Best girl. Wrong number.
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May 26, 2019 - 03:30
Best girl
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May 26, 2019 - 03:31
Best girl
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May 26, 2019 - 03:31
Time for Attack on Titan...
Attached: Attack on Titan Yaranaika.jpg (881x720, 51K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:31
May 26, 2019 - 03:31
What's that? AoT is up next? Let me just reach over and grab m- ah there it is!. *turns TV off* *sets timer for 30 minutes*
Attached: remote control of good taste.png (257x940, 319K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:31
I want Gundam to come back
May 26, 2019 - 03:31
When season 2 of AOT aired on toonami, how did the general react to Reiner casually dropping he was the armored titan?
May 26, 2019 - 03:31
Are these new episodes yet
May 26, 2019 - 03:31
Buy the Remake
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May 26, 2019 - 03:32
when is the Mikasa gangbang episode?
May 26, 2019 - 03:32
>that scene where the MC had his arm cut off >it was just blacked out is this original or american censoring?
May 26, 2019 - 03:32
Is AoT good?
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May 26, 2019 - 03:32
>AoT is still going
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May 26, 2019 - 03:32
Attached: kemono Godzilla.jpg (2456x1736, 2.5M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:32
With the same amount of "What the fuck?" Eren had.
May 26, 2019 - 03:32
>The main characters of the No. 1 movie you should all watch this summer show up in the AoT world How soon until the Titans bow to their real king?
Attached: King of the Monsters Leak Concept Art.jpg (736x736, 174K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:32
I lost interest before betting to that point.
May 26, 2019 - 03:32
>The blade of despair pierced our hearts.
Junko approves.
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May 26, 2019 - 03:32
Grim reminders all around.
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May 26, 2019 - 03:33
I think that was in season 2.
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
Oh boy, I sure hope SAO comes after AoT that way I can just skip the whole hour
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
I did not realize I missed this OP until now.
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May 26, 2019 - 03:33
Probably. Apparently Japanese people can't pronounce Maria.
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
Why didn't you protect her smile?
Attached: tumblr_mrfjqjmry31s8uiewo1_1280.png (1280x720, 822K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
no had a somewhat promising start and then went full retard
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
what the fuck
funi told me the dub wouldnt be out until tomorrow
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
only if they dont fuck tifa up. and multiplat it.
the days of buying a console for one or two games are behind me.
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
Who's ready for the fuck ugly CGI being worse than ever
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
>Mar E a I thought it was Maria also >We can't make a new good OP just make a remix of the old one
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
It got really stupid after season 1.
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
it drops like a rock after the first season
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
This episode is going to be good, right?
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
>Link Horizon doing the OP Good, but seems like they're just trying to mimic the magic that was the first one
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
Junko can go suck a fat dick.
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
So is shit actually happening this time or is it more WORDS WORDS WORDS?
May 26, 2019 - 03:33
This intro is really spoilery
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
I'm tired of shitting on Titan. I'm tired of Titan in general.
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
>Linked Horizon Finally. Last season's OP was shit.
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
This is just a Linked Horizon collab OP
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
You guys are not making the wait any more bearable.
Attached: 1526816055925.jpg (736x981, 65K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
It's just a rehashed Claymore
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
This OP ain't half bad. Reminds me of the first season's one. I also like how they're spoiling everything.
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May 26, 2019 - 03:34
Come on, folks- I need your votes if I'm gonna feel like I have an audience for these things! Vote now for the 2019 /tg/ Marathon Fapfic! /18055109
Attached: DoItNow.png (600x504, 137K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
this entire part of the season is action.
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
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May 26, 2019 - 03:34
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May 26, 2019 - 03:34
Can't be as bad as Gonzo's CG
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
At least we probably won't also get titans on a train.
Attached: moustache-power.1337386544525.10p12.png (756x1106, 144K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
It turns out that the titans are normal human size, and it's the backwards villagers that have been shrunken.
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
I'm confused. Did the OP just show Erin using Annies ability?
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
I'm 90% certain they did a screencap of it. Someone post it.
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
Did the volume randomly quiet down for anyone else?
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
Woah what the fuck did I just watch a minute and thirty second opening air on western television in 2019?
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
Would Kaiju even notice 90% of Titans?
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
I kinda heard elements of the first OP in there. Neat.
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
has to be alive to do that
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
At least Erin still has his O.G EN Voice.
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
Reminder AoT has nothing to do with humanity triumphing over a monstrous evil because humans are the true villains of the entire conflict. Titans are literally just weapons used by another nation to fight a war. It's all just people vs. people.
Attached: Humans drive kong to drink.jpg (400x190, 16K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:34
So is this opening a medley? It felt like it had elements from all the previous OPs.
May 26, 2019 - 03:35
It's like this OP is a mix between the first and the 2nd one.
Also, the OP indirectly spoils the first four episodes
May 26, 2019 - 03:35
How fucking hard is it to make a subtle OP that covers the arc like Jojo?
May 26, 2019 - 03:35
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May 26, 2019 - 03:35
The end credits from Season 3 ep 12 was more spoilery.
May 26, 2019 - 03:35
he got that when he ate the container a few episodes ago
May 26, 2019 - 03:35
It was, but it gets kinda stupid after a while, and really stupid after the time skip.
