Reminder that Jarro is Batman's favorite son and the best Robin.
Reminder that Jarro is Batman's favorite son and the best Robin
Is this the guy that's sucking on Peeg's tits?
Guyse... is Batman a super-villain?
No because he uses Jarro for good
Jiminez is too good for Snyders JL but I don't know what other book I'd want him on
>it stung, but i'm tuff, pop, like you
Goddamn, why that stupid thing makes my heart warm?
This is a Jarro thread. Not a "muh artist/author" thread.
Not like here’s a lot of competition. The Batfamily’s so messed up I’m pretty sure Babyseid was a better Robin than most of the traditional ones at one point
Batman is good with kids
Is this a thing now? Batman can't see a villain in baby form and he wants to take it home?
You know I want to like this but it's just another thing in a list of jabs making Starro seem silly
Love Jarro.
Is he? Some of his kids didn't turn that well.
Batman just wants to expand the Batfamily. The more kids, the better.
Do you have any idea how popular and beloved the Robins are? I'm waiting for my bishounen statue of Jarro.
He was using Babyseid
Oh, nice. Did a Google Search and it seems Jarro is full of fan art.
Starro is a giant psychic starfish, he's already silly
Who is Jason handing that spear to?
>jabs making Starro seem silly
Oh I'm not taking a shot at Robins, I'm pointing out there's been a few instances recently in comics trying to make Starro seem silly merely because he looks like a starfish.
He's actually conceptually terrifying, and you shouldn't judge things by appearance.
Is this a dream sequence or someothing? Why is starro a good guy now?
Good lord it's ture
Jarro is just a baby splinter of the original, who's being raised by Batman to be a hero. The original got himself fucking destroyed and scattered everywhere.
It is a dream. However they do have a comical Starro spore locked up in a jar, hence the name "Jarro". He's apparently useful for telepathy based stuff when J'onn isnt around.
Yeah fuck Snyder
Is this an ongoing thing? Batman keeping a Starro in a jar as a son?
Shouldn't the Justice League be wary as fuck of Batman raising a baby splinter of Starro as a son?
Dream Sequence
>Why is starro a good guy now?
He died helping the JL in issue 3 of No Justice
Fuck you OP, I'll talk about what I want
It's a dream Jarro was having. He just lounges around the JL base in a jar
Why are you speaking of Jarro as if he was a bad character? He's easily the best Robin yet.
Jarro has been making regular appearances throughout most of the current JL run. He's genuinely been a huge help.
Jarro seemingly doesn't recall ever being a part of Starro as a greater whole. There's no issue unless someone fucks up extremely.
Jarro's still being raised by Batman, and Jarro sees Batman as his daddy.
Not OP. Just tired of your faggotry.
When has Batman ever fucked up
>There's no issue unless someone fucks up extremely.
It's Batman. You do know who Batman is, right? I wouldn't trust him.
Why not? Having a back up telepath is a good idea, a "break out in case of fire" jar
Batman has been treating Jarro well so far. The only thing I could see breaking the little guy's faith in his dad is if he saw him teaming up with the World-Forger, and he's nowhere near that.
Jarro is also helping out against Mxy. He's pulling his weight even without Batman.
I want to see Jarro meet his brothers. Like a team-up between Jarro and Jason would be awesome.
>He's genuinely been a huge help.
You and I both know that Bruce is fucking playing him.
Snyder JL is the best run since Kelly.
Is that Xerxes?
Metal was so goddamn stupid
It was. But I enjoyed it either way.
Jarro meeting any of his siblings would be awesome.
> we could be having Jarro adventures in the actual Batman comics.
> Bane's plan and Batman's breaking in main comic.
> Tomasi hasn't even brought up best Robin and son, only using Damian.
Why does DC hate Jarro so much Yea Forums?
I just want the story of how he stole Babyseid from Grail in the first place
Because up until very recently, King had a monopoly on the character. Nobody wanted to do anything so long as King was going for his "monumental character-defining run."
Maybe we'll see Jarro in later stuff assuming he gets out safely from current events.
