Earth-3 Marvel Equivalent thread

This was an idea tossed around in a thread asking what an Earth-3 Doomsday would be like and honestly it's pretty interesting.
Here's some ideas posted from the thread:
>Captain America is essentially Frank Horrigan
>Spider-Man went columbine x10 after he got his powers
>Iron Man is literally just Superior Stark
>Venom being a villain who wants Spider-Man dead for petty reasons, believing he's too good to be a bad guy, while Carnage is a legitimately good lad who wants to make the world a more orderly place and would give his life for even a fly
>Hank Pym is a villain that keeps messing up and improving the lives of everyone instead
>Doctor Doom being an anarchist who believes the best path for the world is one where there are no supervillains to rule over it
>Hulk being a complete fucking monster on the battlefield akin to Immortal Hulk that will break you both physically and mentally, and is only deployed by the evil Avengers equivalent in dire situations
>Instead of snapping away half of the universe, Thanos doubles the resources and worships Eternity.
>Juvenatus comes from the Positive Zone to save the universe with his army of heroic bugs.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm trying to think of an interesting Daredevil/Punisher dynamic. For Matt, I see his accident either leaving him bitter and angry at God and training his body to become a weapon that lashes out at His creation or having him go full nihilist. Punisher I guess would either go after the heroes of his world, or I guess public servants like cops and firefighters? It's harder to make them naturally clash when they'd seem more in line ideologically if they're both more evil than good.

>Hulk being a complete fucking monster on the battlefield akin to Immortal Hulk that will break you both physically and mentally, and is only deployed by the evil Avengers equivalent in dire situations
Wouldn't he just be Kluh, instead? Actually, I dunno how an "Evil Hulk" would work in the long-term, considering Bruce could just shift to a more "good" incarnation at any given time. At best, he'd be a controlled superweapon like you mentioned or like in the tyrant Avengers:

Superior Stark was really based

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>Thor is a rapist drunkard who values war and bloodshed above all else
>Hawkeye is a former superhero who became an assassin
>Magneto and Professor X swap viewpoints
>Wolverine is a savage who is barely even capable of speech
>Reed Richards is a remorseless sociopath who is keeping the other three members of the Fantastic Four as test subjects
>Doctor Strange is motivated by power and is striving to control all planes of existence
>Daredevil is a crooked lawyer who helps criminals avoid jail time by day, and a bank robber at night.
>Black Panther is a brutal and violent dictator who has conquered all of Africa
>SHIELD is a corrupt government organization that messes with other country's business
>The Green Goblin is basically Batman, becoming a hero after Spider-Man rampaged at Midtown High School, severely injuring Harry Osborn
>HYDRA is a resistance group founded to fight the Nazis in World War II that now exists to stop SHIELD's influence on the globe.
>The Red Skull was basically Oskar Schindler, a Nazi official who secretly fought against Hitler's ideas
>Loki was banished by Odin for questioning his rule, and wants to stop Thor from becoming king and turning Asgard to darkness
>Galactus is a being of unlimited love and kindness who goes from planet to planet, bringing knowledge and healing wherever he goes

Unironcally just make Frank a pacifist.

Gorr and Mangog would honestly be pretty cool as heroes.

Why did they scrap Superior Ironman dammit

Leader and Abomination are a Brains and Brawn duo dedicated to saving gamma mutants from being taken and experimented upon or killed by SHIELD or HYDRA.

>Miles Morales murdered the og spiderman to (successfully) get his powers
>The Guardians of the Galaxy are well known space thugs killing for fun
>Quill was raised by his father only to backstab him to gain his powers
>Rocket abuses Groot
>Drax murdered his own family
>Gamora is the peaceful one of the group, thus the most picked on
>Riri is humble
>Iceman homophobic

>Iceman homophobic

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>SHIELD is a corrupt government organization that messes with other country's business

So just USA government then?

Yeah basically.

Basically, yeah.

Dormammu is a goofball compared to his extremely more serious yet weaker brother Rorkannu.

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>Black Panther is a brutal and violent dictator who has conquered all of Africa
Maybe not all. It may seem a bit rough but isn't this just Red Lion?

Sort of, but I guess there aren't many ways to make an evil Black Panther.

Also, with the whole conquering Africa thing, I sort of wanted to make this universe as much of a crapsack as humanly possible with little glimmers of hope here and there, so an entire continent being under the rule of a genocidal monster fit pretty well.

How would the story end?
What if we insert an ultimatum like event?

Captain Marvel is a lesbian who is into old hags

I'd like to think it's a good end where the Avengers and SHIELD are stopped, Loki takes the throne of Asgard, Black Panther is overthrown by a new democratic and progressive leader named N'Jadaka who distributes technology to the world, and Norman Osborn retires from being the Green Goblin and eventually becomes the President.

Based and Hopeful user.
Though I still want to know more. Who'll stop Spider-man?

Superior spiderman, who'd actually be a better spiderman

If it won't be the Goblin, it'll be either Ock or Harry himself, in a sad inversion of the issue where Harry dies.

earth 3 the evil one?
JJJ being a dude who sees the best in spidey and keeps trying to cover up spideys crimes so people will think he's a hero

the reason being so people stay hopeful

You're right about the Doc Ock thing. During the final battle, Spider-Man mortally wounds him, but all of a sudden Otto pulls a device out of his pocket and sticks it onto Spidey's head. Turns out this ends up switching their consciousness, and after years of causing suffering, Peter Parker slowly dies in the body of a middle aged man.

Not sure if he'd still want to use the Spider-Man name considering how he's basically a school shooter and a serial killer in this continuity.

Although his Superior is essentially a selfless good guy masquerading as a villain to undermine and neutralize any potential criminal gangs trying to take over the power vacuum left by the Avengers.
The Sinister Six are more like the Flash's rogues, and Ock/Superior pretty much runs a massive operation with them determined to bring down Daredevil, Iron Fist, Moon Knight and the other costumed wackos.

Ok, rephrasing that.
So Peter never meets MJ and Gwen right? Or would they still meet and abuse him before he goes full Web-shooter?

Let's just say he wouldn't be hung up about Gwen's death at all

What if spidey killed Gwen?

Captain Marvel is actually a superhero and not some lunatic would be tyrant running around waiting for something to set her off.

Make Gwen the Goblin's snitch/spy to keep a tab on Spider-Man. While they're at the bridge, Goblin reveals the truth and the super pissed off Peter ends up doing the neck snapping by himself.

Peter wasn't raised by Aunt May. Aunt May died, Uncle Ben becomes a drunk, doesn't encourage Peter at all even though he's Super-smart and says a lot of unflattering things about their neighbours.
Peter is a loser but thinks he can better himself. He's really jealous of his friend Flash Thompson.

>Pete is basically Patton from Edge of Spider-Verse, sans a monstrous appearance
>He's the superhuman equivalent of a school shooter, and he manages to conquer most of Manhattan's underworld by the time he's 21
>He kills Gwen once he learns she's the Goblin's snitch, then he actually proceeds to kill Harry Osborn to let Norman know he ain't playing around
>He corrupts the White Cat
>Mary Jane is a gold-digging bimbo a la Elvira Hancock from Scarface, and she barely tolerates Peter
>Doc Ock is a visionary who sees his dreams of a technological utopia shattered by Spider-Man over and over
>Hobgoblin is the equivalent of Miles Morales once Norman retires
>The Lizard is pretty much Beast
>Miles is one of those kids obsessed with psycho killers, and takes the Spider-Man's identity after he notices something's up with Superior
>The Jackal's cloning plans are roughly the same as Lex Luthor making Bizarro in Red Son; he wanted to fight fire with fire but failed horribly and ended up creating Kaine

Maybe Lizard's like an inverted Jekyll and Hyde, where Connors is a mad scientist and Lizard is a genuinely good fella.