May 26, 2019 - 03:35
so do they ever explain why Ttians cant' move at night?
May 26, 2019 - 03:35
What are you Anons doing for the next half hour? I'm still watching Chris-Chan documentaries
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May 26, 2019 - 03:35
>american censoring unless he swore or showed a nipple during it, it wasn't american censoring
May 26, 2019 - 03:35
So where were we left off?
May 26, 2019 - 03:35
I got to ask the question did anyone like AOT back in the day when it was just coming out and nobody knew anything about what the fuck was going on?
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May 26, 2019 - 03:35
Titans did nothing wrong.
Attached: titans running.gif (360x210, 3.1M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
Yeah, it's not bad. The first season is the best, though.
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
Why don't they kill the titan while it's helpless?
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
Season 1 starts good then varies in quality Season 2 is great Season 3 was poop This season should be great
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
Attached: 092701.jpg (655x900, 100K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
Good Lord i don't remember any of that shit.
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
is tonight the night for Queenella titties?
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
Do we get to see best girl Sasha die in this season?
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May 26, 2019 - 03:36
Erin's been a pussy lately.
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
It was still not shown what they were arguing about though.
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
>wanting Junko near your dick
She'd stab you in the nuts with an icepick or something.
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
The humans in them are asleep.
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
You mean really amazing after the time skip?
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
>really stupid after the time skip
more like really kino after the time skip.
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May 26, 2019 - 03:36
Thoughts on Mikasa?
Attached: Mikasa.jpg (564x940, 52K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
Well if it's any consolation, both her and Gohan ring each other out in the manga
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
I should doubt this, but for some reason I don't
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May 26, 2019 - 03:36
It was a breathe of fresh air for a shonen to kill characters for a change, it's just too bad that's all AoT has going for it.
May 26, 2019 - 03:36
This is no time to be pessimistic Erin. Keep your balls up.
May 26, 2019 - 03:37
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May 26, 2019 - 03:37
>their swords look like razor blades because they are literal razor blades that have been scavenged from the normal human world
May 26, 2019 - 03:37
May 26, 2019 - 03:37
Eren you're literally the fucking ace in the hole
What the fuck are you even anxious about, you can turn into a giant
May 26, 2019 - 03:37
Just how they work without needing to eat.
May 26, 2019 - 03:37
want to see her and Erin bang when he's a titan
May 26, 2019 - 03:37
We like have TV broadcast where they censor most gore
May 26, 2019 - 03:37
It's only 5 more days. We've waited months. We're almost there.
Attached: Legendary King of the Monsters Looks Like A Heavy Metal Album Cover.png (1920x1080, 1.85M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:37
May 26, 2019 - 03:37
Playing some Tetris 99. I love the Game Boy skin.
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May 26, 2019 - 03:37
It's mainly just setup, but I really enjoyed this arc in the manga.
May 26, 2019 - 03:38
May 26, 2019 - 03:38
She doesn't die until they leave Madagascar and start fighting Nazi Africa.
May 26, 2019 - 03:38
Bert and Ernie are chilling with Ape escape near the wall they broke in the first episode. Eren and crew are going to and seal up the hole with Eren's knew hardening power. So mankind can expand their living space.
May 26, 2019 - 03:38
Cause best girl
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May 26, 2019 - 03:38
>Light from the moon is really just reflected sunlight How do they know this?
May 26, 2019 - 03:38
finishing setting up my new Pixel 3a
May 26, 2019 - 03:38
my signal already got knocked out just now in the midwest living next to a lake sucks
May 26, 2019 - 03:38
this is the second half of season 3
May 26, 2019 - 03:38
The only good thing about this show, now post ass
May 26, 2019 - 03:38
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May 26, 2019 - 03:38
Let's deflower her.
Attached: Everyone's favorite virgin.jpg (1400x1400, 890K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:38
It's not that hard to understand once you understand how the sun works in general
May 26, 2019 - 03:39
It was pretty fucking hype.
May 26, 2019 - 03:39
She literally just said why user. Titans run off of sunlight, and since the moonlight isn’t that much, they don’t have enough energy to move.
The only ones that can are the ones the big monkey one creates because they have his spinal fluid
May 26, 2019 - 03:39
why did they have canned food? Think about it.
May 26, 2019 - 03:39
When do you think this show takes place?
May 26, 2019 - 03:39
No, I don't even like 7, call me when they remake 4 again.
May 26, 2019 - 03:39
It had a fun-sounding premise, at least until the Meat Mechs became a factor, then it just lost all appeal. Only thing that's really worthwhile is the soundtrack, and the reaction images that often crop up from the wonky drama.
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May 26, 2019 - 03:39
this is boring i'm gonna go masturbate
May 26, 2019 - 03:39
haha yeah she can
Attached: hahaha.png (1327x848, 1.13M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:39
Remember when he was given the simple direction of carrying a rock?
May 26, 2019 - 03:40
about an hour or so ago. block got moved up. you got the warnings from the ratings thread.
you missed the dorms episode
May 26, 2019 - 03:40
You missed it, new schedule has it start the block at 10:30
May 26, 2019 - 03:40
Why are they all saying it like that, it's an english name.
May 26, 2019 - 03:40
But I want it now, damn it.
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May 26, 2019 - 03:40
She is the night!
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May 26, 2019 - 03:40
Holy shit Spiderman is going to rape the titans.
