How do we undo it Yea Forums?
Hard Mode: No de-ageing. Cap must not have done it.
How do we undo it Yea Forums?
Hard Mode: No de-ageing. Cap must not have done it.
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It's Loki
Get a younger version from the past
He's from the Prime future, here to give Sam the shield. Wedding ring is his and Sam's. 2023 Cap is still on his trip and will be back soon.
We don't. Nigga's happy, fuck you.
probably the best ending you could have for Cap
Cap being a selfish asshole and sacrificing duty for pussy goes against his entire character of sacrificing everything for God and country.
Even as an old man I thought Cap would still be ripped.
>sacrificing duty
>saves everyone
Suck my dingleberries, you Q-Tip
>Not Cap being mortally wounded and carried off by a giant Bald Eagle to return again when the USA needs him the most.
I don't want to undo it, I want Bucky to be the new Captain. Fuck Sam.
The thing that rubs me in the wrong way is that this cap actually looks old and frail. Wasn't the super soldier serum suposed to make him age slower, or at least keep him in good health?
Using his knowledge of future events cap created a golden age in his new timeline. How is that selfish?
Yea it’s not like he could have gone back to the past and make an alternate timeline where every horrible thing he woke up to was defeated before it could happen. God I fucking hate Yea Forums
We dont know how old he is. He could be 200 years old here and returning from the future. I dont know why everyone assumes he hopped over from the same year
this is bad bait
You all complain that you didn't want Cap to die, now you complain he got a happy ending?
Nice people don't deserve to put up with other people's bullshit their whole lives just so that they can rely on a safety net of them saving their asses!
Why not? Ant Man's experiment proved they can de-age anyone they like
I think he's over 100 years old, not counting time in the ice. That considered, he seems pretty lively. I think the Super-Soldier serum can keep him as healthy as humanly possible, but it can't keep him ripped as a man that old.
That is a really good point.
Bucky was never frozen and is over 100 and looks mid 30s you can assume cap ages at the same pace. Which is why I think cap we see at the end of endgame was from the future
>Bucky was never frozen
Not true. We see him get frozen and thawed out in his flashbacks. They kept him on ice between missions to keep him in his prime.
It’s not the fact that he got one, it’s the way that he did. He got his by not only abusing time travel and basically abandoning his comrades, but getting his happiness at the cost of someone else’s of whom Peggy historically got together with. You don’t get to be the person who gives the speech about doing whatever it takes and then proceed to do one of the most selfish things you can. If he had gotten his dance with her for the sake of closure and retired upon completing his mission of returning the stones, passing on the shield, that’d be fine. But the way they went about it here is what goes against Cap’s core character
I'd argue they never cared about Cap's core character. I used to think along your lines and it rankled. But I've made peace this is the happiest Feige would make him and it's at the cost if his soul, to bend time to his will. Hey, if he's happy. It's no use being bitter. It poisons the good memories this verse gave me.
>but getting his happiness at the cost of someone else’s of whom Peggy historically got together with.
So? Its not like they were fated to be together and chances are that the man found another woman, just like how Peggy did. You're just grasping for something, anything, to hate the cap's earned happy ending.
But cap still has the option to come back as prime cap if needed
It was an accident, Banner had no ideia what happened. Stark was the only one who knew how to do it and he got JUSTed.
'Undo' it but it turns out that De-aged Cap was a skrull, who escapes the Skrull mothership along with Hawkeye and Rhodey
Yeah but Pym is back now. If Tony could ass-pull the scientific breakthrough that allowed time travel I'm sure Pym could figure it out since it's in the field he actually specializes in.
It has it's limits. 70 years in the ice plus another 70 years to age to the present and he's pushing 200 at that point.
This didn't even make sense though.Cap shouldn't have ended up in the real timeline if he went and altered some shit.
You know, they never said he married Peggy in the film...
I’d have rather had this than the ass jokes.
Considering that that man was the one who was supposed to marry Peggy, Cap took his guaranteed happiness. Yes, he may have found another woman but that is neither a guarantee nor is it a guarantee that whatever he found brought him happiness. The one guarantee that was set in stone before Cap’s interference was that he married Peggy and had a family with her, something Cap has stolen from him. That much is fact no matter how you feel that it’s anyone just looking for something to be mad about
>How do we undo it Yea Forums?
