Can she defeat her brother in a fight?

Can she defeat her brother in a fight?

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That depends. Is it no holes barred?

Yup, because Victoria wank is just as big as Doom wank. Only a lot more undeserved.

She can't beat reality warpers with half his strength, but him specifically, she can. She figured out what to do with him at 3, and with a combination of subliminal messages, hypnosim, and incestual molestation, she can trigger him into states of both terrified paralysis and lust filled obedience.

fuck Yea Forums for tricking me into reading this dogshit

She's female. Any female can be any male at any point in time.

I'm here just waiting for Tommy

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This shit character cam beat Celestials and Beyonders with MUH PREP TIME since she was THREE.

The fact that Marvelfags are always assblasted at Batman doing anything remotely impressive, but they praise a fucking toddler defeating omnipotent beings due to prep time... I will never understand this. It's beyond me.

Just imagine the shitshow if DC had a Valeria Richards...

I'm just sad she's not the loli queen of doom world, not to be confused with doom land in California

Aren’t her powers to cancel out her brothers or some other gay shit like that?

As far as the current run is concerned, she's just smart.

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How the fuck did both of Reed children end up blonde? Did Sue cuck him with Ben ?

In Marvel, characters whose powers is "intelligence" are basically the most powerful entities in the universe. So, yes. She probably would be able to do it with zero to no effort and then walk away with a yawn or some cliche shit.

What's her power?
Being super smart but not as smart as the black girl?


That was Franklin that came back in time and teamed up with Galactus to spank the mad celestials from another universe.
Val watched.

Probably. She’s smarter than her father, who can build shit to keep her brother in check.

d-did you mean to say "no holds barred", user?

Not sure if you're baiting or not but just in case... the question is about skills and power, not genitals vs. genitals. Even if the gender were reversed, people would still claim that male Valeria cannot defeat female Franklin


Depends on if Franklin is serious or not. Depends on if she's willed to go against her hero or not.

Was Reed's mother blond? If she was, it's not that weird.

Have you ever wondered if maybe these people are actually two different groups and group one doesn't know about the existence of Valeria Richards?

Every Marvelfag is also a Hickmanfag, and every Hickmanfag is also a Valeriafag.

Every Marvelfag is also a Batman-hater, and so every Batman-hater is also a Valeriafag.

Superior recessive genes. They skip the unworthy


Int >>>>>>> Str

>Any female can be any male
That's a fuckin' lie

In related news. Ravens are black, a raven is a bird, therefore, all birds are black.

>Aren’t her powers to cancel out her brothers
No, that's Leech. And I think Franklin eventually learned to overcome that, because both of them used to sneak out and play in Franklin's made up universes.

I wanna see that meeting of smug super intelligent little girls.

Keep in mind Lunella was only in the top 5 while the Richards were out of Earth, so by now she must've dropped a few rungs. Still I'm sure a crossover is inevitable, with Riri being completely out of place in that group since she's smart but not villainous smart (like Valeria), unless her autism gets her a seat on the table. Nadia Pym definitely would be there, though.

How exactly does a person with the ability to stretch and a person with the ability to turn invisible/make force fields give birth to someone with some of the strongest reality warping powers in the multiverse?

Cosmic radiation is even more fucked up than Gamma.

They popped out a mutant.

>gives DOOM based motivations to be morally grey
>shits on retarded Franklin
>bodies Celestial shitters repeatedly
Based Val doing the work of TOAA

Frankly at a certain power level science shouldn’t be able to do shit to what is essentially magic

thats what happens when you juice a mutant with cosmic rays.

Did Namor cuck Reed?

Well the kid hasn't grown any gills, so its safe to assume no for now.

>specifying Marvel as if they are the ones infamous for it

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you would think one kid having amazing godlike powers while the other has no powers at all might make some nasty sibling rivalry

You would think both of her parents being mutated by radiation to have superpowers would have a superpowered kid too. Not sure just how she was born a flatscan

Sup Tommy.

Sue was having complications with her pregnancy and Reed used Annihilus' cosmic control rod on her. It gave Franklin cosmic level powers.

Cosmic radiation seems to be the best way to get reliable superpowers. It's still a total crapshoot like gamma radiation and terregen, but most people seem to get really good superpowers.

I mean, regardless if that's true of course Batman would say that, and probably think it too. How the fuck could he live with himself otherwise?

Depends. Has Franklin taken away her Uncle cummies? Still calling it now, she fucks some descendant of Doom, adopted or otherwise, and that is how Kang is related to Doom and has the Richards sur name.

Of which what is Kristoff up to these days? He still mad at his dad or something?

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>based Hank disproving bullshit feminist theories

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She probably feels secure knowing she'll always be smarter than him and that she gets to play in daddy's lab.


No, but with NuMarvel she could beat him without a doubt because


Regular human vs a God.
Hmm. Such a hard question.

Well Jacob wrestled with God and won kind of. Cost him a hip joint, but he got what he wanted.
And if something can happen in real life it can also happen in comic easily.

So pretty much everyone in this thread didn't read Hickman's FF/F4 right? Because her brother is clearly more powerful than her and just as smart in the long term.

Same way a person with the ability to control metal and a flatscan produces a speedster and a probability manipulator.

>real life

Cosmic radiation and the fact Franklin was conceived in the negative zone.
The birth was problematic.

Of course I read it, which makes me think you misread it because at no point it's stated that Franklin is as smart as her. More powerful sure, that's never been in question.
I'm sure you mean his older self, and still she was the smartest between them.

Sure, she's smarter than him. But just as smart implies that she isn't magnitudes smarter so much that she could manipulate him so hard that she would be able to use his reality warping powers against him

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