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May 26, 2019 - 03:40
May 26, 2019 - 03:40
wait now they're back inside the walls? what?
May 26, 2019 - 03:40
Here's a question, has AoT even retained it's popularity in Japan or has it sunk low there too?
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May 26, 2019 - 03:40
Yeah, but their government censors a lot of stuff.
May 26, 2019 - 03:40
>Standing on a running horse
May 26, 2019 - 03:40
It creates a column of steam and a bunch of bright sparks when a titan dies.
May 26, 2019 - 03:40
The sword of time is long and thin it doesn't hurt when it goes in
May 26, 2019 - 03:40
just tried my nutella m&ms
theyre fucking awful
May 26, 2019 - 03:40
>Can somehow keep their faces covered while moving at speeds that fast in the air Bullshit
May 26, 2019 - 03:41
When does everything go wrong?
May 26, 2019 - 03:41
You WOULD die for Erwin right /tg/?
May 26, 2019 - 03:41
3D Maneuverable gear is the best fucking thing about this show. Full stop.
May 26, 2019 - 03:41
>Armin is supposed to be the cowardly nerd but is infinitely more of a Chad than bitchboy Erin Why is he even the protagonist again? Mikasa or Armin would be way better.
May 26, 2019 - 03:41
Its just Cartoon Network thats stuttering where I am. other channels are fine
May 26, 2019 - 03:41
What does happen if you sex a vampire?
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May 26, 2019 - 03:41
Hope you don't get the runs.
May 26, 2019 - 03:41
Down the Rabbit Hole or PCP
May 26, 2019 - 03:41
Attached: Mikasa butt.jpg (1200x1696, 124K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:42
It's funny that Monkey Trouble's special ability is throwing, since non-human primates actually can't throw with any reasonable power or accuracy. Throwing is pretty much a uniquely human power.
May 26, 2019 - 03:42
The music's decent at least.
May 26, 2019 - 03:42
Hot. Best girl. Naturally submissive, but would make a great dom.
May 26, 2019 - 03:42
id say the mystery was also intrigueing up until it got stupid when it was reveld what it was as well as the previous seasons build up.
kabanri of the iron fortress now that a series that only had the death game going for it
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May 26, 2019 - 03:42
More of an Annie/Sasha man
May 26, 2019 - 03:42
>we're going to seal off the gates and reclaim the town didn't the gates do absolutely nothing to stop the invasion the first time?
May 26, 2019 - 03:42
It has it's own attraction at Universal studios.
May 26, 2019 - 03:42
What would they gain from censoring how sunlight works? They already know it powers titans
May 26, 2019 - 03:42
Tonight's eyecatch:
This episode.
Attached: Episode 50.png (1280x720, 1.34M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:42
Is tonight this episode?
Attached: eb5.jpg (525x525, 48K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:42
It'd be cold and unpleasant smelling because vampires are corpses
May 26, 2019 - 03:43
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May 26, 2019 - 03:43
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May 26, 2019 - 03:43
They were fine until Bert and Ernie fucked them over
May 26, 2019 - 03:43
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May 26, 2019 - 03:43
He gets better.
Attached: Attack on Titan Eren after Timeskip.png (836x1308, 678K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:43
so they're all eventually going to die from radiation poisoning?
May 26, 2019 - 03:43
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May 26, 2019 - 03:43
That's what they're calling it but it's pretty arbitrary >2 cour S1 >irl timeskip >1 cour S2 >timeskip >1 cour S3 part 1 >timeskip >1 cour S3 part 2 how did they even decide on this
May 26, 2019 - 03:43
If hotel Transylvania has taught us anything is, you have a vampire kid and become one yourself.
May 26, 2019 - 03:43
Attached: gid entrence.png (3336x832, 3.97M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:43
His daddy has the hateboner
May 26, 2019 - 03:43
I wanna see her face when Historia tells her that Erin is the father.
May 26, 2019 - 03:43
It stops normal titans, it was just Bertold and Reiner who could break through, and they plan on killing them.
May 26, 2019 - 03:43
In a language the characters apparently couldn't read.
May 26, 2019 - 03:43
CN always has shitty tech issues. I don't know what goes on there.
May 26, 2019 - 03:43
Eh, Titans are big enough that some kaiju could probably pick them out. though most kaiju could probably kill a great number of Titans no problem. Godzilla would also definitely want to challenge the Colossal Titan.
I do too, Robin-bro. But the wait will surely be worth it.
Attached: King Ghidorah Legendary Lightning.webm (1280x720, 1.64M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:44
Attached: Mikasa ass.jpg (704x999, 142K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:44
someone sell me on this show. what makes it so popular and interesting?
May 26, 2019 - 03:44
Hmm it would actually be a pretty good VR shakycar ride
May 26, 2019 - 03:44
It's a slippery slope. And they wouldn't be censoring sunlight, they would be censoring moonlight. And yet Armin was in a minority for believing in the ocean.
May 26, 2019 - 03:44
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May 26, 2019 - 03:44
I have trouble understanding logistically and physically how they can fly alongside the wall. The gear pulls them towards things, so if they are hugging a wall, they'd just pull themselves into the parts jutting out, not effortlessly fly past them. You'd think they are using the air to propel them like a jetpack, rather than using grappling hooks
May 26, 2019 - 03:44
The gates are to control the flow of regular titans. They'll take care of the other 3 on their own.