Remember that time in REBELS where Starro fucked with a warlord by stomping him so hard he gaslit him into acting the hero until he was forced to kill his own befriended rivals, and mindbroke a biokinetic by forcing her to use her planet’s entire life force to fight him, all to dominate them as his new thralls WITHOUT mind control? Good times. Truly the best possible inheritor of he Batlegacy
This is sad because it’s 100%, unironically true. At least Jarro probably isn’t a manwhore or likely to be raped
I unironically hope he sticks around. From all the Bat-characters Scott Snyder tried to introduce over the years - Harper Row, Duke Thomas, whatever else - Jarro is the only one i like.
Hey he’s still coherent while being mindraped by the presence of a 5D imp, let’s see J’onn do that.
>Batman is playing what is basically a fucking Demonbane character
god damn it
Right? Maybe it’s because Silly Whacky Batman is a breath of fresh air from Suicidal Crybaby Batman, but I like it enough to read a whole arc about it. For all the shade I’ve thrown at Snyder’s run I can’t deny it’s dumb fun, like if the Adam West movies had Dies Irae powerlevels
>Hey he’s still coherent while being mindraped by the presence of a 5D imp, let’s see J’onn do that.
The writing staff on the book seem to like him a fair big and he certainly has his fans, so it's really just a matter of whether or not he takes off like Jon did.
Jarro is for mouth breathers.
>t. Starro
You're just salty Batman is a better dad than you are.
You think Bruce ever takes Jarro home and sticks him on Damien when he misbehaves?
>conceptually terrifying
Nigga, he's a giant space starfish, people are going to find that silly regardless of how eldritch and terrifying writers try to make him.
Jarro is just symptomatic of Batcancer metastainzing under Snyder. Jarro is a blight on Starro because now retards are gonna clamor for Jarro instead of Starro.
>when did this happen
>lol, it didn't
Point in exampleYou see what you assholes are doing? Fuck your casual tier Jarro.
'K. Nobody cares. Go read about Starro in the stories you like instead of being a massive pissbaby.
Starro is not an individual, its a specie.
Starro would had been a better villain for the Justice League movie than steppenwolf.
We would have seen more battles between heroes, which is more entertaining than seeing a literal who alien being fucked easily by superman. also, Starro throwing a line about how the only reason he attacked earth was because "some asshole sent a intergalactic message about the kryptonian guardian of earth being dead" would had explain a bunch of alien invansions for the next movies
Nothing would have made the Superman character work in that movie. WB was completely lost in trying to placate the Superfags and critics, and pretty much would have fucked that portion of the movie one way or the other.
>superman death triggering more events than just a shitty villainous squad of literal who's
Honestly, that was what I was expecting after watching BvS.Luthor message would have setted:
>Green Lantern returning to earth
>seeing superman being more accepted by humanity, more aliens hiding on earth would have taken the hero path and go out to public.
>a giant wave of meta humans trying to occupy Superman place in his honor
What I'm saying is, killing superman in his second movie was a retarded decision but it has a lot of potential and they used none of it.
Apparently, your idea WAS their idea. That Superman is so powerful and important, that with him being dead several other heroes and, yes, aliens would show up. There was even going to be a Green Lantern in there.
but isn't that literally why Steppenwolf came in the first place?
Alright that is straight up a vagina and clit
why must he be in a jar?
he cute.
So that he has a place to chill
Dick being a manwhore is cool though.
If I was in charge of the Batman books I would unironically make Jarro the new Robin and retire Damian. They could get at least a few years' mileage out of it and it's a fresh, interesting, and funny dynamic.
Plus he's fucking based
Harper Row's brother, Cullen.
Ok, I need more of Batman using small "villains" as partners.
Damien btfo
every JL member should raise a baby version of a villain as a sidekick
Hal should get a tiny Parallax that rides around on his shoulder
>tiny Parallax
Wouldn't that just be a bug
It would be kinda like a bug lizard
Looks like Hal would need to invest in a vivarium
What would Superman get? Mini-Lex?
Mini Doomsday
he could get a little Parasite blob
Mini Darkseid
Just give him all the mini entities. I want the space whale back
Reminder Starro's one of the most powerful DC villains
Diana can have a baby Clayface who pretends to be various mythological Greek animals
And he's super cute
Reminder Jarro's one of the most powerful DC heroes until he's inevitably turned evil or destroyed
so much fucking text jesus christ
Honestly, it seems more like something Hal would do. Heck, I think he DID do something like this back in the Silver Age. Or really early Bronze.
