What was that all about i'm confused

What was that all about i'm confused

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Just a quick pander to get the shipperfags to shut up before the end of the series. Pretty obvious that's what it was, which is also why they dropped it so fast off screen.

>People actually thought she was going to win the marcobowl


That off screen break up was the worst. Just a guess, it may have been meant to go on longer, but they had to cut it short when they found out they didn't get a 5th season. Starco was always endgame, but they wanted to save that for the final episodes.

Starco is the worst of all

those two episodes could easily have been Globgor episodes and nothung if value was lost

You mean the Kelco ship tease that went nowhere? Oh, quite simple. It was just one of the many cases of artistic integrity dying. A typical case for a TV series, really. When a fun and interesting plot development happens, but then it goes nowhere and turns out it was just filler. Because capitalism demands you shit out more episodes and you keep the audience watching. So to do that, you trick them into believing they're watching something important that's gonna pay off later, when in reality, it's
>pssh nothin personnel kid we just can't think of any way we can tie this subplot into the show's ending (not that we were ever going to) so we're gonna pretend it never existed lmao

yet let's keep the ponyhead talk show to show people don't like eclipsia (like 3 episodes show that) but there might be hope in the younger generation (the inter-species sporting event episode shows that)

Fuck off Globgor fag, literally no one likes him

because there was no time left to flesh him out

My guess is that Kellco was something they wanted to start doing in S3, to parallel Tomstar probably (look how close they already seemed in Lava Lake Beach), but then they just never got around to it and didn't make it happen for real until S4. Then in S4 they started it like they'd plan but ALSO didn't have enough to time to devote an episode to it ending, so just offscreened it like Star Vs. is known for doing anyway.

As to why it exists, no reason except to further delay Starco and possibly to give Kelly relevance as a minority character who's actually voiced by a non-white actor (somewhat rare for this show).


How many sharks has this show jumped?

Utter filler.

They could've spent that time answering some of the many many unanswered questions, or building toward the end better, or just trying to figure out a way to have Star pull out a victory that didn't stop Genocide with Genocide.

But no, instead we got a one-ep romance. Yeeesh.

Let the salt flow through you.
Give me reasons why Starco is worst.

>As to why it exists, no reason except to further delay Starco and possibly to give Kelly relevance as a minority character who's actually voiced by a non-white actor (somewhat rare for this show).

Where did you get that from?

Shipping, you may now stop being confused.

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Another aborted plotline in a meandering show.

I'm not saying it's a fact; just that I remember some people complaining about there not being a lot of diversity on Star and that Marco had a white VA etc. I think Kelly might've been chosen to appear more as opposed to other characters because the VA's black and that'd give it more cred re: the diversity it was complained about not having early on, especially as the show itself was becoming more and more about race and racism in S3 and S4.

I just think it could've been a factor, not the only reason.

>Kelly dumped by Marco
>Tom dumped by Star

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Not that user but I came to dislike it on the principal of just how much time was wasted on other interesting interactions that meant nothing because of it.

Marco and Kelly: Why start to build it up in season 3 and then return to it in season 4, presenting that the 2 had feelings for one another and even having Kelly permanently break up with her boyfriend only to have the whole thing dropped off-screen? They developed Kelly from being Star’s friend to being close to Marco and being a love interest

Tom and Star: The relationship became a total waste, also receiving episodes devoted to them only for it to go nowhere because of Starco. For all that, they should have just stuck to having the 2 just as friends after Tom started to become a better person because of Star’s influence

Marco’s personality took a complete shift after Battle For Mewni in which he became completely obsessed with Mewni and ditched Earth without a care for anyone there due to them basically inventing an obsession with Star that simply didn’t exist before that point creating an artificial conflict of them being separated despite the fact that Marco had a pair of dimensional scissors that he could use to visit Star whenever he wanted. They only rerailed his character in the last few episodes where he actually points out that there is life besides Mewni that he had to think about

The noticeable shift in quality in the series once shipping had been injected into the plot full force with a massive amount of time being wasted on filler that could have been used to build towards a solid finale

Then there’s the prospect of just how cliche it is in which they think that just because the characters are of opposite gender that they have to be paired up and get together

All in all, it got to the point where the series basically was bending over backwards just for Starco to happen and it hurt the series as a result