May 26, 2019 - 03:44
Yeah but this time they know it's because of those two douchebags and not just random abnormal titans.
May 26, 2019 - 03:44
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May 26, 2019 - 03:45
>this commerical
Attached: Aladdin Virgin Chad.png (3200x1152, 1.87M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:45
Comprehensive History by GenoSamuel2.1, I binged Beneath the Bridge earlier this week
May 26, 2019 - 03:45
You don't have to wait.
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May 26, 2019 - 03:45
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May 26, 2019 - 03:45
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May 26, 2019 - 03:45
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May 26, 2019 - 03:45
PokeMMO a general popped up recently on /vp/ which is how i found out about the game
May 26, 2019 - 03:45
I know you're right. I'm just eager to find out how Mothra bites it this time around.
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May 26, 2019 - 03:46
>the virgin smirk >The Chad Shit Eating Grin
May 26, 2019 - 03:46
May 26, 2019 - 03:46
Its a sexy corpse
Attached: pray.jpg (302x277, 27K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:46
Ever watch The Walking Dead where it was super fucking awesome to watch people survive in a post apoc world against all odds?
Thats why AoT was so popular. It started out fun as fuck watching titan fights but then got political and human vs human and blah blahblabalha
May 26, 2019 - 03:46
Attached: Mikasa booty.png (1209x1173, 856K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:46
It's no popular nor interesting anymore.
May 26, 2019 - 03:47
also everyone is a Titan that kinda ruined it
May 26, 2019 - 03:47
It was a shonen with a decent amount of mystery that pretty much killed off anyone that got the least bit amount of characterization so people hopped on it because everyone loves a good “nobody is safe” story.
I’m only here for Grim Reminder 2.0
May 26, 2019 - 03:47
Those weird scars that appear under Eren's eyes after he goes titan freak me out.
May 26, 2019 - 03:47
Attached: Mikasa butt.jpg (1002x1256, 168K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:47
so if you had to really boil it down to one think that made it all go wrong what do you think is the biggest contender? the hiatus, the shitty reveal, meat mechs, the nature of the deathgame?
May 26, 2019 - 03:47
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May 26, 2019 - 03:48
My wife Pitou is so cute
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May 26, 2019 - 03:48
May 26, 2019 - 03:48
Attached: Mikasa rear.jpg (1440x2560, 1.21M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:48
>le 3 cups man
Attached: 0b5.png (600x1412, 829K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:49
A combination all of that, but the reveal made it lose it's mystery and marvel.
May 26, 2019 - 03:49
>people in the walls don’t know what coffee is
Attached: 3B7024A2-2D5D-4172-A572-7D5899D74134.png (249x253, 94K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:49
Don't corpses smell bad because of either decomposition or embalming chemicals? Vampires don't rot, so the smell shouldn't be an issue. And if you get the blood flowing, warmth shouldn't be that big of an issue.
May 26, 2019 - 03:49
The hiatus killed all hyped the series had. Waited way too long.
May 26, 2019 - 03:49
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May 26, 2019 - 03:49
...What's the plan if they DO find those guys?
May 26, 2019 - 03:49
Attached: booty.jpg (1280x720, 115K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:49
They keep building up how Smart Armin is but he's kinda just...above average.
May 26, 2019 - 03:50
thank you based Aisha poster
May 26, 2019 - 03:50
>Now you will die for Armin, you will still be dying for me but you follow his orders
May 26, 2019 - 03:50
The way they're saying Arlert sounds really strange.
May 26, 2019 - 03:50
what is an acoustic shell?
May 26, 2019 - 03:50
I don't really remember why. I just remember I stopped caring after the part with Annie concluded.
May 26, 2019 - 03:50
Coffee requires tropical conditions to grow.
May 26, 2019 - 03:50
I personality think the switch from titan battles to human politics bullshit with the reveal killed the hyped and made sure it would remain dead.
May 26, 2019 - 03:50
Didn't know they had one of those. As for AoT chalk it up to Japan having shit taste per usual I guess
May 26, 2019 - 03:50
Meat mechs. The hiatuses at least mean that each season has time to be made with some care compared to older anime adaptions that would have to shit out tons of filler to space out things until they had more manga chapters. The reveal is certainly bad, but after the meat mechs it's kind of hard to imagine them keeping the plot anywhere in the realm of good.
May 26, 2019 - 03:50
Land of the blind and all that.
May 26, 2019 - 03:50
Does the /fit/ give you power?
May 26, 2019 - 03:50
Attached: 1558508167537.png (1440x1080, 2.42M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:51
>Talking Talking Talking
When are they going to kill some Titans?!
May 26, 2019 - 03:51
A shell that instead of blowing up plays wonderwall
May 26, 2019 - 03:51
Does black coffee really smell good?
May 26, 2019 - 03:51
I was in my final year of college when I first watched the series when it premiered. That was 7 years ago
May 26, 2019 - 03:51
I thought I was the only one
I hate the way they say it
May 26, 2019 - 03:51
Where the fuck ARE the titans?
May 26, 2019 - 03:51
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May 26, 2019 - 03:51
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May 26, 2019 - 03:52
They're fucking traitors what do you think?
