
Kek, are they gonna do it again?

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Hickman being Hickman, the secret will be that Doctor Doom created the mutants in one of his omnipotent episodes.

Marvelfags being Marvelfags, they will praise it as the apex of writing.

someone should copypaste the Jean Grey / Iceman into this page

They're going to #metoo ol' chucklehead and say that he had inappropriate psychic relations with Jean when she was a teen.

Or Kitty Pryde. Either way Marvel seems to love shitting on Xavier and this may be the lowest they can bring him.

Epic stuff guys

Moira created mutants. We Ultimate X-men now.

Big reveal there are almost no actual naturally occuring mutants the rest are the result of Apocalypse engaging in gene fuckery with celestial tech centuries ago. Only ones who are the real deal are Omegas, Summers Family, and Mystique's Family.

You are really dedicated. I respect that in a way

Yeah it's gonna be a combination of these.

is the chick there Kitty Pryde?

Calling it, Mutants were the originals while humans were the deviants

Moira McTaggart who seems to factor in big time
Also remember Hickman claims Sinister is his favorite "mutant," some hijinks afoot.

Turns out Charles was never paralyzed, just very lazy.

"The 'ol Grandpa Joe" they call it

so who's gay now

>most important
Hickman's crazy. It's going to be stupid bullshit that nobody would care about since it came at the time events are getting spammed.

The readers

jk rowling did that first

that's supposed to be marvel's huge x-renassaince? weak

>the most important thing to ever happen in the history of everything

This kind of marketing is why I will never take this hack seriously.

>Moira McTaggart who seems to factor in big time
wasn't she dead?

I just wanna see her again bros

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Mutants aren't actually humans evolved but something else

Boy they're getting desperate

people still read Marvel?

this kind of hyperbole is a cape comic tradition, just roll with it

What else are people gonna read ? DC ?

This would fundamentally undermine the X-men as a civil rights allegory. And Marvel is absolutely stupid enough to not-realize that.

it's time to move forward

>fundamentally undermine the X-men as a civil rights allegory.
And that's a problem why?

what is this guys nickname again? i always confuse him with tommy

That's awful. Why are people obsessed with giving mutants an origin? Just have them exist

Which was the point of X-Men in the first place.

she still a vampire?


>Charles ur gay

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Marvel hates fun so no.

So was Charles Xavier, your point?

Legion created most the mutants and inserted most history in.

Moria came back ysars ago.

Nope. At the end of Gen X, she was killed by being thrown out into the sun without her protective amulet or some bullshit, and Quentin Quire used his shard of Phoenix Force to bring her back with her original powers.

Mutants are gods.

Mutants are natural, humans arent.

Xmen is all larping govt agents.

Reboot history.

Xmen are aliens.

Magento was right.


yes, she still is

>Quentin Quire

The day he gets shitcanned I'll throw a fucking party

We have civil rights for everyone, the time for allegory is over, it's no longer needed.

Theyre sinster clones or creations.

Everyone is a mutant.

All superpowered people like spiderman triggered mutant powers.

They're all enternals.

Mutants birth via pokemon eggs.

Xmen are asgardians.

Asgardians are mutants from the future

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>Moria came back ysars ago.
Is Moria a descendent of lost, Russian royalty?

Thats prob illyana.

Mutants are all Demigods, Storm is Thor's descendent when he fucked some prime African poon.

God I hope not.

>the most important scene in the history of the X-Men
So, they'll be reprinting a few pages of the first X-Men comic?

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Why not

This becomes reality.


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>no bangs
>not blonde
>shitty costume
>whatever shit that happened involving colossus' powers is sure to be garbage

I just call him Doomfag. Seems like the most fitting name.

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Mutants and humans cannot co exist. Remember the old promo?

A Doomfag is a Doom FAN, you casual.

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Honestly at this point I'd write a story about Jean mental-sexually abusing people. She's a horny teenager/young woman with a god complex enabled by the people around her, and has a long history of treating other humans like puppets to fulfill her whims.

This image is an exploitable waiting to happen.

