How would Mothra fair in the DC universe?

How would Mothra fair in the DC universe?

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Pretty well, she’s pretty powerful,

>literal God that can wipe out cities with beam

Supes might stand a chance but most of them wouldn’t.

C'mere, beautiful.

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She’s so cute

She would join the Justice League tbqh


Gl puts up a giant bug zapper and has all the electric heroes power it.

>rollercoasters with lamps

About as well as she does in the Godzilla universe

Can we have more actual comic discussion instead of "How would X non-comics character do in the Marvel/DC Universe?"

It's lazy, guys

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Come one, we're talking about Mothra, not Candleja

No it's not lazy

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>literal God
It's a moth.

>can wipe out cities with beam
Lex Luthor builds death rays for fun.

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Mothra is a deity, fool. She even has supernatural twin fairy harbingers of her will and presence to communicate with humans

Holy shit i want this!

Sounds retarded

Mothra and Battra are both deities. Specifically guardian ones for people (Or the planet in Battra's case).

Godzilla: Save...Mothra!

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godzilla steam rolled the marvel universe back in the day
he and several of the other monsters would do pretty well in dc also

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Mothra is too cute to fight.

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Cute things are often the most deadly things.

>Mothra is too cute to fight.

Mothra is saving herself for marriage.

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>"actual comic discussion"
You mean people pissing themselves in rage over "NOT MUH CANON/COMIC/WRITER" and starting up shitty company wars because that's all their lives amount to? Fuck you. These threads are infinitely better than that garbage.

Mothra is way stronger that it looks, one hit killed Gydorah and can drag fucking Godzilla.

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Is there a creation myth for how Mothra created the earth and the heavens? No? Then fuck off. It's just a big fucking moth.

>if it isn't involved in the creation of earth it can't be a deity
So I take it you're retarded.

She's a good guy tho

So you're saying Mothra is a god but Kane Milohai isn't? You're stupid.

>Is there a creation myth for how Mothra created the earth and the heavens? No? Then fuck off. It's just a big fucking moth
A giant moth that can fire laser beams, is a protector god of eartyh, and is immortal via reincarnation.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Who brought up a Hawaiian god, when did I day that, the fuck?

>the greek pantheon aren't gods

don't forget her/her sone time traveling too

Ignore him. He's literally an autismo who doesnt understand how the concept of divinity works.

Those are not things exclusive to gods. Not even close. I can think of five superheroes off the top of my head with those powers.

user, Mothra is a god. This isn't up for debate.

>implying mothra would cause any kind of trouble.
She'd show up give the justice league a scare and then help them against whatever villain they're fighting. Now the real question is how dangerous would ghidorah or desotroyah be in the DC universe?

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Mothra is a giant mutant moth. That's all.

user, if you knew anything about their lore, you'd know that Mothra and Battra are literal cosmic deities. They're not "mutant" anythings, and have been around for MUCH longer than humanity has.

Ghidorah is a soul-swallowing cosmic horror who fucks up entire worlds. His normal appearance is an outright Event villain. And Destoroyah is around the same ballpark.

No you fucking idiot, Mothra is literally a protector goddess.

Godzilla is a mutant. Ghidorah is an alien. Mothra is a god.

Killer Moth is for Babs!

I think it'd be cool to see Godzilla monsters reimagined as superheroes

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Who drew this?


Drawthread booru seems to say DBaru. I would adore it if he did more, because this was my all time favorite delivery I ever got.

Define god

Atom gets raped by the two little girls due to finally having dick their size.

She's an immortal (in a Buddhist reincarnative/phoenix sense) protector being of peace who protects the earth, is supernatural, and has twin fairy herald priestesses. She is a god just as much as any Norse or Greek god. Depending on the version she can also harness light itself as a weapon.

She is a god, user. She is OFFICIALLY a god.

where's your thread?

Also, her son can literally go FTL and time travel.

I kinda hope/wish they somehow implement the Mothra Leo into the monster verse.

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>her son

I thought all Mothras were female (but Battra is male for some reason)?

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Leo is entirely male. Mostly because he's an actual offspring instead of a reincarnation. And Battra is Mothra's dark counterpart.

And Mothra gets her ass kicked every time by mortals? Some fucking god.

>She's an immortal
Plastic Man
>protector being of peace
Marian Manhunter
>is supernatural
>has twin fairy herald priestesses
Black Lightning

Are any of those characters gods?