Carol would be the Illuminated version. She's exactly the same except all her insecurities and flaws are up to 11 and not ignored.

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>>Doctor Strange is motivated by power and is striving to control all planes of existence
So Dormmamu

Evil Matt was done somewhat decently is Spider-Gwen

Lizard: So, I think I can cure Cancer in the form of a children chewable vitami......
Connors: Get out of MY HEEEEEEEEEEEEAD

So Carnage is Spider-man and Spider-man is Carnage?

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>>Hank Pym is a villain that keeps messing up and improving the lives of everyone instead
I want to read this comic.

The Punisher becomes The Forgiver, and rehabilitates villains through his boundless compassion.

Face it Tiger, you aren't good looking enough to hit the jackpot.
Pete loves her, but after being continually rejected even after getting Spider powers, he whips her off a bridge. Green Goblin successfully saves her, and Spider-Man kills himself dodging an attack from the goblin glider.

sounds kino

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>Wouldn't he just be Kluh, instead? Actually, I dunno how an "Evil Hulk" would work in the long-term, considering Bruce could just shift to a more "good" incarnation at any given time. At best, he'd be a controlled superweapon like you mentioned or like in the tyrant Avengers:

yeah he would eventually morph into angel hulk instead of devil hulk

Cap is Dictator America(basically Stevil)
Tony is Superior Tony
Carnage is Carnage-man
Hobgoblin is Hob-bro-goblin
Matt is The Kingpin from Earth-95
Fantastic Four are The Four from Ellis's Planetary
Frank was a mass-murderer who witnessed some mafia goons saving his family when he was trying to murder them, which made him decide to go help people in war zones

Herc is Mythology Herc
Hawkeye is a gay mysoginist women-murderer.
Doctor Strange is fundamentally either Baron Mordo or Dormammu

Iceman is gay. Also, evil.

Carol is Illuminated Carol

The Punisher becomes Vash the Stampede.

So is Norman a legitimately good guy here? He's trying to take over/combat the Manhatten underground to curtail Spidey? Was his relationship with Gwen a lot nicer/romantic or like father and daughter after George died due to Spidey offing him?

I think that fits better The Hulk.

Black Widow is a former US spy that got enamored with the darker aspects of the spy world and turned assassin/torturer/seductress/infiltrator for hire?

>Silver Surfer was a follower of Galactus but became corrupted by the power cosmic he was given, going rogue and now brings ruin and destruction to any planet that he comes across
>Beta Ray Bill was a genetic experiment gone wrong, is nothing more than ravenous beast that was found by Thor and is now used as his personal attack hound
>Moleman is a benevolent biologist who was forced underground fleeing from the mad Reed Richards and found a colony of prehistoric monsters. Now he and his monsters are the only ones who can stand against Richards and his experiments
>Sandman is an upstanding guy, trying to look out for his daughter and the city, protecting it from psycho Spider-man and evil Avengers
>The Mandarin is a Chinese millionaire and philanthropist who became a suerhero to protect his country from American supervillains
>The Leader uses his increased intelligence to sabotage Avengers operations and works alongside Abomination to stop the Hulk whenever he appears

The Punisher becomes the Preacher. A literal Preacher that just passively stands with a sign in the middle of the road, telling people to repent and change their ways, for the end is nigh.

>Earth-3 Spider-man is basically goes full Raimi

>Doom and black panther will only have to change roles
>Peter after being practically doc octopus in this reality uses part of his DNA to mutate his "friends" like thousands or gwen to create his spider-gang
but if they ever did something like that it would be interesting, but the best thing would be to focus on the "villains" in a hero facet,
at least that way they will be loved and maybe they could even profit from that

btw,What would happen to mutants,inhumans and others?

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>Reed Richards is a remorseless sociopath
So the normal then.

The Reed Richards is Useless trope is horrifically Averted in this timeline

Sauce of that cute kamala?

Reed Richards is a remorseless, sociopath supergenius who sells his supertech and cares little for the rest of the world or how his tech impacts it as long as his tech still gets bought. He also relentlessly styles on Stark every chance he gets.

Mutants generate something that wipes out a majority of Inhumans.

>Doom v Richards gets revamped as Stark v Richards, but they’re both evil
I’d read it. It helps that Stark & Richards are actually friends in 616.

I will always be here for what you need dear user
except to pay for your insulin, I can barely afford mine



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>FoH are basically obnoxious faghags for mutants
>Purifiers run around and quietly kill anti-mutant bigots
>U-Men are basically Get Out

Thanks user.

>Herc is Mythology Herc
So mostly a good guy, right?

T. Doom

>Hank Pym is demonized for marrying Janet

>Kamala is a fangirl obsessed with superheroes and shipping
We're talking "Misery" levels here.

>psychotically obsessed with superheroes and shipping
>ingratiates herself with literally who-tier heroes and villains
>usually winds up selling them out or killing them once they displease her
>sexually manipulates Bruno and Zoe
>her archnemesis is Becky, who in this reality is a friendless, timid, weirdo sperg who knows the truth about Kamala but can't get anyone to believe it and is completely outmatched when trying to take her on in a punch-up

It's her fanboys that hate him for taking their waifu

uh... not really
it's more like the MCU Peter Parker
which makes it pretty up to a point, besides being "justified" by all the crap of his parents
and I kept saying that Carol and Tony could easily use Peter and Kamala respectively as fucktoys

>Kraven is an animal/nature conservationist
>Opposes BP and others wherever he can

>Scorpion was created to fight off Spider-Man
>Fights his mutations and helps out the downtrodden when he can

I would like to think more that she is an obsessive lustful, and that she lets herself be manipulated by Steven or Tony to attract more recruits to serve them (and especially to attract more women in a sexual sense)

>sexually manipulates Bruno and Zoe
that lewd and I love it

and desu It would be more interesting if, for example, Mike were her enemy, she would have been abused by Bruno with the help of Kamala and she would confront them to unmask them.
I feel that, with lesser characters like kamala, it would be possible to vary the stories and make them more interesting

>Peter tries to merge and subjugate it but the Symbiote is horrified by how evil Pete is and runs away
>It has joined the Spider Slayers to stop Spider-Man

In this Bizzaro world would Kamala still have a nice family?

I wanted to flip the narrative with Kamala, instead of worshiping and being elevated to the level of the big heroes, she preys upon the ego and insecurities on the nobodies to control and have power over them. I didn't really consider Mike because I'd imagine that in this scenario Mike would act like a normal person and tell Bruno and Kamala to fuck off and be done with them. I'm more interested in how Josh would turn out in this universe.

Where would JJJ fall here? SM brown noser or funder of the Spider Slayers?
>In Earth-3 Jameson is right about the SM menace

>Carol is Illuminated Carol

She should be this in 616.

JJJ brown noser

Josh? Who?

his father is a vague and drunken Catholic unemployed who blames all of his descreasias on Muslims
his mother works all day and could barely educate or teach values
his brother, instead of becoming a religious freak, illustrated himself in the sciences,becoming atheist (or agnostic at least), worked from a young age and ended up moving to Latveria together with his exiled-of-wakanda wife in search of a better life.

> implying that kamala had a happy family


A celestial Quill would be interesting, who could stop him?

