Why are obese characters always characterized as evil or stupid in animation/comics?

Why are obese characters always characterized as evil or stupid in animation/comics?

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Because they were inspired from real life.

This is most definitely false. Stop eating so much, fatty.

Because if they were smart, they'll be thin

Being that unhealthy is stupid

Because its true

Obesity is mainly a product of extremely poor life choices, which generally stems from mental health issues or just plain stupidity.

But he is neither

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And neither is she

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It's because in real life obese people are evil or stupid. Either they are gluttonous hedonists who abuse their God-given bodies for fleeting pleasures (evil) or they never managed to grasp what a calorie is or what the connection is between their overeating and their disgusting appearance and health problems (stupid). Usually some combination of the two.

And he

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(fuck off christcuck)

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I'm only one of those though

Here's another

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and another

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And her

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>that squish on that arm

I feel like the rate is split pretty evenly between Fat Asshole and Jolly Santa Guy.

Sure thing, Fatty

Because obese people are seen as gluttonous, which is a common character trait for evil characters.

Being fat is the greatest possible moral failing

The negative portrayals are standing out in your mind because they are “more rememberable” to our primitive brain.

Basically, imagine for 5 days you pick up an object, say a box, and it does nothing. The 6th day there happens to be an insect in it, and it bites you. Everyday you’ll think about that negative experience, despite it not being likely to happen again.

Gotta train your mind to get over it.

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because mental instability leads to unhealthy lifestyles

isn't it cannon that he became ultra brolic and super zyzz shredded in the future?

Fatties deserve only shame and humiliation.

Morons love eating

canon. a cannon is a gun.

Have salad.

Not surprised Yea Forums is fatphobic despite being fairly liberal about pretty much everything else.

Fat peope really have y’all pressed when we just mind our business 99% of the time. Fuck off

Religion and cultural evolution may have something to do with it. Obesity and general fatness is associated with hedonism, greed, gluttony and all that "sinful" stuff. Excess is the best term for it, excess of eating, excess of alcohol, excess of body mass etc. all that stuff has been seen as sinful and bad for thousands of years to many cultures. So many villains from cartoons, anime, video games etc. are fat and greedy because of religious influence. It's also ironically enough the reason why fat fetishism is very common, from a very primal standpoint as something that is considered forbidden is all the more attractive.

Fatness has also been the image of royalty and great fortune in many cultures. The more well fed a king or a prince is the richer and more powerful they seem because it's a sign that they are loaded and taken care of. Which may be the other half of how fat fetishism got it's start, those who have a fat kink have the subconscious idea of rich, hedonistic royalty and all the comforts that comes with it.

now stop stalling and post fatty wank

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Being a fag/tranny/nigger isn't a choice.
Stuffing an entire generic walmart cake down in a single sitting and washing it down with an entire 2L bottle of """diet""" soda so you eventually become a massive drain on the tax payer money that goes into keep your garbage dump of a body alive is.

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> Being a tranny isn't a choice
Getting hormone treatments and having a plastic surgeon mutilate your dick into an open wound is DEFINITELY a choice my dude.

Yeah. Also Kim's brothers.

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been fat since I was 12. now I'm finally losing weight to spite the fat acceptance fags

>not characterized as a major dumb ass
did you even watch a single episode of this show? H'e supposed to be a typical loud, fat dumb redneck character!

Great job conforming!

being a fatass motorhead, video game loser doesnt make him a redneck

about as Jersey City as you can get really

Because they are stupid.

Because I hate fat people

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but being born in a body with the wrong sex isn't a choice


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Neither is being a "white person" who's born black. You can bleach all you want and no one is fooled, unless you are fooling yourself.

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But there are studies showing that people have gendered brains different from their bodies' sex. You're just engaging in a series of false equivalencies and bad faith arguments.

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>But there are studies showing that people have gendered brains different
There are studies showing cigarettes to be delightfully good for you too. Maybe you ought to question the motives of the people pushing this (((science))).

