ITT: Shows only you have watched
ITT: Shows only you have watched
Love that show.
Thanks for remind it me this show existed
I remember that show.
Did they ever explain why her friend never wore shoes?
Oh, hey, I remember liking this show!
Why are Jackie Chan and Jade on a floating island?
Pure Kino.
Is this Bigmouth?
Nah, it's just Generation O! Doesn't look as ugly as it comes across as at first, but the artstyle does look more appealing than Big Mouth's. At least they don't have those creepy eyes.
Christ on a cracker what a hideous art style.
Do you have a show with a better style?
That show got its first rule 34 a few weeks ago.
When she got sued for plagiarism over one note
I remember this from Nicktoons Network!
Not gonna lie, I though it was a fever dream I had made up until someone brought it up a few months ago.
The author of The Hunger Games wrote scripts for Generation O.
What the fuck even was that?
I only caught one episode and it was like Superjail but even more bizarre.
The forgotten child of the Canadian/ French anime series period
why was their drummer a sentient kangaroo and why did no one ever bring that up
I was obsessed with this cartoon for some reason. I think it was the whole singing aspect.
I watched this
(Seaside Hotel)
This. It was the worst shit ever and knowing that there's hardly anyone to share my suffering makes it even worse.
Thank god I never heard of deviantart when I was watching this
Name of the show is Mr Trance.
There are some episodes on youtube if you look it up
I faintly remember this, it was on TV all the time. Can't remember if I actually liked it or if I was waiting for wathever was airing after that. Despite being a French show there's no episodes in French, really tells how hard people tried to forget this.
here's hoping the movie gets made!
I was a big fan of this as a kid.
I don't think I've ever despised a show or cartoon as much as this one.
Even Wikipedia only has the German episode titles. If I didn't know better I could have sworn it actually was a German show.
I remember watching this on Fox Kids LATAM.
I rememnber these cartoons. They where broadcasted on Russian cartoon channel. I watched Undergrads, but missed final episode.
Not so far ago I saw video about old cartoons, broadcasted on OPT. I suppose, most of them except Exo-Squad and Extreme Ghostbusters are almost forgotten.
I remember it because I think Team Galactic from Pokemon was originally named Team Galaxy but had its name changed because of this show.
I think that's what happened at least.
The vixen was hot
1. One Lucky Duck
2. Weight and See
3. Exhibit Day
4. Slagerade
5. Catch a Falling Star
6. Deep Sheep
7. Statue Nuts
8. Off The Record
9. What a Drag!
10. Game Showdown
11. Pond Scum
12. Home Sweat Home
13. Extreme 9000
14. To Serve Duck
15. Master Skater
16. Haunted Duck
17. Eggs Travaganza
18. Starving Stars
19. Whitch Race
20. Vidiots
21. Censor This
22. Paperwork Island
23. Power, My Friend
24. X-Mas DuckX
25. The Far Away Farm
26. Whizz Ducks
27. Smile, Nessie
28. Tennis Tenors
29. Geextah Cheats Cheeta
30. Ducky Duckx
31. Restless Place
32. Hat-Crazed
33. Extreme Awards
34. TransfoduckX
35. Toyland
36. We Want Candy
37. Extreme Vacation
38. Trojan Cockroaches
39. Bull Fight
40. Extreme Lessons
41. The Fan
42. Rodeo Show
43. One Tooth Too Many
44. Captain Iceberg
45. Hair on Your Hair
46. Savage DuckX
47. Confiscated
48. Vacation in The Shade
49. Noel Destroy
50. Super Ducks
51. Cap Caper
52. Statue Field
53. We Love You
54. Royal Beaver
55. Big Fish
56. High Tech Toilet
57. Abominable Snow Beasts
58. Extreme Burger
59. Fleas Release Me, Let Me Go
60. Mega Men
61. Sweet DuckX
62. Biquet Club
63. The Mummy
64. All Hallows DuckX
65. Firemen of Love
66. Bats'Bout Bananas
67. Dr. Frankenstooge
68. A Foot in The Head
69. Rat-a-Touie
70. Mega Men 2
71. Going Up to The Country
72. Wash and Wear Weenies
73. Poonies
74. Mega Men in The Garden
75. Extreme Pick Up
76. House Mouse
77. Geextah and a Half
78. Lions'n Tigers'n DuckX, Hee, Hee
these are the English titles for all 78 episodes
add them to Wikipedia
It is funny to watch in german for some reason.
they really put effort into the dub, I haven't seen it in a long time but they pretty much invented their own youth language
I remember drawing this shit all day, it was ease to imitate
Caramelos de limón, caramelos
They look like if the Veggietales characters were human.
I remember when my mom randomly bought us a DVD of this for some reason. it was pretty boring t.b.h
I used to bully some faggot on newgrounds who's entire identity was based around this show
that language over there looks Hebrew
No clue man, that's just a pic I found on google.
Even in my slav country we use Latin.
My nigga
Dios santo, esto tenía más de 18 sin ver, gracias user
i spent two decades trying to find this show again
the curse has finally been lifted
The theme song still plays in my head to this day.
France will put anything on the air
>literally made a decade before The Dragon Prince
>both series are in the same level animation-wise
Why is it so hard to animate right in CG?
I only remember the episode where the blonde chick rejects a guy because he was a manlet
I liked this and Detention. Just thinking about them gives me nostalgia from watching them and Pokemon after school.
I only remember her and her violins
for a Chinese animated series, it's ok.
Looney Tunes Back in Action is kino. I don't care what anyone says, I will always enjoy this movie.
this shit
Why was a 15 year old goth girl in charge of an evil organization that was trying to rule the world?
I remember being confused when I saw the music video for paranoid android like I had deja vu. Thanks m8.
Kino opening.
I haven't seen this shit in almost twenty years.
Thanks, user.
It had a great theme song.
Cartoon from the 80s called Galaxy High.