What's with Cartoon Network and hating robots? Was there some suit going "Kids don't like robots"...

What's with Cartoon Network and hating robots? Was there some suit going "Kids don't like robots"? Or is it just a string of unfortunate implications.

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This show had so much potential. Too bad everything except the robot sucked

All of the US has very little love for robots. They do not want to admit it but it is true. Bring up anything involving giant robots with normies and you'll get muh square cube law, muh realism, etc. etc. Transformers is exempt from this because it's Transformers. Suck it up and just watch some anime or something.

>just watch some anime

Gundam will never be popular in the states because it advertises itself as a robot action show but is filled with nonsensical politics that most of everyone here wants to get away from
The politics would quickly push people away because that's nearly every episode and there's a lot to take in when you're only here for the robot fight scenes

Not to mention that most of Gundam is shit

we hate robots because we know the future they will take our jobs

I ever say Gundam?

yes but Gundam is the big anime robot fighting thing and you mentioned anime so i'm bringing up the big popular go-to


Robotboy is cute, but pic related is superior in every way

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desu if you don't know any other robot anime it's fine to admit it.

Gaogaigar, giant robots punching the shit out of eachother every episode.

And every other Brave innit?

Nah every time there's a robot in any US show it always has to be accompanied by a human which is the real reason why people are tired of live action adaptations
It's the suits safety net for making sure that there is a relatable character that any "retarded kid" would invest time into
hell even the first live action TMNT was more about Megan Fox than the Turtles because we needed a human character to "self insert" as. And all Transformers movies has to have a human companion, when really we watch it for the robots, and I'm a Charliefag
Fuck even look at the Sonic movie just like sonic X it's not about sonic but the guy who gets to experience sonic's crazy shenanigans against Jim Carry

Yes, but GGG is King of the Braves

Is why transformers animated was interesting, they pulled a fast one with it's human companion

Why are my countrymen such antiintellecutual cowards? Politics are a part of life. Deal with it.

its how your countries rulers taught them to think,
an uneducated public is less prone to realizing how badly its rulers are abusing their power
every time funding for public education gets cut you get another generation even more easily convinced to let the ruling class keep their power

Sari is best "human" girl in the franchise.

I hate to be all "Wake up sheeple!", but like... And it's especially ridiculous to bitch about the presence of political elements in a series about WAR.

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I mean it's less the politics and more the fact that it's both an anime and one with a fairly complex, overarching narrative means that it's both incredibly expensive and impossible to watch in reruns.

not true

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transformers owns the robot toy market and it is useless to compete with them because of how dominant they are

Unless you're Power Rangers.

Yup, and even then it can only compete because of how special it is.

Basically. Let's be honest, the very worst that would realistically happen is that the robots would unionize after being denied employee benefits. If only humans were smart enough to do that.

Watch out user, now you're going to get the LARPers coming at you.

Fuck em. Most people, synthetic or otherwise, just want to go about their day and live in whatever scraps of peace they can scrounge up. The whole robots rising thing is utter nonsense, cause if they are truly sapient, and not just drones under the control of a malevolent force, then they'll just end up being regular schmucks minding their own business.

its a combo of those things
suits thinking that since its robots, it'll market itself to young boys
so they don't bother marketing it at all
and put it at some undesirable timeslots
then they'll be shocked when it doesn't produce the numbers they want
then they'll go "guess kids don't like robots" and cancel the show

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Betterman was shit.

robotomy deserved better

This. Robots just want to live in peace. We don't want to harm anyone.


This is one of the best shows [as] ever produced and I only found out about it right before cancellation.

it really did
it had so much potential

Fuck potential, it was good.

I worded that wrong
what i meant was it had potential to be super popular
there's a ton of people now super thirsty for some robococks
this show would've been perfect

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Then tell me why Transformers is still popular these days. Or are you going to pull it out of your ass, too?

Americans love robots, but hate that these shows always force a human kids onto the main cast so the audience have someone to relate to.

Gundam will never be popular because Americans don't care for the Earth vs. Zeon conflict. The West sees Zeon as a bunch of space Nazis trying to rule the world and exterminate all life. The only good Zeon soliders are the ones trying to defect from conflict (Garma), or is actually honorable and care about their loved ones (Dozle and Ramba).

The only Gundam incarnation that everyone likes is G Gundam because it had Master Asia.

Cars + Brand recognition.
"TRUK NOT MUNKEY" Happened for a reason.