Imagine my suprise McShane even knows Mignola's name. He just sleepwalked throught that movie
man he looks old then he does in john wick
Was it worth it, Mignola?
how much more money can he possibly need, he worked for 25 years in one of the best-selling creator owned books, he has a rabid fanbase that will buy new tpbs and deluxe editions, there's tons and tons of licensed Hellboy products, two movies who wether he liked them or not did turn a profit and so on, and it doesn't seem like he has kids or any serious illness, what the fuck is wrong with people.
Just gather enough that you can live a comfortable life, live off it's rendiments and do your thing for the rest of your life at the pacing you want.
Is Hellboy going to be the next meme indie joke character like Spawn that only some people remember or care about?
Spawn at least has historical relevance what with him being one of the most popular 90s characters and being a symbol of that time. And if the new movie is successful (or if it even manages to come out) he could be huge again.
Hellboy is just done. There is nothing left for him. His book is done (and ended shittly). No one wants him in movies. And no one cares about him in video games. He is done. At most he will be a footnote in the history of successful independent comics. But at this point, Mignola needs to just give up trying to make Hellboy the next Deadpool or Wolverine, it ain’t happening.
I really don't understand why you people need to be so literal.
Hellboy isn't just done, there have been a quarter century of highly regarded books by fans, creators and critics, and they already announced a new mini yesterday.
Hellboy kinda fucked up in the end, I agree, but Hellboy the character will forever be fondly remembered at least by comic fans, in the same way Madman, Nexus, Eddie Current and other similar indie capes from around the same time are.
that was a fun interview
how long til Hellboy is in the next soul calibur?
Based Mcshane recognizes Hot Rod is kino
well he was in a NRS fighter so he actually went a step down what Spawn has done so far.
He was already in Brawlhalla. Nothing is more embarrassing than that.
Mignola ruined his legacy.
How embarrassing.
Fucking Negan was in Tekken, so, I unno
While I agree that Hellboy really went out... It was almost like Game of Thrones the way it just fell apart during the third act of Hellboy/B.P.R.D. as a whole (A lot of that has to do with the fact that Mignola bringing in more creators to expand the universe and too big of a focus on B.P.R.D., in my opinion, since he could pass on the writing duties of that to someone else, imo), but the character and universe are generally beloved, and I don't think this movie not doing good at the box office kills it. While it may have fallen out of Public conciousness, it might just turn into a cult fav, especially among comic fans.
He also just needs just ONE good Videogame and for Mignola/Darkhorse to stop fucking around with game developers who suck.
>third act
it really didn't, it fell out in the last 15 fucking issues and that's not "the third act", the third act began with Hell on Earth (assuming this is a three act story, which I think is rather irresponsible considering the vastness and how spread the work is in it's entirety).
where is the evidence that mignola hated toro's hellboy? from what I read del toro and mignola collaborated in depth on the movies and they also collaborated before with mignola doing story boards for blade 2.
Stuido line for the fallguy. Can't have been the garbage script or the terrible, rushed CGI pieces, it's the retard from the low art's fault.
>hurr durr only non comics media matters
Please kill yourself or at the very least remain on whatever board you actually belong to you secondary casual mongoloid.
>it's a "Yea Forums faggot hates comics and everything about them so he posts on the comics board about how much he hates comics" episode
I wonder if he ever played that Hellboy board game
Honestly, it's not a hill I'm willing to die on, it just felt like the right way to decribe it, but yeah, Hell on Earth is basically when it started to get bad, but even Hellboy in Hell became really meandering after issue 3-4. Not that I didn't like Hellboy's unrelated adventures in Hell, but I honestly would have liked either more of them, maybe help build up The Devil You Know, and flesh out story elements on the metaphysical side of things as B.P.R.D. was setting the stage in the material world. Instead I thought it had ended under the radar for a while (didn't help that everything I saw off google was saying the series is over) and basically the only Mignolaverse thing for like a year was maybe a Christmas special and the one about The Visitor, that really wasn't what I wanted in a mini about the Alien guys.
Honestly, I'm just bummed that Devil You Know was so underwhelming. I don't know if Mignola just hit a rut, or was going through a depressive cycle, or what, but having Scott Allie co-write just makes it feel like Mignola didn't even care at that point and just wanted to be done with it.
It's really sad to see a series that really just resonated with you end in such a mediocre way. Like it's not even terrible, and it largely ended in the way that he had setup, and it's not terrible, it makes sense, but that's about it. Everyone just felt so broken and hollow and it's almost a relief that they're all dead, but it kinda undercut the hopeful aspect of life beginning a new as humanity goes into the earth, giving way for the new race of man to rise.
Too long. Soul Calibur needs a proper fist fighter. Talim is fun but she doesn't punch enough.