May 26, 2019 - 03:52
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May 26, 2019 - 03:53
Reminder that coffee is an African plant, introduced into european traditions by trading with muslim traders.
May 26, 2019 - 03:53
Swords through the nape of the neck, which has been shown to kill titans.
May 26, 2019 - 03:53
Eren's titan marks look like blush lines.
May 26, 2019 - 03:53
>mha and super max out their threads >aot only half as many posts
May 26, 2019 - 03:53
the walls are now titans, your floor is now titans
May 26, 2019 - 03:53
Attached: 1844752-crime575.png (575x288, 290K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:53
Armin is eventually going to go mad with power with this for sure.
May 26, 2019 - 03:53
Sword taps? This isn't fucking Legend of Zelda.
May 26, 2019 - 03:53
Who's has the best butt?
Attached: 5 (1).jpg (1200x1703, 260K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:53
Attached: [hisses in japanese].gif (500x379, 258K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:54
Attached: 1519540139568.gif (500x375, 992K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:54
May 26, 2019 - 03:54
He’s actually really smart because of his inherent curiosity due to his parents influence. Out of everyone he’s the one that most thinks out of the box and understands the moral compass and complexity of each character tremendously.
He’s just a fucking crybaby and freaks out about every little thing so it holds him back from being the genius he really is
May 26, 2019 - 03:54
Swords don't do shit to Bert and they can't get close enough to slash Ernie.
May 26, 2019 - 03:54
The whole people vs people thing is so boring. So much talking and tension bullshit.
Attached: tenor_3.gif (498x279, 269K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:54
>MHA was literally about dorm rooms and it maxed out it's thread
Attached: 1554616381179.jpg (480x360, 31K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:54
Attached: 1377614884771.jpg (632x606, 93K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:54
Hey, space cat poster. You should post the typing gif.
May 26, 2019 - 03:54
again bruce, this is the 5th time your parents have died
May 26, 2019 - 03:54
MHA and Super was one thread. I think each pair of shows is gonna share a thread tonight at the rate we're going.
May 26, 2019 - 03:54
May 26, 2019 - 03:54
I love Armin so much. I feel like its rare in other shows that anyone takes the big brain nibba seriously.
May 26, 2019 - 03:55
Attached: Historia big butt.jpg (720x976, 53K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:55
That was some really good reaction time on Levi's part.
May 26, 2019 - 03:55
DAMN LEVI Dude must have been going Terminal Velocity
Attached: 42AqxuS.jpg (342x342, 15K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:55
Why didn't he put the blade through his fucking skull? Levi knows Ernie's a titan and has healing factor.
May 26, 2019 - 03:55
it's time
Attached: 2Q==.jpg (185x273, 15K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:55
Attached: 1557458273139.gif (276x320, 1.95M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
Simian Situation with the pitch
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
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May 26, 2019 - 03:56
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May 26, 2019 - 03:56
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
Attached: 1556881129199.jpg (725x724, 136K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
Shit, I'm dumb i didn't realize TGG misnumbered this thread. It's really hard to pay attention to anything tonight.
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
Attached: Attack on Titan Monkey Troubles.jpg (500x737, 120K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
>Levi goes straight for the jugular I love him
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
It’s a modern classic in the making. Especially the manga. The only manga that is even better after a time skip
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
Attached: OFFICIAL Federal co Stream Police IS PISSED.jpg (220x330, 56K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
Primate Predicament BEGINS NOW
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
a sword through the skull won't kill a titan, nape of the neck should have but Reiner has hax up the ass survivability
May 26, 2019 - 03:56
I feel like Killer Crocs, "I threw a rock at him" plan is getting used a lot more
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
Wouldn't have worked anyway
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
Here comes the "titan with a backpack?" comments.
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
Attached: 37868528_p3.jpg (724x965, 53K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
Or at least have fucking twisted the blade and hope he could chop his head off in time.
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
Here you are, Anons:
Attached: attack on titan s3 - reiner attack.webm (640x360, 2.16M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
Hey look, it's Kong.
Attached: King Kong Original Poster 1.jpg (435x679, 56K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
He went for the throat, literally did the best you could in a fucking speedy manner.
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
Attached: monkey breathing .gif (425x425, 2M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
>This ed
Attached: 1539738466482.png (394x523, 204K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
>jap capeshitters yell about their waifu for 30 minutes >dragontards scream for 30 minutes >AoT intellectuals actually watch the show Nothing wrong here
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
time for part two of the monkey block
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
Late and schedule change, what a combination Good thing I stopped giving a shit about AoT though, otherwise I'd be disappointed missing it
Attached: 73548627_p0.jpg (2190x3091, 835K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:57
You could be reading a book or going thur your favorite VN right now.
Attached: lick.png (800x600, 687K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:58
Maybe you should vote in favor of finding out, hm?
May 26, 2019 - 03:58
May 26, 2019 - 03:58
That's a nice picture of adult Riri, user.
too bad it she'll never actually grow up.
Attached: __riri_kemurikusa_drawn_by_juz__0ff40855c701810c670b6e821a55efdc.jpg (886x1000, 94K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:58
Attached: Larxene laugh.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:58
It's Chicken Run Time!
Attached: 1557637167514.jpg (1080x1065, 60K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:59
Wait I thought we were getting a double feature.
May 26, 2019 - 03:59
I can't wait till Bertold drops by.
