Favorite Animaniacs skit? Mines Michelangelo

Favorite Animaniacs skit? Mines Michelangelo

Attached: julyanimaniacs2209.jpg (1500x1250, 1.01M)

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This Pun for Hire. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good pun.

Hot Bothered and Bedeviled due to it's spicy nature

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I know the censors were drunk half the time but how did they manage to get this past the radar?

Attached: The 4th wall fell over.png (1315x911, 1.26M)

Was he the first Jojo villain?

I have never seen an episode of JoJo so I couldn't say.

Was Michelangelo that buff IRL?

What about Dio?

>"Gee Dio, what are we gonna do tonight!"
>"The same thing we do every night, Wang Chang. Try to take over the Joestar legacy!"

and than maybe have some kids in Italy.

shut up doug

>They're Dio! They're Dio and the Wang, Wang, Wang, Wang, Wang!

"You want us poor, innocent children to climb dangerous scaffolding and paint naked people all over a church? We'll do it!"
Love that bit.

Dunno, but this portrayal specifically is a parody of Kirk Douglas.

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no, he was a scrawny hairy manlet, full of complexes, borderline insane and a faggot to the bone. but still one of the greatest artists of mankind. animaniacs is just retarded slapstick comedy for children, don't take it seriously

Attached: 1322-Michelangelo-Buonarroti1.jpg (600x450, 123K)

Thanks to shows like this I always though Michelangelo was the Prettyboy Chad of the Reniassance artworld.
Then I learned he was a fucking Gremlin who barely bathed, knew he was hideous, and regularly used himself as reference for mutilated bodies.

Attached: 442612.jpg (939x1138, 226K)

give him a break, he lived in a time when people thought that water harmed the skin so they bathed like once a year, and used fuckloads of perfume to cover the stench

What about the boots?

Who incidentally is still alive.

the rats ate the gunk.

The 3 Muska-Warners in addition to this

Unless you were Jewish.