Is this our generation's Watchmen?

Is this our generation's Watchmen?

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No. It’s decently written and drawn and pretty fun/sincere but it’s not Watchmen. Not by a long shot.

what makes you think it is

Watchmen gets praised by virtually every comic writer currently in the business and inspired copycats across the entire industry. Super Sons is largely ignored outside its niche audience and has been actively sabotaged by the current leadership due to the hate boner they have for legacy characters.

Is super sons really that good?

watchmen is my generations watchmen. I'm getting old

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Piece of shit.

It's good. The stories aren't bogged down by crossover bullshit, the art is consistent from cover to cover and the two kids have good chemistry together.

Yes. Fuck Bendis.

Is good but that's it.

No? Do you even know what made Watchmen Watchmen?

its basically this generation's Maus and Incal put together


It's better. Watchmen didn't get a sequel series so quickly after like super sons did so you know it's true.

I wish. because that would mean more lighthearted adventure comics

It's like early Young Justice with a slightly different dynamic.

It's good but it's not Watchmen.

this but without irony.

No, but Watchmen was the Supersons of the 80s.

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