What was that all about i'm confused

What was that all about i'm confused

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Just a quick pander to get the shipperfags to shut up before the end of the series. Pretty obvious that's what it was, which is also why they dropped it so fast off screen.

>People actually thought she was going to win the marcobowl


That off screen break up was the worst. Just a guess, it may have been meant to go on longer, but they had to cut it short when they found out they didn't get a 5th season. Starco was always endgame, but they wanted to save that for the final episodes.

Starco is the worst of all

those two episodes could easily have been Globgor episodes and nothung if value was lost

You mean the Kelco ship tease that went nowhere? Oh, quite simple. It was just one of the many cases of artistic integrity dying. A typical case for a TV series, really. When a fun and interesting plot development happens, but then it goes nowhere and turns out it was just filler. Because capitalism demands you shit out more episodes and you keep the audience watching. So to do that, you trick them into believing they're watching something important that's gonna pay off later, when in reality, it's
>pssh nothin personnel kid we just can't think of any way we can tie this subplot into the show's ending (not that we were ever going to) so we're gonna pretend it never existed lmao

yet let's keep the ponyhead talk show to show people don't like eclipsia (like 3 episodes show that) but there might be hope in the younger generation (the inter-species sporting event episode shows that)

Fuck off Globgor fag, literally no one likes him

because there was no time left to flesh him out