Its up

Attached: er.jpg (900x900, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

and i should care about this why

Who gives a shit

I'd probably listen to this guy if it didn't seem like he only does these kinds of videos for ad revenue.

user no need to shill. Those who like him already know


Yea Forums's favorite nazi is back to talk about a bad show that ended years ago.

I hoped he would do a Star VS video about star killing all magic.

>there are people to this very day, who are still butthurt over steven jewniverse

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Who even is this person.

Some shitty youtuber no one gives a shit about

have sex

I'm not watching a half-hour video unless if you can provide a good reason to do so.
But since it's by that guy who just regurgitates Yea Forums shitposts instead of ever saying anything unique or observant, I seriously doubt there's any kind of reason to watch it.


>Unironically linking E;R

We know its you advertising your channel, fuck off

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His one-trick to bring in ad money is to complain a lot and he won't complain about something he agrees with.

>Korrasami is more subtle, realistic and mature then Kataraang
Please tell me it's a shitpost and nobody's actually believes it.

Attached: 1527282727473.jpg (600x600, 24K)

>People still mad about E;R bashing SU

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It's pathetic when people try to downplay a popular youtuber--or a popular anyone--by lying and claiming that "nobody cares."

So what I got from this is that Avatar of Korra shipping-fanfiction-made-official isn't well thought out
I'm shocked! Shocked I tells ya!

e-celeb threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>some literally who is still SEETHING about Korra's ending

Attached: smug_will.png (640x640, 545K)

errr am I supposed to know who this is??????????

The real question is why should I give a damn

here's 2 hours and 7 minutes of it


he's seething about the comics this time

>advertising or begging

Attached: 1.png (900x900, 689K)

Whatever you say, shill.

Korrasami happened years ago, who gives a shit anymore. This asshole is desperate for views at this point.

>he won't complain about something he agrees with
No fucking shit.

This whole situation is so embarassing

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