
Juggernaut > One Shit Man

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Other urls found in this thread:


>One Shit Man
>A superhero with the power to defeat any villain with only one shit

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I'm gonna assume this is a joke for shit-stirring purposes.

So he’s from India?

God Juggerfag, you're pathetic. You show up in every X-Thread to jerk off your boy and nobody cares. Now you've started doing this. I don't care about Muties or OPM, but you're just sad.
Nah, just a characterfag. He's been trying to push some Juggernaut meymey for a few weeks now. Mostly by posting "feats" in various threads, about how Juggernaut's a good leader or great with kids because he took care of a fishboy or whatever. Ignore him and he'll get bored trying to make his shitty character happen.

Cope and cry more.

What the fuck is it with assblast Yea Forums crossposters and youtubefags coming over here trying to constantly stir up shit in Yea Forums, like the Ben10 vs GL, the MUH OPM POWERLEVELS YOU GAIZ and other shit. Is your autism that debilitating that if you don't have the entire internet agreeing with your retarded reasoning you can't go to sleep at night?

We're not the ones trying to push our shitty character, and everyone responding with "get fucked gaynigger"... Christ, you're such a faggot.

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this place has become a shithole. it's over, lad.

Chill out faggot lol

>story where the entire point is that the main character is so insanely powerful he cannot find anybody that he is unable to effortlessly defeat
>the writing is amusing enough that it becomes a cult hit
>but because the protagonist's existence is basically a massive troll on versus debates he attracts irrational scorn from autists who get unreasonably butthurt that their favourite characters can be effortlessly defeated by a gag character

He's not wrong

>People still don't get the joke

I will forever be pleased by the fact that DBZ fags are ethernally assblasted by the sheer prescence of Saitama. The guy only does what he does out of sheer boredom, and is generally a very kind and wholesome person (see the comic in which he saves a man from suicide using his nihilism). Any scenario involving him and Goku would end in the two of them having a chill dinner, and returning to their home to do their duties

>''So you're saying it's not your first time fighting a bald guy that was very strong, right?''
>''Yeah! Quite fun it was! Even though he was defeated, I really hope I'll get to see him again one day...''
>''That's pretty cool...''. Saitama drinks his coffee, somewhat saddened

Season 1 of OPM also had objectively better and way more impressive animation than the entirety of DBS + DB: Broly, suck my dick

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Remember when Colossus cucked you out of your powers Marko? Remember how the only friend you've ever had is some dead Irish faggot?

>imagine being butthurt enough to make this thread

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Saitama vs Vegeta would be a cooler scenario :

The ending is still priceless

What does that have to do with anything?

Never go full retard.

Both would lose to Superman and Green Lantern (Hal)

I think your supposed to post on Yea Forums for maximum booty bothering


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Man season 2 of one punch man is unwatchable, i wish they never made it.

I would've waited 10 years for the original studio to animate the second season.


that's one poo man

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What the hell is this from?

Not sure which volume, but it's from Crossed



Crossed. Series centred a zombie virus that doesn't destroy your intelligence, but just makes you give in to every brief, intrusive evil impulse you ever have immediately, and enjoy it without remorse. It destroys society.

This bit was from a short-story/one-off in Crossed: Badlands, I think called "Anti-Crossed". Some uninfected comic book fans rescue a feminist writer, but then take her prisoner and rape her a bunch. They eventually get bored of this, and make a 1001 Nights-style deal that if she can write a comic to entertain them, they'll stop raping and abusing her. She eventually writes a conclusion where her superhero character "Anti-Crossed" goes on a soapbox spiel wherein he just essentially mocks the shit out of them, she gets free and kills her way out of the comic shop, and she braves the rape-cannibals outside.

It's a bit preachy, but no more or less shit than most of Crossed.

>all that nonsense
>"a bit" preachy

From what I've seen on Yea Forums though, Crossed is hot garbage anyway

So basically Krystmarodören?

so much fir the taller ant left

This is really the only Yea Forums character that could compete with OPM

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This is true but he's not a capeshit character so nobody has a nerd boner for him. Also in all likelihood a majority of Yea Forums's current posters have probably never seen a Droopy cartoon.