Offer Chris Evans an ungodly amount money.
There was an Agent Carter user on a thread earlier and I wanted to ask fans of AC, did you like the ending where Steve went back to Peggy? Do you consider it a timeloop or a branch?
they had something like this though, don't you remember that part where Cap is standing all alone against Thanos entire army, ready to die because he's not going to give up?
yeah he should have marched up to him and said that he cant win as long as one man stands against him blah blah
This, we already knew his ass was fine and didn't need it to be pointed out.
Cosmic cube recreates him.
You know nothing about Cap. In the comics his main flaw is punishing himself for stuff that was beyond his control, driving himself crazy by trying to be perfect and save everyone because every single bad thing that happens is his fault in his mind. This is a Cap that got over his complex and learned that hes allowed to be happy and the entire world isn't his responsibility.
100% agree
Aka not a real super hero, glad we got that out.
>Bucky was never frozen
Who fucking cares, you're missing the point of why Marvel characters became more popular than DC in the 70s
>selfish asshole
>saved the world multiple times
>saved the universe
>sacrificing duty
>served in multiple wars and conflicts, possibly in his alternate timeline as well
I understand you miss Cap but the universe owes him, not the other way around.
>This is a Cap that got over his complex and learned that hes allowed to be happy and the entire world isn't his responsibility.
He could have done that in this new century, in this timeline.
he'd been trying for years and still wasn't happy.
That's piss-poor writing because Feige only cares about iron man.
is it selfish if you let your past self frozen forever and steal his life?
>blaming Yea Forums because one idiot keeps insisting MCU Cap is selfish
I can't tell if you or he is the bigger brainlet.
No he shouldn't have because that would make no sense.
God, I hate people who've read like one page in a comic and think they understand everything that happens in it.
But didn't Peggy still get alzheimer's and die? So now he's alone and an old man.
What duty? He saved the world, the universe, twice over. How much more you demand from this poor man? Cap deserves to be happy.
Who says she even developed alzheimer's in that timeline? Plus they lived full lives together. The tragedy is leaving any children/grandchildren behind.
Just like in the comics:
>Everyone who died is living peacefully in Soulworld
>Steve can be brought back using the Infinity Stones, a copy made in case of an emergency
but ive read ig like 4 times
He chose Hayley Atwell over consoling faggots in AA meetings. He knew this piece of shit planet was killing itself.
Thanos literally says this when he is talking to Cap, Thor, and Tony.
Maybe Wanda and Sam will learn the same lesson and do the smart thing and quit.
>Cap gets a good end that you aren't supposed to really think too hard about
you guys are fags
>Yea Forumsmblr angry that the whitest male got the best ending
This shouldn't surprise you.
This. Dude didn't even got a quarter of money or screentime/wanking compared with what RDJ got
Now that RDJ is gone. And muh inclusion will be the norm. The MCU has a 50/50 chance of dying slowly
>that you arent supposed to think hard about
But movie defines rules that they split timelines every time they do the thing. People are upset that movie breaks its own rules.
They sacrificed every cap movie to build up another movie or character, first avenger was about how he got to the future, winter soldier eliminated shield and brought Bucky back, civil war brought black panther and spider-man to the MCU its a shame we never really got to see Steve living his day to day life really
I doubt the MCU itself will die, but Disney's plans for it will shift when the least pozzed movies inevitably make the most.
Yes but retarded masses don't realizeit because "muh happy ending" and "lol Peggy's tits"
>Stealing another man's wife without her noticing that you're not really his bf is a good thing
> letting another version of yourself rot in the ice so you can have pussy is a good thing
You underestimate how retarded this time travel shit really is, user. He still got thawed out and did everything he did leading up to this point.
It makes zero sense and you and I have no choice but to accept this.
>its a shame we never really got to see Steve living his day to day life really
>paying to see this
The Iron Man trilogy sure was great.
>He still got thawed out
>when he could have a normal life being thawed put in his own time
That's furthering my point.
I agree with you with the retarded time travel thing user, though
>when he could have a normal life being thawed put in his own time
Or even better, he could go back to the far superior 1940s and marry the woman he loved. Even cucking her future husband makes no difference since by that logic marrying any woman would cuck her potential alternate husbands.
>dissing the most kino of Evans' acting
You're missing out -
I'd pay to see three more movies of this, I'm not paying for Iron Boy 2.
