Mar-zi-PAN Mar-zi-PAN!

>Cartoon creator marries girlfriend
>Gives wife role in his cartoon
>Cartoon doesn't immediately go downhill as creator is forced to change everything to fit wife's far-left political agenda
>Creator and wife stay married for 25+ years and the cartoon never loses quality or betrays original premise

How did Matt and Missy do it? In literally every other case of a creator getting his girlfriend/wife involved with a show/comic, the show/comic is utterly destroyed by the girlfriend/wife. But not this time.

What happened?

Attached: marzipan.png (340x370, 109K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Missy is pretty self aware about Marzipan's role in the cartoon, making her hippy attitude a parody of itself and poking fun at her being the only girl in, well, How Come Only One Girl?

Missy only voices Marzipan because Mark would sound weird if he tried to talk like a girl.

Does barely producing anything new not count as going downhill, circumstances aside

the skills of an artist gags alone are more than we had for most of the actual lull in content
Also can't really blame them, 200+ emails alone is a fucking feat, let alone everything else in the HR library.

What happened is that she's the closest thing to a non-character minus Pom Pom in the vast majority of toons. And when she isn't she's just a more obnoxious strong sad.

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Georgia is a hell of a drug.
>she thought Mindy lived with Mark

>Does barely producing anything new not count as going downhill, circumstances aside

They do about 1 to 2 shorts a year, which is hardly anything, but they had about a 10 year run where they produced shorts on a bi-weekly basis, plus games and other shit. Can't blame them for taking Disney bucks, these days.

You're a few years behind. much as Two More Eggs was fantastic, it's over and old news. They've been doing a bunch of hilarious promotional shorts for the board game lately. Funny stuff, but i'm eagerly awaiting them putting this much work into literally anything else.

We're lucky to be getting that much after ten years of nothing. I think the Telltale game was where the Chaps realized they needed to let H*R rest for a while.

I'm watching longplays of Cool Game For Attractive People and it's kind of a glimpse into what a long form Homestar Runner cartoon could be like. Never played the games, but the footage is fun to watch.

Mark, Matt and Missy seem pretty Based and Redpilled. Marzipan as a character is a parody of the ultra far-left liberal hippy girlfriend who bosses around and emasculates her boyfriend all the time. They seem WAY too self aware to actually fall into that sort of trap.

is it really a conscious parody or is it just funny?

you forgot to add that Missy never demanded larger role for Marzipan or more female characters for herself to voice. Honestly, she seems to be perfectly happy supporting her husband, raising Little Girl, and voicing her character when the need arises.

She's like the Anti Yoko Ono.

Yeah that was good stuff, well-written, but it burned them out pretty hard to work on, and honestly the pacing wasn't fantastic compared to the cartoons (obviously unavoidable in a game but especially one in the Telltale style)

it reminds me of how the futurama game's cutscenes add up to just.. a normal episode of the show.

I feel bad sometimes that my absolute favorite parts of the website are fan costume commentary and the Little Girl videos. I love their writing, but reacting to shit they didn't create and can't control is somehow even better.
In an ideal world, the Chaps would have been another Henson, and we would have gotten some kind of SesameStreet-esque variety show that mixes scripted sketches, improvised shit with puppets and real little kids, surreal experimental animations, parodies, education, parodies of education...

Little Girl is probably a Teen Girl by now, if not older.

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you mean you didn't see? dude, when Little Girl was a teenager, she had a youtube channel where she revealed her weeaboo powerlevel pretty hard. It's gone now but it was nice.

Wait, Little Girl is not a Teen Girl but an Adult Girl?

Oh god, where is all the time going?

She’s can be funny, like that joke about how it should of ended with them getting married and having babies and then the babies should’ve gotten married and had babies.

Fuck, Marry, Befriend, Kill.

I get pretty mixed up about who's who, and obviously they try not to spread a bunch of real name stuff around, but I believe original Little Girl was a Chapman niece, Other Little Girl was Baby Lady's niece, and Very Very Little Girl was their actual babbu
I believe the voice of the little girl in the recent April Fools one (what with all the BLAHs) was also a chapbaby, and i know the girls from Panda Bractice are all their daughters.

Fuck Cheerleader.
Marry So-and-So
Befriend Whats-Her-Face
and kill Ugly One

Is this even a contest?

joe gran and danielle kogan have been dating for 5 years, and there cartoons have only gotten better.

My mom and sister, both pretty tight with the urban hippie community, laughed their ass off at the faux-ducken

I'd marry What's Her Face in that style, personally, but otherwise stick to this list.

