How would you rate this outfit for crimefighting?

How would you rate this outfit for crimefighting?

Attached: 1521589285646.png (1080x1086, 733K)

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Can't rate it without seeing Mag's ass.

Cute. Might need a cape.

looks badass, how does she fight crime though? Weapons, powers, gear etc

I'm good with a sci-fi vileblood set.

Attached: 37606066_273303639927140_5378795318118711296_n.jpg (640x640, 37K)

>How does this Warframe fight crime?

nezha is a femboi


That's a robot, you can see the parts aren't attached

>not Valkyr Prime

Attached: 1553152999109.jpg (1920x1080, 342K)



I've played hundreds of hours of Warfame and... I am still trying to understand what warframes are. They're somewhere between robots and tumors.

Heh. And as I type this, the radio is reporting how video game additions is a newly defined disorder by the WHO.

Attached: warframe mirage 1549659294053.jpg (4096x2304, 1.96M)

You're the one that's wearing a costume. Society's costume, Tenno.

Attached: Kiteer_presense_uhq.jpg (512x342, 27K)

Back in my day space niggas from yah vider gaymes didnt fight crime.
Dey the hwans commiting it.
10/10 for ass curves tho that shit tight.

Attached: Black Bugs Bunny.jpg (480x360, 13K)


That's a meat robot, not an outfit.

Overkill. Looks like something from Warframe.

>Rhino Prime is best frame change my mind

it is warframe

I'd love to see Warframe STYLED superhero costumes.

Attached: Warframe.png (1280x720, 1.16M)

>cainhurst cuck
>wearing the chad executioner chest armor
Absolutely disgusting

have you done the second dream quest yet

it explains it a good bit, as well as the following quests

They're frames, for war