Attached: Shh.jpg (204x384, 69K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:59
Alright fuckers, time for orphans.
Attached: c0866.png (1280x1024, 1.57M)
May 26, 2019 - 03:59
>nape of the neck should have I thought cutting out the nape of a titan's neck kills them because it kills the human residing inside the nape. I don't see why a sword through the brain wouldn't kill the human form of a shifter, though.
And Levi didn't even hit Reiner's nape anyway, he inserted the sword sideways through the center of his neck.
May 26, 2019 - 03:59
Could he beat the Titans?
Attached: TPN.gif (250x300, 995K)
May 26, 2019 - 03:59
Why would I buy a game for system I don't own?
May 26, 2019 - 03:59
*click* *turns back on tv*
May 26, 2019 - 03:59
I just realized that The Hunger Games has been around long enough for another movie to reference it. Ain't that something?
May 26, 2019 - 03:59
pretty good
Attached: 1419754214719.png (219x281, 113K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
Did you guys hear that Boruto has a relationship with KW4 1999
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
I'm looking forward to more Guillotine Gorilla next week
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
nigga was moving at 100mph straight down cut him some slack
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
Wow, this place sure is dead tonight. They should bring back One Piece. That oughta stir some discussion!
Attached: one-piece.jpg (1280x704, 50K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
floss reee what is the other kid doing?
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
>heard you was talkin- SHIT!
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
Orange Justice, probably.
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
Attached: 1558237779206.png (1920x1088, 907K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
He's the gun member of the Coconut Crew!
Attached: CG.png (700x818, 96K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
Time for the Promised Cunnyland
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
Someone redpill me without spoiling too much
How come the monkey is the only one that has fur
Attached: E1FAFFCF-0CF3-4AF1-A871-5B43137CB05A.gif (241x207, 525K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
Seriously, guys, if you were being charged by super giants in their situation, would you keep your nerve and fight or break down?
Attached: 1432951864000.jpg (351x351, 78K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:00
God allmighty
Attached: think of the children.jpg (365x340, 35K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
I don’t understand these references you keep making
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
I'll take your word it
She is isn't she?
Attached: 1554405296141.jpg (1159x1481, 188K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
Please tell me there's at least 1 doujin of mom from TPN. I can't find any, lads. I'm concerned.
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
fuck reading desu
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May 26, 2019 - 04:01
Time for Chicken Run!
Attached: Promised Neverland Chicken Run.jpg (1137x640, 87K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
So how are they gonna win? Huh?
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
the titan virus works on animals, but rare
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
Why didn't he just cut his head clean off?
Attached: 1513210507447.jpg (600x599, 45K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
Could this be made a perfect loop?
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
Attached: 1557141639832.jpg (670x753, 46K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
>There'll be another time
Attached: 1550948443221.jpg (1500x844, 613K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
>I don't see why a sword through the brain wouldn't kill the human form of a shifter, though. Bullshit titan shifter power lets them move their consciousness through their nervous system.
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
We gotta save those kids! Post Demon Hunters, now!
Attached: Inquisitor 3.jpg (480x686, 60K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
the same way only the female has tits
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
Titan was hard to get through.
May 26, 2019 - 04:01
You may joke, but I honestly wish it would come back. Having at the end of the block was oddly comfy.
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
Thoughts on Emma?
Attached: Emm a.jpg (1366x768, 196K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
It's actually hard to cut a head clean off outside of using a guillotine
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
Because he's the only one that's like a monkey
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
Post demon slayers to save the children
Attached: 6209266-1886371011-doom_.jpg (298x169, 12K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
I'm really enjoying The Promised Neverland guys
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
That big black lady gives me the creeps.
Attached: do not avert your gaze.png (637x359, 254K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
Join forces? Y/N
Attached: 1555465348797.png (524x474, 201K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
I want to do lewd things with Isabella
Attached: focus testing.png (683x384, 311K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
>Krone is a former orphan
Well that explains so much.
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
Super cute
Attached: emma.jpg (768x1024, 467K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
I want to fuck the absolute shit out of Krone. Just fuck her all night. Maybe even the next morning.
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
DeMarco please get the scary negress off my screen
Attached: 1552199746809.jpg (129x177, 5K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
Something something, Astroid
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
Attached: 43493716_p0.jpg (600x960, 307K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
I'm not really a footfag, but stirrup socks/leggings are sexy.
May 26, 2019 - 04:02
I don't into fortnite but thanks
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
Yes yes the rumors are true, there's no hiding it. I do in fact, love Emma!
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
What the fuck, so they've essentially got Wolverine-tier healing factor?
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
Jesus save us from crazy black ladies.
Attached: 1451195265691.jpg (776x525, 246K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
If I cut off that those antennae will she die?
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
Aunt Jemima's making plans!
Attached: Promised Neverland Aunt Jemima Same Face.jpg (1200x675, 67K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
just watch, the reveal is after this arc and its pretty complicated
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
Attached: IMG_1417.jpg (545x767, 108K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
What? How long does a movie need to be out before it can be referenced?
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
They don't need help, Norman can solve the demon crisis by himself.
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
Attached: 1472150051956.png (480x640, 147K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
This OP really pretends its more energetic of a series.
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
I still think it's a weird name for a boy, but I enjoy his earnestness.