Why do people play mean games like this? I'm not going to cheat on my perfect wife What's-Her-Face.

I believe their current work is focused on preserving/converting the website to HTML5. The Brothers Chaps have a limited outreach through their @StrongBadActual account on Twitter, and recently they asked The Behemoth for help converting one of their old games from Actionscript.

>there are multiple Little Girls throughout history

Color me surprised.

plus it's pretty obvious Lauren Faust's influence fixes a lot of Craig McCracken's work, because he was putting out horseshit while she was busy on horses.
don't forget klasky and csupo were married, and together they made decades of wonderful, ugly cartoons.. and even when they divorced, they didn't let it affect the work, they just started coming into the office separately. Real professionals, like Lucy and Desi. That's how people were before modern 'me me me' culture made everyone so hyperfocused on how they themselves feel.

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in Georgia, "far left" means "owns more US flags than Confederate flags"

>In literally every other case of a creator getting his girlfriend/wife involved with a show/comic, the show/comic is utterly destroyed by the girlfriend/wife
MRA detected. i could name counterexamples but you'll just retroactively decide they're shit for the duration of the thread, or otherwise move the goalposts.

i'll post modestly hot homsar to keep it comfy

Attached: 150px-modestly_hot_homsar.png (150x414, 33K)

Speaking of archiving Flash cartoons, I invite you all to remember that Swivel exists:

All you need is an SWF file and the Swivel application and you're set to preserve all your favorite oldies and/or goldies in 2K, 4K, or HK VHS bootleg quality!

it's weird nobody's using html5 to do flash stuff even though supposedly it can do all of that and more with less lagginess
instead everyone's just abandoning not just flash but the shit they MADE in flash
you didn't notice the differences in age and hair color?

Don't forget that your exaggerated stereotypes are also exaggerated stereotypes.

HTML5 has a higher learning curve than Flash did. Right now HTML5 is best used to maintain a clean and unified experience in both mobile and desktop experiences with limited animation and video playback capability.

I can't defend missing the hair color, but I honestly can't keep track of how old certain Homestar cartoons are and what the chronological order is, so the different ages never stood out to me.

No one is stopping your from killing or befriending anyone, though.

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That's all I have. You'd think there'd be more quality Teen Girl Squad art out there.

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if you learn to draw, you will end up first-basin' it with a sheet of loooose leeeeaf.

Attached: The-Ugly-One-teen-girl-squad-3099326-500-367.jpg (500x367, 115K)

I remember that Yea Forums found her tumblr or twitter a few years back, can't remember which. At the tmie she was an enormous weeb and I think was 12 or 13.

Oh god! She's NUDE!

Attached: hbhsr1snaken.jpg (504x851, 48K)

Needs an ocean of pesto.

With how much Strong Bad he must have had to voice in a single period I'd probably never want to touch him again for a long time just for my fucking health, personally.

Fuck WHF
Marry Sew and Sew
Kill Cheerleader (And Cheerladder and Cheerlubber for good measure)
Mooch of Ugly One for half-functioning electronics.

I can't fucking believe he did live singing concerts and even did Fish-Eye Lens and R-A-P-S-O-N-G changing between SB and Coach Z and Peacey P flawlessly

user you're gonna get gutted like a sheep

>Fish Eye Lens was 5 years ago

God DAMN it.

The man's got chords of steel, and I'm pretty sure even doing one day's worth of SB-level voice recording would leave me ravaged for a week.

i hate this
they should not all be cute.
Whats her face should not do this to me

idiot fuck. its because it was like 2000 to 2005 and that MY WIFE IS FUCKING WITH MY WORK shit wouldn't happen to them or in cartoons for YEARS TO COME

i hate you so much OP


He rubs his throat with sandpaper daily!

It's just funny, and that's what makes it great

Will this work with the interactive flashes as well?

anytime anything goes wrong

>what the crap?

anyone else use homestar-isms irl? irc?
also, anything cardgage says is gold, especially when ending a phone conversation with telemarketers.

"Shock-You-Mentary" and "Thang Ding" are among my favorite ones.

Attached: jibblies.gif (180x180, 111K)

I find myself singing "The Scroll! The Scroll!" from time to time and "Where my hat is at?"

I use them allll the time, to the point that I never actually say a ton of words the normal way, ever.
promblem, jorb, stnank...

I sing to inanimate things "I'm so in lOve with you it's kinda inapprOppriate"

I never got the bit about pointing it at a real fish eye turning them into a dixieland jazz band. Is it a reference I don't get or just a non-sequitur?