Hold up, Starman is back? How? When?
Where's this from? I'm curious about Ostankino
>"You are weeeak Hal"
>"Shut your not-face Parallax! You are not friend"
Thank god it's Will if Jack comes back in an event book he's guaranteed to die.
I'll have you know that ol' Starbro sacrificed himself to save the Justice League and prevent the destruction of Colu thank you very much.
He's the hero the universe needed, but not the one it deserved.
Okay so here's the thing I don't get. If Batman is struggling so much to get Catwoman's pussy, why doesn't he just stick Jarro on her?
>why does a superhero not rape someone
Gee, user. I don't know
what a bitch
you literally describing Zack's plan.
but with more unexpected death and measery leading to big triumph in the end.
Think about it
The Superman vs. League fight would've made much more sense if Superman was Starrofaced and didn't have to be beaten, just held down long enough for the Starro spore to be removed.
Also, Batman vs. A fuckton of Starrofaced civilians where Bats can show off his martial arts prowess without killing/grievously harming anyone.
Also also, final boss battle against kaiju-sized Starro.
Why is mxyz fighting them like some generic thug.
>every robin has become a leader to some capacity
>despite not having powers they're considered among the biggest threats no matter who they're fighting
>the ones that died got better and damian even had superman-lite powers
>bonus perk of being incredibly attractive to women and sometimes men (dick is like a magnet for older men)
>mini opidian: all the hamboigas hal, ALL OF THEM
Shame he's one of Bruce's kids we all know he will either end up dead or worse off then he was before.
starro> Starbro>jarro
You mean Connor?
>Bane tries to break Bruce
>Jarro saves the day
>Selina raising Jarro and Damian
>Damian having a sibling rivalry with Jarro
>Batman Inc with Jarro becoming cosmos Batman
>Luthor gets a midget dressed like Lex
>Carries him around in a baby harness
As long as we're talking about alien starfish sidekicks, does Itty still exist in some form, or did he disappear a couple of retcons/reboots ago?
Yep, same here.
Is JL worth the read? I haven't been catching up.
you seem to be a man of taste. Would you recommend reading Metal and No Justice before looking into this run?
Technically he still exists, he just doesn't show up
One of the back ups in Scooby Apocalypse was Itty and Atom Ant trying out for the JL
He was in the Sugar and Spike mini.
Not that guy, but IMO you can pretty much read an online synopsis of those two and not miss out on anything that major.
Nobody would take a story with a space starfish in live action seriously.
It would end up like Ego where you get one brief moment of the full comic planet look and the rest is a watered down "better in test" live action form.
Probably being a big dude in armor like Starro the Conqueror sending the space starfish to capture minions.
Wait is itty really a starro spawn?
No, he was from some other star-shaped alien species. A friendly harmless one.
Jarro and Itty should team up against Evil Star
Jarro makes me happy. I like when there's silly fun in DC comics, especially when its heartwarming too.
Just do invasion of the body snatchers.
I bet you're a faggot who thinks Starro is supposed to be a cthulu like entity.
It's easy. You keep Starro as is, but have him take over someone fans will recognize to use as a mouthpiece/avatar. Have the main Starro'd person be a mystery for the first 2/3s of the movie, the heroes manage to free him and he introduces himself as Hal Jordan. Quick flashback to him fighting Starro in space before getting controlled. Starro gets proper recognition and casuals have a more human character to take things seriously
Fucking kek, now I want it to be canon. Rainbow lanterns were so much entertaining than the "muh old school jordan" run we are getting right now.
Your gonna fill that with cum aren't you.
Better take than Jarro.
Too much darkness in the comics right now
She just finished wiping out magic, give her a break.
Evil Star is crippled right now.
Starro literally already has a canonical boring humanoid form.
Eh, this is comics, he'll get better.
Someone redpill me on Starro, what's his fucking deal
He's tried to tame Brainiac several times.
He's a big starfish
Puts starfish on people's faces to mind control them