Mignola is less talented Michael Gilbert
Hellboy is so much more respected than Spawn, and the fact that Hellboy ended is a huge part of that.
he's basically Liefeld with less integrity
Listen mate, this meme is fun and there sure are paralells, but you need to understand that no, they're not that similar at all.
yeah Liefeld still has a full head of hair and friends in the industry
if your OC could be in not 1 but 2 movies, you'd say yes too. especially in this era where superhero movies are more popular than ever, if the movie caught on it could have kickstarted a whole franchise and opportunities for him and his fellow creators
But the first two movies made a profit at the theaters and went on to have a very healthy life in the home market. Again, how much money can this man possibly need? He doesn't even strike mas someone living the high life, he dresses like a boomer (or a community college professor in more formal situations), his interests seem to lie entirely on folklore and pop culture (things that are very cheap to consume) and again, it doesn't look like he has kids from what little I know from his personal life.
At some point people should just be glad they've reached financial security and just do whatever the fuck they want. If this movie was being made with or without his aproval, he can always pull a soft-Alan Moore and say he doesn't care about it (but then receive royalties anyway because who the fuck is checking that).
this really pisses me off, I love Hellboy but it honestly looks like Mignola didn't even try for that drawing
He obviously didn't
How many posts in this thread are actually by OP? I assume these are:
Of course no one will be content with just a "comfortable" life when you're raking in the big bucks, especially when you have a property that's been as profitable and successful as Hellboy. He's either a) bad at handling money, which is why he's dragged out this franchise for this long, or b) he saw how profitable super hero movies have become and he wanted his piece of that pie to rake in even more money.
I think this comes down to values, because as someone who only occasionaly and very irresponsibly daydreams about cartooning as a job, it seems to me like assuming at least a somewhat spartan standard of life comes with the job, and as far as creators go, Mignola is probably one of the most financially succesful ones out there.
They would probably give him Excalibur or something
What are you talking about? That has been Mignola's style since that time, are you actively looking for things to be angry about?
I'm not angry at all, he just didn't try a lot with that particular cartoon. It's ok my dude, I still like the man's work.
>I'm not angry at all
>this really pisses me off
And how do you know he "didn't try a lot"?
First of all, the pissed off guy is another poster, but answering your question, this looks like literally any other pin up he ever done except for that very awkwardly placed medallion of shadows or whatever it's called and the Yugi in his shirt.
And again, as a fan, you have to admit Mignola does lend himself to repeating his compositions an awful lot.
You have to look at it from his viewpoint, tho.
Even living a comfortable life where you dont have to worry about things financially, if you have 2 movies made about your comic book creation, and you really felt like both movie got your ideas wrong, and a movie studio comes up to you and says "Hey, we are going to give it another shot, and we want to get it right this time".
I mean, I dont think ANYONE in that position would turn that down, because literally no one gets that opportunity as a comic creator. Outside of the small group of diehard fans, no one really wanted another Hellboy movie.
>Hellboy went out like a wet fart
>suffered through Berserk levels of franchise decay
>Is now Spawn tier in terms of popularity and cultural impact
>Mignolia sold out and hooked his horses to the new train wreck of a movie solidifying in peoples minds that all the moody pulp weirdness came from Del Taco and not him
God I could not be happier. All you Hellniggers thumbing your noses at capeshit for years now get to eat crow and go down with the ship.
Ha. Ha. Where’s your “o-one writer one continuity is best” bullshit now?
>as a fan, you have to admit Mignola does lend himself to repeating his compositions an awful lot
Then what's the problem? It's not like he's being intentionally dismissive of anyone then, just doing a typical Mignola pin-up. Yeah, it's literally the same pose as in Hellboy in Hell #1 and 10000 other things, that's what he's been doing since like 2001. Mignola's original reason for retiring the Hellboy brand before that movie reboot was that he wanted to focus on his paintings, he's been wanting out of the industry for a good while now. Does it suck that he's pretty much being purposefully lazy? Yeah I guess, but the point is it's been like that for a while now and he's not being purposefully lazy to anyone in particular.
Mignola isn't the only writer in his own universe though, in fact he's been writing less and less over the years.
Mate why the fuck are you so defensive, even you are willing to admit he was being lazy there. And even his paintings still look exactly like a lot of his other pin ups and shit (and I like them, but still).
Yeah, I get that it's easy to say this sort of thing from my viewpoint but today in particular is a day I got into some familiar trouble for denying a paycheck I felt would fuck me over so it is a personal value situation. Again, it wasn't a million dollar paycheck and I don't know how tempted I'd be but still, I'm far more willing to just save a few thousand bucks (which Mignola should have accumulated at this point) and live comfortably off of it's returns than keep trying to get another million so someone can take a dump in my work.
He was still the principle mastermind and director and he crashed the franchise with no survivors. Hellboy for the past few years has been Berserk levels of “its time to put a bullet in the sick dogs head” story decay.