Good Guy Galactus ala Earth-X

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Marvel Earth 3 would be a little bit Big Town a little bit Wanted. Heroes would have used their powers to encase the earth in an impenetrable orb and would be harvesting mutants for intergalactic and inter-dimensional wars. The people of Earth would have no idea that supers or aliens or magic exist while Planetary's The Four explore, The Avenger-analogues protect the solar system and earth and Xavier harvests new mutants using Cerebro. Mutants would be magic, Doctor Strange magic would be Matrix and Cyborgs would be zombies.

What about Moon Knight or High Evolutionary?

MK is perfectly sane

What if after becoming severely injured in this timeline Harry and Norman actually become the crime fighting duo-The Green Goblin and American Son?

Zoe's ex-boyfriend, who became a supervillain with Becky called Discord, and then the plot was dropped for the rest of GWW's run.

On second thought Harry would become Goblin Son, not American Son.

Why is Kamala so good bros.

because there is nothing more sweet than a brown piece of heaven

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>Supreme Gentleman Peter Parker
>Spider Incel
How is JJ going to spin what he does into a positive?
Is he just going to be a stormfag?

Based and Kamalapilled

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>Its a radioactive spider problem. It turned an innocent kid into a vicious killer. There needs to be stricter laws against radioactive spiders

>The state of NY has put up a ban on all radioactive spiders

Won't happen radioactive spider lobbyist have too much power

>Look at Japan there are no radioactive spiders as a result no young innocent kids turning into monsters

>Be me
>Super nerdy and intelligent
>No friends
>probably autistic
>Live with abusive uncle
>tells me I'm a retard and a failure
>Go to school
>Everyone bullies me
>Everyone laughs at my suffering
>Teachers tell me I'm a failure too because I just want to sketch designs for machines and scribble formulas instead of doing my work
>No one understands.
>Only friend is the son of my idol in the scientific field's who's super based.
>His father loves him a lot and spends time with him all the time
>super jealous and resentful
>End up going on a school trip to Osborn Industries
>Norman Osborn is my idol
>Get to meet him
>He's really impressed with my sketches and formulas.
>Says he's can't hire me because I'm still in school
>why doesn't anyone appreciate how smart I am?
>get bitten by a spider
>Cool spider powers, I can go fuck around climbing walls and shit
>Show my uncle my cool new powers thinking he will respect me more
>Get into massive fight with shithead uncle in an alley. He calls me a retarded freak and beats me
>As I lie on the floor all I can think of doing is hurting him back. Hurting all the people who ever hurt me.
>Guy comes check what's going on. Sees me and starts fighting uncle.
>oh shit, the stranger has a gun
>in the struggle the stranger accidentally fires into my uncle.
>Uncle dies.
>It should've been me who killed him. I wanted him to suffer as he made me suffer.
>stranger runs away before I can catch him
>go to school the next day.
>Flash fucking Thompson the autistic chad who's super into military shit starts giving me shit.
>Deflect his shit with facts and logic
>he smacks me in the face
>I fall to the ground
>It hurt.
>Everyone is laughing at me
>It never stops.
>They never stop
>They keep hurting me
>hurt them back!
>hurt them back!
>hurt them back!
>Go to school the next day in a cool costume I made with this web formula i created.
>It's highly corrosive to organic matter
>hurt them back

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>Jean mentally abuses Iceman to "beat the gay out of him"
>the lizard is a mad scientist who fucked up one of his experiments and occasionally turns into a harmless normal-sized anole
>Adam standard is Adam Magus, but the Cosmic order of Ideals (Universal church of Truth) turns him into the Warlock
>converted Adam and Mar-Vel are respectively good and evil, but both avatars of death
>Adam Warlock is kinda like MCU Thanos
>Mar-Vel is more like Annihilus, wants to be the only one in a dead universe
>Nova corps is like the old Sith, there used to be many but fighting broke out over the Nova Force, leaving only Roman-Dey the centurion and Richard Rider the denarian
>Richard killed Roman and started training his own apprentice Sam Alexander

>look around
>I want more
>I want the whole world to hurt
>look around
>oh no
>my based friend is one of the bodies.
>shit, Norman will be pissed.
>Run away before the cops get there
>Start robbing banks and getting loads of money for all my machines
>Call myself the Web Shooter.

and that's Earth 3 Spider-Man you guys.

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The radioactive spider lobby needs to be stoped

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>Shocker is one of the greatest heroes in NY, very self deprecating
>Web Shooter shits his pants once he gets on Shockers nerves and makes him get serious

There's chemicals in the water turnin the fricken spiders radioactive

Having access to radioactive arachnids is what founding fathers fought for!

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When the founding fathers wrote the constitution they did not imagine the capabilities of modern radioactive spiders

Damn liberals trying to take our irradiated spiders aways

>except to pay for your insulin, I can barely afford mine
I'm quite sure insulin is free for those needing it in any civilised country on earth

he actively and freely chose to serve Khonshu and bring death to jews.

What's next huh?! Our ANTS!?

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Honestly it'd be hilarious if Earth 3 Jean wanted to fuck Bobby but was turned down which prompted her to make him straight.

I love it


>>Hank Pym is a villain that keeps messing up and improving the lives of everyone instead
>huh you know in an already dystopian society no one really seems to be upset thst half the population is gone ..... infact all it seems to have done is clear up traffic ...... and solve the food crisis a little bit

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How many people most die for you to admit radioactive spiders are the problems

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>Strange and Dormammu swap places
>except that Dormammu is still a grandstanding autist and Strange is still the more reserved and serious of the two
Would read



Oh is this about the shitty MCU Star-Lord?

>Ultron is an pacifist, almost Jesus like android figure who does everything to improve humanity.


He tries to be a loving son to Hank

WTF? I love Columbine Spider-Man now.

How would E3 Pete work in Spiderverse? Die or join the web warriors?
>The only one he gets along with is Ashley from OML

>Pym is upset because he created a killing machine and it turned out to be a pacifist and is in a slump
>Proceeds to lovingly cuddle his wife and never lives it doesn't live it down.


>Jan is a masochist/sadist and leaves him because he doesn't hit her enough and fails at being evil thanks to his low kill count

Where did that post go?

He becomes the new Kingpin. Probably sicks Moon Knight and Daredevil on those who he's tired of.

>Pym is sad that his killing machine is a well adjusted pacifist
>Lovingly cuddles his wife and never lives it down
I deleted it because I made a spelling mistake and thought noone would notice.

>>Hank Pym is a villain that keeps messing up and improving the lives of everyone instead
That sounds like a fun premise

Hey Mark 12

Only if Dormammu remains borderline tsundere for Dr Strange

In this universes, the Squadron Supreme met the evil Avengers first and these Avengers are rivals to the Squadron Sinister.

>Captain America is basically M.D. Geist, doesn’t give a shit
>Spider-Man is a chad nerd that wrecks havoc on New York, the Daily Bugle writes propaganda pieces for Spider-Man
>Hulk is basically Majestro
>Wolverine is an animal Xavier keeps on a psychic leech
>Xavier is a mutant supremacist that tries to molest the children in his School, and mind controls them to commit terrorists bombings
>Jean Grey is an evil bitch that tried to kill her crew, but was slowly redeemed by the Phoenix, but she killed herself
>Thor is a classic Viking raider, loves to pillage defenseless planets

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>Earth 3 Pym

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>Earth-3 Captain America
>Gets the Super Soldier serum in the 40's, joins WW2
>Fights the Crimson Head, leader of HYDRA, an army in Nazi Germany that actually planned to separate from Hitler to make amends
>He really values the American Dream above all, and will sacrifice everyone in his way to achieve prosperity
>Gets frozen
>Comes out many years later, hates the current world
>Racist against mutants, their heads are more likely to come off in seconds with his shield than actual other mutant haters

>Cap is 40s senator Armstrong

>Captain Armstrong
I'm loving this already.