I text "yes. very yes." a lot.

Yes, but you'll have to change a setting and then interact with the Flash toon yourself. It won't be an automatic process as with other Flash toons run through Swivel.

I think the idea is just that if you point a fish-eye lens at a real fish eye, it's so redundant that reality turns inside-out.

didn't they imply in a couple places that one of the TGS(I think What's-Her-Face but I'm not sure) is supposed to be actually pretty busty

I don't recall any bust-related jokes in any H*R anything. Even that time Homestar was swimming around in the blue-dyed water around Sweet Puttin' Cakes and found a bra, that felt kinda scandalous.

I could have sworn it came up somewhere else, but pretty much the only thing I could find on the topic was in Fan Costumes 2017, where a What's-Her-Face cosplay appears and Strong Bad notes it as being extremely accurate, with the girl dressed as her having a rather large bust

I throw more juggas and jigga wuggas after some phrases than I'd care to admit.

She emphasizes "wearing unflattering clothing" and the other girls "forgot" to invite her to the beach.

.... huh. good point.

"Grood! I mean... good. And great. Great and good."
"This is the first and final straw!"
"Gorka fa pork!"
"No probalo, (Bridget/Balinda)"
Strong Bad's little "Hourp!" exertion noise
"There's no such thing as mysterious!"
"Listen up, you undapants! Who wants to get hogtied, and pushed down, into, some snakewater?"
"Boo! I'll scare your dad!"
"Only liars and thieves choose Grumblecakes! Those people go to prison!"
And a lot more I'm forgetting.


"Hey, crap for crap!" and other decidedly NSFHR variants has been popping up a lot in my vocabulary lately.

calling crap Whatsit and calling a beverage a Cold One are two common ones

That's not the first time you heard Cold Ones though surely

probably not, but Homestar Runner/Strong Bad Emails uses it a lot so that's what made it stick in my vernacular

What the sense-make always gets stuck in my mind

Calling them the Coldest of Ones. Ones that are Cold.

the way H*R breaks phrases down and encourages the mixing and matching of the words therein is so great. That and Adventure Time have totally destroyed my ability to make talk words.

I always find myself saying "Dear Crushed Ice" whenever I'm at my refrigerator.

>tfw dating a so-and-so

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>Guy wouldn't know majesty if it came up and bit him in the face.

I really wish they made another season of SBCG4AP. Now that Telltale's dead, they probably have the rights back.

"my stummy hurts" is a thing me and my friends say sometimes

">No, mean- No, I mean- No."

but it was such a nice tight package, and it ended with things that had built up through every episode, culminating in a gag that rewarded people who followed the production blog!

I've said that since I was a little kid. That's what's so great about these cartoons, they reflect real stuff. Things you've heard some kid on the playground say.

>culminating in a gag that rewarded people who followed the production blog!
Does that thing even still exist?

the wiki would know

I remember hearing in some interview with both of the chap brothers, that they would best describe their humor as 'road trip humor'
Makes sense considering how it has that non-sequitur, but organic childlike flow to a lot of their gags that you could easily see come from two kids trying to creatively beat the boredom of travel.

>10 years of consistent constant
>the lull of content has been happening for 9 years now

Quality over quantity.

Because a One that isn't Cold is scarcely a One at all.

>"Uncouth" Man is anyone ever just plain couth? I bet freakin Strong Sad is plain couth.

Anyone else craving a nice heaping bowl of “Gunshots in a crowded mall”?

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I'm more of a Schenectady Crispies man, myself. Though nothing's quite as good as Cheat Commandos O's Sugar Cereal (now with Fluffy Puff Marshmallows O's)

I still sometimes say "I DON'T LIKE FOOD ANYMORE" and "no probalo"

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>Ohhh... some animal died...
The-h-star-the-h-star-r is at least as quotable as the simpsons.

Any chance Cool game for Attractive People gets picked up by another company or will it be the same legal hell that the Scott Pilgrim game is in

"All up ons", "dooj" "consummate v's" I also add -'d at the end of my verbs a lot. I'm sure there's others that I'm forgetting as well.

The dialogue has a very poetic quality to it, if I can climb up my own ass for a minute. It's memorable because, intentionally or not, there's a lot of humorous misdirection going on at a basic level. Phrases that have rhythm that just stops short of being complete, diction that uses almost the word you expect but not quite. It's all focused on how something is said rather than what they actually say; that's how they made their most popular feature one of the characters answering his email.

