Literally the most powerful foe of the X-Men

>literally the most powerful foe of the X-Men
>is treated as a second-rate villain and a loser regardless

What are some examples of extremely powerful characters that are treated like shit?

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As a fan of Juggernaut... it's totally his fault, Cain isn't a great villain, his motivation is bland and he isn't so ambitious.

Imagine someone like Doom or Kingpin with the Juggernaut power.

it's because he is a moron, that has no big plans and mostly plays lackey to black tom or someone else

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Remember when Spidey tricked him into walking into wet cement and then just watched him fucking sink and he didn't escape? He fucked with the wrong guy that day

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Btw, in this fight Juggernaut was kicking his ass, I'm really tired of seeing people defeating Juggernaut via BFR

The truth is that Spider-Man didn't trick him, you should read it again... it was a coincidence, the wet cement saved Spider-Man.

i know. juggy actualy has 1 or 2 more wins over hulk, then hulk has over juggy.
hell proffesor hulk got his ass kicked hard by juggernaut not even using his armor.
savage hulk and joe fixit have beaten him a few times.

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why couldn't Juggernaut break the cement again? I remember even Black Tom Cassidy was surprised.

That's probably one of the best Spider-Man stories ever btw

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Mostly because he was given the worst code name possible

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It was fresh and really deep cement for being next to the pier... it took him like 3 months to get out of there, although he broke the New York tectonic plates in the process.


juggy used to give thor a hard time, as mjolnir would just bounce off his force field

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>literally superman + psychic powers + intangibility + shape-shifting + healing factor
>never does anything at all

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Does juggernaught need some momentum to break/go through stuff? If he is stuck still will he just stay still?

he's not allowed to upstage wonder woman or superman.
also he's afraid of fire and addicted to oreo's

Nah... he's 100+ class even without momentum, but sometimes Cyttorak gets angry and Cain ends up being weaker than the Wrecking Crew.

it kinds depends on the writer. sometimes he needs to be actually moving/have momentum and other times he's like hulk and can just break free with strenght alone.

>juggz is a moron
t. loser

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He once broke through a steel cocoon after just "moments"

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All powerful X-Men villains that aren't Magneto eventually get treated like this, usually to build up a newer villain. Apocalypse, Stryfe, Exodus, Holocaust, and more. Juggernaut just gets it worse because he's just a very powerful criminal, his stories can have much lower stakes, and writers can treat him as a Bebop & Rocksteady-tier moron.

Psst...hey guys...I heard around town that Captain America is a mutie!

>has no big plans and mostly plays lackey to black tom or someone else
Wouldn't he be better if he was used as kind of a working class villain, like Captain Cold and the Rogues over in DC? Not dumb and not somebody's bitch, just a guy who wants to steal ALL the money, buy an island someplace and live large?

Wrecking Crew went from Thor Villains that would fuck up any other non top-tier hero to the mook squad that get their asses handed to them by nearly anyone. Kamala kicked their asses while they were trying to run.

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This would be best for him, but Marvel never seems to treat blue-collar supervillains that just want money very well. Instead they all seem to end up losing to kids like this

>What are some examples of extremely powerful characters that are treated like shit?

Only the posterboy for "powerful but too fucking dumb.

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Black Bolt
If they don't forget all his abilities they are nerfing them, if they aren't nerfing them they are ignoring them. He has been captured and beat up so many times in the last couple years it's silly. Cates being the worst example in recent years.

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god, if he teamed up with Magneto, they could have absolute control over a fundamental force of the universe.

Everyone after the mid 80s totally forgot he has energy manipulation powers and can do shit like turn oxygen into oranges if he wants, and reduced him to another sonic scream guy.

>>literally the most powerful foe of the X-Men

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God damn these daily juggernaut threads are getting fucking annoying af

Wasn't he also supposed to have Hulk-level strength?

To be fair, is getting rich that bad of a motivation?