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i'd smash

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There are tons of obese characters who aren't evil or stupid.

I'd make the argument that bald characters are more likely to have this characterization.

Overweight characters are more often the clown of a group than evil. I think OP is just stupid.


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post based evil fatties

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Preferably the female ones.

For reference purposes.

Class warfare

You've got my number

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u wot m8? Coop is a fucking mechanical GENIUS. He repaired and retrofitted (futurefitted?) a giant alien mech from the future.

because you have to be stupid to get fat.

Delete this shit pol bait

All the fedora incels that are themselves fat, lol

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no, being a fag / tranny / nigga is a choice, you do not have to be a live parody of gays / transsexuals / blacks

>hnnnnngggf REDDDITTTT

>live parody


Used to be obese as fuck during my teenage years. Nearly ruined my life.
FUCK fat people and FUCK that fat acceptance bullshit.

This is a bad future ruled by Shego. They had to get ripped in order to survive.

>I'm cool now, right? RIGHT?

I think Yea Forums is just too mean spirited for you.

t. mad fatty

>my edges are too exxxxxteeeeeeme


Low quality troll thread outside of Yea Forums



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Oh child, if saying Yea Forums is mean-spirited is edgy, you've gotta go.

>calling people fat is now /pol/

No you

>continues to try extremely hard

>if u call me fat you're/pol/

That's because /pol/ is always right. Fat people are awful.


To be fair, being super knowledgeable in one area doesn't mean you can't be dumb everywhere else. I've known dudes who can more or less take a car apart and put it back together for fun but are complete dumbasses otherwise.

Samefag, lel

That's literally everyone. People are just like that.

Because fat people are more evil.

I am one.

>I'm edge.I'm cool.I'm samefag.

I mean, being fat is unhealthy and unattractive, but I don't see how people are think that equates to stupidity or evilness. It's really no different from any other type of person. I've met some rude, stereotypical American fatasses, but I also met a lot of super book-smart and friendly fat people (even though they all kinda smell).

reality isn't edgy, it just is.

Even if that's true, it doesn't follow that that's the case for most people who decide they're trans. It's not like they require a brain scan before people call themselves trans. A lot of people who probably could lead normal lives ruin their bodies trying to be something they're not.

"Transitioning" is a meme to begin with. You can't change your gender with all the drugs in the world.

Interesting midfle name..

*middle name

>jaded try hard

Lose weight.

There's objectively nothing wrong with vilifying obesity.

case in point tho

ironically, becoming obese requires efforts, it's a voluntary suicide. Being normal doesn't require to ty, especially hard.

Just like in real life?

>calls someone a tryhard
>calls someone a samefag
You seem new to this.
Also sorry friendo; you're dealing with two people at the very least. check pic

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>trying THIS hard

Have sex

>nothing wrong

Nobody is afraid of fat people, except maybe if they're at a buffet and are worried about being mistaken for food.

>being normal




You got an artist name or some follow ups to that, buddy?

Getting healthier is objectively cool

>give me excuses to hate

Being unattractive makes the character easier to hate and being overweight let alone obese is an unattractive quality. Villains that are attractive often have a lot of fans even if they've straight up murdered people.

Fat people are greedy, and neither have good self-standards nor the ability to act in moderation.

Because they are

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This thread full of low test incels.

You are

>good self standards

No shit

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Go on

no a cannon is a cannon


Look at how stupid or evil this is

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I need to need my face between those stupid evil thighs


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They're so stupidly evil
dummy evil even

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Those hips are pretty stupid. The intent is clearly malicious.

so evil
and stupid

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She's so evil she might make me buttfuck her. Sodomy is so stupid and evil.

tbqh, it was probably out of necessity.

you are abnormal and killing yourself. Nobody will ever pretend otherwise except to sell you more food, pig.

They constantly fuck up their own bodies through stupid choices.

Sounds pretty stupid.

>a robot that turns into a truck


>sounds pretty stupid