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
could have been trying to cut off his breathing, to knock him out so he couldn't transform, though Reiner managed to regain consciousness
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
I went ahead and binge watched this shit then binged the manga. It was pretty good.
Attached: 1391999218790.jpg (1280x720, 189K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
>Black >Maid >Has a number
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
Attached: SSBUlt_Richter_Belmont.png (1853x2357, 3.05M)
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
Fuck yeah, gimmie that big black cleavage.
May 26, 2019 - 04:03
It usually takes at least 5 years.
May 26, 2019 - 04:04
Would you ever date a woman like Sister Krone?
Attached: Krone.jpg (1400x1000, 138K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:04
She's cute and I like her
Attached: ddd6a6c159394adcf6b62f788dbcc8ca781.png (1364x1934, 1M)
May 26, 2019 - 04:04
If they transform to heal the damage before the body dies. It's basically just lets them move their weakpoint.
May 26, 2019 - 04:04
I wanna sex the black lady
Attached: 1557130797434.jpg (697x718, 80K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:04
Because he can transfer his consciousness throughout his body so it’s meaningless. Only way to kill those bastards is eating them.
May 26, 2019 - 04:04
Attached: 58341570_p20.png (750x450, 314K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:04
Anyone have a screencap of Emma's -_- face that keeps happening? seems good image macro material
May 26, 2019 - 04:04
Attached: 1434347851154.jpg (1024x1024, 69K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:04
It's easy, look I'll do it now brb
May 26, 2019 - 04:04
To keep it vague-ish it just because theres only he's special so there's only 1 ape titan.
May 26, 2019 - 04:04
I think daddy Ray wouldn't like me very much if I did something.
May 26, 2019 - 04:05
black women are the most unattractive people on earth
May 26, 2019 - 04:05
Attached: gene.png (423x616, 184K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:05
His mom was Indian and his dad was Italian
May 26, 2019 - 04:05
She's cute but I feel her moralfagness might be an issue eventually
May 26, 2019 - 04:05
What an arbitrary and likely nonsensical number. I remember Titanic was being refereced immediately.
May 26, 2019 - 04:05
why does mammy have such expressive faces
May 26, 2019 - 04:05
I've already fapped to her but...
May 26, 2019 - 04:05
Looking forward to this. Hope it won't be too soon.
May 26, 2019 - 04:05
Attached: Inuyasha-Sango.jpg (838x943, 93K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:05
Stop making that weird "I eat babies" face.
May 26, 2019 - 04:05
man, shit's getting downright tzeentchian
Attached: Tzeentch Floating.jpg (1024x1117, 195K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:05
Uneasy alliances are my favorite alliances.
Attached: 1441374633335.png (125x120, 13K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:06
This art style bothers me.
May 26, 2019 - 04:06
Hrs biracial. It’s complicated.
May 26, 2019 - 04:06
First of all, racist Second of all, demonstrably wrong Third, you're thinking of the abbos
May 26, 2019 - 04:06
>Emma's naive and trusts everyone >doesn't trust Krone
May 26, 2019 - 04:06
iv been thinking of doing that as well not that I don't enjoy toonami shitposting but I definitely think I lose something while watching and shitpostingthe spoilers are the worst the only good thing is I'm not sure which were real and which were BS
May 26, 2019 - 04:06
She only wants to be a mother, I don't trust her to not just use me.
May 26, 2019 - 04:06
She gives me the heebie jeebies, but she has got some thicc lips
Attached: 1454012209021.png (201x160, 34K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:06
He got stabbed twice and fell a few hundred feet from the wall onto his back, he should have splattered all over, hax bulshit
May 26, 2019 - 04:06
I for one welcome our new demon overlords
Attached: 1453897732083.png (350x350, 104K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:06
Nope. Any attractive black chick you're thinking of is inevitably half something else.
May 26, 2019 - 04:06
Attached: 1546225287025.jpg (599x474, 18K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:06
I would legit have sex with her. The joke being she wouldn't want me just like all the real women.
Attached: Bizarro Woman tries to take flight.gif (224x172, 446K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:07
Krone's lips are huge. Imagine them on your dick.
May 26, 2019 - 04:07
put U&T on toonami dangit
Attached: Hyo_Manga.png (270x429, 41K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:07
May 26, 2019 - 04:07
Attached: IMG_2114.jpg (1200x943, 217K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:07
Who is the protagonist in this show?
Attached: B3112111-956B-4BC0-B163-E12AA10C7C3A.png (996x720, 404K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:07
For a place that is supposed to only be filled with hyper intelligent kids, seems like only 2 are actually smart.
May 26, 2019 - 04:07
For children, they spend a lot of time standing around talking about strategy.
May 26, 2019 - 04:07
It is sort of arbitrary. It depends on how popular it is, but it takes several years for scripts to get made into films, so the reference has to have been current when the script was finalized.
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
he is the ARMORED titan after all
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
When are we getting demons eating people?! Come ooooooon!
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
Exactly, and I don't want that.
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
Attached: krone.png (200x250, 30K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
>hate this saying >it keeps proving true when will I learn.
Attached: 34qgv654y5 4.png (406x1057, 373K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
What's stopping the black mom from telling the higher ups that the kids were trying to escape and that the mom is irresponsible, making Krone become a mom and making the first mom get demoted/fired?
