>The one character so overpowered that not even Superman, Kenshiro or even Saitama would stand up to him >literally beat Satan himself >travelled through time at will >could literally walk on air, underwater thru outer-space without zero effort >insta-kills with lollipop-bop >so overpowered his series was discontinued to give modern heroes a fighting chance
will there ever be a dreaded day when this sleeping giant once-again awake Yea Forums?
You can try to defend yourself all you want, but right now Alan Moore is on his way to your house to smite you for your ignorance.
How could you disappoint Alan like that? How could you?
Anthony Edwards
Herbie Popnecker
Josiah Bailey
>How could you disappoint Alan like that? How could you? Because the collected volumes are next to impossible to find for less than a month's pay or my first born child.