Here's an interesting question

The fuck would Earth-3 Doomsday be like?

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Nothing about Doomsday is interesting.

Exactly the same. Earth-3 mice don't chase cats.

A last ditch effort weapon created to rid the universe of Ultraman
>"He'll kill the entire planet!"
>"Yes, and the Kryptonian if we're lucky"

>earth 3 mini never

The real question is whatever the fuck Earth-3 Bizarro is like.
Does he save people from burning buildings because he thinks it's the bad thing to do?

His backstory is interesting, his rational personality is interesting, his design is interesting.

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Does Earth-3 Gordon want Owlman to stop raping the Jokester and focus on other heroes?

He's an environmental activist and cultural preservationist.

exact opposite of doomsday

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He keeps the infinite adaptability, but with positive defensive adaptations instead of being a giant bloodthirsty monster covered in poisonous bone spurs, and instead of becoming a rampaging beast he learned ultimate compassion.

Opposite of Doomsday, he'd be the Genesis. Can create stuff, including a small non-gravitational yellow sun with which he nearly beat Ultraman to death with

Would the Earth-3 Bizarro Reverse Flash just be The Flash?

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I've always thought Doomsday looked retarded.

Only time I liked him was his very initial appearance.

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We should have a version that's more streamlined

This thread's making me think of Earth-3 equivalents for other characters?
What's Earth-3 Metallo like? Earth-3 Mister Nobody? Earth-3 Vandal Savage? Earth-3 Mr. Mind? Fucking Earth-3 Starro?
I think we even saw an Earth-3 Sivana in the Council of Sivanas who was beautiful compared to the rest.

So you have Reverse Flash, who is evil, but Bizarro, so he's good. Add Earth 3 and he's evil, but in Earth 3 Bizzaro World. So you have an evil Bizzaro Eobard Thwane.

E-3 Metallo would be a robot given an organic body, allowing him to feel in both touch and in emotion.

E-3 Mr. Nobody would be Mr. Somebody, and a hero against the Patrol of Doom.

E-3 Vandal Savage, instead of immortality would constantly reincarnate over and over but keep his mind intact.

E-3 Mr. Mind....Mr. Body, a Butterfly who generates new universes through it's eggs.

E-3 Starro, a starfish that is essentially a counter to all mind controllers.

this isn't bizarro earth dummy

I imagine he'd be like the Iron Giant, where he's just this gentle giant who people think is here to destroy everything when really he just wants to sniff flowers and pet dogs. When he fights Ultraman, that's sort of when people realize that even though he looks scary, he's actually really nice and loves helping people.

I imagine his name would be Salvation.


Mr. Mind is play on the word Mastermind.

but that's boring

The same, except while he was evolving he evolved reasoning skills and empathy. He’s child-like and innocent and was sicced in Ultraman by a group of superheroes to kill him—which he did, but taking a life scarred him and he fled to the far ends of reality. Ultraman angrily pursues him after coming back to life to get revenge.

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I honestly wonder what an Earth-3 equivalent for Marvel would be.
>Captain America is essentially Frank Horrigan
>Spider-Man went columbine x10 after he got his powers
>Iron Man is literally just Superior Stark
>Venom being a villain who wants Spider-Man dead for petty reasons, believing he's too good to be a bad guy, while Carnage is a legitimately good lad who wants to make the world a more orderly place and would give his life for even a fly
>Doctor Doom being an anarchist who believes the best path for the world is one where there are no supervillains to rule over it
>Hulk being a complete fucking monster on the battlefield akin to Immortal Hulk that will break you both physically and mentally, and is only deployed by the evil Avengers equivalent in dire situations

So essentially Ferdinand the Bull?

>>Spider-Man went columbine x10 after he got his powers
Aw sweet I would pay to see that. Ditko would be so proud.

Hank Pym is a villain that keeps messing up and improving the lives of everyone instead

>E-3 Vandal Savage, instead of immortality would constantly reincarnate over and over but keep his mind intact.
Isn't this just resurrection man?

Is Earth-3 Prof Zoom always getting bullied by Johnny Quick?

>Instead of snapping away half of the universe, Phanos (Since Thanos' name is based on the Greek god of Death, I based it on the Greek god of life) doubles the resources.
>Juvenatus comes from the Positive Zone to save the universe with his army of heroic bugs.

We do have one Bizarro Earth -3 Character Superwoman

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What're their names?
Venom could be turned into Blight or some shit.
Maybe turn Carnage into Unity.

I'd pay good money for an Earth-3 Carnage book.

Might I recommend Carnage Man?

This. I would love to see a mini series chronicling the Earth-3 universe, seeing how Earth-3's versions of villains function as heroes, some Crime Syndicate versions of characters we haven't seen.

Fucking this. Earth-3 Doomsday would definitely be a healer with a friendly disposition but is trained to fight by the heroes, essentially Baymax.

Check his Axis mini.

>Positive Zone
My fucking sides holy shit

I like to believe that Earth-3 Joker took up the mantle of Red Hood and functions more like "Batman but with a sense of humor".

More interesting then just "Joker but a good guy".

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