Doesn't mags already have electricity? I remember him bending light and opening wormholes.

Not Quite Hulk's level, more like Thing's level of strength and durability.

Matter Manipulation must have been Jack Kirby's favorite power. Between 73-75 he had Black Bolt and the mandarin use it a bunch times in Amazing adventures and gave all the Eternals the ability to use it.

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Sorry but I'll always read Juggernaut's dialog as his parody versions.
Look at this shit. Mah helmet!

Did his power originally come from the helmet or something?

Wonder Man is based.

I read him with the intelligible voice they gave him in the Marvel vs Capcom games.

Why doesnt Thor do this shit nowadays?

Can any other X-Men villain shatter dimensions with their own bare hands?

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always and forever

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You should know better than to believe Latverian disinformation, user.

Absorbing Man

Base level, he's around the class 50 range, but he can amp himself up with his energy powers to ridiculous levels.

Superboy prime?

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No, his powers come from the Gem of Cyttorak within him. The helmet just protects him from psychic attacks and regular crap like bricks.

Then writers and editors would have to remember his skillset, and that's too hard.

>Can any other X-Men villain shatter dimensions with their own bare hands?

Doesn't matter. Cain can't because he's literally too dumb to.

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You think he's worffed as a villain, remember when he joins the X-Men and suddenly is so much less powerful.

>remember when he joins the X-Men and suddenly is so much less powerful.

That's somewhat justified by the nature of his relationship Cyttorak. Cyttorak just wants shit destroyed so when Cain plays the hero he gets less power

Is this the one where Juggernaut was pretending to be Hulk’s dad?

>Not Quite Hulk's level, more like Thing's level of strength and durability.
Dead fucking wrong. Juggs is currently up some wins on hulk and thing can barely compare to Jennifer.

Jack Kirby just wanted to make infinite resources

That's nice but we are talking about Black Bolt


They're talking about Black Bolt illiterate nigger

Nah, that was in the 90s.

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According to this, Black Bolt's strength is a close second to Hulk's

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He still gets owned tho

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The OP said extremely powerful, not 90's Extreme.

I think that's kind of the point. Electro is supposed to be a representation of what Peter could have become had he wasted his gift. Also really funny seeing Mangeto talking shit on Max.

Semi related, but is Max still dead? Last time I checked some chick stole his gimmick thus becoming a Livewire knockoff

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>literally the most powerful foe of the X-Men
He absolutely isn't.

Juggernaut is quite possibly the most overrated (in terms of strength) character in all of comics.

I always feel so alone being a fan of Wonderman. Seriously if there is any one character in Marvel i would just like to hang out with it is him

Anyone can fight the Hulk in Marvel. Literally anyone, including Spider Man, Captain America, and the Punisher. It long ceased to be relevant.

In this issue he was defeated by Professor X

No, this one is their first fight.

Even though he can't be stopped, he can easily be "redirected". Colossus has knocked him down many times on that technicality.

Because writers are hacks that will reduce Thor to a stupid brute that relies on a hammer and inability to summon lightning without it.

They basically confirmed in New Excalibur (I think) that he was the most powerful foe of the X-Men, that was the real reason Onslaught attacked him first.

Gladiator is way more powerful than Jobbernaut.

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Ewing needs to take over Thor after Aaron fucks off. He would remember that Thor is a god and has access to magic.

Not with how he treated Thor in his Hulk.

And somehow jobs even more

He is keeping continuity straight. In Loki Agent of Asgard Thor was still Aaron Thor style but treated much better

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Gladiator is one of the biggest jobbers of the X-Men universe. He's actually a good example of a powerful character that is usually treated like shit by the writers

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>Gladiator is way more powerful than Juggenaut.

Oh nononono >The Chad Avatar of Cyttorak
>The Virgin Majestor of the Shit'ar

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I love Cannonball and he is really fucking powerful. But unless Gladiator just got right back up this is bullshit

Yep, still dead.