>a bit preachy
Fuck me what's your threshold for preachy

Well, there’s Popeye.

Popeye's lost before, even with spinach, though you're right that he also operates on similar troll logic most of the time

It's ironic that the tolerant left wrote that torture porn series. But still condescend to everyone else.

What in Superman's powerset can defeat Saitama?
BTW, OP's premise could work, considering Juggernaut's power is being an unstoppable force, although even then he's prone to opening himself to attacks when not bulldozing his current target.

I wasn't aware Moore had been given authority by the left to speak on their behalf

did you not read see the picture that started this conversation?

bruh, juggernaut cant even hit spiderman

I doubt he can do anything to anyone moving faster than quicksilver

no I'm just using quickreply to shitpost from page 1 like everybody else on this board

90% of the people that made season 1 work didn't even work for madhouse. Shingo called on other industry veterans and independent animators to make season 1.

saitama could probably just get behind him and punt him into the ocean

Is there anyone worthy enough for Saitama to fight against?

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Hey, I saw a fight scene from an anime yesterday on youtube...."Mob" something. Anyway, the art style looked a LOT like OPM. Same artist?

Saitama is just as fast as he is strong, he just is kinda lazy and doesn't even need to try most of the time.

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Yeah. Juggernaut (he'd lose)

I think I'll stick with OPM and my other favorite Japanese superhero show Kinnikuman


chuck norris

>I think I'll stick with OPM and my other favorite Japanese superhero show Kinnikuman
You've made a wise choice. Yes i know what Kinnikuman is and its still better then crossed garbage

Damn...I thought that guy was a one-hit wonder. Good that he's doing multiple projects.

You and that image are both retarded and wrong though

Gag characters have always been this way, caped baldy is basically a toon.

stale meme

Crossed is hit or miss with way more misses than hits. If you ever feel like scratching your B-tier shock horror itch, hunt down a best of list and give a few issues a shot.

Saitama says prove it. Otherwise, even universe busters get one-punched.

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Mob Psycho 100 is actually better than OPM. It's very much the same sort of humor as well.

Ha, after those Homophobic Comments he made and the fact he doesn’t start in movies anymore

He just a foolish mortal now

He's reached the point where his meme is a lot more famous than he is

the question is does he do lethal shits or does he make his enemies shit themselves to death?


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You do realize Yea Forums will throw an actual autistic fit if they ever post there?
Yea Forums is more welcoming and less elitist.

then why are these threads basically the same shit same topic over and over again. or basically any west vs east thread. you try to criticize anything they spam and they will backlash 8 fold

There are literally MHA, Yugioh, Berserk, and Jojo threads several times a week. OPM and DBZ always have at least one thread.

>The only way to become Strong, is to train until all of your hairs fall
Is this the source of Calvo form's power?

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>DBZ fags are ethernally assblasted by the sheer prescence of Saitama
DBfags literally do not give a shit about Saitama.

Hell even other fanbases outside of DBfags consider Saitama planet buster which isn't anything special. Why do people shit on DBfags so much when they're nowhere to be seen?

Hwy, he had another friend, a dead fish.

He never needs to try, that's the point. Even when he says he is "trying", he isn't. ONE said that if he was to actually get serious, his punch would wipe out half the universe (other half being behind him).

He is without limit, and powerlevels are quite literally not the point of the series.

Well said.
Everyone arguing and trying to force logic onto a character who is a parody of ultimate power is never going to be satisfied.
You'd have just as much luck analyzing Bugs Bunny's power level.

>no more or less shit than most of Crossed.
So...still a steaming pile of unfathomable shit? Good to know.

>Is your autism that debilitating that if you don't have the entire internet agreeing with your retarded reasoning you can't go to sleep at night?


Gag characters hurt people's feefees.

I think Vegetafags had a similar reaction when Arale smacked him around in a filler episode of Super.

Power Level fags need to be gassed

No one cares your shitty super hero can beat another shitty super hero

East vs west threads are 100% bait/shitpost threads, though. Sage and report instead of just whining about them.

>not Saitama vs. Buu

That makes me mad.