She Ra

>She Ra
>Twelve Forever
>Owl House
Are we entering the era of queer protagonists?

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Fuck off and die

Whon the fuck cares.

Gays obviously.

>t. Incel who can’t get a date

we don't know if she ra is queer

Who the fuck cares about them? They are another shit pile in this dung heap of a world.

>Allegorical lesbian, whose old love of eating out pussy is subtextual and will fly over the heads of most kids
>Vaguely tomboyish autist whose LGBT status is unknown even today and only affirmated by one rogue associate on the project
>Tomboyish girl staying with owl sugar mommy, who explicitly won't be trained in how to pleasure women by her roommate (as much as I want it)
I think there's more queer elements, for sure, but even between shows like Craig of the Creek and OK KO we have enough straight heroes to last.

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>show run by a dyke
>her male love interests from the OG show like seahawk have no interest in her
>main theme is her love-hate relationship with former friend
>she used to sleep in the same bed with former friend
>lots of scenes with sexual tension
She's obvs a dyke.

We need to get rid of the straight elements though.
Queer is here.

Best case scenario is she suddenly gets blacked by Bow but that’s little more than a perverted pipe dream.

The next generation is gonna grow up so awesome.

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>Craig of the Creek
You are fooling no one

Don't forget High Guardian Spice. Pretty sure it has queer main characters.

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>Talking about fags
>Post a girl and a boy

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Where in the fuck did it ever say hat Reggie is trans? Because I can't find shit about it.

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Will this be the end of heteronormativity?

I’m seeing nothing wrong here.

>only affirmated by one rogue associate on the project
I thing that one insider confirmed that she wasn't trans.

Gays are a treasure that needs to be protected.

No, just the begining of the great pushback

In all honesty, don't hate on Raye, pity him. All he wanted to do was to make a good show. Too bad the spotlight got pointed to Kate instead.

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TBF, the rogue associate only said she was queer, which can pretty damn much anything.

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I'll be watching Vikingskool

Gays are a treasure and need to be buried alive in an unmarked place so later generations can marvel at how worthless they were.

Don't forget, Star Butterfly is bisexual, thanks to based Cotugno.

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Ok faggot

user, not including gays is tantamount to make a political statement.
It’s clear we are entering a gay arms race.

But that’s a straight white Male.

I'll respect her pronouns when she condemns Kate Leth's hatemongering.

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God I freaking love Cotugno.
She’s basically Sugar if Sugar stopped being a Straight Tom.

So this is fine but when fanartists are making noncanonical smut, she condemns.
What a fucking hypocrite.

Who's the brown chick?

Hating men isn’t a crime. Get over it.

>hating men isn't a crime
Yet it's ok to make a man lose his job if he says he hates women?

Shouldn’t you be messing with She Ra’s Rotten Tomatoes score?

Nah. Raye just comes off as a massive pushover. I doubt he'll criticize her.

Star’s new crush.

Is this the gay part of She-Ra?

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You must have missed the 80s

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That’s different.
Women...are special.

But I do want to make a political statement that they are trash and deserve to be treated as such.

Raye's a pushover cunt.
She doesnt deserve respect.

That was queerbaiting.
We’re talking legit queers here. The kind that will inspire gay kids


You already fucked up

I'm not trying to get anybody arrested though? I never said it was a crime, lol


>inspire gay kids
Did you mean indoctrinate?

Why would i be? I didn’t make any comments about the show’s quality, i’m just pointing out the fact that She-Ra is a boy.

You don't become gay, you're born that way.

No, I would be fapping to Trap-ra porn however but that show is not producing a lot smut

Oh so you’re incel that’s mad that you can’t jack off to She Ra.
Got it

I’d rather my kids grow up gay than straight.

Or perhaps he's wondering why OP would post a straight couple when talking about gays

Give them a break, gays can't reproduce so if they don't initiate children to their sexuality their community would die out.

>That's the villain
>Was basically She-Ra's mother
Are you try to tell us something here?

[Citation needed]

No, she's Zuke without a tard wrangler.

Y'all are sleeping on the best lesbian of the century

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>Seeing a funny animal blowing up like a balloon can make someone exclusively get off to inflation, but seeing same sex couples making out or flirting will definitely have no influence on the development of children just on the cusp of developing sexual interests

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Yes, gays are degenerates, I thought it was obvious

See? It’s a fucking gay revolution. The straights don’t stand a chance.

She saved Star Vs and is going to save Owl House

Why is it that's its women who are pushing all this?

Because women are more empathetic.

>links you to pro-choice tweets

>Calling them a straight couple
>calling her gay
Pick one and stick with it!

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What’s your point?