I'd compare it closely to Achewood in that way, even if it's on the opposite pole in a lot of other ways. Achewood would never have somebody say "A dog being put down" when it could have them say "A german shepherd named Yard Dancer being destroyed by the county".

it's done. it's finished.
seriously. It makes some of the quotes really quotable but only out loud, or if you try to type in a way that expresses the cadence
>and SOMEbody's a-GWABbin a-ma-buuuuttt

The entire character of Senor Cardgage is basically the audio equivalent of that old "you can change the order of letters within a word and people will still understand it" idea
he grumbles and mumbles his way through sentences, garbling some words and substituting others, but you still get exactly what he means.

A nifty board game and a subtle influence at Disney are pretty nice.

Wish I could have gotten that Wooden edition.

And a Kick da Cheet

It's canon that What's her face can be hot if she tried.

God I want my own kick the cheat so badly
anyone remember what they retailed for at the time? I think they were already sold out before i even found out about em


Attached: 1457684 - Hentai_Boy Homestar_Runner Marzipan.jpg (504x851, 56K)

that's so much worse.

Hell less than the couple of hundo bucksonsoon they go for now.

I still say 'second or third-to-worst'

Little Girl is 19 now.

and she comments on the videos.

I forgot what she goes by now but shes alright

Scott Pilgrim has to go through:

Universal Pictures
and Oni Press

to get the game re-released.

And I'm 95% Sure The Brothers Chap are now the sole owners of that game's copyright since Telltale is kill

also pic related to

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Little Girl is the Chaps niece from one of their sisters

It's mostly just between my sister and I but the ones that pop up the most are
"Best thing ever...... Beef.... Stew."
"CHOCOZUMA'S REVENGE... THIS BROWNIE MIGHT KILL YOU!" "I hope this is all fat free." "Shut up, Lady."
"I added some chiaroscuro shading..."
Basically the entire Death Metal email

What's Her Face should have baggier jeans than that, this is the mid 2000's we're talking about her. She buys them from the secondhand store.

Stating the obvious- BALEETED.

I'm pretty sure "raising kids" is not a far-left political agenda.

I find myself calling people Helvetica all the days time now.

>I really wish they made another season of SBCG4AP. Now that Telltale's dead, they probably have the rights back.

Honestly, if they got the rights back, they could probably edit together the existing footage and audio with only a bit of new bridging material to replace gameplay and rerelease each episode as a 1-hour "movie".

Since I imagine a lot of HSR fans never played the Telltale games, those would be "new" to a lot of people.

>I'm pretty sure "raising kids" is not a far-left political agenda.

But Liberals hate kids, that's why they support Planned Parenthood so ferociously.

>Oh, me too! I am not exempt!
>I can do it! I will do it nine times.
The Cheat's cartoons have some strangely catchy language

Technically no. Me and my group just blurt out lines at random, zero context.

That happened once

And yet it burninates for all time.

when I hear EDM playing sometimes I start singing "the system is down, the system is down"

don't you mean kill kill kill kill. they are the teen girl squad after all.

Im always saying, " put a lil steam and cinnamon" when ever im cooking

Yeah, shut up, kid!

oh that's right. I forget if missy's niece was anyone
also I forget who voiced Preshy and Rafferdy but they were like, my favorite characters, and Those Darn Cousins was my favorite toon. Too bad it's extra impossible to finish it up now, but they could at least package up what there is (and maybe there were leftover voice files?) with a quick ending..

indeed, it's the opposite. not sure what you're talking about since that's OP's point.
but it was steam and sugar, wasn't it?

its more the fact that my suggestion to add steam to a dish is what pisses off my head cook.
Also love saying " I can do it, I can do it 9 times."

I hope I don't sound like a genuine idiot when I say 'all the time' instead of always.

The Chaps and Missy are from Georgia, a good ole red state. That sort of shit only happens in New York and California.

I'm kinda enjoying these youtube reuploads, but while it's nice to be able to pause, it sucks not getting all the clickaword bits.

Dead Zud

>it can do all of that and more with less lagginess
While HTML5 can technically do animation etc, the real reason Flash was insanely popular was because of the authoring tool (the Adobe Flash program) and how easy to learn it was. Anyone could follow a short tutorial and have their own crude flash animation in like, 30 minutes?

As far as I know there's nothing like that for HTML5, an all-in-one development environment that emphasizes animation and interaction, using a point-and-click GUI, with support for drawing vector graphics right in the program, etc.

Figures. it's like when DVDs came out but nobody had a DVD recorder to tape shit off of the TV for free. they actually paid for subscriptions to shit like tivo

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My brother works in advertising and he sometimes puts the "buy all our playsets and toys" jingle into his demo videos

So, like a modern-day Muppet Show? I would kill for that.

