DC to stop doubleshipping in 2020

They didn't have that many doubleshipping books left anyway after relaunching GL, Action, and Supes with Morrison and Bendis. And the Wally book may be real then if Barry goes monthly.

Attached: monthly.png (695x422, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>so we get the normal book and B/C by King
Okay, who wants to guess what will replace the currently doubleshipping
>Wonder Woman
>Justice League
>Detective Comics

Another JL book with B-C listers, Wally's book or a Rogue book come on DC, another Batbook, and nothing for Wondy

Wally's own book.
>Justice League
Legion of Superheroes.

JLI with Harley,Booster, Ted, and Babs

JSA, LOSH, JLI/Blue & Gold and a Wally Flash book.

Suicide Squad will get a book.

>They didn't want to lose the sales of two issues Batman
and yet that's what'll happen, no way does B/C sell anywhere near the main Batman title.

That kinda sucks since double shipping was a really important part of increasing the appeal of comics for low attention span normies, but none of the books were really using it to their advantage anyway.

The nice part was the decompression was a little more bearable.

>The nice part was the decompression was a little more bearable.
It's amazing how shit Abnett's Aquaman became once it went to monthly and how much better of a reread it was.

Ya looks worse when you look at marvel, While not all there books are double shipping the big ones are or almost are with both spidey, and x-men, being double and hulk, and avengers, being 18 times a month with the only major book not being one of the two being fantastic 4 but it clear that because of slott just look at how delayed his iron man book is becoming.

Titans,although how they fill out the roster I don't know.

JSA and LOSH,assuming that Doomsday Clock is finished by then.

Suicide Squad

I meant 18 issues a year for hulk and avengers fuck i'm tired.

>although how they fill out the roster I don't know.
They got a show so it'll just be that

Sales for Rebirth trades have been terrible, so generating those quicker backfired.
DC has actually started several series back to volume 1 for the trades.
For books that were launched later (like Catwoman), they removed the volume number from the covers so random people can pick it up thinking it is a complete story.
2018 was a disaster for DC in the bookstore market
They slipped to position 8, with the worst year for sales since 2005.

>And while the “Rebirth” GN numbers were OK to start, they very very quickly bombed out. Here’s an example: the first “Rebirth” “Harley Quinn” launched at 13k in 2017. In 2018, it sold just 1818 copies. Kind of shockingly, v1 of the “New 52” “Harley” outsold it at 1894 copies. You can see this over and over again down the line: “Rebirth” “Batman” v1 sold 24k in 2017, and just over 5600 copies in 2018. “Nightwing” v1 sold 12k in 2017, down to 3k in 2018. In fact, not a single “Rebirth” branded book passes 10k in 2018, and it completely slaughtered the sales of the “New 52” editions as well.




But seriously how, that is just tragic

they're pretty much fucked. Between all the "made for trade" imprints being complete failures to launch, and Rebirth trades themselves flopping, they'll need to radically restructure or they're at risk of dropping below Image even in the floppy market.

The thing is, most of the Titans(especially the ones featured in the TV show) in the comics are dead, character assassinated, irrelevant or will be dead, character assassinated or irrelevant in the next few months. Copying the show's roster is gonna be difficult:

Dic is Ric(seems like this will carry over into 2020)

Donna will be working for Batman Who Laughs and might get killed off.

Beast Boy(and a lot of other former/current Titans) might also be working for Batman Who Laughs and get killed off.

Starfire and Raven are some of the few Titans who haven't gotten screwed over by the editorial...yet.

Hawk and Dove are irrelevant.

At this point didio has turned it into a art form man does he hate the titans.

they won't. AT&T's first pass back in December ended with 3% of staff being laid off (which ended up being "only" seven people), but they did say that more will come during the summer.
So, in a few weeks from now, expect more staff firings. The trade department already is around ten people in total, and they have been in crisis mode since the poor sales of their current trades, and their own VP was one of the ones fired back in January. If you saw the most recent solicitations, there's lots of reprints of trades and omnis that were already printed less than two years ago. They are redoing material that is already ready to send off to print again.
On the singles side, there was that news that DC was cutting their line down significantly a few months ago. Didio tried to clarify that most of the books were already cancelled (New Age of Heroes), but that doesn't change the fact that they put out 52 books in April. Marvel put out 106, and claimed over 50% of the market share.
Batman's getting a second book, but those other double shippers are not. AT&T had their big WarnerMedia reveal for investors, and not a single DC product was mentioned.


Ted Kord's back?

He was a central character in Giffen's Blue Beetle Rebirth series

its all Johns fault

Fuck. But maybe it will lead to Didio firing or his unfucking the company. Wishful thinking, i know...

>working for Batman Who Laughs
I beg your pardon

Apparently the Batman Who Laughs has managed to brainwash some heroes into being his sleeper agents.Most of the heroes who might be sleeper agents are characters from the Titans/Teen Titans franchise.

And for whatever reason, one of them will apparently be Perry White of all people.

