Why are they suddenly chibi
Dumbing of Age
It's well documented that David Willis is into shortstack women.
Really fucking weird wasn't Jason thing transformers and Amber was playing her DS? I remember Shortpack Amber was into ninja turtles.
This ain't shortstack. it's just midgets
Where's the joke?
Incidentally, Willis's mother is dead/dying, and he has visited her on her hospital bed. He has a long buffer, but I wonder how much it will affect his comic.
>He has a long buffer, but I wonder how much it will affect his comic.
Depends if he wants to shift around his buffer to put a comic relating to his mother earlier
He doens't do that.
Depends on how willing he is to forgive her. Odds are that his decision will be represented by way of Joyce's mother, seeing that she's on the forefront of the current "Toedad 2" arc.
So fucking dumb. Reminds me of South Park "Free Hats" Where the joke is there is no reason to free someone guilty
The dino plush is just really big. Behind it you can see one of the dorm bunk beds and that establishes scale. Or it would, if all the colors in this strip weren't incredibly samey.
>Depends on how willing he is to forgive her.
He drive to a different state while the rest of his family was sick with pink eye, to see her one her hospital bed before dying, I think he is past all his resentment.
Willis is into chubby nerd women with glasses.
Not necessarily. He could just as easily have done it out of a feeling of necessity. "Well, mom's dying. Better go see her before she croaks. Oh, great, everybody else is sick so I'm gonna be alone on this trip. Ugh."
Don't forget that he mocked his mother's book, which is available on Amazon.
>He could just as easily have done it out of a feeling of necessity.
Before that he went to a family reunion. He made his twins know her. He is way past his hate for her.
>Don't forget that he mocked his mother's book
Name one kid who will not make fun of their parent's book.
>He could just as easily have done it out of a feeling of necessity.
That sense of "necessity" only exists if you sstill consider the person part of your family. You are not making a point, there.
i don't buy it either~
So was Robin
When asked about the first girl Robin had a crush on, showed a flashback to Amber asking Robin if she wanted to apply to the store.
And she got with Leslie out of spite finding out Amber wasn't a virgin, or something.
>buying it
there is nothing to buy That comment doesn't make sense. You do realise that Willis has nothing to gain pretending he doesn't hate his mother anymore, right ?
What sick game do you think he is trying to play ?
the game of "yeah i guess i have to go see her even though i don't like her" like he's a little kid who has to go to a thanksgiving dinner over at the house of the extended family he doesn't care for but has to see for the sake of appearance
>the game of "yeah i guess i have to go see her even though i don't like her"
Again, there is no one he need to fool. there is no game. You aren't making sense, there. He doesn't need to keep appearance for anyone.