Lets finally settle this, which was better?

Lets finally settle this, which was better?

Attached: beyond vs btas.png (471x219, 176K)

Arguably Beyond in terms of consistency. BTAS has higher highs, and a lot of good episodes, but we often forget there are a few meh episodes in-between. Batman Beyond should get bonus points for pulling off the near impossible; it made people fall in love with a Batman that wasn't Bruce Wayne. Think about the hard sell Beyond is, and how fanboys would react today if you pitched it; "A troubled teen in the far future gets mentored by an elderly Bruce Wayne and gets a high tech suit". Most fans, or at least Batfags on Yea Forums, would call that a shitty premise for not muh reasons. The biggest criticisms you can give Beyond is a underutilized rogues gallery, and a last minute biological connection to Bruce during that JLU epilogue.

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Beyond has the best piece of Batman ever put to the screen

Fite me

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Beyond shouldn't have worked at all considering the entire premise was "Batman in highschool to appeal to the kids" forced onto Timm and co. by WB executives. The fact that it not only did work, but became a cult classic and got its own comic series is kind of crazy.


I'd argue the "original character becomes a backstage mentor to a newer character intended to take their place" plot thread is the easiest and most likely way of making an audience accept the new character. It creates direct parallels between the two of them in terms of skill and experience, you see the new character grow as the original teaches them new tricks and how to tackle problems. You see the new character try methods the old would have never thought of. It pays respect to the original character without just tossing him to the side etc.

Batman beyond, i saw this as a huge BTAS fag that hasn't seen beyond until this past year

How was Beyond so good bros?

It was hard back then as well. I remember being disgusted when I first saw it but like said not only did it work, it became a cult classic and it actually was an amazing show. The "last episode" being a JLAU last minute biological connection was fucking stupid and the only bleak spot in an otherwise almost flawless series.

I think a really big part of it is just how "mature" an dark it was allowed to get, and this is a direct result of it airing on the WB Network. I mean, compare BTAS, which aired on Fox, with TNBA, which aired on WB; the network switch resulted in a lot more openly "adult" content, like showing blood a lot more often and dealing with things like domestic abuse. This wound up working hugely in BB's favor, because a more adult tone works really well with the "cyberpunk dystopian future" angle. If Beyond had aired on Fox like BTAS did I don't think it would have been as effective.

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You say that and yet there are good number of people who have a hard time with legacy characters. Just a thought

Because legacy characters tend to be either "I could do this but now I'm letting you do it instead" or "He's dead now, take his costume"

It's rare that it's an actual mentor-protege relationship. Plus legacy characters tend to try and be the same, where whats good is the mentor trying to teach the student to be like them only for the student to take some of their lessons to heart while still making the role their own.

Kino was possible

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Beyond didnt fuck around

How can you fairly rate the two? BB wouldn't be anything like it turned out if BTAS did not exist for BB to build off of which is why I view the two as the same show, just with a different name like JL/U.

BTAS is a meme show

ROTJ is still my favorite Batman movie bar none.

Kino taste

It's just nice to see the Joker really lose it. He goes in expecting either Batman 2.0 or a kid wearing the Batman suit and gets the only thing he didn't expect. A Batman that's just not what he thinks Batman is.

It also being Mark Hamill just makes it perfect

That movie was perfection. I wish they'd re-release it to theaters. Shit was cash~~

The characters aren't just bird-bath deep, except for Dana. Terry is more than just a "young Bruce", for example. Even though they have a similar build leading up to putting on the mantle, it's specifically because Terry has seen Bruce's failures that he's able to become more than JUST Batman; he has a well-rounded future, complete with love and family. He was the happy ending Bruce threw away.

The concept also works, given how far along the path it is. Within its continuity, Dick chose to become Nightwing, Barbara chose to become a detective, and Tim chose to become an engineer. Within the show you can see how messed up it was that Bruce brought along kids to combat, and that's what makes Terry being a teenager work; he's a healthy mix of Dick's angst, and the Tim / Jason delinquent.

The setting is also important. Note that it's not just hover cars flying around; there's still vehicles with tires on them. It's able to completely sell that Gotham went from trapped in the 1920s aesthetic to neo-noir cyberpunk, full of gargantuan conglomerate buildings from overseas companies, rampant gang violence, and a hostile police force.

Most importantly, though, is that the pilot was more than enough to drag a die-hard fan in. Having Bruce need to use a gun in self-defense after having a heart attack, and seeing him crushed after realizing what he's done, lets you know the show is going to be more than just an after-school special. It's something made with love for the characters.

TAS by far. Terry does bot have much in terms of personality nor can I remember the name of a single fucking villain in the show. Also the ears are too long and giving the mask a mouth was a horrible idea.

The one without teenage soap opera plots.

I watch it as a single series.

>ranking everything


Man, I made this 5 years ago. lol

BTAS by far. Beyond suffers from shitty villain syndrome.

The end 2 get me every fucking time


It's not even a question. BTAS and Batman and Robin. Hell even whatever they called the art redesign virgin was better than shway-ville. Beyond was worse than Superman Animated Series.

They're all pretty decent though.

Beyond would have never existed without BTAS. It also singlehandedly rebooted Mr Freeze, added Harley to DC continuity, and pretty much drove DC to a successful and prolific path that continues decades later.

Beyond is a juicy fruit from that tree.

BTAS and it isn't even close, though I really did like Beyond as well.

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Why "was"? He's still acting.

are we including the JLU episode where terry is Bruce's son? because that was kinda lame.

I'm of the opinion it should be Michael Keaton. The guy didn't exactly look the part of Bruce Wayne or Batman too well, but goddamn can he act.

Old Man Bruce is perfect for him.

Wait few more years and we can have Old Man Keaton as Bruce.

Huh, a well-argued post on Yea Forums, whodathunkit.

>rendered permanently deaf
That's not said in the show.
And if you think Talia is dead you're pretty dumb.

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Couldn't we just have Kevin Conroy play him? He is pretty old, and he can act.

JLU >>>

Oh damn I forgot about that. That was something I was periodically think about as a kid. That dude just spiraling forever in the earths core. Now I'm going to periodically think about again. I really appreciate how fucked up that it.