The Batman Who Laughs was a mistake and everything about him is dumb. This whole event is basically another excuse by the editorial to kill off/ character assasinate more Titan characters

Fucking Snyder please leave us alone

Didio's the golden goose now. He can point to 2011-2013's numbers and say "Look how great the New 52 was, and now look how Johns shit the bed with Rebirth."
His plan worked, and Johns didn't. Johns would be fired, if had not already been last year.
Didio's latest idea in the trade department is to stop calling things "bronze age," and to make smaller hardcover collections.
The Bronze Age JLA Omnibus 3 was cancelled, and replaced with "Justice League The Wedding of The Atom and Jean Loring."
Aka, less than half of what would have been in the omnibus, but for $70 instead of $125.
This plan extends to new trades too. Wilson's new Wonder Woman run (which continued the previous numbering) is now collected as a hardcover vol 1 of nine issues.

>The Batman Who Laughs was a mistake and everything about him is dumb.
I mean you're not wrong, but at the same time DC's only pushing him as hard as they are because he's a breakout character who's mini is selling gangbusters.

That's not on Snyder, though.

*Fucking harras please leave us alone

But the one to ruin all the original hype and goodwill of Rebirth was Didio himself.


>Aka, less than half of what would have been in the omnibus, but for $70 instead of $125.

Way more sensible. Nobody who isn't a hardcore fan isn't going to put out over hundred bucks on an omnibus like that.

Why do they think Didio knows what he's doing it's been proven he doesn't.

Abnett's Aquaman was always shit.

Not really. You KSD shills are just complete and utter faggots

>Dic is Ric

This is honestly one of the most retarded things DC has ever done, and I can't believe it hasn't been fixed yet.

Nice retort, dumbass. Instead of defending Abnett's mediocrity, let me bring in something unrelated. I'm not even reading KSD's Aquaman.
Comics have been so shitty because they've been pandering to brainlets like you. Abnett's Aquaman was just a retread of Johns', with shittier writing. They even wasted Federeci on him.

Take a fucking clue, Marvel!

>casuals and non comic readers love Titans from the cartoon, YJ, and the live action show
>refuse to capitalize on their popularity by making a good book
>force Suicide Squad to be the secondary DC team
You know it just kills higher ups that the GP loves TT/YJ more than Suicide Squad.

Attached: bullshit.png (815x537, 450K)

Adaptations don't affect the sales of comics.

That DC isn't getting enough money from the double shipping so they are reverting it back to monthly after cutting out most of their titles not so long ago? Why should they care?

The movies make trade sales go up for most of the franchises, and LCSes at least used to buy more floppies the month the movie comes out and I don't think they're returnable

I wonder how the Walmart books are selling.

I always figured losing the racks in grocery stores and the like must have been a blow. I mean, as a kid shopping with my mom was the only time I could get comics.

Because flooding the market with double, if not triple shipping of the same titles kills diversity (not diversity as "uwu my black lesbian queen" but as "different titles, different characters")

>The movies make trade sales go up for most of the franchises

When it's perceived as direct adaptations related to the movie. Watchmen sells because people know it's the original source comic. Teen Titans trades don't automatically sell more just because there's a TV show because they don't reflect the show accurately for casuals and the material is too different.

I wonder about that too. I've only seen the first issue of the Titans one on the internet.

Is DC dead?

It's more that the whole industry is dying.

I thought Marvel was doing fine when Bendis left?

Marvel is still selling. Heck, the Immortal Hulk just beat Batman

No book should be monthly these days

Artists are lazy and distracted 100 percent of the time these days. If these big two forced them to work in the office with page or two per day demands they'd have many more books in the can.

Diddledio gotta diddle

Attached: didio you hack.jpg (599x337, 27K)

yes, their oversaturation of Batman and Superman while never taking risks with their lesser known characters and deep library is going to be the death of them.

I hope one day they look at the format of Game of Thrones type TV and try to emulate it.
I.E. having actual hiatus (where people can catch up and stories don't have to be rushed) and then shipping books weekly for a season.
Disney and AT&T can take the hit of 4 month or something long hiatus.

>never taking risks with their lesser known characters
>never taking risks

What is Electric warriors, Prez, their last two Vertigo relaunches, Didio and Giffen's Forever people, Naomi, Wonder Twins, like half of DCYou lineup, or the entire Hanna-Barbera line with such as Snagglepuss, Flintstones, Dastardly and Muttley... You're so full of shit it stinks even over the Internet connection.

There hasn't been a story arc in several years worth doing that with though. If you get a "season" of mediocre books with a hiatus between another "season" of mediocre books, then it's just shit.

>Ho boy! I can wait for the new Bendis Superman/Action Comics to come out in 4 months

You wouldn't be getting one issue. Like, a 5 issues for 5 weeks or something. 12 issues for 12 weeks.
It would build hype. Bendis could hint what continuity books you should read in the meantime. The same way dumb comic blogs overanalysis every trailer or leak of comic book movies. The hiatus between is one of the reasons the hype is so high.

Getting 12 issues for 12 weeks would be better than Bendis cockteasing divorce for that entire Man of Steel run. At least then it was over with.

Yeah I understood what you meant. It's just the quality of writing isn't there. If a TV show has a bad season it doesn't make you hyped for the next one, you just stop watching it.

Fuck off casual

that won´t save them either. as long as they continue to push sjw propaganda and insist that comics need to be pro feminist and anti white male garbage sales won´t improve
I showed a normie a recent comic book last year and he refused to accept that it was the norm. he said
"comic are supposed to have sexy chicks yet they all look like breast cancer survivor. Also batman doesn´t act like that. He is supposed to be the worlds greatest detective and master martial artist yet he got outsmarted and defeated twice by a woman."

