Is there any fictional character that could even TOUCH The Fume, nevermind defeat him?

Is there any fictional character that could even TOUCH The Fume, nevermind defeat him?

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Toxic Avenger. Toxie would solo him no problem.

Mr. Mister. When he gets pissed, you get mist.

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Do cosmic level threats really count? How can you justify bringing him into the discussion?

Madara Uchiha

Beef cake carl could.

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Why is ATHF so hilarious and quotable?

it just be that way

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You're beaten Fume. My bees will finish you off. There's nothing you can do to stop...

The Drizzle

That's just a ripoff of the Drizzle. Get your own thing. You can't, because you're insecure.

The Incredible Plum

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Who’s the Drizzle?

No one can beat the quad laser. The beam is enormous! There is no escape.

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When I said get your own thing I didn't mean something retard. Now get in the blender.

Hey man.

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cancer & diabetes

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Well I'm certainly not going to touch him.

Just is. My friend and I still reference it to this day, one of our favourite being
>Precious ranch dust!
>That's my dust, you give it back!

No your thinking of Mocha Shaka Kong

>also literally a lit cigarette could beat The Fume

Pretty sure Mirror Master could beat him.

T-t-too b-b-bad for you, I just b-b-bought the rights to The Fume. You'd b-b-better find a new brand to work under, or I'll be forced to s-s-sue you into the gr-gr-ground.

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why lowball it? unleash the quad glaser

yeah a witch doctor could kill him easily

Singapore muscle beverages

preferably in Mango Bitchslap flavor

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So uh, did we ever learn if she puts out?

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