Is Star vs Forces of Evil the greatest show of all time?
Is Star vs Forces of Evil the greatest show of all time?
Then why is it the most discussed show in the whole board?
It is as good as a Season 8 of the GoT
topical subject matter
because fags like you constantly spam them.
Lmao, in the top 10 worst shows on Disney Channel ever for show
She comitted genocide + shipping drama
based retard.
>season 1 and 2
>season 3 and 4
>If this bitch comes any closer...
The Nefcy seasons were fantastic. The Cotugno seasons were feeble, wrongheaded fanfic.
Nope. Star didn't show off her slutty feet and pits enough.
I wouldn't even rape her.
Cotugno isn't solely to blame nor even who to majority blame
>t. Cotucuck
Humans like you are pathetic cu'ck sleeves.
Go back to ruining Owl House and leave us alone, Sabrina.
star's got the best cunny of all time, i know that
I'm so glad this show ended.
Star 'The Mad Quean' Butterfly
Fuck off Marco.
>Autists letting others who also made these decisions go free to ruin other shows
You can keep her cunny. I want to grind gasms out on the exterior.
Aryan feet
I regret that she's no longer a sexy magic bug.
>everyone's talking about it so that automatically makes it good
It's a children's cartoon. On a board for cartoons. Are we supposed to just shit on it because some other people did? Are you afraid to tell people in real life of your interests because you're afraid they won't like them? Do you pretend that you hate stuff that other people do?
I don't know where we fucking went so wrong as to make absolute fucking cowards like you -who parrot every shitpost they see- welcome on this board. You echo every criticism you notice on this website without any knowledge of its source content so you can feel like you fit in the Yea Forums "le epic pessimist mindset" because you're certainly not going to get the satisfaction of community and friendship out of real life, you worthless fucking nobody.
I hate you. I hate everything you represent in this day and age on this board in which shitposting hiveminds have replaced actual debate. I hate that you are incapable of forming your own opinion. I hate that genuinely good shows and movies now have a bad reputation on this site because of fucking morons like you.
Liggerfags BTFO once again.
Thanos Star is best star
greatest? no. thats not ATLA.
but you gotta admit, passing genocide under disney's nose is pretty impressive.
It'll be forgotten 3 months from now.
"Gee, Star, how come your mom lets you have TWO hotdogs?"
It's not. MLP is, that's part of why it has its own containment board. Next four on the list would probably be (In no order):
>Adventure Time
>Steven Universe
>Gravity Falls
actual contenders for best Yea Forums show of all time:
Hey Arnold!
As Told by Ginger
Over the Garden Wall
BoJack Horseman
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Gravity Falls
Samurai Jack
Really, no BtAS?
superheroes were born to the comic book medium and will always be inferior in anything other than comic books
the best cartoon shows are ones that utilize original concepts
starco was the greatest thing ever up to battle for mewni.
>Currently in the zone of my fandom becoming popular and almost about to hit mainstream
Yeah I doubt it, Millennials like you are shit, and 2000's kids will make even better shows.
>t. Born in 2000
It's the greatest waste of potential of all time, that's for sure. What could've been a fun show about fighting inter-dimensional monsters with magic and karate became a drawn-out shipping fest that eventually replaced all the action altogether. It also made it clear it's characters were pieces of shit as it went along and the shipping angle lost all appeal to most fans.
Yes. The dark ending just makes me lust for another season
Up passed your bed time?
I just realized your eighteen, damn
I love Star despite the ending. And GF felt rushed but acceptable.
But no.
Why did Daron leave half way?
>implying #5 isnt star
Not even a big fan of the show but Yea Forums loves to hate it
No not exactly, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.
It's not even a good show. Hilda is a lot better, with a better story in 13 fucking episodes (compared to 4 seasons of this toss) and the protagonist isn't a shithead.
its my favorite so thats all that matters