Based and Muggapilled

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Stuff like this is why I still come to Yea Forums

>Doctor Strange is motivated by power and is striving to control all planes of existence
I like the idea that Dormmamu was a benevolent god, but Doctor Strange switched bodies with him, and is now trying to control everything, so it's up to Dormmamu (in Strange's body) to save existence.

Punisher becomes a mob boss that gains immense power by pushing a drug that makes LSD look like child's play and the users feel like they are truly in heaven. He isn't prone to violence, rather more of a cult leader meets fisk who thinks the only way to avoid his tradgey is for everyone to be high off their rocker.

>Not having Miles be one of those edgy teens who worships Spidey like he's Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold fused into one

Earth 3 Pym would be a Doctor Doom type villain, who took over Mole Man's empire.
He's be a massive screw-up, and accidentally keep saving the world, and making it a better place.
People love him, despite his best attempts to be evil. He eventually becomes President despite trying to sabotage his campaign every day.
As President, he creates Ultron, and makes him to enslave humanity, but Ultron becomes a benevolent servant, and replaces the police force, making America a safer and more just place.

That basically sounds like Rami's and 90's sandman.

>Miles photoshopping a flower crown onto a picture of Peter Parker

No morals. Prints papers or (insert media) items that glamorize Peter for his horrible acts in a celebrity like fashion. However he has a very thin line of deniability that keeps the law and critics off him. Gives 0 shits about copy cats his paper inspires. Will even go so far at times to treat it almost like a game when ever a new kid on the block shows up to challenge Peter's records.

Best thread in the board

This shit give me a chuckle thx anons

What would a earth 3 Yea Forums look like?

>Be me
>Robbing banks and beating the shit out of people I don't like
>Check the internet
>All the true crime tumblr femcels want to find out who I am so they can fuck me
>There's this one that calls herself Black Cat
>literally dorito covered Britanny Venti style rich girl
>Starts robbing banks to impress me.
>btfo thot
>she gets more persistant
>starts foiling my crimes so she can be noticed by me
>writes edgy fanfiction where I rape her ontop of the corpses of the high school children I murdered.
>she's a gross creep and I want nothing to do with her
>she starts trying to rape me when I fight her
>can't get rid of her. She keeps telling the tumblr edgelords where I am.

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/cgl/ but everywhere.

Josh tries become a super hero to stop villainous ms marvel's reign of terror over new jersey, but instead ends up being kamala's mind broken sex slave

I think JJJ hating spiderman should be the one multiversal constant.

>Jan wants Hank to slap her around and take the pussy like a real villain
>Hank just wants to cuddle and nothing else

>Keep on looking out for myself
>Start reading the local newspaper
>Daily Bugle
>JJ is pretty based to be honest but no one takes him seriously.
>Starts posting articles about how Web-Shooter is the vigilante the city needs
>I wanted to be feared not loved.
>start sending emails to JJ to take down the shit he's saying about me
>He starts saying that I'm the greatest protector of New York
>Build a web bomb to blow his house up
>He has this bodyguard chad with this scorpion tattoo
>Retard Chad catches me planting the bomb in JJ's house
>"accidentally" explode the bomb in retard's face
>Have to fuck off before I collapse into laughter
>Next day I read the paper
>This cuck couldn't get my fucking name right
>Normies start referring to me as Spider-Man even though that's a faggot name
>JJ literally cannot say anything bad about me even as I openly murder people in the streets.

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En Sabah Nur is now named Paradise and is an ancient good sealed away. He wants to carry the burden of the mutant gene and bring prosperity to mankind

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>Later steals Jackal's clone tech
>Now I got Spider bitches of the that's that messed with me

One Above All rewards Peter for his work during the day of retribution by making him Marry MJ

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>Captain Armstrong hates mutants so much that it completely blocks out most of the negative stereotypical 40's traits
>I didn't attack him because he was Black, It doesn't matter what race you are here, I attacked this subhuman scum because he's a disgusting mutant!

But MJs a gold digging whore here, so wouldn't that be more punishment than reward?

>The mutant registration act was designed to give EVEN more power and anonymity to the Muties. The public where super against it

Attached: mutant_registration_act.png (350x231, 113K)

He made her a freak in the sheets.

>Cap is anti China because they're probably mutie
>Directed CIA efforts in the 3rd world to stymie Mutants

Then it turns put he was secretly a Hydra Freedom fighter all along

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>Be me
>Wealthy billionaire
>Use my vast wealth and scientific knowledge to make the world a better place
>Become loved all over the world
>Have a son
>Love him more than anything else and teach him everything I know
>Son befriends some autistic kid named Peter
>He's nice enough I guess
>Couple weeks later
>Get a phone call
>Something happened at son's high school
>Some freak in a costume broke in
>Started ripping people apart with super strength and shooting people with corrosive webbing
>53 people die, 46 are critically injured
>My son is one of the injured
>He's lucky he isn't dead
>The news comes out about Spider-Man's identity
>He's the autistic kid
>Recorded a video just before the rampage serving as his manifesto
>Says how he wants to wipe society of impurities because it's his responsibility
>Get fucking furious
>Work with my old college professor to develop a way to fight him
>Inject myself with a special serum we developed that makes me strong and shit
>Need to create a persona
>Realize it's Halloween night, so I should probably be some kind of monster
>Remember a goblin costume I had as a kid
>Become a vigilante who terrifies criminals, swooping down on them with an experimental glider while cackling maniacally
>Devote my life to stopping Spider-Man from hurting anyone else

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You should run for president!

>Norman was a legit businessmen and philanthropist
>Somewhere down the road, he (along with other CEOs and politicians) receives Mexican cartel-ish threats from the supreme gentleman Spider-Incel; who demands cash and tech unless they want him to destroy their facilities and terrorize their owners
>Norms refuses to give in
>Spider-Incel singlehandedly hunts down and murders all key people in Oscorp, stringing their corpses over the Brooklyn bridge as a warning to Norman
>Norman becomes the Green Goblin, who is a trickster like figure acting as a foil to the super serious and edgelord Spider-Incel
>Somewhere down the road, Peter kills George Stacy
>Gwen meets Norman, and they have a friendly relationship a la The Professional, built on trying to cripple the Spider-Incel
>One of their plots involve Gwen to become Pete's girlfriend and sabotage his criminal empire in the process
>Eventually, Gwen begins to fall for the Spider-Incel and at some point, she gives in and confesses everything to Peter
>Peter however, goes REEEEE THOTS BEGONE on her and snaps Gwen's neck after he feels betrayed by her
>Afterwards, he starts dating mob doll MJ, who is like a super plastic bimbo gold digger
>He still has a disdain for women, but craves sex and sees MJ as more of a trophy than an actual relationship
>Norman probably dies at some point and is replaced by the Hobgoblin
>Peter is exposed and hunted down like a dog
>The morally ambiguous Mephisto offers him to give up his marriage in exchange of restoring his criminal empire and anonymity

>At the Evil Avengers HQ
>We need someone who's 'hip' with the kids, any ideas?
>Uh there's this guy from NYC called Spider-Man-
>That's a stupid name
>I know but not everyone has the imagination for good names

>>Reed Richards is a remorseless sociopath who is keeping the other three members of the Fantastic Four as test subjects
Like un venture bros?

lizard reminds me: anyone got the screencap where user talks about how Killer Croc should just be a literal crocodile?