He's a fag who won't shut up about Doom.
It fits. Besides, I'm sure the name would trigger him.

Was this actually legit?

No she didn't, she was killed by Mystique in 2000 and hasn't been brought back since. Morrison actually wanted to use her but wasn't allowed to bring her back to life because Quesada was in an autistic "no resurrections" phase.

Offworld xmen.

Mutants are a virus.

Some mutants can combine or steal powers.

thank god, if her dialogue was already nearly unreadable when written by a yank and americans, imagine if someone with deep knowledge about scot glossolalia could to.

This page was so important, they left half of it blank?
Or is it so important, they'll add WORDSWORDSWORDS to it?

She came back in chaos wars and walked off panel.

Who the fuck cares?
MU mankind was fucked so many times in the past, that’s it’s miracle they still look like humans now.

No, because now he knows you're not using the Yea Forums vocabulary properly.


Also no alt world or future timelines.

The rouge freiza thing prob rouge.

I see illyana with Armor and Pete powers.

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mutants have caused humans to evolve and become mutants themselves, while mutants have evolved into humans with powers but not mutants

They've already undermined the allegory by reverting Mutant/human relations to 1950s Mississippi for cheap drama every chance they get.

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The flower is the combine mutants

and that was an invention of the grimdark 2000s

>implying I care
Whatever, he's Doomfag now.

Another kid for Chuck to neglect! maybe its a girl?

Everybody that came back in Chaos War went back to being dead except for Alpha Flight.

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The brotherhood.

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Shocking Revelation!
Xavier's psychic powers aren't actually his own! They were Moira's all along!
The 'most powerful mind in the Marvel' universe is actually a woman who had her place in the world stolen by a man!

terrible drawing of Magik

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Every mutant is actually the same character just at different moments traveling forwards or backwards in time.

>autistic "no resurrections" phase.
That's not autistic, that's an understandable and legitimate attempt to fix one of the underlying problems of superhero comic universes.
One that Morrison agreed was a problem

I'll be happy as long as Hickman gives us another Mutant Sovereign Nation.

No time travel says Hickman

Meant for

Viruses undergo evolution and natural selection, just like cell-based life, and most of them evolve rapidly. When two viruses infect a cell at the same time, they may swap genetic material to make new, "mixed" viruses with unique properties.

Thats just Tom Brevoort pulling rank, being an asshole and going over the heads of the editors who oversaw Chaos War.

Really surprised to learn how different the Morrison lineup almost was. Moira instead of Beast and Colossus instead of Emma, thus her new diamond form.
The More You Know

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You guys knew he raped Dani right?

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Save the human race

Kill all the mutants

Like it or not, it's a fundamental part of who the X-Men and mutants are as a whole

>One that Morrison agreed was a problem
Except that Morrison WANTED to bring back Colossus and Moira, but was told no. Not to mention that he killed Magneto and later brought him back with Quesada's permission, and said that he left a backdoor for other writers to bring him back (which went unused since we got the Xorneto retcon instead).

These comics are inherently liberal and inherently progressive. I really dont get why someone like you has an interest in them to begin with. 90% of their decent stories throughout have villains that are based on IRL white supremest or conservative organizations. Like why do you care in the first place?

This cover also shows Blob, Pyro and Destiny, so they might be with the Brotherhood too.

It's the basic premise of the franchise and what makes it unique from other superhero groups. It's the foundation on which everything that is interesting about them is built.

That's not a problem with the premise, that's a problem with Marvel hiring absolute shit-tier writers for 15 years.

Not waiting.

Fuck I hate Kitty Pryde.

that was just his subconscious

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Nimrod in the background...

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Christ that's dumb.

I guess that explains the mix of classic and modern costumes. And I do kind of prefer that classic Marvel Girl outfit to Jean's X-Men red costume.


Human clothes are cringe.

It's actually really cool.

I feel bad, basically because you might be right.

They are going to reveal he has a child, also what exactly is Charles backstory?

why rewrite history so many times? don't they realize it hit diminishing returns long ago? this all just sounds like pathetic hype grabbing that won't work.