>trade waiter describes trade waiting and demands the industry get rid of monthlies and weeklies so his casual ass can check in and out more easily
Fuck off

Oh hey it's you again.

>censor all the sexy art
>wonder why normies don´t pick it up
just bring back stuff like this. sex sales

Attached: catwoman new 52.jpg (234x215, 13K)

that won´t work for comics.
people will lose interest quick or just forget.
why do you think marvel releases two movies each year. not just because they get money out of it. it´s their best way to remain fresh in the minds of normies and create hype

this comic sales keep going down each year. the only way marvel and dc keep making money is with #1 and variant cover which are being bought by ever decreasing fanbase and increasing prices.

well we already changed outfits and personalities for feminists so we might as well change everything about this hobby.
white nerds are cancelled after all.
it´s time for the progressive, mutli cultural, pro lgbt community to take over you bigot

>defending an Orlando book

Kill yourself

Martian Manhunter is alright

Why do you write the same way every time.


Sorry for having an idea that comics should take from the format of the most popular thing in media.
But you're right, it shouldn't take from the most popular media format right now, it should whither and die so you can feel Secret Club Special and call other people casual. It's not as if comics were once popular and casual.

Defending? Motherfucker, I was giving specific examples of DC taking riks with lesser known and less popular characters and properties that the guy I was quoting was whining that DC didn't do enough. Get your triggered head out of your ass and maybe that acute butthurt might disappear.

You write in the exact same way in every thread, every time.

> giving a book to the cheapest writer on staff with a bad artist and also give the book like zero promotion
huge risk

I hardly command and Yea Forums anymore these days.
the last time i was own was during easter holiday enjoying some storytimes

Well he ain’t wrong. When society claims that the earth is flat we need one guy reminding us that it is actually round more then ever

I don't like the idea either, but he didn't describe trade waiting and said the opposite in that he wants weeklies. Just with space in between each round of them.

People who try to spot anons in different threads are weirdos who seem straight-up skitzo and paranoid.

I have seen an increase of people on Yea Forums saying "are you the guy that ...?" as well.
somebody kept screaming "who look it´s the marie jane faggot" whenever people discussed love interested of spider-man in the past.
I know that Yea Forums isn´t the most popular place on Yea Forums but it still seems weird.

The funny thing is, retarded, I simply pointed out that you can continue reading comics as is exactly as you've requested.

Like I said, you've described trade waiting. I'd prefer you kill yourself because you think you had an original idea when it's anything but. You just want them to remove floppies from the equation without realizing that it's the only reason most books have funding because without floppies the comics divisions of marvel and DC have ZERO operating income.

>5 stories in 5 weeks, 20 weeks off
>5 stories in one week 24 weeks off
Same release schedule fiscally

>You just want them to remove floppies from the equation
Except I didn't say that. I just said they should come out weekly.

tbf there are a number of easily recognizable shitposters here like ladderbro and that guy that's obsessed with Valeria.
And the stonetoss spammer who keeps calling everyone trannies.

Weeklies sell terribly

Well either there is an influx of ESL's who've come here and write in the exact same way, with the exact same reddit spacing, using the exact same terminology, or you're lying.

character specific shitposters I get
but seriously complaining about sjws in comics is now also the work of one master mind?
seems far fetched considering how universally hated sjws are.

No, to be fair, that shit is for forums with names. If you come to Yea Forums and imagine who is posting you do not belong here and you're likely just here to shitpost or shill.

I think you are just skitzo and seeing patterns of repetition where none are

>Reddit spacing
Is only a thing to redditors trying to fit it. It's called spacing and it avoids walls of text.

What are you talking about? There are plenty of shitposters who become recognizable on any board because of how much they shitpost.
If you want any more examples there's the guy who really hates Doom and that Namor faggot, or Barneyfag with his scripts.

You can say that, but you just seem skitzo to literally anyone else. Like of course probably multiple people who like stonetoss would call people trannies. People can have the same traits without being the same person.

>I demand to speak to figments,
Nah. You need to lurk more until you understand the culture faggot. It likely ISNT the same person or people and in the end IT DOES NOT MATTER. If you think everyone is a samefag maybe it's you shitposting and saying the same dumb shit over and getting normal replies from actual Yea Forums posters rather than tourists like you.

>this user thinks everyone called damifag is one person
Complete and total yikes from me dawg.

or maybe it´s just board culture to repeat certain things for laughs?
you think every single "Bane?" on Yea Forums was posted by the same guy as well?

I'll let you in on a little secret, when you act like a paranoid faggot like that? I makes shitposters want to pretend to be your boogeyman and they post "laderbro" like posts or whatever to get you to reee because you're such an easy target.

I wasn't even the guy saying they were the same posters, calm down.
And lmao if the concept of a repeat shitposter is new to you.

based and laterbroed

>I-i swear that's a different user
>a-and you're totally the new ones if you think calling people "repeat shitposters" isn't a thing and that naming them isn't normal

Shill call everyone that shits on DC ladderbro because they're delusional tourists. There is no ladderbro.

People know namor shitposting gets (You)s just like the "doom is omnipotent" shit. It seems like you assume inside jokes and perpetuation of board culture is attributed to singular people.

You're delusional. Like I said above you likely assume everyone called damifag is one person.

Not even what I said.

Yeah that's certainly part of it. The raping the joker thing undoubtedly isn't the same guy anymore after it became a stupid meme. I'm just saying there are autist who keep the same shit up.