>more empathetic
That's my point. Check them.

When did I call her gay?


No mention of She-ra there, sir

99.9% of couples in media are straight and gay people still exist

You said that OP's pic was a straight couple (pretty much stating that Shadow Weaver is a female). I responded. You said gays are degenerates.

There is no other context for you to say that. So you are implying that She-Ra is female. But you're also saying that's she's a man.

No one claimed every gay person is gay because they saw it on TV.

That’s not right though

So what's the problem then?

Was there a surge of homosexuality in the 40s 50s from kids watching Looney Tunes and seeing Bugs dress in drag and kiss men?

Wait wait wait, slow it down Buster Brown. What does Shadow Weaver have to do with this? It isn't a female?

>So you are implying that She-Ra is female. But you're also saying that's she's a man.
You got a problem with that, cis scum?

There were a ton of guys who developed crossdressing fetish because of that, yes.

So you think Bugs Bunny shouldn't exist?

It's okay. It sure is difficult to stay within your logic when you're hacking out these responses with a fucking meat cleaver!

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>"Gays aren't pedophiles!"
>constantly push children's shows with faggots and faggot children
>faggot children's books and kids comics with faggots and faggot teenagers
>more material about the wonders of being a tranny
>a barrage of queer conditioning and grooming to turn kids into sexual beings like gay pride dancers and drag queens
But yeah gays aren't pedos at all.

You'll keep using the wrong pronouns, no matter how much Raye does what you want, because doing that is the minuscule amount of power you have.

>"Straights aren't pedophiles!"
>constantly push children's shows with straights and straight children
>straight children's books and kids comics with straights and straight teenagers
>more material about the wonders of being a straight
>a barrage of straight conditioning and grooming to turn kids into sexual beings like beauty pageants and child modeling
But yeah straights aren't pedos at all.

Do they? Where is the evidence?

If anything, straights are more likely to be pedos than gays.
Pink power yo.

You underestimate how soft-skinned trannies are when it comes to their identities. "Miniscule power" is putting it mildly.

Not an argument.

Deadass, straights need to die out

How is it not an argument? How is something pedophilia when gays do it and not when straights do it?

>t. Incel who was dumped by lesbian

Because straights are the ones in power so their pedophilia is allowed and accepted.
Gays are basically the new blacks and Jews.

>How is it not an argument?
Rather than refute any of my points, you resort to a "NO U" defense. Beauty pageants aren't sexual, by the way, unless you find little girls sexy.

Spoken like a true twatter user

Yeah, you can make someone upset and further isolate yourself. Such overwhelming abundance of power. Truly, you have progressed from how weak you were as a child.

>Beauty pageants aren't sexual,
You’re either a retard, a pedo or both.

So little boys dressing in drag and dancing is sexual and pedophilia but little girls dressing in bikinis and dancing isn't?

Straights are so fucking fragile.

Wasn’t that little kid dancing in bar? At night? While grown men were throwing money at him?

It’s about time that a quarter of the population finally get its due representation!


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Unironically this.
Straight relationships are boring and stale

Again, straight privilege. People would rather fuck little girls than give gays the time of day.

You sound like a tranny

Little boys stripping for money is sexual, yes. A princess gown competition is not. I'm not sure what beauty pageants you've been to with swimsuits, but I would probably call the cops on you.

Shut the fuck up you bitter incel.

Accidentally giving kids harmless fetishes is probably unavoidable, but intentionally giving kids a non-reproductive fetish like homosexuality is suicidal given the demographic catastrophe Western civilization is facing.

>an era where shows are trying their absolute damndest to pander to ~3% of potential viewers
Animation will die not with a cry, but a whimper

Fuck off Nazi

He wasn't stripping and he was wearing more clothes than most beauty pageant girls wear.
>A princess gown competition is not.
You don't actually know how child pageants work, do you? They do bikinis.

>"people aren't pedophiles"
>lust constantly for teenagers
>to the point where teenagers having sex using adult actors is okay
>to the point where teenagers drawn porn is okay
>to the point where predators are a-okay with acting like this because it's the internet
But yeah, people aren't pedos at all.

>He wasn't stripping and he was wearing more clothes than most beauty pageant girls wear.
He was still at a bar after hours while grown men threw money at him. But he was fully clothed so that makes it a-okay.

When your only recourse is to say your opponent sounds like a tranny, then it sounds like they've got you on the ropes. Like I said, minuscule power is all you've got it. Enjoy it, your smooth brain won't be getting anymore.

You’re arguing on a Mongolian finger paining board in thread about fictional characters eating clams.
You’re both smooth brains here.

Isn't actually like 1/3 of couples in media today are some variant of queer?

