls and the Titans would interact.
The trench coat, boombox and horse I recognize but what movie had fireworks as a romantic gesture?
imagine watching this waifubait show
Is that cleavage shopped?
Not if they end up dating. Then again Cyborg's fucking Jinx. Then again he's already tried to score Diana while dating her AND just threw her off a waterfall while being attacked by bears.
I think it's a reference to all those movies that end on some sort of fireworks festival for the big kiss. Which is pretty cliche'd in itself.
She's cuter in DCSHG
I think that's more of kissing with fireworks in the background
But drops the slut factor
In the immortal words of Homer Simpson
>Imagine that body with this head.
She's just a human Fluttershy in DCHG
what a disgusting bug, squash it
>The big sweater
>The shy look
WG next week. Yay
You can't have a single black character in a slapstick-type show.
Why do people care about Bumblebee?
In the immortal words of some user
She improved Wasp
And there nothing wrong with that.
People really fucking love Bumblebee
if you dont mind being baited and eating shit
>Cuter in DCSHG
No, she looks like a human horse. Why DCSHG is popular is beyond my understanding as it is just DC + Ponies. Which just shows that Faust only can make alternate Pony shows. Nothing ORIGINAL.
>Why DCSHG is popular is beyond my understanding
>she looks like a human horse.
This is gonna be the best post this whole thread is going to have so let's all pack our stuff
Never watched MLP so I don't care
Fair enough. Who cares about reaching the kid demographic. Let's hit the horny teenager to adult.
She is the humanized version of a horse character from a formerly popular pony show. I wasn't descriptive in my original post.
is like super hero girls but way less bland
Hey if it works it works
user MLP is trash but I don't think it fucking invented character archetypes.
DcSHG is improved Pony
The only thing they have in common is shyness and none of the other characters are that similar either
for a couple episodes at least
But she's already a Titan.
Puffball Bumblebee was the worst thing the original series produced. This is a FACT.
No, it didn't. You're right on that aspect. However Lauren is a hack and reuses the same character archetypes.
Does it really? As the show is incredibly bland and Batgirl is nothing but a name. The character in the show isn't a good or even fair representative of Batgirl.
She's a cute black girl and bees are my favorite bugs
shyness is the only characteristic hero girl bee has
MLP was fine for a kids show. The only problem was the brony's autism.
Yeah the haircut is stupid. She needs a definitive look too. Something to help her stand out from Wasp's shadow
Based Superheroposter
also i'm making an animatic of Karen with this
I thought her Rebirth look was a good start, even if her story arc was dumb as hell.
the lowest class of waifufags
Only for the summer camp episodes.
Stop, this form is too powerful
I am so glad Bumblebee finally does something and talks in the show. She was one of my favorite characters in the old show. This makes me so happy.
>The Most Obvious Choice
Thought TTG! was better than that
So you want her to be hopeless slut for Grayson and crippled?
>but are you a degenerate?
Imagine becoming so corrupted that you're no longer "the nice girl" on your team.
Why? Hot body + shy personality is the best combination.
That's what I meant.
I was thinking she was going on a date with Robin but then she said he was going a date with Wonder Girl. I kinda want to her to be with Robin.
Adorable. I might start watching the show now.
If you ignore all the differences, everything is the same
I want to fuck that black girl.
She’s literally just Bumblebee in name only. Anyone who finds this or any of the current DC Superhero Girls version to be the superior version is definitely not a fan of the character and only cares about generic high school waifu archetypes
is there a place I can download all TTGo songs?
Don't we all?
I was hoping it'd be a guy but whatever.
Is Robin getting blacked?
This scene with Bumblebee when?
I hope they don’t make as stupid or airheaded like the other titans.
got so ugly
Wasn't she already a character in the show?
I was hoping it'd be someone never seen
>Eating spaghetti over an open book
pretty sure the 6th titan is wonder girl and bee is just there to help
If her inclusion makes alot of money, she'll stay as a titan.
That'd just make it worse.
their writing/delivery of the lines for guy characters on the series are slightly less insufferable than those of the girls
I would have Halo, since she cant die there is alot you can do with her, also she could be a different kind of retard than Star
Is this the first time WG has been on this show? Just watch her end up being the actual permanent 6th titan after Bee loses her shit and leaves.
I'm enjoying the push Bumblebee is getting.
>removing all but their most essential physical features.
That's literally what chibi style is.
>I'd take a sassy black girl who don't need no man over a cute shy girl any day
>black girl who don't need no man
she was thirsty for that half man half machine dick thou
Cyborg is the true chad.
