Anyone going to watch the Momocon stream tonight?
Anyone going to watch the Momocon stream tonight?
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Reminder that he made his GF get an abortion.
For real?
>trusting someone on the internet
I wonder what his target baby is up to now.
How many times are you guys going to believe everything Pan says about himself
And Neeska she didn’t want a baby right know, it’s the best for them
>taking anything from the streams seriously
Learn to read jokes
He's not, Pan and his gf accidently revealed they didn't understand how birth control works while on stream a few weeks back, they talked about they were going to go to a planned parenthood clinic that weekend.
They revealed in a stream she was pregnant.
No, I got to work.
>Says you should never judge a cartoon until you see it
>Judges his unborn child unfit for life before he even see it
reminder that he still has 1 strike before the end.
wonder who will deal the killing blow...
God no; Its become the faggotronic podcast now, and Pan is such a fucking non-factor on his own show.
the Nolan cast
featuring Pan!
e-celeb threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.
His gf was too freaked out to be playing it off as a joke
>It's ok when it's my E-celebs
momocon is an ugly hoebag.
>Lindsay thread
Stays up
>Nostalgia Critic Thread
Stays up
>Mr Enter Thread
Stays up
>Pan thread
Holy shit stop the presses
I'm almost certain Pan browses Yea Forums and gets his buddies to report threads about him because of his eggshell ego.
jesus fuck
are this people legally retarded?
Nolan is such a egotistical prick; when it started out, it wasn't that bad, because everyone was just shit posting, but as it went on, and people like Ken got dropped off, and Stef got picked up, he never stopped being a asshole.
That implies he's lost his virginity, which is physically impossible for me to believe.
He's virgin free since Sheepy girl, that's where he learn to be an alright lover like Neska said he is
Is that the one he had a kid with and dropped it off at target.
Ken>Jim>Pan>most of the guests>Izzy=Neros>Mozart>Robo>Nolan
Refute this.
No, I'm not even sure they even dated at all. That girl was most likely a friend.
I'm talking about this degenerate, we don't know the circumstances of their break up jus that it was amicable. Some rumours say he was to pervy with her and she realized he only liked her because she's hot.
Ken>Jim> Pan>cool guests >Izzy> ok guesds> Nolan> boring guest's >power Gap > Neros
You know, this chain of "Pan's a terrible father" stories wouldn't be so bad if Nesska and Nolan weren't so hell-bent on keeping them going.
Good taste
Izzy is way to high
It alright their friends
hey what's up guys, it's me pan pizza
What's you power scale then?
>having a girlfriend
lmfao holy shit
>Use google
>become anti-vaxxer
I mean let's be real if you're a virgin and never had a gf you're objectively more of a loser than him. Pan is also a somewhat successful adult, so cry more bitch
real talk rockcock64 stopped being funny when he stopped doing scripted content
pretty good pan impression though 7/10
Is he going to shill dyke she ra more?
what time is the momocon stream?
Tell me about it, threads about faggots like mick, stamper and oney stay up for 300+ posts
rebel taxi more like faggot
>because of his eggshell ego
But he also has a humiliation fetish, so it's likely he's someone like