Straight people tend to be really fucking stupid.
But it’s okay, at least they can “procreate”.

[Citation Needed]
t. Cuck

You're right, there's no way that increased homosexuality could further reduce birth rates.

Taking an anti-art stance doesn't do you any favours. High lord of enlightened centrist mountain.

>increased homosexuality
You have no proof watching media with gays changes kids' sexuality. Also gays can and do reproduce.

>anti art stance
When were was the conversation about art?
>High lord of enlightened centrist mountain.
Oh I get it, you’re a pretentious fuckwit with his head far up his ass. Carry on.

Why are straights so fucking stupid? What causes them to act like this?

Taking a reductionist approach to discussing art is anti-art genius.

>Also gays can and do reproduce.
Reproduce in the biological sense, not using surrogates.

>12 years old
that's literally just sexualizing an underage character and really creepy

1. The discussion wasn’t even about art. People from both sides have just been shot posting about teh gayz all this thread.
2. It’s a meme you fucking autist.

Why does it matter if it's surrogacy?

Nothing unless we’re talking biologically.

You have no proof it doesn't. Shouldn't we use the precautionary principle when the future of children and survival of Western civilization is at stake? Children shouldn't be used as guinea pigs.

1. You're getting really upset over nothing and maybe don't use a meme if you don't understand what the meme implies within the context?
2. The discussion was about a cartoon creator. Maybe don't step in, if you don't understand the argument?

>He wasn't stripping
He didn't get naked, but he was removing articles of clothing as adults slipped dollar bills onto his body. Theres a term for that but I wonder what it could be...

When you're so mad at being called a tranny (because you are) that you go on a rant about how not-mad you are about it.

gays don't matter

>and maybe don't use a meme if you don't understand what the meme implies within the context?
Or better idea; quit being autistic.

>Straight people tend to be really fucking stupid.
wow that's pretty racist user

>You're getting really upset over nothing
Exactly how am I being upset? You’re the one who couldn’t understand a meme.

>mad at being called a tranny
I like this argument. It tells me you that you're trying to now act like you're winning, by virtue of being the least emotionally involved, even though you were dumped on and had no proper recourse.

>The discussion was about a cartoon creator. Maybe don't step in, if you don't understand the argument?
You weren’t talking about anything relevant to the creator like their work, you were taking obvious about their gender.
Don’t act stupid.

>muh civilization
If gays are such a threat maybe your civilization wasn't so great in the first place

>biting the bait this hard
Are you fucking stupid or just a masochist?

Trying to fall back on me supposedly not understanding a meme just shows me that you thought you'd try and be clever, and now you're upset that that didn't work out so well for you.

Oh yeah you're not mad at all.

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I’m just standing here wondering how someone could be so up their own ass they literally do much stakes in internet fights.
I feel like I’m being baited.

I'll bite the bait, if it means he has to keep coming back.

Civilizations have long been against gays.

Honestly, don't reply to me then.

>I’m being retarded on purpose! That will show them!
You truly are showing all of us what’s what.

It’s a public forum. I can do as I please.

You've got to actually prove that I'm wrong. But, nobody here has. Which is why it's fallen into meaningless baiting and name-calling and trying to feign emotional detachment. I've got nothing to do today, so I want to know how petty some of you will get. After you've lost an argument.

Have sex with each other.

Yeah, if you want to get smacked about by an anonymous person online. You're free to do so. I'll give you that.

And gays still existed and have continued to exist

Anything causing declining birthrates isn't good for our civilization. I have nothing against gays, they can't help the way they are, but we should avoid turning our kids gay.

Probably. The end will come sooner than you think.

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Most homosexuals only "discover" their sexuality after getting molested as children.

That's as wasteful as breeding dogs into problem genetics for their cuteness.

I hate these newfag who cant understand a classic meme

That's a gross exaggeration and simplification of a major social trend. A small portion of some do convert from trauma, yes, and assuming that case is the majority is listening to those 60s scare PSAs about "the homosexual" grooming the youth. Biological and cultural factors hold stronger influence on homosexual identity, like the 2008 study on brain structure, the 2011 analysis on hormonal development (that does need further research, admittedly), and the basic cultural response of sexually different youth being discriminated against finding solace in the counterculture community of homosexual acceptance that is only recently being accepted as part of "standard" culture.

SU is still going too

Steven is not gay though? Neither is Marco, so Star vs. doesn't count either.

It's been fine if its for a cause.

I used to let this shit slide but not anymore. Being gay is an objectively dangerous lifestyle especially for men who have sex with men; the rate of stds is astronomically higher than in the hetero population.

>Star gets wet for some ugly tumblr dyke but not any of the actual qts in the show

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