That can't be real. How do normies know who Bumblebee is, aside from "that yellow robot from Transformers"?
dont forget Sarasim
Nope 100% Real, she did it for money in the bank. shocker the worst womens wrestler likes the worst TT Girl
are those two Bs? like in Brandon Breyer
That’s not chyna
More pics please
For wrestling bumblebee makes more sense than Raven. Actually Starfire costume you could probably do with purple sports bra and purple shorts
Wrong gif
Its the mother box. Bitches love mother boxes.
Its probably a reference to Say Anything.
>How do normies know who Bumblebee is
Nigga, normalfags see capeshit cinema.
prison changes you man
who is the bland one and why does she look like the Carnival MILF from that superTHICC webcomic
>there are now two incarnations of Bumblebee on currently running CN shows
if only cyberverse season 2 is already being aired, that'll be THREE bumblebees
Zatanna is good at least
By Superboy
>who don't need no man
But Bumblebee actually does have a man, Mal The Herald but they weren’t together in the old show.
They know her from the old Teen Titans show and both DC Super Hero Girls shows.
Now if only we could get her an ongoing or be a side character that’s actually utilized. I’d be down for an Atom solo with her as one of Ray Palmers students along with Ryan Choi where the three go on Micro Adventures together
Jessica Cruz, the green lantern chick
I hate that it took them so long to do something with Bumblebee. I also hate that she’s probably only to be in these few episodes .
What is even Bumblebee supposed to be in the comics? I have never read anything with her on it.
Man they changed her BB weapons for some megaman canon that shoots stings.
Has Bumblebee ever been in a capeshit movie? I don't watch them much so I don't know.
Zatanna is the least like her comic self. The only ones who are close to their source personalities is Babra (early fangirl and ASBAR versions) and Diana.
Where did her lips go?
She was in the beginning of the Teen Titans Judas Contract movie but only the very beginning of the movie.
She’s a strong, confident and super genius black girl.
>helping robin instead of cockblocking him
She's honestly pretty cool, fuck the other team let's have the robin and bee show. They can call it "The bird and the bee"
That was pretty cool actually.
> They can call it "The bird and the bee"
Just for that alone they should do it
A Romantic Comedy featuring Robin and Bumblebee being each others wingman... fucking fund it!!!!
Voice? Voice? Voice?
>Robin and Bumblebee being each others wingman
I suppose you could also call the show "Wingman" since they're both named after flying animals.
Nice Mickey Mouse ears
Isn't she the leader of the Titans East?
>Literally Fluttershy
>implying that's a bad thing
from the thumbnail in the catalog I tought Bumblebee had a cleavage and huge tits
I mean that’s not who Bumblebee is, in most iterations she is confident with a bit of attitude... essentially what Jessica Cruz in that show is and Bumblebees personality is what Jessica’s should be
so like as far as the TEEN titans go are they like eightTEEN. my love for black girls is coming out
Superhero physiques man, they look fully developed but they ain't legal yet
it's superdog time
>worst womens wrestler
do you understand how wrong you are?
Some wrestlers are real nerds.
>Why DCSHG is popular is beyond my understanding
>as it is just DC + Ponies
that's why it's popular, dipshit
Say, the indie actress Ozioma Akagha voices Bumblebee
I think Cyborg is the oldest. I think that episode where he caught a virus showed his body being 18 when it died.
>She’s literally just Bumblebee in name only.
Couldn't you say the same about every character on TTG, though?
I want to touch her poof.
>sassy black woman who don't need no man
By that logic Quentin Tarantino makes nothing >ORIGINAL because he always makes ultra-violent spectacle movies.
Being made in similar art styles doesn't mean the shows are the same.
What exactly makes you think pro wrestlers are 'normies'? I bet most wrestlers read more comics than you. You probably only know Bumblebee from the cartoon.
Her old design was cute but her new design is even cuter.
>Then again Cyborg's fucking Jinx
Cyborg is fucking nobody. Guy's is fucking loser.
Calm down, wrestlefag.
Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg are pretty much the same.
Read a comic, normie
They toned down her lips a bunch. Probably just to make it easier to lipsync.
what's her schtick? they alraedy have the vapid, the mall goth with candy heart, the bimbo, the sportfag and the rapist.
Naomi is fucking based.
Wasn't she already a titan. tho?
Titan East, not the main team
Wally please!
Large lips look so fucking weird in this art style.
I never knew I wanted this.