>why the fuck are you so defensive, even you are willing to admit he was being lazy there
Yeah, which means I'm not being "defensive" because you literally can't be defensive of someone while shitting on them. I just find the common complaint that he was somehow being dismissive of his Japanese card game fan idiotic and baseless.
A claim I never made, only that he didn't try in that cartoon in particular.
There's no "directors" in comics, these aren't fucking movies or videogames or whatever. He's been pretty open in interviews about how little he does writing wise in the latest comics, which is shitty but has nothing to do with your childish "o-one writer one continuity is best" jab.
Well, that seems to be usual comment, so apologies if I misread you.
>Meanwhile, capeshitters can have hope that eventually King and Bendis will leave Batman and Superman
>Hellboy is fucked forever
Watching continuity cocks eat shit is the best thing ever.
Every fucking time some weeb slips his containment board to come talk shit about how One Piece and Boku are sooooo much better than western comics because muh one writer’s vision with an ending some Hellnigger would push his glasses up and chime in with “Um actually we do have stories like superior Nihon does like Hellboy. Don’t lump us in with those capetards weeb-dono.”
Get absolutely fucked. Mike’s rep is toast. The book ended as bad as Lost. OH MY OSIRIS CLUB. Hellboy is done. He’s now in ftp “games” along with Rayman. His last gasp at relevancy was guest staring in Batman’s fighting game and he was overshadowed by the TMNT.
Watching this franchise die an ugly and disgraced death is pure justice.
>Implying the absolute clusterfuck the ending was can’t entirely be blamed on Mike
>Implying he shouldn’t have completely turned over creative control to someone not senile and with fresh ideas years ago.
You reap what you sow indy clowns.
So? It wasn't just one man's vision. Even if it were, and this was one man's failed vision, it doesn't change the problems with unending franchises with sliding timescales. Nobody stays dead, nobody ages or grows, everything just gives the illusion of change temporarily before reverting to status quo. No ending, no satisfying conclusion to the hero's arc.
Capefags I’m sorry. We shouldn’t have dismissed the merits of episodic storytelling. We did and now we’re paying the price. I’m sorry.
How is that different from what the big two comics do though? And how big of a corporate cocksucker do you have to be to act like indie is inherently a dirty word?
>>Implying the absolute clusterfuck the ending was can’t entirely be blamed on Mike
It can, but the idea you're making fun of was never a part of Hellboy's narrative. If you look at the very first Hellboy stories, it's pretty evident there was no real endgame in mind. He was a character created to fit more pulp sensibilities where he had weird adventures with monsters all the time but the idea wasn't to make an actual larger narrative out of that. The problem is that Hellboy's entire story got so much bigger than what would fit the usual pulp trappings that he pretty much became a straight up fantasy hero, if not a superhero in all but the most blatant of ways, that Mignola had to straight up create another character to fit that pulp mold (Lobster Johnson). At the end of the day the ending is shitty for many reasons, but a large one is that it didn't really exist when the whole Hellboy thing began, and I doubt Mignola knew how expansive the universe would be and for how long it would remain around.
>>Implying he shouldn’t have completely turned over creative control to someone not senile and with fresh ideas years ago
Well, it IS his character at the end of the day. Really, he should have retired him long ago himself but it is a veritable franchise. It's pretty easy to say "oh I would have had artistic integrity and ended it" from the sidelines.
>indy clowns
Then again, you seem bitter and tribalistic so there isn't much point to this discussion anyway.
Because Bendis’ shit won’t be the end of Superman. Meanwhile Hellboy is done and disgraced like Samurai Jack.
>samefagging this obviously
Exactly. Hellboy was built for episodic storytelling and should have stayed that way.
that's the magic of makeup and post production editing these days
He has a daughter.
But who or what is Superman exactly? There's like five different versions, and that's only if you count mainline continuities and don't make distinctions between writers or other media.
And if another guy wrote a complete arc of a comic but gave it a good ending it would be immensely satisfying. One fuck up doesn't prove anything.
>But who or what is Superman exactly?
The thing about Superman is that you can't ask that question seriously because you do know who Superman is, regardless of how many iterations, changes and retcons have pestered his stories. He's just that good.
>Hellboy threads are nothing but shitposting now
Different user. I liked Hell on Earth, but I read it in one go (I omniwaited...for a decade) I think that if left at Hellboy in Hell and Hell on Earth it’s solid. DYK is the coda that fucks everything else up. It reminds me of Alien 3.
Also killing off another creator’s entire cast after he leaves is really awful.
autistic Mignola fag
Is Mike Mignola really just Rob Liefeld for pseudo-intellectuals?
I want to make it big and get my ken dedicated hate-user.
No, I think all the things that happened in Devil You Know were more or less hinted at/outright said "This is what happens when you end the world/the time of man is over/etc." I just think the execution of it was kinda sloppy and rushed. I didn't like it just kinda... Ending without a resolution.
Also, are you talking about John Arcudi? 'Cause Mike was still involved in the end, he just didn't do it by himself.