I think the format would be more like sesame street in my imagination, just in the way that it'd include random little cartoons and skits with real kids, but yeah

i still say BALETED


Computer Over? Virus = Very Yes?

That's not a good prize

I mean, the worst thing to happen to this cartoon was the hiatus, and as a former SUfag, I can tell you that's the least of the problems any cartoon can have.

>mfw marzipan is just one long coiled tentacle with a face

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Hey Yea Forums...

Attached: 180px-lil_b.png (180x183, 37K)

"Eh, Steve?!" when someone named Steve gets brought up.

oh no... don't you do it..

Hey Yea Forums
in your opinion, Hot Dip is...
A) Not for Moms
B) for moms
C) Christopher Columbus

Attached: 1514044711717.png (794x619, 26K)

Hot Dip is only for Hot Single Moms.


it's Matt, and Missy is Mike's wife

I feel like homestar has had such an affect on my vocabulary and speech patterns that I wouldn't even recognize 75% of it if I tried outside of direct references.

if nothing else, I regularly use nouns as verbs with a 'd at the end. Hell I just did it like half an hour ago in a different thread.

>marketing Skub to children

Fucking disgusting



I can't believe they put up an official upload of the best song

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Time for some offbrand NSFW

>I'm vulnerable and should be updated

The best offbrand Hamstray is Oshtoby
People don't remember, but during the hiatus.. he helped us survive.

About a year ago I reflected on a lot of the idiomatic expressions or colloquialisms I've been saying for quite possibly decades and realized they either make me sound like an idiot or are completely vulgar.

I realized "how's it hanging" isn't entirely asking about "what have you been doing, while hanging out", it's a means to ask that by asking about how your balls are hanging. I had to consciously examine my speech patterns in professional situations and kill so many turns of phrase that for the longest time I thought were at worse a bit quirky like exclaiming "Jesus Christ"; so many Strong Bad modes of speech had to be identified and removed because you sounded like a peasant. Turns out, Christians can curse, cuss, and say any amount of awful racist or sexist shit they want but you just can't use the lord's name in vain.

Yo hit me up with your dealer

never forget that 'vulgar' just means 'common' and people who treat that as a negative are being classist. and not the good kind of classist where we denounce urban thuggery.
>talking about balls
that's the point. we all have balls. It's cool to talk about them. everyone in every culture through history has done so in one way or another. talked about the practical things, what your body's excreting, etc. Hell 'jazz' music comes from the slang for fucking, because that's what it was about. people were demonizing the entire entertainment culture, so there was no reason to hide what it was about, or try to tone down the debauchery
>using the lord's name in vain
commonly believed mistake. what that commandment means is if you say 'i swear to yahweh I'll X' you'd better fucking do it. you swore, now keep your word.

I realized I had been going up to women and have asked them repeatedly about their balls for years without realizing I was asking about their balls, which they obviously don't have. And I cannot imagine if or how awkward that must have been for them in our first few encounters. Or worse, they could have thought I was asking about their tits, which isn't only awkward but offensive.

Yeah, it's not a problem if it's men, men obviously would brush it off as just jovial male banter.

I understand words change, but just because they change doesn't mean everyone's caught up and usually in a professional setting you have to be sensitive to that stuff. Man, you have to just sterilize your business persona. Be charming but know and avoid every possible landmine.

no woman anywhere is going to be weirded out by being asked how it's hanging. no woman worth dating anyhow.

Wait, they're dating for sure? I always assumed so but I don't think Joe and Danielle have ever outright said as much.

If heavy-lourdes have a real name, I don't want to know it.

Attached: heavy_lourde.png (392x437, 24K)

I mean, I'm sure there's a name for that specific type of weight. whereas lourde is french for heavy, so it's just a bilingual canadian weight that isn't very specific with its warning.

I've tried this and I can't figure out how to make interactive flash files work. What am I doing wrong?

In the "Source" section, set it to "Manually Start and Stop Recording". That should allow you to manually click in the Flash toon and record accordingly.

You know where the real money is in?
Phone books!

Thank you for explaining the joke, Guillaume.

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What’s your favorite H*R quote, Yea Forums?


Is the system still down?

da da do do da da do da da

That whole sbemail is golden.
>That's not a good prize
>I dunno. You forgot to wear your neck?
>I know how to fix your computabox
>Stop! That's not supposed to be possible!

I thought it was from a french/english washing machine?