How do you explain this phenomenon?

How do you explain this phenomenon?

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But they're often attractive and attractive women can't have autism

Same thing with grown men watching capeshit

I feel personally attacked

This is the "grown men watching capeshit" mecca so it will never be admitted but it is true. just as childish and emotionally stunted and mean spirited too.

I watch capeshit but don't really spurg over it

You might not do it but plenty of others do

So do I and I am self aware enough to know I'm an exception and not the norm

A straight guy can sure clean up at Disney College Program. It's a 1:10 male/female ratio and at least half those guys are gay. It's how many have found a spouse lol

DCfags are still mad, eh?

Jenny Nicholson.

>Guaranteed pussy
All of Yea Forums needs to sign up for the Disney College Program


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Cultivating their own audience?

Based and Warnerpilled

Oof I feel like my GF just got called out. Her taste has expanded now because of me but when I first met her she was peak Disneyslut. We still do at least two Disney screenings of her VHS collection on a crt but it’s pretty cozy so I can’t complain too badly.

Thank you.

Why the fuck are people infatuated with disney? I hated their movies ever since I was a child

>24 years old

I mean, maybe you'd have cause for concern if this was a person in their 30's or 40's (which, don't get me wrong, IS totally a thing that happens and IS totally creepy and weird), but being in your early 20's in the USA is basically just an extended adolescence. 24 is the new 18. Let the kids be kids.

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Says the 30 something on Yea Forums

I know you think you're making a point, but nobody here is trying to kid themselves, we all know we're maladjusted social cripples.

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>attractive women can't have autism
Doubt, even if they don't, they have other things like Bi-polar, schizophrenia and others

My ginger built like a brick shithouse sister who only ever talks about marine biology would like a word.

That word is algae

Sorry but your sister is likely not attractive

Unfortunately she is. It was a real problem in school and I had to keep the boys away from her. She's been diagnosed with Aspergers since 5th grade. She's married now to fellow who designs aquariums

>ywn get all those shades of lipstick together for a rainbow party

your sister sounds neat

accurate, looney tunes fans (not space jam tards) tend to well functioning adults as oppose to mickey mouse manchildren
>she made this when she was 21

post pics

I...don't understand how it got so out of hand. Some people do take it too far.


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she looks familiar

That sounds nice.

It's socially acceptable for women, especially attractive women, to be infantilized and act like children for their entire lives.

Yes, this is true. Disney is too fantasy while the Looney Tunes are more cynical, but know when to tell a joke.

>visit disney world the other week
>still had the dating app "bumble" installed but forgot about it
>during lunch time check phone and see a notification from the app
>24 new matches
>they were all severely overweight, ugly minnie-ear-clad ogres that all had profiles to the effect of "looking for my prince charming" "just want a boo to kiss me on rides" "will you be my mickey?"

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Fucking hell I'm lonely, I kind of want to go to Disney world just so I can pump n dump a fat chick. Maybe she'll even pay for my ticket.


womanchildren exist but are not nearly as shamed as manchildren

There's a WB college program?

>attractive Autist with seemingly uncharacteristic passion for marine biology, who is also very large built
There’s a Jojoke to be made here, but I just can’t put my finger on it.

That's not what "built like a brick shithouse" means. It means hourglass figure.

>That's not what "built like a brick shithouse" means. It means hourglass figure.

It means pointlessly overbuilt, heavy, squared off.

Back when folks actually built 'shithouses' the was no reason to build one out of brick because you'd eventually fill up the sewage pit and have to either move the building to a freshly dug hole, or move the structure to re-excavate the now filled hole, a simple sturdy plank shack would do because then you could pull it to a new location with a mule and some rope.

Girls loved Disney Princesses and romance stories and happily ever afters. Particularly dumb boys like myself just liked anything with colors and movement.

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she cute

>crippling depression and escapism
You answered your own question.