>Never watched MLP
Somehow I doubt that
>What exactly makes you think pro wrestlers are 'normies'?
pro wresuru FANS are the normies.
Kenny Omega was landing hadokens in the ring way before it was cool.
>no power grill
>Donna showing up
I like it
>complaining that a black cartoon character is drawn with large lips
Get out of the house and meet some black people, anons. Next you're going to complain about her having curly hair.
wasnt bumblebee suppossed to be a cunt?
go back to twitter until you learn to read
No one likes black features.
Black people have big lips, nappy hair and humongous nostrils. None of those features are appealing in art, at least if you're trying to make a character cute or attractive.
That's why black people in anime are always just drawn to look like white people with tans.
>No one likes black features.
Your mom disagrees.
Nah, TT Bumblebee has the superior afro puff game. Look at how nice and round those things are!
more poochies, huh?
Well, at least this is a poochie i can get behind, mostly because she is an already existing character given spotlight.
>Donna and Dick
Better than Donna and Teddy
Why would he get cucked when ultimately both him and Cy will get the best of the Wonderwaifus?
Cuz good ol'Borg will take both Wonderwaifus
>Why DCSHG is popular is beyond my understanding as it is just DC + Ponies
>why is this show that has a similar setup as the most popular cartoon of the 2010's popular?
>Bumblebee is relatively popular from the old TT show
>This is timed to coincide with DCSHG where she is also relatively popular
Works on two levels.
I've seen plenty of stylized black characters with those features. Their fine if you're not doing that minstrel shit where you exaggerate the hell out of it.
I want to kiss her!
Not true at all. Carole and Tuesday, Eureka Seven, and Michiko to Hatchin all have cute stylized brown girls.
>mediocre shows makes a big deal about adding a new character for marketing purposes
>Basic ass tactic that Simpsons made fun of fucking years ago with poochie
>it looks like a basic ass hook up episode with tired trope jokes, most likely to have a scene where they have Robin hold up a boombox while they make it fake rain
I honestly can't believe you people care about this at all.
>Omg guys it's bumble bee girl! I know her! She's a character from the comics that I read!
>I clapped when I saw her!
>a character that was always part of the universe is a poochie because I hate the show
>they had to make her cuter
I thought this show was over.
I thought her hands were going through her tits when I saw that image.
Most wrestlers are huge nerds themselves these days. Also the old TT show was normie as fuck.
one episode whole summer?!
Forgetting for a moment how much the 2003 cartoon changed the characters as it is, on that show Starfire never said "the" every other word nor constantly blew Robin off, Beast Boy didn't "talks likes this, momma" nor did he constantly hit on Raven, and Cyborg was more serious and the group's inventor rather than being such a vapid idiot. Come to think of it, though, all the characters have had their intelligence go down by at least 50%.
yes that's my point you fucking illiterate
>Zatanna is the least like her comic self
that's fine since comic Zatanna has no discernable personality
TTGo Raven is perfection.
I dont know why, but i think the TTGo artstyle is sexier than the 2003 artstyle
What episode?
Is TTG the only cartoon willing to show female breasts anymore?
I think there’s a few cartoons out right now that show boobs.
>got so ugly
>to her
Listen user i want to enjoy this thread
,if you wouldn't stop doing on what you doing here
then by the power vested in me i now pronounce you autistic and wife.
>what is OK KO
even if the art is shit
DC is pretty cool with boobs in general
Where ia the MEGA?
>6th new superhero
>"......and shes helping out!"
>pull out sandwiches
More excited for WG
OK KO is supposed to look like shit. It's trying to emulate 2000s newgrounds and early webcomics. Most of the crew members actually can and have drawn well but choose not to
Live action Bumblebee should be either the actress from Little or Skai Jackson
Magiswords wasn't shy about the female form either but it got canned sadly
You call that boobs? Even EQG is better in that department.
She was the best part of Titans East so I wouldn't mind but probably not
Here's your Power Grill bro
Way too ugly
I wish she was Power Girl
What's the matter? you don't like THE MUSCLE?
looks like soeone put make up on a fish
Her face is hideous
She looks evil
sbff's design was better
I find it amazing that there are actually people here that defend TTGO
I find it amazing that there are actually people here that hate TTGO in fucking 2019
Why are people shipping Bumblebee with Robin now?
Because Bumblebee is defeding Robin instead of bulling him like the rest.
You're using the wrong one, user
I hope we still see Bumblebee after these episodes.
No know we won't
dang she's pretty thicc
To that, I say boo. Boo, I say.
