Base on mature content

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It's ~~Show~~ Clean-Up Time!

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Not once but twice

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They should have given Terror Firmer a cartoon, too.

Could you get away with this if you only showed it from the back?

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I'm upset that 10 year old me never got a Jurassic Park cartoon.

Lydia was the first girl to give me tfw no goth gf

what was the other one called?

the one where he had to babysit audience self inserts?

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I had a crush on the chick from attack of the killer tomatoes

wasn't she a tomato?

Conan and the Young Warriors.

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literally every 80-90's cartoon based on movies

Technically still mature content.

Is not for kids? Then what’s the point of making a cartoon of it?


and your point

I want to participate in this thread but I don't think there's much left. Beetlejuice was a neat cartoon waifufagging aside.

I used to watch this everyday before going to school

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Nice try but that didn't happen.
I'm pretty sure that wasn't kid friendly.

If you could pick one R-rated movie to turn into a cartoon for children, what movie would you pick and what would you change to make it kid-friendly?

For me its The Road Warrior, and it would be an adventure series starring Max, Dogmeat, his wacky pal the gyro captain, and a feral kid as they battle G-rated versions of wasteland scavengers and mutants.

i'm actualy more suprised they never tried a terminator cartoon serie.

also the never made Aliens cartoon serie

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Not showing the actors' aging.

I wonder how many unfortunate parents thought "My kid loves this show, I bet he'll love the game!"

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Did any kids actually like that show?

I'm sure there had to have been one. Kids are dumb.

Nightmare on elm Street: Dream Warriors or "teen" comedy class of nuke'em high


Dream Warriors would be cool if they didn't kill all of them by the end of Part 4.

>Did any kids actually like that show?

Every kid loves KOMBAT TIME!!!

I feel dumb for not realising sooner where Robocop came from.

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Also wanted to post The Mask, but the cartoon is more based on the movie than the comic so not sure if it fits.

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IT, which would be like the 90s miniseries but even more toned-down.

This is where Problem Sovlerz got its color scheme

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A Nightmare on Elm Street wouldn't be too difficult to make into a cartoon. Instead of killing people, just have Freddy take their spirits and keep them in the Dream World (where they can be rescued by the heroes) while their bodies go into a permanent sleep until they get them back.

Every Bible story adaptation senpai. Noah's Arc? It has no homosexual positivity!

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That is a good pitch user. I would have you write a story bible on it to greenlight a pilot.

Does this count?

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I was literally 6 years old when I first saw Tales from the Crypt. To this day I'm not sure why my parents let me watch that. But I remember being thoroughly disappointed in lack of Cryptkeeper shenanigans and theme song.


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That's literally Alundra.

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>The cartoon generated a mild controversy at the production studio, with writers wondering how they could present a child-friendly main character who was created as a troubled Vietnam War veteran suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The show's child psychology advisors believed that the target audience, young children and preteens, would not grasp that aspect of David Morrell's character. They recommended that the cartoon not make any references to Vietnam, POWs, or Rambo's experiences in 1982's First Blood and 1985's Rambo: First Blood Part II.


the first season was surprisingly good for a kid show, also bringing back the Vault keeper and the Old witch from the comics was a nice detail too.

these and the mask were pretty good
Jim Carrey's movies had a good run in cartoons overall

Kinda surprising, now that I think about it. They could have done more with the island from The Lost World or something like that.

half the fucking cast is gone and theyre outta ideas

And yet Rambo's two sidekicks are basically expys of the friends he was confirmed to have lost in the movies.

Turbo is based on Delmar (Rambo's black friend who dies prior to the opening scene of First Blood) and Katt, well... she's blatantly a take on Co Bao from FBpII.)

Also that last line wasn't always followed; the episode that has Rambo reunite with one of his *other* friends from the past (a pathfinder type of vet nicknamed "Wrong Way") clearly has a flashback to Vietnam or some sort of military operation in a rainy jungle.

This show was basically a One Man GI Joe series. It's a serviceable action cartoon if you know *nothing* of the source material but holy fuck. Growing up watching this and then watching the movies, especially First Blood...

That was a trip, I tell you.

Not all cartoons are for kids user

why is this dead?

Jackass (it’d be called “Jackbutt” instead): think Rocket Power meets Looney Tunes.

Pan’s Labyrinth: like the Beetlejuice cartoon.

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It's kind of amazing a kids show about a 14-year old girl hanging out with a grown man who calls her babe and tried to marry her in the movie isn't as creepy as you think it would be.

When most people think of Lydia and Beetlejuice, a few say it's pedo, but the vast majority just think they're really cool characters with nice designs and love Lydia's dress. That whole hinted romance thing is completely glossed over by general people.

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And it was like ten times better too.

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They did somehow manage to get away with using real firearms (that never hit, of course).

I always wondered why they never made an Aliens cartoon. I had all the toys at the time.

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80's ,90's kids are g's! Great time to grow up

>Either of these two
>Mature content

Next you'll claim Men in Black wasn't meant for kids at all as well.

Ghostbusters had multiple sex jokes and they smoke and drank throughout the movie.

The dystopian setting is set aside and Snake was actually framed rather than just ditched. He's also now part of a team assembled by Lee van Cleef's character.

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I've been watching this on Prime and it's actually funny.