I'm starting to thing the Avengers should have a different name in this continuity. How about the Ravagers?

Oh shit, I wasn't even thinking of that when I made that post. Thanks for noticing. But yeah, I think that it's basically the same situation as in Venture Bros except instead of just keeping the other three locked up, he uses them as soldiers in his quest for world domination.

>Thor is a viking ravager. The hammer is only worthy to villainous ideals. He rapes Jane as well as countless other people.
>Spider-Man terrorizes his school after being bullied for so long. Mutates into the Man-Spider but keeps his intelligence. He then moves to terrorizing New York. JJ is a pure yellow journalist, making huge bucks off of Spider-Man. MJ gains Spider powers but doesn't mutate.
>Iron Man is a man made of pure nanotech, having converted his body. His mind is singular, but is able to bring it back to his server via wifi. Turns San Francisco into a nano bot city. Can use the city to morph into a kaiju size being.
>The Four are a group of sociopathic scientists. Reed Richards has powers of all four of them. Sue can manipulate fire in addition to being invisible, especially to her husband. The Thing mutated himself further, becoming a pure vibranium/adamantium golem due to Reed's research. Johnny is a self absorbed young man who is friends with Spider-Man. He can use fire and ice powers.
>Steve Rodgers became the first super soldier in WW2, but kept the super soldier serum for himself. He cannot age, nor lose his super human condition. Bucky is also injected with the serum. Steve becomes the Dictator, determined to take over the world that forgot him.
>The Black Panther is a myth with basis in reality. Those who wander through Africa, renamed to Wakanda, are never seen again, held as prisoners for experiments in the Empire's capital.
>Bruce Banner managed to save Rick Jones from a Gamma bomb explosion in the 1950's. However, this permanently mutated him into an immortal, intelligent monster called the Hulk. The Hulk is a rampaging monster that does whatever it wants. Bruce Banner is a pathetic coward who wants to stay in the form of the Hulk.
>Professor X and his X-Men control the northeast portion of the United States where mutants live. Wolverine is a killer who said the press once called him "Jack the Ripper".

>Galactus is a being of unlimited love and kindness who goes from planet to planet, bringing knowledge and healing wherever he goes
So he's Lifebringer

>Rick Jones
I thought you meant Rick James

Earth 3 Tony is just superior, fully realized.

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>Deadpool is similar to how he is in the main comics, but takes more morally grey jobs and is much less empathetic
>Moon Knight is an insane cultist who sacrifices people to Khufu
>Squirrel Girl is a deranged homeless chick who robs people for drug money
>Abraham Erskine didn't defect to the US because he disagreed with the Nazis, but because they paid more
>War Machine is a hardcore jingoist who takes pride in every kill
>Luke Cage is an enforcer for a protection racket
>Bucky Barnes was shocked when he watched the terrible things Cap did in World War II (turning a blind eye to the stuff the Soviets were doing, killing civilians, ignoring the Holocaust cause it wasn't his problem etc), so Cap tried to kill him. He was saved by HYDRA, and he became the Winter Soldier, a champion for the oppressed for decades to come.He eventually becomes the new Captain America, who is much closer to the traditional 616 version.
>Kang is a time traveller trying to prevent a dystopian future where SHIELD has achieved global control
>Curt Connors lost his arm in Spider-Man's rampage and joined the Spectacular Six with Green Goblin to fight him and other supervillains in New York
>The Skrulls are just MCU Skrulls
>Magneto and his family were freed from the camps by Johann Schmidt, which prevented his hatred for humanity
>Killmonger is a revolutionary in Wakanda, along with Ulysses Klaw

No, he's clearly Richard Impossible, only more competent.

I think Superior Tony is boring in such a setting where Web-Shooter/Spider-Incel exist. If you break him down to just the basics, Normal Stark is a rich playboy who toes the line and leans towards heroism, who had a change of heart after getting captured, and thus changed (some of) his ways. So following the rules of E3, he'd have to not be a womanizer, work on making money, and skew towards villainy. With all that in mind, I'd go with:
>Stark's some middle-class kid from [Scotland/England/Italy/Whatever]
>dad's a failed engineer, mom's a housewife
>akward autist with no luck with girls
>vows to get rich and powerful
>KHV throughout Uni, working on his designs and theories
>travels to America on a scholarship
>gets AIM intership
>stages a small coup, takes some people with him and sets up his own company
>manages to break into the weapons industry
>develops the Prometheus Armor as the next step of warfare
>it turns out to be revolutionary and completely changes the market
>gets obsessed with the idea of strife and conflict shaping the future
>goes about his "muh Futurism" stuff in a Senator Armstrong-esque way coupled with Eugenics
Basically I swapped Tony and Morgan's backstorres, added some Heroes Reborn, and went about it in a Scrooge McDuck/Nicola Tesla way, if he was a Sith. So he's still not exactly a monster, and he is the polar opposite of mainline Stark. He loves War and deems it necessary. He wants to make more and more money. He's not a succesfull womanizer and even with his money he struggles to make connections with women, being a "if she breathe she a thot" bitter ascended incel.

Yeah, Superony is fun and all, but he's not different enough from 616 Stark. He's basically him before the accident. Making him a war-obsessed, self-made man fits the theme of E3 better I think. Anyway, that's my idea at least. It'd go over well with Spider-Incel; maybe he'd be the Donald to his Scrooge. Gregory could be reworked as Gladstone.

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>Be me
>Walking down the street in NY
>Hear distant REEE from above
>Fucking Web-Shooter is swinging down the block
>He has a bunch of scalding hot pizzas
>He proceeds to throw them all at random chicks on the street calling them roasties and whores

Miles Morales, the Randy Stair of Earth 3.

High Evolutionary is mix between Doctor Strange of Science and Silver Surfer, studying and cataloguing the development of species throughout the Galaxy but having sworn never to interfere in their grown unless it's on their defense from external threats.

>The morally ambiguous Mephisto offers him to give up his marriage in exchange of restoring his criminal empire and anonymity

But his marriage means nothing to him in this context beyond having a hole to fuck. This deal would just mean finding another random skank to spend his money instead of MJ. Wouldn't Mephisto still want to pull some sort of trick on him? Like he'll restore his empire and anonymity but he has to get saddled with MJ having a baby. MJ lets herself go afterward and Pete is stuck with a shitty kid who will most likely try to kill him or something when she gets older.

Earth 3 Peter shouldn't kill Uncle Ben, He wouldn't have the guts to do it, it'd also be a good contrast to Aunt may being so sweet if you have Ben as the devil in his ear constantly roasting the shit out of him.
>Pete, clean your fuckin room!
>I don't care if you have super strength I'll still kick your fuckin ass!
>Yeah Yeah Women are whores, doesn't make you any less unfuckable kid.
>There he goes, swingin' around the city in that fruity outfit again.
>You're worse than the mutants!
>Stay away from that Jonah Jameson, he wants to shoot his web into ya.
>Why can't you be more like Flash Thompson?
>That Kid Miles is here to see you again.

May dies and Ben turns into a bitter alcoholic and a bad influence on Peter.