Again it wasn't me claiming they were the same person. Just pointing out that it does happen.

I am the guy who said the poster was the same guy, just chiming in to say that is a different person.

sjw is a completely superfluous buzz word with no meaning anymore

ladderbro initially was just one guy, that's why there's a name in the first place. It isn't anymore, but it started with some retard posting the same shit over and over.
So you can't even argue that there aren't shitposters that do that.

Same with Namor shitposting, it started with one retard who kept doing it.

The damifag thing is different. There are clearly a few people here that migrated from other forums and call eachother bythe usernames they have there.

user if you find yourself assuming you're speaking to "the same user as before" you need to lurk more. Full stop.

That doesn't matter and so just believe it doesn't happen because it's antithetical to posting anonymously. Engage with posts and if you find yourself speaking in circles leave or accept that others feel differently than you.

Imaging it's "that user" is only a sign of you being a tourist.

Retard, I said twice it wasn't me who made that post.
I'm not even going to respond to you.

>ladderbro initially was just one guy
>He really thinks this

>he really thinks damifag was ever a real thin here
No, it's just what tourists called people the disagreed with. Like the faggot in replying to who's obsessed with "that user".

Retard, you can screencap your proof.

That doesn't work tho user. Anything can be easily edited.
Who's ladderbro?

Your idea leads to less operating income, more risk, more advertising bucks to offset being missing from media for months.

You just proved me right by responding to posts to both of the anons you claimed you weren't samefagging as.

I'd imagine this'd also pretty much kill LCS' dead.

I don't even know what to tell you. If you don't think there are repeat shitposter, then you're flat out wrong. End of story.

Are you having a stroke, user?

I'm telling you that it doesn't matter if there are. Each time you engage is the first. That is the exact point of posting anonymously you stupid fuck.

>dumb spic just can't into board culture

If no one wants to read DC's books basiedes Batman, it is not Marvel's foult.

>also diversity means doing LESS books

What a retarded argoument, go fuck yourself.

You're retarded.

Anons point about double shipping and a diverse line is exactly correct. Every second monthly issue of a double shipped book takes the publishing slot and rack space of a different title.

>uwu my black lesbian queen
Yeah, Silencer - a dc book - failed nonetheless.
It is not like DC didn't tried to make more book, but simply no one cared. hence why they are cancelling more and more books each year.
Soon, there will be only Batman.

I already addressed that learn to follow a reply chain.

Where did I even argue that? This started with me pointing out that they do exist.

Good god. Look newfag. Just don't do the "you're THAT user" shit.

There's no need to derail s thread any further over it. Fucking Christ Mexico getting better internet has ruined this place with spics like you.

Tbf the entire new age was killed by the suffocating market. In 2018 DC and marvel were flat out obsessed (still are) with muscling everyone off the rack to dominate market share. It worked at the cost of their own smaller books who's own sales were cannibalized.

you "argued" it (not the right word at all ESLfag) by referring to an user as if you knew who they were based on their post.

I didn't do that. You're the one insisting I was doing that, even though I've said three times now it wasn't me and the other guy who did do it said it wasn't me. All I did was point out that there are shitposters who do that.

I'm done with you.

Nope, that wasn't me. Completely different person. I'm not continuing this stupid argument anymore.

You say this as if Batman is the only top ten DC book.
>inb4 hulk
I don't give a fuck the last year and a half has been mostly DC-led months. I don't say this as a DCfag it's just factual. I'd prefer to have more dynamite and boom up there.

Prove it. Screen cap this.

Not that user, but I'll do it for him just to stop this.

Attached: Here.png (486x171, 9K)

You do this every thread

Attached: screencap.jpg (327x129, 14K)

Sounds good samefag

Immortal hulk has yet to sell over 100,000 copies. Tom King's Batman had 50 issues that were over 100,000 copies.


Dan DiDio Congratulates Tom King on Batman Selling 100K+ for 50 Issues

All this damage control DC is doing lmao

Based retard

He's got a point.
Hulk beating Batman is more a testament to how low Batman has fallen, not how well Hulk is doing.

>Speculators buying a single issue in droves means Batman is fallen out of fashion!!

What a retarded argument.

Can confirm.

Just go into any comic book shop these days.

All new and recent releases are at least half off their normal price, bulk sales bins are at least a third reduced in price from their original asking price and all their trades along their back walls just sit on shelves collecting dust. Ninety five percent of all comic shops now are filled with shit that they can't sell. You can't possibly carry that much dead stock and not in end be buried by it. The comic book industry is fucked. Let it die already.

Nobody cares about diversity. Explain why Rebirth was such a huge success then?

I'm a little curious why they are dropping double shipping. It was a good way to keep normie attention and a way to let them pump out trades faster.

Were shops being overwhelmed with stock? Or the logistics of shipping add up?

It wasn't, retard. Sales were garbage all across the industry, DC even lost it's precious collections numbers. It was disastrous.

You constantly defend Slott so fuck off Wally.

They can do both. Marvel does.
Also: don’t you believe it. DC will cancel many of these books too.
Marvel kills them at this with Epics and Omnis and Complete Collections delving deep into their back catalog. Dc just shits itself snd cancels books. It’s embarrassing.

So less than useless

DC double ships more than marvel

The Marvel books besides ASM that double ship are 18 a year not 24 a year

Yikes DC is now openly admitting they're badly losing money. We may get that bankruptcy announcement sooner than we thought

And more Batman

>Can confirm.

