heh nothin personal kid
post em
Heh nothin personal kid
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Good taste
Give me the link and I will.
should have posted it in OP, but here you go. A lot of types to choose from
>Foster's always being so fucking high
Why? It's a decent show at best.
holy shit lol tiermaker.com
where's victorious
Might as well re-post this one.
Most of what's in the 7th tier is strictly "Barely Remember". The shows I didn't watch I do remember seeing promos for.
People remember the highs but forget that the show was about 70% mediocre.
>Barely remember Justice League and Megas XLR
You need to rewatch those at your earliest convenience. Both were excellent.
>"The 'Learn How to Draw Manga' show was good"
>praising anything Bruce Timm made after BTAS
I really wish these memes would die.
You asked for it
Here's Nickelodeon.
you guys looking for some great taste? I got you covered
>Cory in the House
>Bottom tier
>KND and fucking Chowder
>higher than what I presume you mean is OG Looney Tunes or Scooby Doo
I don't know how you compiled this list but what the absolute fuck
>Johnny Bravo below utter shit like Fairly Odd Parents and Danny Phantom
>King of the Hill anything other than SS-tier
>the greatest anime in history at D-tier
>Chowder and Flapjack in S tier
>Fosters in A tier
>All that never watched
>Cow and Chicken is bad
and disney
>spongebob over phineas and ferb
>spongebob in SS to begin with.
First 2 things I've seen and dumped.
Here's mine, haven't seen a lot of these shows at all though.
one of these things is not like the others :^)
And one for nick toons as well.
This one's bound to piss some people off.
>Total Drama in D tier
Terrible taste confirmed
Total Drama was pretty fucking shit man, it was better than most of the Canadian flash schlock that was being peddled at the time but not by much. D tier is completely acceptable for anybody that grew up before the Canadian flash wave happened.
How awful am I
It was shit yeah, that's why it became one of CN's biggest hits, because it was shit. The first 3 seasons of the show were amazing, and it deserves to be at least in the B tier. The other seasons aren't worth mentioning.
You're right, it belongs in F.
>Cow and Chicken in F
decent taste re: everything else tho
nice joke
I really hated Cow and Chicken. I don't know why 90s kids like it.
>Argumentum ad populum
Fuck off, by that metric 90s Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys were the pinnacle of music.
I know you’re all gonna call me a faggot, but whatever.
My list.
Rocko, T&J, Looney Tunes and ATHF could be higher and Ben 10 could be lower, but solid tier list otherwise
Is it really that good? I didn't think many people even remembered it, let alone liked it so much.
>Problem Solvers and SU both in D tier
That is both insulting and really funny to me.
Pretty based list.
>All these live action shows in SS and S rank
its not that I never watched all them, most of them are don't remember
Cow and chicken is terrible
>Family Guy
Right where it fucking belongs.
If ed edd and eddy ain't top tier ur post is garbage
>Cow and Chicken
You can fuck right off, mate.
>Cow and chicken is terrible
Thank god I'm not alone on this.
>Rocko, T&J and Chowder in the same tier as Family Guy
please commit die to continue
>Never Watched
>Ed Edd 'n' Eddy
You need to fix that ASAP.
A list with Yea Forums's core base:
Terry - everyone is a government agent to this guy
fat link - makes big long posts and references degeneracy a lot
vegan barbarian - angry person who screeches at everyone who isnt vegan or doesnt only eat green leaves
art wiz - used to post wizfacts about art and stuff
bisexual streamer - he has been streaming since forever but ive never tuned in or viewed the thread once lol
the gamemaster - he posts about dungeons and dragons a lot. same as above i never pay attention to it tho
anime judge - he posts reviews about 3 anime every so often in jp
furry menace - his mission in life is filling fap thread with furry porn
bee guy - he posts about cartoons and this dumb bee succubus
big black - he posts blacked hentai and is obsessed with white boys
boyposter- mentally ill drug user that likes boys and megaman i think they are more than one tho
scotsman - he posts stuff about aul ma and scratting
original goddessposter - he worshipped russian succubi and wanted to be crushed to death by their feet
pedophile man - he started drawing and posting his loli and shota hentai type pictures a while ago
3d poster - he has been rendering and posting his 3d porn for a few years here
No they don't there was no 70% mediocre. Fosters has literally 1 bad episode and it's Bendy. Every single other episode is good
why even have the haven't seen section?
