Redesigns, Amalgams & original superhero designs!

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>what if ivy was more naked?
good redesign

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Needs Red.

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Not naked enough though!

Amalgam, you say?

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what does the back of this design look like?
does she have a plant anus cover or something?

I wonder what Artemis is doing tight now

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Something that stretches to under her dimples of venus



the fuck is this

glad we’re in agreement!

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Wait, that's not pubic leaves?

Getting railed by Bizarro while assuring him that they'll totally get back to Jason as soon as they're done.

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For official comics? Probably not, too silly. But for someones personal "what if" art? It's pretty alright. The proportions are unusual but that makes her less generic which is always nice. It fits her character more or less which is one of the more important aspects of a design.

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>CGIing out the mustache by just turning him into a cyborg

>Everyone's an amalgam of a Titan and League member
>Barry and Wally just make a whole Flash
Gets me every time.

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could you redesign a classic?

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Could you? Sure. SHOULD you?

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>and flash

first of all its "hard boiled"
second of all this is wrong and bad

So I've seen every time I post that.

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I was always partial to this Flash design.

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Is this a jojo reference?

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If these were like the supersuits from Ultimate I could see them being used where they allowed Frank to go over 120 mph

Somebody do Wonder Woman as Cheetah!!

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Fuck that's cool!

Exactly my point. There's a reason it's only been attempted twice.

Here is the person who created the character.

And here is the guy who did that specific piece of art/design for him.

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> fear and not rage

I mean, it works on the level of the Hulk being the embodiment of everything Banner fears being. But rage really is aesthetically better.

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I don't know why, but I felt like I wanted to color this piece. Here it is, but i don't know if these are the correct colors.

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I kind of figured the leotard and gloves were still supposed to be black, but that looks great.

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yeah, because of the shadows, right? and the cape might be white and the thing around her hips should be red, maybe. Would try later.

I'll never get why the level of dedication for these things is fairly big, not that I mind of course.

Who are some characters you think need a redesign?


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First is better.

>She's putting the chemicals in the water to turn the plants gay WAKE UP SHEEPLE

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Damn awesome color choices, user.

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Wouldn’t the belt just fall right off if she stood up normally though

Yeah but wouldn't Bizarro have decayed by now?

It combines two of Yea Forumss favorite activities, AU brainstorming and perversion.

Yeah, turns out the first colors look a lot better. Not a bad effort though.

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has anybody told the carol /ss/ threads yet?

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Does anybody know the name of the artist?

my colors from the original thread however long ago

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the colors also look cool

>Donna Wonder
>Star Canary
wtf I can do better

>Starfire + Black Canary = Black Star
>Troia/Wonder Girl/Donna Troy + Wonder Woman = Wonder Woman or Ilion


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More Wave Girl...

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nakedness is always a great design

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I like this Superman.

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My favorite Carol redesigns ever.
1st 2 I like more then any official design she has ever had.

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>Not Captain Rogue
Blew it.

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Bunch of alternate universe Thors & Silver Surfers.

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My favorites among them...

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Have to say I'm loving this cat, sassy Black black cat fits so perfectly

>That Thor with the pelt cape
>Shiva Thor
>Oni Girl Thor
>Nova on Skis
>Abe Sapien Surfer
>Golden Surfer with wings

Okay, those are pretty cool

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It's from this issue.

I'd love a anthology mini series about some of them.

who is this supposed to be?

An original character...

I like the design, the weird jumping things are niche touch to make her look more catlike. .

Who is this supposed to be?

I like the idea of a Speedster that follows the laws of physics. Like needing a oxygen tank to breath while running.


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there is nothing wrong with nudity for artistic purposes.

Depending on the stage of her career any design for Ivy between pink and power suited and green and birthday suited works tho.

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