This fucker controls one of the four principle forces of reality but he's still a 3rd rate Magento at best

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Graviton once defeated the entired Marvel Earth and yet jobbed against the Thunderbolts.

and Nefaria was beat up by Carol and Wolverine once

Juggermaut is a perennial secondary character. He's only ever good as a foil. So he'll never be a good villain, just as a plot device.

To be fair, gravity is the second weakest of the fundemental forces
Strong Nuclear force > electro-magnatism > gravity > weak nuclear force

At least EMH gave Graviton some love

Cannonball is invulnerable when he's blastin'. Gladiator is only strong as he thinks he is. Cannonball tanked Gladiator's best shot and broke his confidence. Gladiator does get up right after but he doesn't continue the fight because he's not actually there to fight.

The current writers on X-Men are trash and possibly hate the X-Men. I hope Hickman fixes that.

Doctor Strange was barely ever relevant before based MCU gave him the spotlight. So much for being the "Sorcerer Supreme"

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He's legit batshit insane, though. Most jobbers also don't get onscreen kills.

I still feel bad for Charcoal... he was really an interesting character, I wonder what stop Disney/Marvel to paying the creator some money to use the character, he was a better black character than most new characters.

>Doctor Strange was barely ever relevant before based MCU
Not true

There isn't a clear owner of the character. He was created out of a Wizard magazine contest, bu the terms of the contest never clarified if the creator, Wizard, or Marvel had ownership.

Pretty sure ol'Cain is not a mutant at all

Excuse me sir, did someone mention extrememly powerful character who get treated like shit? Because i believe i heard extremely powerful character who gets treated like shit

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Tom King is such a hack I don't even consider it canon. Fucking catwank

For a guy who has literally the speed of light and can turn back time Flash does have some of the most retarded defeat

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Yes, I also love that story when the X-Men and the Brotherhood teamed up to fight Superboy Prime

I loved how they telegraphed that SBP was going to rip off Anole's other arm then BAM! Karma gets double amputee'd.

1. Gladiator isn't a villain
2. Juggernaut was never knocked out by Sue Storm

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>extremely powerful characters that are treated like shit?
This shitter right here

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Sue Storm is capable of killing Celestials. Sue Storm is easily the most powerful member of the Fantastic Four. There is not shame about being knocked out by Sue Storm. Its still better than being tricked into walking into cement and then being trapped in concrete like Juggernaut did. Like Juggernaut literally trapped and couldn't break the concrete and jump out of it.

Remember that time when fucking Doctor Octopus made the Hulk look like a little bitch?

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>Class 50 brick
>Can't fly
>Weapon is not magic
>No extra magic type abilities

Why did they make him so underwhelming for a god anyway?

He upgraded to adamantium then and next time they fought Hulk said he caught him off guard

I think the title of most powerful belongs to her son plus she got her ass kicked against Electro.

Electro is a legit powerhouse despite being an idiot.

Call him ion man

He's not really Superman in terms of physicals.

To be fair, this was War Hulk. If it wasn't for the celestial tech Juggernaut would have continued overpowering him.

>beheading juggernaut
>stopping the juggernaut

He BIG dumb

>decades ago
>be a lad watching X-Men
>first time seeing the Juggernaut
>the military comes at him with tanks
>Juggs says, "HURR HURR, sticks and stones may break my bones but ranks can never hurt me!"
>never heard that saying before, so I thought he wasn't joking
>so for a while I used to think Juggs' weakness was getting hit with sticks and stones

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Cant have him do crazy shit anymore. The last I remember was when Remender had him open a portal to the sun and shove one of the apocalypse twins into it head first.

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>implying that the authors know any notions of physics aside from Bill nye and actually use them in their character creation

Bet you thought the X-men were called that after X-avier too

no they made it pretty explicit it was because they had an x-tra factor that made them x-ceptional
I read it in an x-men guide in the years before wikis

You're not alone there, friend

I thought it stood for eXtraordinary