Today is Lauryn Hill’s 44th birthday, time to honor her with her only and most memorable Yea Forums mention.
Today is Lauryn Hill’s 44th birthday, time to honor her with her only and most memorable Yea Forums mention
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literally who?
>It's popular therefore it's good
Lmao typical roastie logic
Who’s Lauren hill?
People who have different opinions on music are not jerks.
Do not assault people for saying things.
Lauren Hill does suck. I dont need a child who wasnt even born when she was actively charting and who only knows about her because the AUTHOR googled something to tell me what music is good.
I need rule 34!
I need rule 34 of redhead milf in a choker!
Why does this look so much like the coca cola esports comic?
Because it is written and drawn by, and marketed towards, the same type of soulless withered husk.
>coca cola esports comic?
Do I want to know more?
She Will be when I am done.
This is actually the worst it gets
the comic itself is just boring as fuck
Am I seeing things or is the brunette with the band aid have her tits out.
Oh, it's and edit. How clever.
It's an edit. The actual thing isn't even remotely that interesting.
>Physical assault is okay when someone says something you like sucks
He's a jerk for giving his unsolicited opinion. But that dyke is an actual criminal.
listen to music
bad opinion
I hope he went home and planned the rape of all of those whores especially the dyke looking one in the hat. He should have waited for the closing hours and hunted those whores one by one and stuck them in his basement in chains and a gag and raped them for weeks with Lauryn Hill playing on repeat.
Imagine being this big of a pussy
Isn't that the logic of literally every MCU thread here, you closet roastie?
C'mon man, Miseducation was a great album, but it's been over twenty years. All we've gotten out of Lauryn since then is a shitty live album and a couple of remixes.
Imagine having your feelings so hurt because someone didn't like your trash music that you insult them lmao.
Literally the kid at school who sperged out because someone said Digimon sucked.
You can literally die from being tripped. unlikely, but possible. Even if you didn't, there's a good chance of tooth damage or other injuries.
The dude was harassing other customers on their music choices, but that's it. That's all he was doing. He was already punished for his actions (berated from the store) and was leaving peacefully. There's absolutely no reason to physically assault him.
What’s her name? She is the store owner right?
Somebody should send this comic to Fantano and see what he has to say about it.
And everyone clapped.
is this a remake of that one christian comic? about the rebel chick that goes straight?
iit: no one on co reads comics
one album wonder
here's a review if you like video essays
Based jjj poster
Thanks, I hate it.
No, it's about a girl who gets a job a record store that has a fight club in the basement between the employees who are also a vigilante group and record companies are kidnapping and brainwashing musicians to turn them into pop stars and there is a network of vigilante groups but that doesn't really matter and I think they form a band at the end.
>At the end
this shit has more than 1 issue?
wait, if she (she?) is in front of him, and he turns and walks away, how is she in front of him to trip him?
I remember it having to change name in the middle of the run, due to some copyright issue or something.
I dropped it after the first issue because it read like all the other generic Boom SJW trash. Sometimes I wonder why I still bother giving modern Boom shit a chance.
Hi-Fi Fight Club
She's the pop artist hipsters and elitists were allowed to like in the late 90s, this was before poptimism so there were usually only one or two at a time.
Go dilate.