Ahem....Fuck Humans
Ahem....Fuck Humans
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well yeah fuck humans its what you where born to do?
Is this Yea Forums?
shit movie
james gunn is a hack
mcu is cancer
Waiting for a thread on this hot piece of garbage.
Can anyone give an opinion on this movie? For me it was bad beyond repair, where's the conflict if the kid can kill anyone as easily as look at them? This was literally murderhobbo fap material and nothing else. Even the attempts at mimicking horror fall short due to the lack of conflict bi said before.
theres been like 5 threads and they just die becasue no one cares about this tripe
just read the wiki summary. It doesn't seem like there was any real conflict, yeah. Was there at least some attempts at parenting? Show that this is an emotional story rather than a combat story?
>Le EBIL Suberman
Gay and Lame an insult to Superfags.
Christ that jaw scene was brutal
Try to send me to my room, will you? Unfortunately for you, mom, we live in a society and
>Elf faggot
Where was Batman in this?
Atheists - 1
Batfags - 0
What about the Eye scene
The only real way this could have worked was if they had him genuinely trying to be a hero, expecting things to follow clichés but reality getting in the way, or some twist where we see him later in life seemingly having really become a superhero, only to reveal it's because he enslaved the world and forced them to play along with his fantasies.
Instead we just got _insert evil child movie_ with Superman trappings. Some of the ridiculously defensive posts I've seen on here and Yea Forums have me convinced that the studio is doing damage control. At least some of the YouTube comments are funny.
It’d have been cool if a JSA type group showed up as pulpy mystery men who were following the trail as a detective story. Big fight ends with the kid either dying to combined powers or running away and becoming an urban myth. Either way all the JSA dies
you are human you fucking retard.
So what this special compared to the literal countless other "What if Superman, but evil" stories?
James Gunn made it.
James Gunn also made the live action Scooby Doo movies
Nope. Go to Yea Forums with your rehash.
Irredeemable: The Movie
This movie has literally nothing to do with comics and cartoons and Yea Forums is not the superhero board.
Go back to Yea Forums
I expected it to be about how an entire town impaled itself on the a little boy who just happens to be invulnerable so they can't stop the monster they tortured and bullied him into being. Instead I got some weird parents who raised a monster because the black goo in the dream may or may not have fucking killed them and reprogrammed their pat responses to mimic living people.
>tfw just read the plot summary
Jesus Christ, what a boring as shit storyline.
>64% on Rotten Tomatoes
It is trash.
Casuals already hate Superman so this was a misfire. Doing a twist on a MCU archetype would’ve been a far more interesting move. Captain Nazi anyone?
>Captain Nazi
Great, who would make a movie about and obscure Shazam villain?
Captain Hydra would've been better.
The kid wasn't human, that was the whole premise of the movie. He was 100% alien, and the wasp/bee speech near the beginning of the movie was to make sure we understood that he was part of a predatory species, and humans were his prey. He was deliberately placed among humans to be raised by them and then take over. This isn't an incel fantasy, or a serial killer movie, or a school shooter movie, or anything comparable. This is a killer alien movie, plain and simple.
>movies need "conflict" to be worthwhile
Yea Forums deserves all the hate it gets
Hyperion from the Tick is genuinely the most interesting take on a fucked up Superman I've seen in a while.