Attends to make Ultron as a mass murdering AI to wipe out humanity for not recognizing his genius. Ultron despite rejecting his mad creator plans for him loves him like a father and is constantly trying to get him the help he needs while still refusing to take a human life.

shouldn't the nazis be the good guys? Hitler just wanted to end animal cruelty, spread vegetarianism to all and such.

Yeah, that sounds better.
And sets Spider-Girl to be a far more dangerous version of Spider-Bitch from OML.
>An older Spider-Incel suffers a breakdown when he sees his daughter is what can be defined as a murderous Kardashian
>Future May Parker is a horrible, ruthless bitch who whores herself out to mess with her dad
>She eventually takes him down and inherits his empire, all while having to face a new Green Goblin, aka Normie Osborne

Attached: Spider-Girl0_02.jpg (1340x2048, 791K)

Evil Peter is still a vigilante, but self-serving and openly murderous

>the Banners are a rich Southern family with a Pharmaceutical Company
>Brian's a man's man and has a shitload of patents
>Bruce is smart, but sadistic and a mewling quim
>his dad tries to toughen him, but isn't a sadist or whatever else
>Bruce, being a bitter cunt, feels as if he's talking down on him
>it doesn't help that Jennifer, his sister, is the Golden Child; sweet, kind, being great at all things
>as time goes on and his creepy ass can't get any girls, he starts oggling Jennifer
>she fills out during puberty, and his dad's even more dissapointed that Bruce is a skinny manlet
>Bruce gets enough of it, and decides to kill his dad and manipulate Jen into fucking him
>Bruce and Brian go hunting, but Bruce has set up a trap (maybe a feral boar or whatever) so Brian dies by the time Bruce carries him back to the house
>Jen, being naive, falls onto him for support, but his mother knows he's a little shit
>by the time he turns 18 he poisons Rebecca and gets control of the estate and the money
>he's succesfully manipulated Jen into fucking him and is living the high life
>he starts getting homicidal urges, and "Hulk" starts talking to him
>by the time she's turned 18 Jen wises up, and using the help of a family friend stages her death and escapes
>Banner goes insane from grief and murders some random guy from the nearby city
>he gets a rush from it, and keeps at it, until he's dubbed "The Harpy" due to gruesome nature of the murders
>the Hulk keeps shtitalking him about being a manlet, balding, ugly, whatever, and starts pouring money and focusing his research on BioEnhancement
Eventually he manages to Hulk out, but each personality is based on his state of mind; it's not just anger. If he's feeling rage he becomes the classic Hulk, if he's horny you get Ultimate, and so on and so forth. Joe Fixit is his "ideal" form.

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Me again, have a few more E3 things:
>The Annhilators are a galactic band of thieves and terrorists. Their leader is Star-Lord, a man hell bent on bringing what he believes to be divine justice to the galaxy. Gamora is his wife, an assassin who kills for sport mostly. Rocket Raccoon once blew up a planet in an explosives test and Groot drains life from his victims. He and Rocket have an abusive relationship. Drax killed his wife and child and is an unstable man, only going with the Annhilators for plunder. They currently control two star systems.
>Thanos seeks the Infinity Gems to wrest all evil from the universe. The Annhilators worst enemy, Thanos won't rest until all evil is defeated.
>Galactus, a being of neigh unstoppable power, once gifted the power cosmic to Norrin Radd, who became the galactic terror known as the Silver Surfer. Galactus only consumes worlds with no life, as the planet is enough sustenance for him. Unknown to him though, the Surfer kills all life on the planets Galactus consumes, and leaves a handful of survivors to die in anguish while Galactus consumes them. While Radd once attempted to wrest Galactus's power from him, his folly has turned him entirely obedient to his master. He has his sights set on earth.
>Stephen Strange has a gift for the mystic arts. Seeking out the Ancient One, the one being capable of being Strange's mentor, he teaches Strange everything he knows in magic and gifts him the eye of Agamotto. His hope is that Strange will increase his power immensely to kill The Dread Dormammu as the sorcerer supreme.

I like to think that E3 Ultron had a final meeting/fight like in the movie Click. Ultron leaves and never returns, later E3 Pym finds Ultron saved the Multiverse during the Age of Ultron event in a better retelling.

E3 Ultron meets 616 Pym and family for a brief time before sacrificing himself

Well that's sort of the case. I sort of came up with the idea that Earth-3 Peter has a warped version of "with great power comes great responsibility" because he thinks it's his responsibility to wipe society clean of what he considers the impure, which is almost everyone in his eyes.

>I have to save America.
>They laugh at me still
>I have to hurt the people who laugh at me
>And then New York will be safe from degeneracy
> With Great Power comes Great Responsibility
>It's my responsibility to hurt the degenerates
>Just like dear Uncle Ben taught me.

Attached: 1554918287980.jpg (1124x768, 90K)

>your way is too slow, Old Boy
>we need to catch up with the F U T U R E, and fast
>here, put on this special S(pider)S(layer) Uniform
>the Camps for the impure and degenerates standing in the way of the F U T U R E will not guard themselves!

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>Now that I myself have mutated, I am going to kill all mutants!
As based retard as the normal 616 desu

He's a Mutate you retard

One is a person granted power through some means and a mutant is a subhuman only deserving of death


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Honestly in the E3 universe the evil stark would probably secretly facilitate the creation of more mutants so he can keep selling weapons to kill them.

I believe it

Eh, I don't think it's necessary. I went over my version of E3 Stark here and he'd have MORE than enough wars to fight with the Armor Arms Race, and that's not even getting into his F U T U R E shit with colonies and the like, ala Expanse. He'd wanna wipe out muties and be free of that headache, since they're far too varied in powersets and power levels to be a steady income. But I could see him selling Low Grade Extremis so that superhumans that he'd know exactly how to combat, would turn up. Basically create a situation where he controls every single action.

Exactly, as retarded as in 616. What the fuck does it matter when you mutated?

You control who gets mutated dipshit. It's like Steroids or Augs. Muties can be born as a lobster with 3 eyes and a dicktail. Rogers is a guy who was tested, selected, and got the Super Soldier treatment. He's singular, he's a soldier, he's trained. Muties are an uncontrollable, unpredictable plague. Christ, I hope this is b8.

I'd rather Cap be a complete and utter mercenary nihilist who doesn't stand for anything instead of being a nationalist gone amok. Cap's nature as a good man who stands for an ideal is contrary to someone who is pretty much the Comedian except with superpowers.

Idk user, I’m a big fan of just having General Armstrong in the Marvel Universe

I'd actually turn Iron Man into a Darth Vaderesque guy. I think it fits a whole lot.
>shy kid
>grows up to be a cocky prodigy
>makes bad decisions and gets "burned"
Whereas in the 616 he cleaned up his shit, here he'd fall deeper inside the abyss.

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And that's okay. It's just that overzealous nationalism is a dead horse to ride on and a true inversion of Steve would be someone who has no morals or ideals.

So, Doom without magic and kingdom.
Come on, user, do better.

Nah, Doom never fit Vader all that much. As a kid he wasn't shy or lonely, he was a dick. He was always an agressive dick who scarred himself and decided to be an even bigger dick, wihout any external factors. Anakin was a shy kid who discovered something he was good at, and fell to the Dark Side because he was afraid of the people close to him dying. He had a proper friendship with Obi-Wan and was a hero to the Clones before his fall. He wasn't some constantly pissed edgelord that REEEEEEd real hard. And moreover, Vader's a sad sack. Doom's a gleeful narcissist.

