How can we encourage the writers to do a sex scene with Thor and Carol Danvers since the movie obviously missed a great...

How can we encourage the writers to do a sex scene with Thor and Carol Danvers since the movie obviously missed a great opportunity. (They were definitely doing the "I want to fuck you so bad" eyes)

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> They were definitely doing the "I want to fuck you so bad" eyes
have sex

this is the best pairing for her right now.

who's her bf in the comics?

maybe she was but he definitely wasn't


Attached: CarolxJess.jpg (715x1230, 196K)

lmao this

When chris decides he likes brie again

>sex scene

That will never happen with any characters. The most anyone will get is dialogue implying that they're having sex, or being shown sleeping in the same bed.

is that canon

Thor’s gonna bond with Quill over their misery and they will eventually go gay for each other.

War Machine. When she’s not getting him killed anyways.

I love how butthurt leftist faggots get over the thought of Carol getting hardcore smashed by Thor's dick.

No, it’s not

Would he use butter as lube?

i want carol to hurt thor's butt all night long

Attached: steven universe lapis face 2.jpg (189x173, 11K)

Maybe Thor could fuck some sense into her dumb ass.

oh ok.

but didn't Joe or Tony say he would pull off something like this?

I've been waiting for someone to do some kind of fuxtaposition after Thor says "I like this one"

holy shit look at that over the should come dominate me look she's giving thor

Sound of bone grinding against itself. Why would Thor dick down this sticc when he can grief fuck his way through the Midwest?

Pouty lips, arched back, looking slightly over her shoulder.. yep that's 'come fuck me Thor' for sure.

if you really want to see Chris Hemsworth getting fucked in the arse by a laughing woman just go to some Western Bulldogs games

Brie Larson is aggressively unsexy.

>Thor thinks he's the one responsible for the snap
>bro he wanna have sex
wew lad

I like mine petite like Brie.

Do you like them with a flat ass and terrifyingly fucked up feet like Brie too? LMFAO.

Straight men are always thinking about sex. That's how we know you're not a straight man.

Is it because they don't make strap-ons in plus sizes, you giant faggot?

It's because I like fucking women, not dump truck sized fatasses like you do nigger.

Sure, of course

I like femdom, so i’m behind this, OP.

This is likely a pathetic samefag

If Thor gets Carol pregnant, does she stop fighting until the baby is born, or is she "invincible" enough to keep fighting even while pregnant?

I posted only a single comment here.

Let's just take a moment to appreciate how much Hemsworth would absolutely manhandle Larson in the bedroom. Dude has like a foot in height on her, and at least 90lbs in weight.

The character you fags shill is awful and nobody likes her

Carol is a goddess and only a god like Thor could fuck her brains out properly!

More like Goblin queen

War Machine
He's also probably her pairing in the movies, in that holo-conference she looked like she cared more about him than anyone else

I'll take my Scarlet Witch mommy over the fungus among us any day of the week.

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This same comment pops up on every single Captain Marvel thread without fail. Literally the same stupid comment about the "holo-conference". Are you lurking that fucking hard on captain sjw getting some nigger dick or what?

Whose fucking feet is that?

if anything, Thor will get knocked up

Leftists are becoming more retarded every year.

Women Superior Brie Larson.

Attached: Brie Strong.jpg (375x342, 21K)

Why so threatened by black men? LOL

I'd rather have her fuck Peter. Until he impregnates her.

That's a poor attempt to hide your unhealthy infatuation of niggers.

There's gonna be years of this unfunny bullshit, isn't there?

As long as they continue to push their leftist nonsense into movies, people are going to troll using their own shit against them.

>Wanting a sex scene with Brie

Attached: 1387005308257.gif (435x245, 2.85M)

Do you think the Russo's had to fight to keep Captain Marvel out of the way or did Feige immediately concede that the new character added between Infinity War and Endgame saving the day would feel like an asspull?

She filmed her Endgame scenes first before Captain Marvel, so actually if there's anything to blame how OP she is, its on the Russos or the writers of those since her own movie was only done later.

All ballerinas ever

>Wow, you fucked me so hard I think my ass imprinted on the mattress
>Thor peers quizzically at the completely flat mattress


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Captain Manhater / Brie Larson are such unlikeable, stubborn dykes that he could probably smack her clit with Mjolnir for an hour and she wouldn't feel it.

>wanting fat thor
>not shota parker
>current year
Wew, lad.

In one interview during Endgame red carpet he mentioned he would like a movie featuring Thor and Carol ;)