>Just go into any comic book shop these days.

>All new and recent releases are at least half off their normal price



is this?

All of which they barely marketed whatsoever. Meanwhile they’ve been pushing adds for Snyder’s 34th Batman book months beforehand as if people weren’t already interested

only if you are a deluded lefty maybe
anti-sjws are just people that won´t things return to how they were and the constant outrage and censorship to stop

Not that user but you people are clueless, casual and pathetic. Marvel Now or whatever was so triggering, is over. Iron Mans back, Thor too. The war is done soldier.

They marketed the hell out of DCYou. It still flopped though that was more Convergence and Didio's fault.

It was ANAD (2.0). Don’t call anyone casual when yoU, yourself, don’t remember.

What casual is going to walk into a bookstore, see the hardcover of "The Wedding of Jean Loring" and think "i'm sure gunna buy that"?
Maybe Identity Crisis fans.

A casual wouldn't. My point was that throwing 125 dollars on an omnibus is something only a hardcore fan is going to do, and that's a very limited pool of customers. But someone interested in bronze age comics just in general might buy one when he only has to spend roughly half of that sum. Like for example, I can spend even twenty, thirty bucks on a B&W House of Mystery showcase presents volume because it's a good value for my buck without feeling too expensive, as anthology titles are notoriously hit or miss. Like with any item there's a threshold on how much you're willing to pay. I wouldn't spend a hundred on the omnibus version of HoM just because it's colored unless I already loved the stories collected in it and just had to get the HC version, but on a lower price tag I might actually be willing gamble and take a risk even if I'm going in blind.

Remember when comicbook stores across the country threw huge parties with actual wedding cakes when everyone thought Batman and Catwoman were getting married

what does this post even mean

>it shows DC and Marvel aren't as important as I thought they were, therefore it is fake news

>Marvel kills them at this with Epics and Omnis and Complete Collections delving deep into their back catalog

Marvel can do that because they aren't contractually obligated to pay certain rates for reprints the way DC is with their material. So it's not as expensive to just dump shit on the market. Ostrander's Suicide Squad got reprinted partially because they renegotiated the entire contract and the movie helped to boost interest. Otherwise it wouldn't have been profitable to even collect it. Marvel also just dumps collections on low print run and then doesn't reprint anything for a decade because Perlmutter is so stingy he doesn't want to pay for storage.

And Marvel is far from perfect in other ways. Their Epic line jumps around with no rhyme or reason logic because they try to bait you to buy them out if order andfor a fan trying to collect old runs of things like X-men is a fucking mess because they keep reprinting them in random formats where you sometimes get huge hardcovers, but there's no numbering system and they occasionally skip or reshuffle issues, even between different versions of the same collection, like they did in the black and white essential collections.

You again? Fuck off you piece of shit incel

Not anymore. If they don't offer anything then they don't sell, and it'll just be seen as purly for getting attention just to cover up a shitty story. And that is how a comic book loses money

So stop living in the 90's already

New 52 Catwoman sold like crap, though

the joke here isn't the nonsense dc's doing or that you quite clearly are baiting, it's that you think we'll believe you talk to anyone face-to-face, esp a normie

You know what? You’re right user. Marvel’s release system suits me fine, but I’m an embarrassingly hardcore collector.
I usually don’t pay anything close to retail, however, and omnis are often a huge bang for the buck.

So... you're an npc.

>paying overpriced retail

Keep living the dream.

>This plan extends to new trades too. Wilson's new Wonder Woman run (which continued the previous numbering) is now collected as a hardcover vol 1 of nine issues.
I might grab this, I really am enjoyed the hell out of her WW

Bookscan shows that overall sales increased by 14%


by now some of those Immortal Hulk books have been pushed over 100 cause some issues have already hit the 8th reprinting! This is the first time I have ever seen a floppy going to the 8th reprint.

Is this the 20th century again?

>All new and recent releases are at least half off their normal price
I wish, that would save me a ton of money

That bubble is going to explode.

What exactly went wrong between Rebirth's initial bump until now?

Digital sales have been stagnant for years. Trade sales have been growing in book stores, but comic shops/floppies are looking like they're in their death throes.

Attached: icv2-comichron-2018-channel.jpg (720x1034, 346K)

>Please Marvel, don't let DC sink alone!


No, user, I read comics- and pay for them.

The marketing shine wore off.

Nah, there have been legit fuck ups. I think it started once the initial teams of the rebirth books started changing.

Literal npc.

I want a jsa or infinity inc book.

Attached: 158C8A6F-77B0-4A84-8D33-C14CCE5E03C1.jpg (202x554, 36K)

There was nothing good to fuck up. Rebirth just stabilised sales to where they were pre convergence.

Nah there were definitely a few good Rebirth books that felt like a breath of fresh air after so many years of garbage, something went wrong down the line

The New 52 > Rebirth

Attached: d7z9rrb-db0e051c-f068-4f1a-b7bf-59a1c2926603.jpg (631x832, 120K)


>few good Rebirth books
Like what? Tomasi, Dogfucker, Lobdell, Tynion were the best of Rebirth. That doesn't sound like good to me.


All I want is Cyclone to come back.

Attached: Cyclone jokes.jpg (1025x1163, 493K)

You sound like a DCshill
>T-There was nothing good to fuck up!!!!!! Current books are f-f-f-fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Worst part? Those fuckers are still there.