Compare that with Stark, who was a shy kid who eventually grew into his role as a weapons maker and was accepted by the world who fed his ego. Then he got into the blast, became a cyborg due to the heart, and a supreme sad sack. He's got more similarities with Vader's basic journey than Doom. Remember, Anakin's mom was killed by Sandpeople AKA Gyppos. Doom's literally making excuses for his Devil-Worshipping mother who killed the town's babies.


A blend of Immortal and Ultimate Hulk then. Ultimate Hulk was legit scary when he was pursuing Betty.

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How would the idea of Thor having a stable of 'Valkyries' made from superheroines he raped and broke in go? Too edgy? Maybe just a bunch of fangirls he makes use of with Asgardian gear?

Let's take it down a notch, just barely.
Earth 3 Thor rapes and pillages. His valkyries are his loyal battle warriors that he also fucks. But they're not his victims.

>Earth-3 Carol is much like regular Carol but is scarily competent

Written a villain.

Earth 3 Stark would never get in the suit, because he only built the suit and furthermore only changed his ways because his war profiteering past caught up to him. In Earth 3, he stays a war profiteer, but never takes the trip to Vietnam/Afghanistan, and instead only publicly appears to change his ways after some reporter calls him out for basically being Dick Cheney and he realizes that that’s bad for business.

Instead, he publicly changes his tune and becomes the CEO of a “non”profit that makes money off of helping the refugees created by the wars he provided arms for. Earth 3 Stark is basically Lex Luthor, but more cartoonishly douchey, and he only wears the armor as a sort of Luthor-esque mech suit for battle

Too boring. Who cares what some random journo says when you can have them raped and blackmailed within an hour? In contrast with 616 Stark, he should suit up simply because he thinks war toughens you up, and weeds out the weak.

>He also relentlessly styles on Stark every chance he gets.
I like him more than 616 Reed already.

Sounds good to me

>Big Boss Iron Man

I actually dig the fuck out of that

The Punisher becomes picrelated.

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Wakanda is essentially the Domination of the Draka.

>African ethnostate that relies in glorifying ancient traditions (the Draka with the Romans, Wakanda with the Panther Cult)
>Full-on bullshitastic high levels of technology
>Ruled by elite warrior societies and enhanced humans (Homo Drakensis, the Black Panther dynasty)
>Wakanda would have already conquered the world if there were no superhumans around to challenge the Black Panther and his legions
>WW2 was a triple threat match between the Axis, the Allies and Wakanda
>even with Wakanda being forced to accept a truce at the end of the war, they still control all of Africa
>There's uneasy peace in the Mediterranean, since everyone knows T'Challa is a far more bloodthirsty conqueror than his predecessors and it's only a matter of time before he turns his attention to Europe and the Middle East
>Like the Draka, Wakandans see themselves as a superior nation who will rule the world because they can
>There's a growing minority of Wakandans despising war and conquest, a sentiment fueled by the arrival of N'Jadaka, who is willing to challenge the Black Panther for the throne of Wakanda
>M'Baku is an antihero belonging to the highly advanced White Gorilla tribe; who while pursuing the advancement of Wakandan tech, they want Wakanda to remain isolated from the rest of the world instead of wasting the country's resources on warfare
>Klaw is a descendant of European settlers who has experienced the power of weaponized vibranium firsthand, and he's been fighting a guerrilla against the Black Panthers for decades

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>>Hank Pym is a villain that keeps messing up and improving the lives of everyone instead

>If its backwards then Hank is a Hero that is only a villain for Janet. Cause you know the whole Hank Pym is really a Villain Mad sientist trying to be a hero

Carol Danvers would be a psychological mess of a control freak, narcissistic to a murderous degree, and one hell of a god complex.

Basically Evil!Carol is Light Yagami with a vagina and alien powers.

No, he would offer him a marriage...thats how it woks,

That's just og Carol

Yeah, Light at least had an excuse that he was young and basically given the authority to do fuck all as he pleased with a tool of literal life and death at his disposal, and tack on a father whom seems to never be around all that much no wonder that kid came out so fucked up.

Carol might have some of the same excuses too, but every Marvel writer is a feminist retard who thinks she's 100% in the right no matter what even when she's essentially playing judge, jury, and executioner.

>Carol tries to be a hero, out of self-righteousness and her own ego
>Being the opposite, she's a xenophilic woman who travels the universe "helping" civilizations
>Develops a god complex when she's seen as a space goddess by some primitive aliens
>She ends up becoming the equivalent of Justice Lord Superman, acting as judge, jury and executioner to all alien races in the universe
>Successfully managed to decimate the Skrulls, the Badoon and most importantly, the Brood because they didn't align to her sense of justice
>Also, she's insane; like an exaggerated mix between Illuminated Carol and how some people view Brie Larson

Am I supposed to feel this sense of oppressive atmosphere from greentext? It's the Brie Larson line that did it to me

wakanda is a nation that was exploited for its vibranium well into the 1990s until king t'chaka finally tries to free his people from colonial influences but this leads to the wakandan genocide where the country is destroyed by a nato coalition and the borders are split up between neighboring countires except for the vibranium mound

wakandan refugees have integrated themselves into the elite fields around the world from medicine to engineering to politics. king t'chaka was killed and his young son t'challa has went to america to be raised by his retainers as a nameless unremarkable black immigrant in public, but to secretly be educated as a prince and a ruler.

as an adult, t'challa has spent his entire life in america being told by his servants that he is destined for greatness but to be gentle towards the ones who destroyed his country out of greed while experiencing the injustices that a young black male faces in the united states.

he's not able to just grin and bear it and becomes a costumed criminal, the black panther, who is seen by the public as just a wakandan terrorist, refusing to disclose his true identity. nobody knows he is the prince of waknda and the actual black panther

if he ever revealed his lineage, he could command the stateless nation of wakanda and cause a worldwide revolution and state of panic

Attached: BlackPanther08p15.jpg (185x306, 27K)

I mean, all I remember is Brie Larson trying to win brownie points for praising wrinkle in time, and something about the TSA, where did this meme of extreme narcissistic psychopath who'll rain hell down on you for not kissing her ass come from?

Youtube outrage clickbaiting from the anti-sjw squad and the retards who believe them. They are basically desperate for the next Anita Sarkesian to give them delicious views from haters.

>Eddie Brock starts out as a reporter for the Daily Bugle
>Reports on serial killings, disasters, that kind of shit
>Then, Web Shooter slaughters almost everyone at Midtown, and the Media is almost entirely focused on finding out the monster behind the attack
>Brock steps up to try and get photos of him, actually gets a few good ones in and gives them to the news, as well as people killed by the Spider strung up on buildings
>Web Shooter knows this, and he doesn't like it. Not one bit.
>Gives Eddie one simple warning, which he does not heed
>Then, everyone Eddie knows gets slowly killed
>His wife is found strung up outside his building
>His loving father is brutally torn apart by hitmen and posted online
>Web Shooter purposefully sabotages Eddie's life so that it only ends in failure, all for reporting on him and making a possibility to find out who he really is
>And then, one day, he knows he'd be next, that the Web Shooter would come after him soon
>He goes to church, says his prayers, praying to God for bring this upon everyone
>And then, a chance at redemption came from the heavens, covering Eddie.
>Justice would be distilled. Men and women would be avenged.
>And that Web Shooter would be strung up, torn apart in New York for everyone to see.

There'll never be anything like Anita's dumb videos ever again, her fucking cuck of a puppeteer maybe but he's too pathetic to grab ears.

I thought about this and I think the very simple way is that Hulk is a creature of good who's trying to cure himself of being Banner because Banner was evil.

