Is this Yea Forums?
INB4 Michael Bay not so gritty reboot.
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That's not Steve. How dare you stand where he once stood?
man the cg is throwing me the fuck off, especially with that framerate, what even is the point of having them as full models?
I hate how manic children's shows have become.
For what purpose? Blue's already a girl.
Steve helped choose this guy.
I saw this guy as Aladdin on Broadway. I dion't like the new Blue model at all but otherwise, cute. I hope my niece will like it.
Magenta is an old character, though.
He looks a little pinoy.
But this is Modern Blue, so she and Magenta will be lesbians.
steve is bald, old, and a hipster now
That's fucking based if true
No Periwinkle no sale. He was best boy and you all know it.
Looks like a competent reboot though in all seriousness, I’m sure kids will love it.
The show is still running?
How is it doing?
glad they didn't give blue eyelashes at least.
Magenta has been in the show before you fucking poser.
Steve was there for the auditions
>During his audition to become the new host of Nickelodeon’s Blue’s Clues, Joshua Dela Cruz had a good idea what to expect—stand in front of a green screen and imagine the animated characters, like Sidetable Drawer, Mailbox and the loveable dog Blue. What he didn’t know was the original host, Steve Burns, was hiding in the audition room.
>“He snuck up on me,” says Dela Cruz. “But as soon as he came out, I automatically felt empowered and like I was supposed to be there.” With Burns’s stamp of approval, 29-year-old Dela Cruz got the part.
Blue's Clues actually is Yea Forums, we occasionally have threads on it
Either way, the other cgi-ish characters don't bother me nearly as much as Blue does. No one can replace Steve but he long retired the role so I don't care who they get
he cute
that's nice. you can tell the show means a lot to both of them.
I comes out this November.
So Steve married an asian woman and had an extremely gay son?
Yeah, it's plausible.
Out of all the minorities they chose, I'm glad they went with Filipino.
*It comes out this November.
thats a pretty boppin theme song though
Aww the doggies are so cute!
redpill me on Periwinkle
Should've been Charlie.
Oh no. This can't be happening.
Steve also fucked a playboy model
>Steve bestowing his vast power to Josh
Any idea what happened to Joe?
He died
jk, idk
Huh, that's the most heartwarming thing I've seen in awhile.
The singing reminds me of the Joe era.
Isn't Magenta male?
He's a good boy!
I hope blue will still be the girl.
>yfw we could've had John Cena instead
He was always my favorite as a kid.
Then we wouldn't see him.
He cute
ew what the fuck why is his face like that
why the fuck is his shirt blue
Still doing kids shows from what I can recall.
To differentiate them
CG Blue works pretty well actually.
user, please...
Magenta is an old character and also male.
yeah sure whatever you say, buddy
nice freudian slip
It should've been Squidward instead.
Where does this fit into the Blue's Clues lore? Did Josh buy Steve's house and all his things?
Yeah it's Yea Forums, but I wish they would stick to 2D animation for blue
More music, which could go either way
Magenta is a girl too
I can see how you'd think that they flipped the colors thing, but no
call me surprised, maybe I´m remembering wrong, or the dub I watched as a kid called her male.
Leave Magenta alone, he's a good boy.
Isn't Magenta a boy?
I was so confused as a kid when I found out Blue was a girl and Magenta a boy. My little brainlet brain could not comprehend.
Anyway this dude looks cool and very happy, hope it all goes well with this new reboot.
Reminder that YOU (yes, YOU) are the most important character in Blue's Clues.
Blue's already blue, kinda wish they went with another color.
This just means there might be a female host with a pink shirt.
Now I wish he was actually a boy. Made me think back then that Pink is not just a girl's color, oh well.
That's honestly the most feelsy shit i've ever seen and read.
What's the trick?
Whoever wrote this is too good for this world.
>getting rid of the paper cut out style
Or red
>the original still involved in some way
>passing the torch and giving his blessing
eh, the backgrounds and the non-CG characters emulate it well enough.
I love having hope for people on this planet
That’s how it should’ve been but magenta is actually a girl
I want to protect whoever made that article
Oh fuck he did
>has to adjust the microphone
>Questioned if he was right for the job since he wanted the best host for kids
also 6:10 for the playboy model story where the nerdy animators for the show told him to go on the date
Joe enlisted Josh's mafia ties so that he could take Steve's house. But when it came time to pay the piper, Joe gambled all his money on paintings. Josh gave Joe concrete feet and decided to transform Steve's home into his own cgi nightmare dimension.
Ay Tone, what the fuck is this blue dog doin heah?
>Getting a lap dance in the red chair
Based and Bluespilled
It’s an alternate dimension, like with Kevin and that other Korean host guy
That’s great. If he’s good enough for OG Steve he’s good enough for me.
I like the guy's energy, there seems to be a demise that happens with these hosts though.
>Steve is basically an IRL Shazam at this point
>If your kind to people
>Have a good heart
>Can interact with things that don't exist
>Steven will appear and offer you the Power of Blue
He kinda sings like a drag queen.
This has to be fake, the chinese dude isn’t eating the dog.
He's filipino, you blind cuck.
Looks cute. Shockingly like the original. The dude has a great voice for the role, just like Steve did. It's the cadence or diction or something. Plus he's cute.
Glad they didnt ruin it or cast some nog.
He actually has an opera background.and a cute face and nice pecs
Honestly looks fine. If Steve picked him, he must think he's good enough.
As an immortal toon, how many human owners will Blue outlive, Yea Forums?
Periwinkle’s voice actor was Cameron Bowen, who still does VO work.
Dogs are also eaten in the Philippines too. Get check and mate’d, faggot
>researches what countries eat dogs
Why? Do you want to fly to a place and eat dogs, user?
The internet ruined blue's clues.
Like, there is a lot of furry porn of blue.
I remember loving his ear twitches.
Elliot Rodger? they said you were dead!?
They better have my homies Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper as well as Tickety Tock in this
It's cheaper.
CG animation is insanely cheap and Nick Jr. has a lot of employees well versed in it. Framerate is probably a stylistic choice so they can get away with being lazy on the animation for everything else.
Look through the video
I blame Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse for the boom of limited 3DCG Animation.
He does a lot of additional voice roles in videogames. He was in God of War and GTA5.
I'm dissapointed they didn't keep the carboard cutout style
Didn’t he get arrested for not paying his taxes years back?
>first clue is the salt shacker
>second clue is the pepper
>blue hiding from ching-chong steve
that was already a character in the original show
Cheaper than the flat puppet animation that it was made up before?
>CG animation is insanely cheap
Shit idiots say.
he probably gave steve a blowjob and got hired
>that story of steve going on a date with a model, only to find out it was a ruse to try and pitch a show to him from her exporn star mom.
Based and wholesomepilled
Will Josh be the Sisko to Steve's Kirk and Joe's Picard? Or the Jonah to Steve's Joel and Joe's Mike?