What logic.

what I liked were
>Green Arrow
>Green Lanterns
and the Hanna Barbarra stuff and Looney Tunes crossovers, not sure if that counts as Rebirth or not

Huh? What?

>>Green Arrow
Those two had a common editor for the first year, then he got moved to Vertigo and completely shit the bed over there.

>Starfire and Raven are some of the few Titans who haven't gotten screwed over by the editorial...yet.
'Member Nu52?

Attached: dc sucks at math.png (550x873, 390K)

Probably nothing, DC is scaling back everything

Please tell me you’re not serious.

>implying slutfire didn't happen

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>implying this is bad

yeah because mangas, indie comics and childern books are doing well.
if you look at the actual data traditional comic books are doing very badly.
only big exception being older grahic novels like infinity war, watch men or v for vendetta continuing to selling well.
but new graphic novels and floppies are getting killed

It's always been how to me how nobody cares what a cunt Roy is here.

Old friend displaying significant brain problems but he doesn't care because he gets to fuck her.

sex sales. the most popular kickstarter of all time is literally a sex game.
we life in a time where sjws are censoring every aspect of society so products that go against it are naturally going to do well.
being contrarian and controversial has always been the quickest way to success.
music, tv shows, movies the most beloved and famous examples from each industry all did something that outraged the media and the people in charge

It is when she's such a cunt and doesn't give a shit about anything.

>Marvel also just dumps collections on low print run and then doesn't reprint anything for a decade because Perlmutter is so stingy he doesn't want to pay for storage.
You literally described DC not Marvel with collections.

and yet the feminist proganda remained.
I never cared about new sjw characters I just want the old heroes to be treated with respect.
peter parker is still a man child for example and every female character is still an insufferable marie sue who has a bone to pick with the "patriarchy"
and don´t get me even started at how sexapple has been completely removed from comics

>they put out 52 books in April. Marvel put out 106
The absolute state of the Big Two.

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it sold better then 60% of the modern dc and marvel comics

the only joke her is your own projecting

Could Commander Cold lead a Rogues book? Might be cool but everyone would rather have a Wally book. Even if it's just written by Williamson

I'm more entertained by Ric (and the great art by Mooneyham) than I would be by some boring Batman-lite story like Nightwing always gets

Lobdell fags confirmed for low test and low iq

But they don't mean anything if it doesn't serve anything, and sex doesn't automatically means it's good. It just means you are desperate and pathetic wih nothing original to show

Look at Immortal Hulk. It doesn't have sex or anything, but it has a masterpiece of storytelling. That shows what matters in comics. Comics are meant to be telling stories, not be blatant fanservice were it doesn't attract more people. It's why Marvel sales are better than DC. It wants good stories, and people want characters that look really cool. Stop being an idiot already you 90's freak

>the most popular kickstarter of all time is literally a sex game
That is it's own thing, and I was one of the people that donated money to that. There have been many sex games before all of this. It's nothing new. It's ambitious, but nothing new. You're thinking way differently

And why are you bring that game up when we're talking about comics? Are you seriously thinking of so many dumb excuse to justify utter dumb shit?

It's called "Flooding the market". It helped nearly kill the entire thing back in 90's.

Can WB please just shut down DC as a publishing company in house and license out the publication rights to somebody else already?

>Can WB please just shut down DC as a publishing company in house and license out the publication rights to somebody else already?
So ladderbro exists after all.

>It wants good stories
oh it is to laugh

>a masterpiece of storytelling
When will this retarded Hulk shilling die?

when other comics can compare

Ladder bro want's marvel to buy DC. I Want WB to continue to wn DC and don't want marvel to get the license and they wouldn't because WB sees them as an actual competitor where it counts(movies and merch). I'm fed up with Didio and the current management and want them cleared out and shutting things down in house might be the only way to accomplish that. I'm willing to take a bet on Boom, Dark Horse, or even a non comicbook company like Scholastic or DK doing a better job.

only New Super-Man was worth reading, DC's Rebirth was 99% shit

>Dickfags jealous she showed attention to any other male

Valiant colluding with Wizard magazine nearly killed the market
Marvel did nothing wrong

No, Dick is a manslut and she is a slut. They can cheat or whatever but why is she an emotionless robot and a complete asshole?

>the first “Rebirth” “Harley Quinn” launched at 13k in 2017. In 2018, it sold just 1818 copies.
is he comparing the sales of the first volume between 2017 and 2018 or the sales of v1 then whatever the latest volume was in 2018?
why would anyone think that anything will have the same sales from the first couple weeks as 1 year later unless we're talking about newer volumes

What does this mean exactly?

first volumes generally retain sales very well. Court of Owls STILL does very well for DC.

People were used to Roy being a cunt for a while before this.
I wish I saved the page of him calling his girlfriend a whore for being unable to prevent her kid from dying on the other side of the country

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The volume 1 of Harley Quinn (from ~2011) sold better than the volume 1 of Harley Quinn Rebirth (from 2017) in the 2018 bookstore year.

It was Donna Troy, ex-Wonder Girl, and his ex, and the comic was the Rise and Fall of Arsenal.
I find hilarious that with Rebirth DC tried to pair Roy and Donna again, and guess what? Roy acted as a major cunt to her just because she didn't feel like disobeying the JL and then went on the cheat on her with Cheshire. He kept on blaming her of everything bad happening to him.