>Completely logical

>I'll take "persistant complaints about large comic companies" for $500

He has a kid. Legion

It ain't her, bub.

No more mutants?

I'm pretty sure in Morrison's pitch(that was printed in one of the early tradepaperbacks of hs run) he did single out the endless resurrections as one of the problems with the X-books.

I don't know if he knew Colossus was dead at the time or not.
As for Magneto, that was more of a fake-out, he never intended Magneto to be killed in Genosha, it was always part of his plot to have him be Xorn in disguise

I think this is more Xavier is reading her mind, not that she's turning him gay

>The day he gets shitcanned I'll throw a fucking party
Where the fuck is Ghost Rider when you need him?

So I guess he survives Kraven?

Or you know, They kill him then just revive him for the event. Rosenberg clearly hates that they are so many mutants, according to his work on the Christmas special, but he could have easily been killing mutants since he knows they'll just come back for the event.

Only minor Spider-Man villains like Iguana and Gibbon die in that event. No way they're going to kill a relatively major character on loan from another franchise.

Trask was a mutant this whole time

I hope Hickman don't ignore Juggernaut, he's a member again... he could be the "Dragon Man" of his run, imagine that!

Getting locked in a bubble with a bunch of yuppie hunters piloting human sized murder bots is junior leagues for Toad. Plus he's a former associate of Arcade and probably knows how to get into the safe rooms.

I'm more surprised Taskmaster and Ant were able to grab him.

Xavier has been shat upon since Claremont.



>it's a fundamental part of who the X-Men and mutants are as a whole
no it's not. It's a recent misunderstanding that has helped sink the whole concept

It's been so long since the X-men 's inception that public schools no longer teach genetics with botany. So we have a plant to represent the old paradigm of readers from 30 years ago and No one understands why there are plants.
Literally the reader base of today are too stupid to have an image for genetics, physical proof that cross pollination is a thing or that mutation has a reality.

God, Hickman is such a hack

Keep going Tommy, i'm sure there is someone on this board who still doesn't know how retarded you are.

Who is this Tommy and why do I see him brought up here every so often?

It will reveal that Jean is the gay one who suppressed and projected it all this time and the Phoenix is her resurrected lover throughout history.
And Cyclops dies again.

Charl' ack tis yo baybay

He's a guy who had gay sex with Ladderbro every now and then.

They use Yea Forums to decide who's the top based on if Marvel or DC is more popular.

You know, when they hype something up that big, it's going to disappoint. They should have undersold it to make the twist seem bigger, cause I feel like we're all guessing it pretty quickly.

Hell, what if the X-Men escaped the Matrix that is the Marvel Universe?

>Phoenix / Hawkman

Is that sum hypercrisis?

That would be amazing.

There's an old 80s song that asks that question "WHO IS
But it's hard to find because so much famous music stuff has related to The Who's Tommy.

why Ghost Rider?

Only if she stays properly flat chested

It's so important that they couldn't actually bother to draw more than 3 panels.
>fuck it, I'm not being paid enough for this shit

>Like why do you care in the first place?
Because muh sexy women in tights and cool powers. That's all there is to it for them.

She quit.

They’re martians.

No, sadly, which is a shame since Vampire Mom Jubilee was unironically the first time the X-men weren't shit since the fucking 80's.

>Vampire Mom Jubilee was unironically the first time the X-men weren't shit
>Mom Jubilee
>not shit

Gentlemen, gentlemen., theres no need to escalate things, he could be called Doom Fag. He could still be a fag that talks about Doom but it still adheres to Yea Forums's as he is not a Doomfag.

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The stare?

It's like some gave a one sentence description of her to the artist

Moria fell to the goblins and the balrog long ago, user.

The Dwarves took it back after the Balrog's death and Sauron's fall

So basically the first movie brotherhood plus Emma.

Not bad actually.

Great job!

What are you smoking that makes you imply otherwise? X-men have been shit since the fucking 90's, maybe longer depending on personal taste. They never recovered.

The big reveal will be that mutant were always a disease that should be wiped out