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Mothra is adorable... and retardedly powerful. She can and has competed with beings that by all rights should whoop her fuzzy buggo ass. But she'd probably lose to the various super-beings that fart around DC, like Supes, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, etc.

However I once read that Godzilla could take Thor, and he scales to most of those heroes...

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Mothra fits in comics considering she's died/come back several times like any good hero



at least her coming back is because she laid an egg somewhere safe for "in case I die" moments and less handwavey than how most dc heroes come back

You can. Because she's fictional. She's not real.

>Because she's fictional. She's not real.
Yeah, like a god.

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While I'm not gonna get into the autism field this other user is creating, something being classified a god doesn't mean shit in fiction. So many different characters with varying power are called gods that the title doesn't hold any meaning whatsoever. Its what the character is capable of that matters.
By a lot of standards almost the entire JL or Avengers can be called gods but they're not.


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I want to pet Mothra so. Goddamned. Much.

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I wanna fug that bug

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You would hate Elder Scrolls then, most of the gods didn't create the world. Like Mannimarco.

But Mothra is a god.

Mothra is way too pure for your schemes, Gordon.

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>Draw a moth
>Call it a god

I think Mothra would bug the shit out of the DC Universe.

I made a Multiversity discussion thread that got archived.

I don't recall a single decidedly mortal creature ever harming Mothra. And no, the other Guardian Beasts dont count.

It's the only way to save Gotham.

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>Mothra vs Mister Mind

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Yeah isn’t Ghidora almost Darksied-esque via keeping its true self in a different dimension?

Jesus you're retarded. I bet you think you're super smart for talking about powerlevels between fictional universes and pointing out that things in other works of fiction are stronger than Mothra.

>Before facing Mothra in his eldrich form, he interacts with the Fairies as a caterpillar

In the anime mostly, where it's basically an outer god. But it's implied that even in the movies, Ghidorah is something more than the giant three-headed creature we see.

Mothra Leo is fucking broken. He is if Mothra were a shonen protagonist, constantly getting power ups.

>N-no, Mothra is a god because they totally said so. Stop trying to prove me wrong while I flounder about like an autist. WAHHHHHHHHHHH

>Is literally stated to be a god in-universe
>HUURR DURRR She's not a god because other things are stronger than her

Please stop being retarded. You're embarrassing.

Your definition of a 'god' is literally some bastardized form of Abrahamic faith, and you seem to insist that if all gods aren't universe-creating overdeities, then they aren't gods at all. You are quite simply the brianlet meme given form.

>Just because its called something that makes it true
Bet you think someone who gets struck by lightning and bathed in chemicals can gain super speed too?

Please set yourself on fire.



>Can't think of an argument
I know your autistic about your godzilla love but at least try to think up some basic thoughts

I think you're a retard. How's that.

>the part of Mothra shall be played by Battra
still hyped for the movie

Its fine to admit you've lost user, nobody will hold it against you

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Pretending to be smug while you're being retarded is just sad, user.

Well, that can happen in fiction. A Moth can be a goddess in fiction too.

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Depends. Does Charles Barkley exist in DC?

If Mothra is so cool how come they never made a mecha mothra? Checkmate Mothbros

Best monster-fu

She destroys 90% of the league. Green Lanterns have no chance against her.

There actually were plans for a mecha Mothra back in the 90s, but it was decided you can't improve upon perfection.

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mecha forms are for losers who got their asses handed to them so hard they needed to be rebuilt

Unless you're Mothra Leo, in which case you can always go bigger.

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Those gets
My sides

I could totally buy even Superman having a tough time with Ghidorah. Getting pounded by three gravity beams would send him crashing down to earth.
I could see her doing pretty well, actually. She'd fit right in with Wondy and other demi-god types. If giant starfish can be massive threats, a big moth should do just as well.

"And so, Kitten, that's how I met your mother."

Why do DCfags always get super pissy in these sort of threads?

>Draw a old man with a beard.
>Call it a god.

Reminder that Godzilla travelled through time, killed all the olympian gods and had Zeus use all his powers just to send him away and got a lesson in humility to not be such a kerk to humans

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Godzilla sure is lucky.

Not really well, supergirl can just fly through her like gross fly swatter.

No, the league handles Godzilla level threats on a casual basis. Ghidorah, is like fighting a properly serous darkseid or anti monitor, which the team always pulls through at their best.


Very good