I'm aware of Donna. I'm still salty all these years later that she and Kyle were split by editorial differences
They also had Donna be the endgame villain in that Titans series. She's still such a mess since Abnett was unable to retcon away the Finch origin (created through clay and blood magic to kill all the male amazons)

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>I wish I saved the page of him calling his girlfriend a whore for being unable to prevent her kid from dying on the other side of the country
It was even more ridiculous because at that point in continuity Terry Long had divorced Donna, had sole custody of the kid, and legally cut her out of their lives.

And she's at fault for joining an interstellar peacekeeping organization, instead of what? Stalking them?

>And she's at fault for joining an interstellar peacekeeping organization, instead of what? Stalking them?
The Darkstars were actually dead by the time Terry drove the kid off a cliff. She had already given up her powers, and was living as a regular photographer in NYC once the Darkstars disbanded.
She literally couldn't save her kid if she wanted to.

The Finch origin isn't even compatible with Wonder Woman's current continuity. The streaming show has done the sensible and went with her adopted by amazons origin. Why can't DC get its head out of it's ass.

DC editorial doesn't want to do away with the New 52 canon no matter how stupid it got.

Pretty much every problem at DC falls on editorial being a bunch of retarded assholes.

I gotcha.

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He actually DID ignore it. He blatantly treated the Finch Donna as not the real Donna, via introducing OG Donna having been on walkabout since the Titans disbanding and explicitly referencing her Who Is Donna Troy origin.

But between Geoff refusing to do tie-ins for Doomsday Clock (meaning no Titans tie-ins) and the Finches realizing that Abnett was telling them to fuck off and treating his wife's work as the non-canon shit show it was? DC forced Abnett to restore the Finch's origin for Donna. But with a twist, to appease Rucka and address the backlash towards Donna being turned into a literal feminazi mass murderer:

The Finch run now takes place early in WW's career, between bits of the Rebirth Rucka origin. And Abnett was not allowed to mention the mass murder of the male Amazons at Donna's hands; instead they kept having vague references to WW wanting NOTHING to do with Donna because of her act of mass murder/refering to Donna not being real person and poisoning the JLA against Donna because of it, while never stating beyond "it tried to kill me but Zeus gave it fake memories and sent it away, thinking it could be redeemed". Because even though DC editorial were too cowardly to tell the Finches to fuck off and die, they knew they pretty much made Donna radioactive with their garbage.

Because editorial still is filled with Byrne fags who won't declare the Byrne retcon null and void.

you'd think they would be willing to reprint his Superstuff in an omnibus then.
But they are not.

Ha, and neither Finch is really working for them ever since King got his editor fired and forced David to work on his vacation

I realized Rebirth wasn't going to work the moment i read the Titans and Teen Titans books. The big promise was that the New 52 versions of the characters the readers weren't happy with would eventually remember their pre-Flashpoint past somehow or even outright get fully changed to their pre-Flashpoint versions with little questions being asked. But when i read the Titans book, for example, i realized DC wasn't really willing to do away with the New 52 setting. Cyborg was still nowhere to be found, Beast Boy and Raven were still teenagers that had more in common with Tim Drake than Dick Grayson, Starfire had never been a Titan before and was nothing but Dick and now Roy's ex, and Donna was still a clone of Wonder Woman that was meant to kill her original. Only Wally, really, was his pre-Flashpoint version, but the Titans book arcs tried really hard to discard with the whole pre-Flashpoint emissary angle and retcon his existence to mesh with the New 52 universe, by revealing that the reason nobody could remember that he existed was because the New 52 version of Abrakadabra erased him from reality. That was the moment i realized that DC had no guts, or really, the intention, to pull what their promised with Rebirth. Worse... all that promised amounted to nothing but an excuse to redo the pre-Flashpoint classic arcs, like the whole Titans, Teen Titans, and Deathstroke cross-over thing which was nothing but a redo of Judas Contract made to fit the New 52 setting. Or the following Titans book arc where a future and evil version of Donna comes back in time to the present, with that arc being nothing but a redo of the Dark Angel Saga.

Rebirth in the end was nothing but an excuse for DC to cannibalize past classic arcs and ships because they were trying to play it safe and knew readers nostalgia could help them out. They're pulling the same shit now with their animated movies.

Where the fuck are you getting these details about the finch run being retconned into the past from? The Abnett Titans stuff was ridiculously vague and makes no sense. The Finch run was retconned into being part of the gods holodeck themyscira. The Amazons who made Donna doidn't really exist, nor did the male amazons, and it was clear the Azarello/finchstuff was happening in the present of the new 52, not the past. Donna shouldn't even exist by that logic as she would be a hologram. They have not presented any kind of decent origin or explanation for Donna in the current continuity. The Finch origin makes no sense as presented within the current continuity. And why are you trying to defend this bullshit?

>Retconned the entirety of Azzarello's run for Diana but not the shitshow with Donna for no purpose

You do know that Dan Didio purposely asked James Robinson to bring back the whole Zeus thing as soon as Rucka left the Wonder Woman title, right? Didio doesn't want to let go of the New 52 bullshit. Wonder Woman current canon is as confusing as Donna's now.

azz already got heavily tainted by Finch

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Oh, yeah. Forgot about that. The Finches revealed that the only reason why Wonder Woman helped Zola is because she saw Zola's son, Zeke, as the son she wished she could have with Superman. So the Finches pretty much made everything action she ever did in Azzarello's run a selfish one.