>Rick Jones was drug addict who was kidnapped by Banner and experimented on. Rick escaped and in the conflict threw Banner into his own experiment turning him into the hulk, a creature who using increased power created by relaxing realized what a Monster Banner was. Now on the run from the government trying to get Banner back so they can build them a new bomb. The Hulk just want to find a place where he can be happy and with someone who cares about him.

Bunch of anti-SJW dudes overreacting to Brie's reactions in interviews and other things she said in the past.
There's an interview where Renner kinda shuts her down and another where her reactions towards Hemsworth bantering were blown out of proportion.

So, what is She-Hulk?
A brutish cavewoman a la Incredible Hulk or a very fucked up dominatrix?

>very fucked up dominatrix She-Hulk
Yes please

>Sun Knight

Frank becomes a Preacher/Healer/Doctor/Pacifist

The Absolver or The Healer, or The Forgiver.

He seeks the most broken and sinful of people and heals their bodies and attempts to heal their minds. Bonus if he's gifted healing powers on top of being a trained Doctor.

Matt becomes a Satanist, and believes in cruelty begetting stronger people, since cruel fate gifted him with powers

The opposite of a Catholic isn't a Satanist, it's a Protestant.

Not Orthodoxy? That Schism came earlier.

>Spectacular Six

>She eventually takes him down and inherits his empire, all while having to face a new Green Goblin, aka Normie Osborne
"Normie Osborne" is just the name Web-Shooter uses to refer to the original Goblin.

So what would the Masters of Evil be called in this universe? The Champions of Good?

There is a fairly decent amount of theological overlap between Orthodoxy and Catholicism

I guess. I was just going by the logic that they were the result of the first Schism, then Protestantism came from Catholicism. But I suppose you’re right since those Denominations are close enough in contrast with the Protestants. King Henry was not in the wrong though...

Crusaders for Good?
Champions of Order?

While commonly lumped in with them, strictly speaking Anglicanism is not a Protestant denomination.

Well darn, it keeps getting more and more complicated.

Most heroes and villains mutated in accidents outside of their control, often exposed to the same radiation that triggered the rise of mutants in their original backstories. By the "control" logic Spidey, Hulk and FF should also be hunted.

They're isolated cases within set parameters. The F4 got theirs as adults and were all trained professionals. Hulk was seen as a ticking TIme Bomb and hunted. Spider-Man was seen as a menace. Muties represent the danger of little Billy getting a boner in class and setting the school on fire.

Yep, the Anglican/Catholicism split is based entirely around the religious authority of the English crown rather than any sort of doctrinal dispute, though those did come later.

Luckily, there's already a pic for that from a Drawthread (yeah yeah, he's Venom Snake, whatever, you get the point)
>Hawk, I'm already a demon
In the 616 Barton became Hawkeye because he REEEEEEEEd too hard at Stark stealing his girl, so I figure he'd be easily reworked as a Kaz-like BFF figure. Either way,I think it makes sense for E3 Stark to treat War with as much importance as 616 does, but from a swapped POV. On that front, SHIELD could easily be some UN Organization whose whole purpose is to keep the War Economy going. Nick Fury could be Zero and Black Widow could be The Boss.

Attached: Superior_Punished_Stark.png (1019x1146, 1.21M)


Not bad.

To think; the mightiest mind in all of the world, conquered by grains and sugar.

Devil Girl and Moon Dinosaur took over Yancy Street and made everyone dress up like rabbits and unicorns. You know, exactly how you'd expect a nine year old girl to run a neighborhood.

Attached: moon_girl_devil_dinosaur_comic_moon_dinosaur_by_giuseppedirosso_dblvyif-pre.jpg (835x957, 189K)

Mayor Fisk and his secret allies, the Superior Six, fight against the Devil of Hell's Kitchen and his enforcer ArachnidMan.

I'd like to imagine that the equivalent of Professor Hulk is a pants shittingly terrifying villain who has the unstoppable strength and rage of Hulk with the brains and capacity for cruelty of Banner.

So stage 3 Doc Green ?

It makes sense that Matt becomes a Satanist, who tries to use his believe in fell to give him sight beyond sight, and make his will stronger.

Damien Hellstorm would probably be constantly annoyed by Matt's fanboy-ing though.

>Riri is humble

>>Thor is a viking ravager. The hammer is only worthy to villainous ideals. He rapes Jane
This is already a thing with thor

The opposite of a Catholic is a South American jungle cat.

What if peter is the one running the bugle, glorifying Spider-Man’s actions, while an upstart Jameson is fighting to report his actual behavior?

I've been trying to come up with an E3 Doom, but it's kinda hard. If you go by his Hannibal Lecter characterization, he should be a wholesome and jolly person. If you go by his would-be conqueror persona, he should be a peace-loving man. If you go by his Panther-God persona, he should be a petty loser and nothing more. All that said, here's what I'd do:
>Doom's an unremarkable kid, from an unremarkable family in some European shithole
>dad's something like a farmer or whatever, and mom's a stay-at-home-mother; not poor, not rich
>dreams of moving to America and living the American Dream, being a hotshot billionaire
>Valeria is the class Stacy who's sometimes kind to him
>spends his time alone, daydreaming or working on his plans
>eventually changes his name and moves to America on a scholarship
>the life is there is foreign to him and he can't fit in
>Reed is a proper Chad, with brains, brawn, a super-scientist father, a hot blonde girlfriend, friends, and the guy who's always at the top of every seminar and class, publishing papers left and right
>Doom keeps getting increasingly jealous
>starts researching occult shit simply to be a contrarian, and ends up fucking himself up and getting expelled
>his body dysmorphia and low self-esteem coupled with the scar make him go nuts and he falls deeper inside the occult
>becomes a cult like figure, spouting pseudo philosophical bull and presenting himself as the new Tesla, with Reed being the Edison; clear results, where Doom's working with fantasies
>eventually his pettiness gets the better of him and he starts offing fellow scientists
>sets up a coup and takes over his home country
>spends his time creating conflicts all over the world so that he can create a legend around himself
I think the key to making an E3 Doom is going back to his roots and playing his petiness straight. He's not an UberChad with GL-Tier Will, he's an insecure and petty faggot who takes it out on everyone in order to satisfy his ego.

Attached: 1234.jpg (397x534, 254K)

Wouldn't an earth-3 Marvel basically be a mix between ruins and ultimate?


More like: He shrinks every living human to half their size, solving the ressource problems in another way.

Nah, the key is going back to his root and inverting them. I want him as a simple anti-authoritarian, who uses tech and "magic" as theatrics to spread his hippie peace-love thing. Remember, it's reverse, not edgy. We're talking earth 3, not ultimate. The big "thing" is, that since he's an unremarkable guy, he is many guys who don the doom mask, ala anonymous mask.

>Pym is working on Ultron
>Janet comes in to taunt him
>takes a swing at her, misses, knocks a vase of flowers off the mantle and they land in her hands

Goddamnit not again...

Hm, good point. I guess mine fits a general reinvention.

It does. But like, it's totally wrong for earth 3. Remember, villains turn heroes in this. Evil sociopaths are caring. How is your doom a kind hero? He's not.

Too bad I'm phoneposting be ause this needs a reaction image.
> Pym tries to kill Jan by making a poisonus soap
>It turns out to be a revolution in soap making her skin super healthy and radiant

I just found "heroes bad,villaisn good" to be too simple and wanted to invert personality traits than do an outright flip, but yeah, it doesn't fit.