So are DC throwing different superhero girls designs until one sticks? Browsing the thread I just noticed theres like 4 variants to the girls.
eh, is better than hero girls
It's still a very TTG design for her, though.
bruh ..............thats just powergirl
Right! Idk why they had to push her as Supergirl. They could have finally let PG get some spotlight, now kids will think this is Supergirl. It’s very frustrating.
holy kek
You must really hate small technicolor horses. Did one kill your family?
The character in the show isn't a good or even fair representative of Batgirl
Ninja, DC has SEVERAL versions Batman unique to an individual "Earth". Many of them act severely different from one another. Hell, Robot Chicken's DC Special is official DC CANON in a sense that it occupies its own Earth.
She is but they don't have the balls to just admit that she is so they disguise her as Super Girl even though nothing about her but the costume says Super Girl
cyborg never had lips in TTG and no complained about him being less black.
She isn't
I am a black people, user.
That's not even always true. I know plenty of black people with narrow noses and thin lips. It's not that their lips are necessarily "bigger". Often times they're just more prominent due to the coloration.
I've seen enough Jeremy Wade shows to know that's exactly the problem with her face but I can't decide which fish she actually looks like.
Surprised they included the boob window.
That design is an abomination. As was her old TTG design.
Though the TTG new design with the DCSHG personality would be the ultimate Bumblebee.
How is it an abomination?
She's ugly, bloated and deformed. She's a bug-eyed dumb-face. Her face would be the definition of punchable if it wasn't too disgusting to touch. I cannot point at a single redeemable factor in that design.
New TTG design is smooth, simple and adorable.
I "ew" at your image.
It's okay to be gay, user.
Literally every girl in TTG is bug-eyed retard
Anyway here's more cute Bumblebee
Doesn't make her less of an abomination. She actually looks like the thing in this book user posted here: But there it works perfectly.
So what happens if they do the ttg-ppg crossover again but bumblebee and bliss are in the roster?
TTGO is like the funko pop of art styles. Cheap boring trite that's made to appeal only to the lowest common denominator normies.
>mediocre shows makes a big deal about adding a new character for marketing purposes
>Basic ass tactic that Simpsons made fun of fucking years ago with poochie
Exactly, that's what nu-ppg attempted to do and it didn't go well with their darkie, would be funny if likewise they end up putting it on a bus as well.
>That's why black people in anime are always just drawn to look like white people with tans
Exactly, present the character as a "true black" and it'll either get designated as "the foreign buttmonkey" or overly stereotyped like "killer b" from naruto: loud, obnoxious and "muh rhymes and rap ni- nja!!"
>Eureka Seven
Only the women though, one of which falls under the "ambiguous brown but could really be anything from anywhere with those blue eyes, anything but black" category, the funny thing is that when asked about it, japanese anime/game makers never really want to recognize those characters as being black and will come up with crazy "it looks like one, but no, not really..." tier excuses and work around just like with their "character is clearly white but let's give it a japanese name and claim its a 1/4 white 3/4 jap so our hypocritical fetish fueled audience won't feel guilty for fantasizing about them".
Also don't forget about the sambo looking brat with the slob lips and the nappy haired brazilian(?).
>M-MUH PONI!!!!!!!!!!
>SAME CREATOR!!!!!!!!!!!
Your argument is the cheap anime knockoff is "better"?
>OK KO is supposed to look like shit.
>It's trying to emulate 2000s newgrounds and early webcomics.
and it struggles to even reach that level
>Most of the crew members actually can and have drawn well but choose not to
>...but choose not to
>most people could do a good job and earn their pay, but choose not to
That's some wack philosophy you get there ian, wouldn't imagine what that steaming heap of a turd show would look like if the merry band of storyboarders where "aCTuallY TRyIng".
No wonder "western" animation is currently in the mudslums, with the cursed calarts same bean face/head/mouth/teeth all over.
Imagine if just half of society had that mindset, you get africa, that's what.
>well hot dog! looks like I'm about to claim some royalties compensation fees for the use of my symbolic likeness, haha!
I must have sex with that dark blue shoulder-length haircut.
This man punches babies and used to bully cute kids because he's an ugly jealous inbred redneck.
t. ok ko animator
They go to Kentucky
>Cheap boring trite that's made to appeal only to the lowest common denominator normies.
Are you talking about 2003 Teen Titans?
>>That's why black people in anime are always just drawn to look like white people with tans
there's an entire village of nigs in naruto and the only not-black thing about them is their hair.