Tell me your childhood cartoon crush. Mine was Raven.
Tell me your childhood cartoon crush. Mine was Raven
Mine was Fifi.
Kim herself never clicked right with me much
People born in 2001 are now allowed to post here
>16 years ago
If user was 10 years old at the time he's 26 now.
It was a combination of the suit, the short hair, the obscenely husky voice, and her professional-but-also-enjoying-herself personality.
>Crocodile Dundee was released 33 years ago last month
She was my first childhood boner at least.
As the reason I wanna fuck ghosts!
i had a few but she came to mind
i want to rewatch this movie now
Penny Gadget, probably? I don't know.
I used to imagine making out with her.
Fuck you.
Found it on Netflix.
Got a nostalgic boner at her scenes.
Really sad that everything following it was complete shit and Casper is ironically a dead franchise
Bulma and Starfire
>Mine was Raven.
Imagine having the most generic, commoner taste in all of Yea Forums and braking about it in the thread OP
One of taste
That's nothing
My very first best girl
Stay the fuck away from my mom OP
The first was Crysta, Then Jasmine, Ariel, Aurora, Meg, Chel, Jessica Rabbit, too many waifus as a little boy.
And Don't get me started on fighting games in the 90's
>Chun-li in her skin tight street fighter alpha outfit.
Madre de dios
have sex
>Shave Ex
Well fuck if you say so.
eat food
Reeeee harder crybaby
Her human form was hotter though.
Construct additional pylons
Drink bleach
Good taste
Does she still do Voice acting?
It's time to clean up this board!
I'm six years old, she makes my peepee hard
based takes
Reminder she's dead now.
Oh man, this wild woman turned the "conventional girl" image on its head for me as a kid. Crass, lusty, powerful, took what she wanted. Bless you wild demon/space pirate.
April O'Neil
then Roxanne
Red Riding Hood from the Shrek 2 game desu
>More than one person wants to bone Carrigan
Huh, good to know I'm not alone at least.
Shame none of us are artists.
I think I had a thing for the strong silent types. Regardless if they were actually human or not lol
>furfags and degenerates talk about tgeir waifus
No one has taste anymote desu
None that I know off.
I guess she's gone user.
What's the matter boomer, feeling threatened by the ineluctable passage of time ?
When I was 10 I was obsessed with Jinx. I'd have these long elaborate fantasies about loving her despite her powers and helping her overcome everyday problems that she would face because of them. I remember during my tenth year of life their was a blood moon so I decided to give a blood offering to it in honor of her and hope it would make her real. The cut nearly got infected because I didn't clean it and my mom didn't find out for a while cuz I hid it. I'd still wanna hang out with her but I grew out of the whole waifu thing by 12.
My man. It was either Gadget or April for me.
Yiff in hell.
Lisa for some reason.
Gadget isn't furfaggotry. Jump off a tall bridge, head first.
Go back to /vg/, fag.
I'd say those characters lean too heavily on the furfag side of the furdar.
superior chart
I've always disliked that picture. All of those are more or less furry. The three on the right look slightly more appealing as simple cartoon character designs, but if you want to fuck them, they're very obvious furfaggotry. As for the two on the left, drawing animal ears and tails on a cute anime girl looks like furry in desperate denial (especially if you're trying to claim they're not furry).
incels BTFO
This. Not even because the slave scene. I was too naive I guess.
Crush still there ten years later.
yikes that's off model
but yeah. also that nerd she hung out with
2003 was 16 years ago mate.
It's unpleasant to hear, but we're gettin' old.
imagine coping this hard
Not applicable because she isn't a toon
Raven as well for me
Damn, her voice was great too.
Same, up until Raven I just didn't care.
But Raven made me care.
>GF is Sam personality with Alex's body and Clover's taste in clothes and hobbies
Probably Helga Sinclair from Atlantis.
Any theories why Raven got crushed on so hard? I crushed on her hard too but I wonder why she's such a popular one. There has to be more to it than just the naked legs.
I'm still in love
shes a kind soul and have a lot of love to give deep inside
How much do you think your childhood crush defined your current tastes in real and fictional women? My early interest in DCAU Wonder Woman and the expansion of that interest into comic book Wonder Woman had a really significant impact on the type of girls I go for nowadays. Probably influenced my fetishes a lot too.
How could anyone crush on Danny when Vlad was RIGHT THERE
2 through 4 are furries
1 is furry denial/catering to furries
5 is beastiality
>Black GF told me she had a crush on Danny Phantom
>Said she hated the black girl in the show because of her personality
>I know it's actually because she saw her as competition