I'd argue TFA is the only Steve Rogers oriented movie. The rest of his appearances were either Russos or Whedon and they set up other characters' movies with him or used Steve as a foil.
Joe Johnston should have made another Cap movie. I wonder how much Evans we'll get in the Loki show, it it's gonna be Steve vs Loki or if it's Evans playing Loki pretending to be Steve.
TWS has great scenes that capture his personality, though. His interactions with Sam and Natasha were kino
>they deleted this scene
What the actual fuck. How do those mouthbreathers survive.
Okay those bits were good but it was a more crowded roster than TFA. I loved his interactions though.
Feige only cares about Downey. This was a deleted scene from Avengers 1, Whedon cut it because it didn't fit with the film's pace, if I recall. The movie was supposed to start with this and as he's punching away, Fury brings the tesseract folder to Steve.
He was going in that direction for a bit decades ago when he was working to live a normal life, settle down, get a normal job, marry, and potentially have children. Not to stop trying to do good, but not making it his life's duty to be a superhero 24/7 at the expense of himself.
But here we are, 24/7 superhero super soldier that laments over shouldering a responsibility that's way beyond his pay grade in a cheap way to garner drama over him feeling bad about how he can't do as much good as he wants to do for everybody the damn universe.
This was a proposed opening for The Winter Soldier. It's a bit awkward and I'm very happy they went with Sam and Steve shenanigans. But it shows how isolated he is in the new century.
Given this, Natasha's push to set him up with people, to pull him out of ruminating about his past, would have made more sense. When she tries, he tells her all the guys in his barbershop quartet is dead (Howlies).
He's had a really hard life in the MCU. That's why I'm getting used to the happy ending when though I hated it for ages because it makes no sense. Feige did him wrong.
There's something I was wondering, Yea Forums. Does the Infinity Gauntlet affect any and all versions of someone or it's just the people in one timeline?
Technically it works only in the universe the rocks were made in. Would different timelines be different universes?
Well, I was wondering, because it seems that in 2012, a new timeline was created after Loki escaped with the Space Stone. I'm guessing that in that moment, Thanos would still be around and the events of Infinity War would be delayed? Well, for that alternate timeline at least.
TFA is a solid movie and it establishes Steve well but it was the only movie where we got to see him shine solo, TWS is good I won’t deny it but widow should’ve been Sharon, I like Natasha and have no problem with Scarjo but it would’ve been nice if they built his relationship with Sharon. But that would’ve conflicted with him wanting to be stuck in the past
Endgame is the only movie where he's this hung up on the past. Where else have we seen Steve look at it? all the actors and show runners said Steve was trying to move forward in the Winter Soldier. The movie could have absolutely used more Sharon. Show the Shield side of things. Would have also been interesting to see Brock try and recruit Sharon into Hydra and failing.
*Look at the compass.
He got over it TWICE once in First Avenger at the end then again when he attended her funeral.
This feels like some bullshit mandate of an executive that only saw First Avenger dropped by the creative team and wen't "You know, Captain America should get the girl, make that happen."
>Would have also been interesting to see Brock try and recruit Sharon into Hydra and failing.
Was this canon at some point?. There was a fic about it that was fucking kino.
>>saves everyone
Except he let Bucky be brainwashed for decades, let Bucky murder Howard Stark, let Hydra take over SHIELD, let Russia hysterectomy Natasha, etc, etc.
>Ashley Johnson waitress had more than one interaction with Cap
Shit. And he was drawing! This is all good!
Dem titties though
See and Retard
It was Loki, who switched places with Cap and timehopped to avoid his own death.
I hope so.
How do you know?
I've been saying for ages. Look up a lot of Team Cap or even Downey deleted scenes and they all added something of immense character building versus what got on screen.
I think it comes from Sharon's "depends on where you're standing" line but I'm not sure.
Markus and McFeely said they wanted to give him his dance. Not sure if Russos, Feige and Evans all wanted that too.
That's why he retired, dumbass?
Young Cap still travels to the future when they need him.
>Yea Forums can't accept rdj and evans are done
That line between cute and autism.
>Markus and McFeely said they wanted to give him his dance.
That's fucking stupid. He spent maybe few weeks to maybe a few months barely getting to know her.
Hell he knew her niece for years longer than her.
