The one character so overpowered that not even Superman, Kenshiro or even Saitama would stand up to him

>The one character so overpowered that not even Superman, Kenshiro or even Saitama would stand up to him
>literally beat Satan himself
>travelled through time at will
>could literally walk on air, underwater thru outer-space without zero effort
>insta-kills with lollipop-bop
>so overpowered his series was discontinued to give modern heroes a fighting chance

will there ever be a dreaded day when this sleeping giant once-again awake Yea Forums?

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>inspired Rorschach's speech pattern

Oh, well if he sleeps, I can think of a half-dozen characters that can beat him.
Too bad.

The fat lil' fuck managed to BTFO the Beatles so that makes him GOAT in my book

Attached: Herbie 005_22.jpg (1099x1600, 566K)

>you want I should hit them with these here lollipop

Herbie's lollipop stash is no joke user. The Infinity Gauntlet wishes it had that kind of power

You pathetic have no fucking clue do you?

Just have Squirrel Girl fight him offscreen.

He is never off screen.

he can BOP me anyday *swoon*

>so powerful that back in the day EVERY board came together and AGREED he was the strongest character
Do you remember that legendary event?

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who is this t bh

I forgot that summer vacation started already.

I don't play Earthbound?

Herbie vs. Stardust. Who wins?


>reeeing over not recognizing whoever this is

You can try to defend yourself all you want, but right now Alan Moore is on his way to your house to smite you for your ignorance.

How could you disappoint Alan like that? How could you?

Herbie Popnecker

>How could you disappoint Alan like that? How could you?
Because the collected volumes are next to impossible to find for less than a month's pay or my first born child.

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kuro the artist knows better than to claim that ben 10 can beat him

what are his powers

>Who wins?
Whoever wins, we lose.


Various and Sundry.

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