Yea Forums told me that Johns personally held a gun to robinson's head and made him write about Jason and Grail

But the finch run was retconned. New Themyscira doesn't exist and never really did. Unless Donna's the equivalent of TNGs Moriarty, the Finch origin makes no sense and doesn't work in the current continuity.

And even then Diana would be upset over a video game boss killing video game npcs, ten years later.

They really need to fully retcon this shit and give Donna an actual origin.

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They never had any intention of getting rid of Zeus as Diana's father. They let rucka quietly ignore it and give Diana an alternate explanation for her powers(back to being granted them by the gods as a pantheon after winning the contest as opposed to Zeus genetics.). When it came time to follow through on the Jason plot from Darkseid war, Rucka likely refused and was thus replaced.


New 52 was better.

Johns and Robinson are friends. He probably got the job in the first place because of Johns.

Robinson has been working for DC longer than Johns has.

Spider-Man and X-Men used to sell more than Batman and now they sell not even half of what they used to.

I think it was more like Rucka knew he had only one year on the book since he also had a bunch of obligations to his indie books at Image and writing WW while it was doubleshipping meant neglecting both his work at Image and his artistic collaborators.

There's an interview. It was Didio that hired Robinson, and it was Didio that purposely asked him to do something with Zeus + Jason. Robinson said he had to come up with stuffs on the spot.

he brought Nicola Scott with him to Wonder Woman, at least.

At that point Robinson had left for DC and joined Marvel after issues with his editor Mike Cotton on Earth-2 (and a bunch of other stuff). His WW job was his return to DC after his stint at Marvel.

eh, I liked her the first time around more

Who does DC really have to take over Batman? I has to be Robinson or them really bending over backwards for Rucka. DC is kinda fucked right now

Bendis is coming

DC Niggers on suicide watch LMAOOO

I cant wait till this piece of shit company goes bankrupt

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Bendis didn't want to write Batman, they said he could try a run but he rejected it, unless he changed his mind.

I think they are relaunching the book at 100 with Bendis. So they still need someone to fill in for King. It's an impossible situation for the editors, which I surmise is probably the point by Harras. He seems to really want to claw the batbooks out of the hands of the traditional batbook editors.

They set up the fucking long lost brother plot in darseid war, let it sit for over a year, then finally got Robinson to write it, with out actually giving him any real instructions. What the fuck were they thinking?

It's owned by WB/AT&T. The worst case scenario is they shut down things in house because they're tired of paying for the IP farm out of their own pocket and license publication rights out to someone else.

So wrong.

Trades, floplies, back up onie and reprints and over seas versions which don't get counted.

Marvl needs to buy other companies and shut them down.

Pretty sure 85 is going to become 850 and they'll just continue to 851 to avoid any awkwardness around issue 100.

They brought all the confusing glitches back with rebirth.

Muh post crisis.

>The big promise was that the New 52 versions of the characters the readers weren't happy with would eventually remember their pre-Flashpoint past somehow or even outright get fully changed to their pre-Flashpoint versions with little questions being asked

That was just projection from butthurt fans, not a company promise.

>Watching DC fans wonder how it all went wrong while I jumped fucking ship after Identity Crisis proved to me the entire management of the company was pants-on-head retarded and pointlessly edgy.

Lads, ya'll coulda taken a stand and stopped buying this shit when it first went bad, when they still had time to correct it. Instead you decided to cheerlead a bunch of idiots with their heads up their ass. I have no sympathy for the lot of you.

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Rebirth was a shitshow from day one.

look into superman, at the moment we are seeing a character that we don't know the origin of him, because time fucking fusion or shit like that.

At least n52 had the decency of making it a full reboot, rebirth is the may not or may happen type of shit that only feeds on nostalgiafags then discard them later.

>at Image
No such thing. Shut the fuck up and stop talking about shit you know nothing about. Fact is, he was hired and he didnt want to commit for more than a year and the higher ups, the editors and le master architect Geoff Johns couldn't find someone in that one year span if the run to take over so they went with fills ins for two years.

>At least n52 had the decency of making it a full reboot
Remember how Green Lantern and Batman Inc. continued as if literally nothing happened?


Its because DC doesnt fucking commit to anything.
>Kid Jon?
Well lets age them up?
>Tease Babs and Dick?
uh lets get Babs a new BBC to enjoy and have them tell each other they arent ready.
>Aquaman and Mera are referred to as queen and king
um they aren't married. Also, we will have Arthur propose to her like 3 times and still not have them marry.
Then you have mediocre repetitions like Barry Allen doing wally's stories from the 90s/early 200s in a very poor way. Green Lanterns trying to ape Johns and doing this huge mega event where things are never the same again! Rinse and then repeat over and over again till everything fucking loses its meaning.

Remember when the hawks had thanagarian and reincarnation origin? well guess what? they dont anymore! Wait nvm we change our mind in this solo. They do! Wait nvm Justice league just rebuked that lol.
Everything is so fucking shit.

>Heu guys, fifteen years ago I read a bad comic so I was smart to stop reading DC after that!

What enormous insight this post has.

anyone know the name of the winged character?

I really don't know
They do the same thing with the Hawks

They show up and they go with one origin and then the next time they show up and get the spotlight, they change the origin again