I found some old issues of this at a local comic store and got a nostalgia boner

I found some old issues of this at a local comic store and got a nostalgia boner.

Also apparently the writer of this comic was the voice of GIR on invader zim

Attached: RC1.jpg (1024x1586, 788K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Also apparently the writer of this comic was the voice of GIR on invader zim
Fucking what?

Yeah, I got a few of these gathering dust somewhere.

Attached: scanny2.jpg (1200x1851, 913K)

Looks like a How-To-Draw-Manga book, kind of gross.

So Yea Forums, if you logged into virtual reality with your pet cat and she turned into a sexy catgirl with human level intelligence, would you fuck her?

Hey, the artwork is amazing.

Attached: scanny4.jpg (1200x1849, 923K)

I was one of 4 assholes that actually bought the tokyo pop release. To this day people still laugh about it I bet. I know I do.

Tokyopop release was worse because the cat wasn't naked

Wait, the catgirl gets naked?

God no, I didn't raise no slut cat.

My cat is dead.

That I can't immediately answer that question means I probably would at some point.

All cats live on in all the torn couches and shoes they leave behind

No, all she would do is scream at me that she wants more food, then flop on the floor and sleep

It's no Akiko.

Attached: 0DlHsRKpVAAAHFW8.jpg (767x1200, 230K)

where can i read this?

>If Freakazoid was super 90s, was a comic drawn by a weeb, and also his cat was sexy
I like it.

it'd be fucked up not to

would you not?

Of course

so where's the 34 or story time?


oh fucking god.........

i thought i fucking forgot, but this thread made me fucking remember when i had this shit.

that good huh?

Lol what

>these early photoshop effects.
Holy fuck how horrifying.

Based OP

I don't know what you're talking about.

Attached: scanny15.jpg (1200x1838, 954K)

The whole comic has been posted online by the artist.


I guess it does fit the internet at that time.

This looks cute.

>A New Super Bright Full Color Comedy For All Ages!
>For All Ages!
Gotta indoctrinate them young, i guess.

> the internet will turn your pet cat into a porn actress in a sling bikini

I mean, if the artists are willing enough, but still a little bit weird.

Jesus christ he actually DOES want to fuck his cat

Attached: 1445065868888.jpg (864x1296, 429K)

You wouldn't fuck his catgirl?

I'm genuinely interested in this but the navigation between pages is awful on this site. Anyone have a zip?

OH MY GOD I REMEMBER THIS! I have some issues buried in a box in a storage locker somewhere. I thought it was the absolute shizz when it came out.

Oh, you mean they literally just put clothes over the existing images.

Attached: RC2011_gn1_comic2014_RGB_Page_053.jpg (864x1336, 601K)


What the fuck kind of cat sound is "nee" supposed to be

>Zero results

You know what has to be done

Attached: rc3.jpg (600x941, 117K)

This just brings more attention to the fact that she was naked originally, which just makes it kinkier.

that's just callie briggs from swatkats with felicia from darkstalkers personamity

I see the collection booru slowly updating so maybe the cat people saw her.

I can only assume it's a horrid bastardization of the japanese "neh" particle.

2014 art by the original artist to commemorate the Kickstarter to get the book republished

Attached: catreece.jpg (543x864, 501K)

he knew exactly what he was doing

artist is a girl actually

Attached: catreece2.jpg (514x864, 517K)

I made a request in the drawthread at since I don't want to skirt /aco/'s no furry rule, no takers yet

Cute and sexy I wonder if I can convince a friend to draw her

Reminder that within the narrative this is explicitly just a regular housecat wearing a VR helmet and yet and yet the authors still want us to want to fuck her.

fuck her in vr chat or fuck her in person? because either way she clearly wants it, but one of these ways would kill her.

>that's just callie briggs from swatkats with felicia from darkstalkers personality
Yes and?

She's more furry than Callie Briggs

And has Felicia's fur bikini

A cat is fine too

eh it's vr so it's not like it has real consequences so yes absolutely.
>tfw she laughs at your pathetic lack of barbs

Just bite her neck. She'll be to zoned out to notice.

I remember getting into an argument on an anime forum with the crrator of that comi over if works like that should be called manga. This was during the Amerimanga and EOL manga craze. I argued that they are just comics... as are manga. It is all the smse thing and there is jo reason to use a Japanese name for a US product to make it seem like it is from Japan.

Those were well done compared to many early 00s comics. And at least they didn't use... blech..

Looks much better than modern shitty cartoons

Holy fuck, I member this.
I still have the TPB somewhere.

It's kinda weird in retrospect

>you mean they literally just put clothes over the existing images
I mean putting clothes on top of naked bodies is how it usually works.