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
Is white mom chipped too?
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
>We can just say we were going to use the rope to lynch Krone
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
This show is kino so far. You’re boring
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
It's a genius orphanage.
Attached: tefe.jpg (997x1533, 374K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
not attractive
Attached: file.png (1080x1440, 3.07M)
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
>Krone milking you nightly for your sperm to become a mom.
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
>people are smart enough to know that siding with black lady gives an advantage >"But wait guys would this give us an advantage?"
How is he still in the group?
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
They're going to drag out this escape plan so long that the cast will start looking like this
Attached: maxresdefault (6).jpg (1280x720, 70K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
The white hair, the black hair, and the orange hair are the protagonists. The woman and Aunt Jemima are the antagonists. The daemons are the ultimate enemies.
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
Norman, Ray and Emma are the protags
May 26, 2019 - 04:08
Time for TPN!
Attached: Di-YoAOUwAAbL6P.jpg (823x1200, 267K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
But user sword shart hasn't even started yet
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
Just a quickie I did in-between shows. I don't know how to do that.
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
Norman for first arc, Emma second and third arc, and Ray the last arc.
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
As long as she pays child support... ;)
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
even in his human form, he's still an absolute unit
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
Sound like you've got preconcieved notion of what blacks look like. You know not all of em look like caricatures, right?
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
user stop
Attached: 1395640547859.jpg (426x341, 38K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
What the fuck
Attached: 1486276947169.jpg (406x364, 118K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
I've been asking for this for 4 years now. Demarco truly has shit taste.
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
You know she's used goods right?
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
What cup size do you think those are?
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
Taking a wild guess, the only episodes that actually matter are the first and the last.
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
Take it from me. Some of them can be alright but they need to be sent back to Africa.
Attached: IMG_0133.png (456x529, 107K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:09
Someone's been drinking Hollywood's kool-aid.
May 26, 2019 - 04:10
no proof.
Attached: XMDoFP after party.gif (448x249, 1.19M)
May 26, 2019 - 04:10
Because Grandman is on Momma's side already and doesn't give a fuck about Krone.
May 26, 2019 - 04:10
Toonami General Guy died in the storm, F
May 26, 2019 - 04:10
Sorry, but it's just reality. Even black men prefer other races.
May 26, 2019 - 04:10
Well I just think you dont like black girls at all, user.
May 26, 2019 - 04:10
Now they can find the dragonballs.
May 26, 2019 - 04:10
So.. do the matrons just live out their lives doing this job or are they ever used for breeding?
because.. i dunno im asking for a friend about the breeding thing.
Attached: 1456011882368.jpg (452x525, 50K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:10
Attached: Devil May Sly.png (286x479, 134K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:11
wait isn't that a dragon ball radar?
Attached: dragon Radar.png (707x570, 362K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:11
A lack of evidence. Anyone could just SAY that. And it'd be nearly impossible for her to prove. And TRYING to prove it would get her in trouble with Isabella. And Isabella could EASILY make her life a living nightmare.
May 26, 2019 - 04:11
Why's it keep zooming on the doll?
Attached: Confused Anime Girl Question Marks 4.png (1256x812, 489K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:11
Attached: sister+krone+grin.png (616x291, 91K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:11
>let me teach you how to cut your ears off She's so helpful already!
May 26, 2019 - 04:11
>no sharp blades No knives in the kitchen? How do they cut shit?
May 26, 2019 - 04:11
demons aren't going to trust a black woman over a white one.
May 26, 2019 - 04:11
They're allowed to have one child. I think that's how it works at least
May 26, 2019 - 04:11
>"black women aren't attractive" >I think you don't like black girls GEE, you think?
May 26, 2019 - 04:11
Doesn't sound like much of an argument, user. They're ugly because they're ugly?
May 26, 2019 - 04:11
Man ever since I was a little kid watching Toonami and Adult Swim late at night or waking up and some random anime like Inuyasha would be playing and I’d have absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on
Glad that feeling is still held 15 years later.
Attached: 836ACFAC-37BB-4C76-AD27-D78C6511A986.jpg (158x270, 13K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:11
It's more like that scene from Hellsing Abridged where they do the "Plan around the plan they're planning around our plan" joke, but taken seriously.
Attached: Hellsing Major 1.jpg (398x225, 18K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:12
I want to train with this demon.
Attached: 33486121_p0.png (500x550, 329K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:12
Attached: 1515497370251.png (1024x768, 454K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:12
26? Bitch looks 40 at the youngest.
May 26, 2019 - 04:12
I hate my lust for muscle girls sometimes...
Attached: Why boner to the extreme.jpg (427x420, 53K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:12
Attached: Sango all fours.jpg (840x1120, 891K)
May 26, 2019 - 04:12
HGDrawfag is digging these black milkers i bet.
May 26, 2019 - 04:13
Krone is unironically a smart cookie.
And fucking crazy.
May 26, 2019 - 04:14
come to think of it I haven't fapped to Sango in years
May 26, 2019 - 04:14
So what’s taking JoJos spot after it ends?
May 26, 2019 - 04:17
where does the sperm come from
May 26, 2019 - 04:19
Why do you think I fell in love in the first place. Y'ALL DOUBTED ME.
May 26, 2019 - 04:19
Adult males are used as living sperm banks
May 26, 2019 - 04:20