> WW2 in space
> includes genocide of human venus colonists

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Problem Sovlerz if you look past the color palette was actually funny though.

>not posting the ultimate snake version

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this was actually awesome. Im pissed it never got a real end

it was. drugs were replaced with fireworks and there was no cursing

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Wait there isn't a Beetlejuice pinball?

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It's an original series not based on anything, though.

There's Pinball cabinets for pretty much everything. Some autist on TV Tropes catalogs them.

mfw I will never get good lewds of Opal Koboi

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They were going to make an Alien cartoon series that's what the early 1990s toyline was intended for and why all the movies characters looked cartoonish

How could you forget Starship Troopers?

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>exosquad is an original series and not based on anything

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Tbh, they got away with quite a lot in S1 of RGB as well (when JMS was writing, and before Q5 stepped in and fucked it all up).

Provide reference pictures. You may get lucky.

If you came inside her, would she become a tomato while impaled on your dick?

*3 times

damn a Starship troopers follwing the book would be kino.

>you can find Robocop: Alpha Commando in HD quality
The fuck is wrong with this world

The Mask cartoon had a fucking killer theme song.

I think the 2nd one was related to the reboot movie... cause that design looks similar as the left one is the original robocop

So does roger rabbit and the animaniacs

Actors are getting older.

what modern movie would deserve a fun cartoon? All we got these days are capeshit that already gets cartoons

I still remember the episode where he had a monk put him in spectral form and the first thing he does is go to a strip club without having to pay to get in. Also remember the episode where the statue of liberty was in a corset where the climatic battle took place and during the course of the fight her dress comes undone and the scene ends with a pull out showing the statue without clothing and her embarrassingly covering herself up. The shit they got away with in kids cartoons back then. Other odd thing is both those episodes were in episodes dealing with this evil chinese sorcerer.

99% of these cartoons are fucking awful.

I would argue that Roger Rabbit isn't necessarily a kids movie. The drinking, smoking, and sex jokes are one thing, but also all the murders and the freeway plot.


>Ghostbusters -PG
>MIB -PG-13
>Godzilla -PG-13

The Human Centipede: TAS
>three kids are joined mouth-to-butt by a wacky mad scientist, hilarity ensues

It was the 80s. When people discovered you can make money out of merchandise

Ah, the 90s, where every Jim Carrey blockbuster got a cartoon.

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I don't think you can make a cartoon about kids rimming each other.

you should feel dumb for thinking every silver robot character is based on one another

I just remembered this exists.

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I remember to have "the movie" (was lot of episodes stick together) and watched it so many times that the vhs emded destrpued

Commission someone like a civilised person.

>that crossover episode with The Mask

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nowadays we get catgirls complaining about glass ceilings and wage gap

The cartoon is pretty obviously a separate canon.

Movie Beetlejuice is just an undead scumbag. That was the point; he got let loose thanks to two recently dead people and later Lydia when her parents were fucking around with exorcism shit they damn well shouldn't and the conflict became about getting him back in the box so to speak.

Cartoon Beetlejuice is basically portrayed how someone like Lydia would concoct an imaginary friend, only he's actually *real*. Regardless of shit the writers/artists snuck in as far as what we see in the show, he's just a BFF. He'd do anything for her, and certainly isn't about to try rape-marriage on her or any shit like that.

John Wick or do Fast and Furious but just make it like the Acceleracers

>The momma bird with the sexy eyes at 0:35

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Im still mad...

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Which is ironic seeing that Extreme Ghostbusters was somewhat more serious and intense with it's horror-elements but still having the tongue-in-check tone of the series.

>breastplate on a skeleton

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she was the only female one. and had the hots for the mc

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The second one came out like at least a decade before the reboot movie. It also had legitimately funny and surprisingly good moments.

Female Cop: "I'm gonna die here. I never did (thing), I never did (thing), I never even finished Gone With the Wind!"

>Robocop activates a desperation mode, transforms into a Gundam-style battle armor, and pulls out a super canon.

Robocop: "The South loses."

>He then proceeds to blow away a dozen people.


There's literally a ghost blowjob in Ghostbusters, man.

This is a fantastic fucking answer. I would watch the Hell out of an Escape from New York series.

I'm sad we never got that Aliens cartoon. There's a pilot but it was never released.

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Too expensive, no way am I paying for someone to draw a picture.

not the worst boss fight

Directors got away with a lot more with a PG rating than they would these days.

The Goonies for instance would almost certainly be PG-13 if it were released today. Well, unless that dead body booted it even further up; I can't remember what the deal with bullet wounds is when it comes to ratings.

Does this one count?

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I always did love the in-show reason as to why the animated ghostbusters looked vastly different to their live action counterparts:
The movie was retelling of their experiences.

I think they meant it's not based on a movie.

In the cartoon, Beetlejuice still calls Lydia "babe" which is pretty unusual for an adult-kid cartoon duo. There's also a couple of episodes where he gets aggressively jealous when Lydia goes on dates with the Prince of the Netherworld.

They are supposedly making a Fast & Furious animated series.

Wasn't this show voiced by the actual actors and animated by Studio Ghibli?

Real Ghostbusters? No, at the very least, Bill Murray's character was played by the the guy who was at the time the voice of Garfield. Which is kind of poetic since Bill Murray now voices Garfield.

Ah. A Japanese animation studio, of course.

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