I guess it's better than a bitter fallout or getting written off later.
This is my issue with the Cap ending. They started with a very specific image in mind, nevermind if it's in line with their own universe and the character's story throughout. And now as fans we need to question if his optimism, his grit in going forward was all a show, that given a chance, he decides to go back to the past in a heartbeat. How do you fix a foregone conclusion and destiny? It would work if he's miserable, to show fate always wins. But he's happy. It's circular story telling, but not presented as a tragedy. This article on GOT's ending explains it better
This is what the writer said about Steve's ending.
>McFEELY: From the very first outline, we knew he was going to get his dance. On a separate subject, I started to lose my barometer on what was just fan service and what was good for the character.
They got caught up in fan service.
I hope so
I think the ending's fitting.
>Avengers: Tells Fury the should've left him in the ocean with the space gem
>Ultron: Gave Bruce advice about not waiting
>WS: muh Bucky, only thing from my past
>CW: muh Bucky and muh Peggy
He never got over it 100%, when super science gave him a chance of course he took it without blinking. Seeing Peggy in the 40s and Stark with this family were the final push. My issue is the lack of explanation for how it happened.I prefer what the Russos said: Different timeline, and he made it a better world. Saved Howard, stopped 9/11 ,sent Cosby to jail, etc.
>the future needs Cap, he travels to the future before returning to Peggy
>repeat whenever they need him
They'll use old Cap's death to lure people into Avengers 5. Would you girls like to see him having a peaceful death or one last stand like the jew guy in the first Avengers?
Who can get over the past a 100 percent? He's got longing and regrets about the past, most sane people do even without the 70 year "frozen in a block of ice" time skip.
Reducing him to those elements ignores everything else he did in those movies and his motivations. Which is an issue I have with Tonyfans, especially 616 ones, when they keep insisting MCU steve had no character growth, saying Steve abandoned Tony for Bucky, he never got over the past etc. If Tony were in the position of Rhodey being accused of a crime he didn't commit and he drops Pepper and the Avengers to save him, not many people would say Tony's hung up on the past with Rhodey and MIT. More like, they'd see a man desperately trying to save someone unfairly accused.
One can miss the past and never want to go back if they make peace with the present and make friends here. Which is what Steve was shown as doing, adapting to the world, dating new people, making new social links, till Endgame.
And here's another extended scene that got cut where Fury tells a newly defrosted Steve they still have a place and a need for him in the future.
Who was asking for that paring
Handing over his shield to a young nigger. Best possible ending is to be cucked. Fuck off jackass.
That's is specifically a Tony Stark trait, in both the comics and MCU. Comics Cap is similar to his MCU self where he recognizes that no matter how hard you try, you're never going to succeed at saving everyone, but it's your job to try your hardest to do so, no matter the odds, and also to learn from and move past your failures, and that failing to overcome that is self-destructive and thus sabotages you as both a person and as a protector. He took full responsibility for any inadequacy, but never tortured himself over it.
>Feige using the MCU to force every character into Tony Stark's image
I don't even hate Tony but this is terrible and this Starkwank will cost them, diluting other characters as well as Tony's legacy. Can't wait for Iron Boy 2, where Peter actually says "every one wants me to be the next iron man" in one of the trailers.
>Well, during a recent Q&A,Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely finally addressed their conflicting opinions and said that while they favour their theory, the issue is"a question with many answers."As for why Steve wouldn't change events in history - such as the Kennedy assassination - Markus added:"We don't have to write that!"
>McFeely went on to say that whatever the truth may be, Cap always had to go back in time and live his life in order"To complete himself. Tony must lose his life and Steve must get one."
Unfreeze the Cap thats in the snow. Remember that changing the past doesn't change the future.
Alternate timeline.
Reminder that Thanos culled because overpopulated planets attract Galactus. He chose not to create more resources because that would lead to more population and higher chances of attracting Galactus.
Have Galactus arrive, and as a deal to protect America or maybe the Earth, the old Captain becomes a Herald of Galactus. He may or may not betray Galactus when he realizes he's sacrificing numerous other worlds. Just like that crossover where Superman became a Herald.
>Defending Thanos undoing a paltry 50 years of population growth
Thanos was an idiot.
Shouldn’t Cap still be about as strong as a normal human given he took super solder serum.
But user, 50 years is more than enough time for Galactus to feed.