If you haven't seen enough of the show to judge it, just don't put it on the chart wtf
>puts tom and jerry in s tier twice
>second has pixar lamp for some reason
I haven’t seen Rockos Modern Life since I was like 9 and didn’t really get it. Tom and Jerry has always been boring to me, like a knockoff Looney Tunes but not as diverse and Chowder and its 294 made up words and fourth wall breaks every episode are legitimately a reason I despise the show.
I assumed they were the supposed to different eras, which either way ends up in S
That depends on what eras you interpret them as.
>Putting Hey Arnold at a 4/10
You animal.
It's boring user. Really fucking boring
Here's a hot take, Flapjack and Chowder suck. The only reason people think they're good is because they were starved for cartoons.
Assuming we mean theatrical shorts, there's none that aren't better than anything else ever animated
I dunno. Seems like a decent line up to me. I haven't really seen half the shows on here though.
>The only reason people think they're good is because they were starved for cartoons.
That's just your autism talking
I've watched ed edd 'n' eddy before but I don't remember much of it because my mom didn't let me watch it as a kid. I've been to busy as an adult.
>JLU in C tier
Damn right I'm mad.
>chop socky chooks
holy sweet mother of fuck I knew it was real. I've been looking for this for ages goddamn
I was born in 2000, forgive me
where the FUCK is sam and max
I too, enjoy amura oack, dd n, Durag th cowa do, Spong Squarepa, Vata, Hey RNO, and exter's ORT. Great shows. Good taste.
>Sonic Boom
I assume you're the kind of kid to sperg out about the color of Sonic's arms.
>Live action mixed in
>Courage not in SS tier
>MLAATR that high
>ATHF that low
>Regular Show that low
>MGPAM that low
>Camp Lazlo that low
Yup, we have shit taste here
Ah, meant MGPAM that high, why the fuck is it in D when the F category exists?
you're right MGPAM should have been lower
Camp Lazlo was just as funny
Regular Show was hit or miss but overall forgettable
How is it? Also, which of the shows I haven't seen should I watch?
It’s absolutely shitty, and how exactly are we supposed to know what you didn’t watch?
Waiting for beavis and butthead and aeon flux here
>Rocket Power
>Jimmy Neutron
>Zack and Cody
>Looney Tunes
>Tom & Jerry
Are you actually retarded
>anywhere but 1/10
>jetsons that low
Move over faggots, the only chart that matters is here
model tracing sitcom in a sci-fi skin
Quality animated series that pushes CG to do more 2D technique animation without sacrificing the strengths of CG while simultaneously having amazing comedic timing and characters that only get used to greater effect as the show continues
Why aren't we talking about the rankings that actually matter
>Quality animated series that pushes CG
>Rocket Power that high
>Hey Arnold that high
>Chowder that low
>BTAS that low
>Rocko that low
>Thornberries that high
>ATHF that low
>Camp Lazlo that low
>Tom and Jerry that low
>Looney Tunes that low
>Robot Chicken that low
Only rating stuff I have fonder memories of
There was another tab at the bottom but it got cut off.
He's right tho.
Watch all of them.
Die Trafon
Thta's just your autism talking
>actually intended to defend TD in this thread before seeing this asshole and getting embarrassed by association
Zoomer zooms in
Can you link the specific tier? Not sure which one to use on here. tiermaker.com
Not sure about the more general ones, but this is the best you can find for CN.
Thanks man. Here's mine.
Did one for Disney.
Found on Discord.