Has anyone pointed out that he could have used the alternate gems to reconstitute the main universe gems?

Has anyone pointed out that he could have used the alternate gems to reconstitute the main universe gems?

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...Why would he do that?

All the adults were too busy getting ready for their big yaaaas slay moment and didn't have time to catch him up.

You can't produce more power stones with power stones.
It's like wishing a genie for more wishes

...why? The snap alone killed his arm, so why would he snap to have another batch of stones?

Two sets of infinity stones within that close proximity would probably cause the end of the world or something

We aren't even getting to the fact that keeping a bunch of stones that can alter reality on a literally universal scale might be a bad idea. Thanos was the fucking villain of the story and an insane idiot and even he realized it'd be a bad idea to keep the stones around after using them to accomplish his goal since it'd inevitably lead to temptation to use them again.

It's typically easier to destroy something than create it, destroying the stones nearly killed Thanos, making the stones could have killed Hulk.
Also nobody can do what Thanos did with the stones if the stones don't exist anymore.

I doubt the stones are actually destroyed. They’ve come back before

well thanos did say that there were merely atoms after he "destroyed them" so i think it would be possible to just bring all those back into one piece. In fact that would be a convenient way to do it by saying tony destroyed all of thanos army and a few other things we did not know till its needed for the plot

>the stones together allows access to the power infinite
>can't wish for more wishes
>can't turn self into a lifeform that can handle infinite snaps
MCU Infinity Gauntlet sucks.

no, because it would be stupid.

And give Thanos twice as many opportunities to get the 6 of them?

Sure, since he’s too dead to tell anybody if he did anything extra, they can always just say ‘also he reconstituted the infinity gems so the universe wouldn’t implode, made mutants exist and recast several actors by accident whoops’

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you do know that would probably kill the hulk to do that, and they still have to unsnap everyone.

And why would they do that?

Why didn't they just go back in time to the point where Natasha jumped, stole her from that timeline and throw that timeline's Clint the soul stone in exchange? Then that timeline's hawkeye can just do the same thing to maintain a loop. You can't give the soul stone back so might as well just trap it in a loop of giving it to other timelines who don't want to sacrifice for it.

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Because the Ancient One outright told him the universe is fucked without the Infinity Stones.

but the infinity stones of their native universe arent gone.

they're a constant and cannot be destroyed, they've just been ground into the atomic level.

they will reform eventually

too high IQ for the American audience
also you're technically killing two people even if both timelines don't notice

isn't the 2012 timeline fucked anyway since Loki took the stone somewhere else than where it was supposed to be? Or is it okay since it's still somewhere in the same timeline?

The stones don't have places they're supposed to be, just realities they're supposed to be in. As long as he doesn't go timeline hopping too it's fine

Why didn't Tony use the stones to become strong to use the stones without dying?

>Travel to the past to Dr. Strange with the timestone.
>Go to the future where they win.
>Yoink the gauntlet off dead tony.
>Travel back, snap everyone back.
>Return Strange.
>Return gauntlet.
>no heist needed, no nuthanos, everyones alive.

>Tony dies to kill Thanos
>hulk takes the gauntlet
>(alternatively, strange takes back the time stone)
>uses the time stone to rewind Tony to before he died (like Thanos rewinded Vision and the Mind Stone)
>everybody wins

>uses the time stone to rewind Tony to before he died (like Thanos rewinded Vision and the Mind Stone)
I'm pretty sure you cannot rewind actual people. Vision and Mind Stone are objects

>Vision is an object

>banner: with these gems i'm going to...
>banner: slurp on peggy's titties!
>banner: SLURP

Thanos was already dead at this point and and 2014 wasn't yet a factor.

Strange trapped himself in a time loop to annoy Dormammu to death. The bigger issue is by rewinding Tony's personal timeline to before he snaps would undo the 1 in 14 million chance they had at beating Thanos for good. That and its stated multiple times you can't just whip out the Time Stone whenever you want because fucking with time like that can have devastating consequences